
Family reunion

The night was dark and cold as Midoriya walked with Inko threw the streets. When the three villains entered the base, a tall man greeted then.

"Greatings. I am Kurogiri, a please to meet the masters son and wife." Inko smiled and so did Midoriya.

"Stay here, I'm taking Midoriya back." Shigarki said, taking Midoriya's hand with four fingers. The two entered into a back room and down a hall. In the next room Midoriya walked into alone, there sat a man. Skin covered his eyes and many medical machines surrounded him.

"Ah, my son. How I've missed you." Midoriya was lost for words. he wanted to yell questions, cry, get angry, something.

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir, I've heard much about you." Was all Midoriya could cough out as he bowed.

"Oh child, I know how angry you must be. Please understand I did it for you and your mother's safety. But now that you want to be a villian, I see you've already started down my path." All for One got up and walked to Midoriya, towering over him.

"Your mother has told me some of the talks you've had with your group. I'm so proud of you, if you can persuade a room, you can easily take over." Midoriya now started to smile. Uncharacteristically All for One pulled Midoriya into a hug.

"Oh Izuku...I'm sorry I havent been there, but I'm here now. Your the only son I've ever wanted, other than your step brother tanko of course." Both guys smiled at the name.

"He seems interesting, and really strong too. I'm thrilled to get the chance to work with him."

"Good. But mushy family stuff aside, I think it's time for you to get your power back." Midoriya's smile grew as he stepped back and bowed on one knee.

"Thank you. Father~" All for One's hand glowed red as he reached to Midoriya. His hand met Izuku's head, a large rush of power flowed threw Midoriya. He blacked out only to immediately wake up in a room. It was bare and hand a mirror. 'What happened?' Midoriya got up and went to the mirror.

'Oh wow.' Midoriya's eyes had turned blood red and a red streak in his hair appeared. 'This is totally original.' Midoriya stepped out of the room and walked down its hall way only to come back into the bar. Inko was on the couch and holding a sleeping tenko.

"Oh izuku, your awake. My, you have your father's eyes with your quirk, you should try it out." Inko smiled and pointed to tenko. Midoriya smiled and went over. Pulling out a razor blade from his pocket, Midoriya cut along Tenko's arm and licked the blood before it dripped on the couch.

"His blood is kinda bitter." Midoriya clicked his tongue and held his hand out. Suddenly a small cloud of black smoke circled into a cube, he reached into it and pulled out a file.

"Shit you weren't kidding." Midoriya said as he opened it. "So Tenko's quirk is disintegration. His weakness is his past guilt, which are attached to hand hands he wears. The one most important is his father's which he wears on his face."

"Aw, poor kid." Inko said as she cuddled the sleeping crusty boy.

"With this new power, learning how to kill all the heroes will be easy!" The hide out filled with Midoriya's laughter, causing All for One to manically smiled.
