
Important Plans

"I will do what!?" Samantha gaped at me incredulously as though it was the craziest news she had ever heard today. The pale look on her face told me she wasn't prepared for the news.

"Meet my husband, Eros Valentino." I explained to her calmly. "Tell him I'm alive."

"You make it sound so easy as if I'll tell him about the weather, not an attempted murder." Sam mumbled under her breath while shaking her head. "I doubted if I'd even be allowed to enter his office without an appointment."

Flashing her with a wicked smile, I lowered my voice even if no one could hear us. "You're not meeting him inside his office, Samantha." 

"Pray tell where?"

"You're going to let yourself in and catch him alone in his condominium." 

"Are you out of your mind? That's trespassing, I could be sent to jail for that." Her terrified eyes confronted mine.
