
Unexpected Gift Ch 11


Since their little presentation, Azula could say 'that her father had taken more of an interest in her and Zhan's relationship than before. The fact that she could create and bend white fire was very BIG! concern, which they will have to deal with the barrage of questions of the sage and this, will lead to more demonstrations luckily this time, she had Zhan with her.'

The questions were mostly about: 'when she started, how far was she, how did she achieve this and so worth. The demonstrations involved more ludicrous presentations, private and supervised by fire sages. The sages were surprised, when they created white fire, and be able to bend it.'


"Impressive!" said one of the sages, seeing Azula and Zhan bend the white fire around their fingers.

"Indeed," said Firelord Ozai, observing the scene. "Yet, I'm confused. Why can't she create this on her own?"

The fire sages examined the scene firmly, eyeing the closeness and their positioning.

"Their breathing, their movement, their position," mumbled one of the sages.

"This is unique," said another sage.

"It has to do with the flow of energy and their chi," said a sage.

"Hmm..." mumbled Ozai, trying to understand the motion.

"Both of them seemed to have an exceptionally powerful blood-line and are strong in their regard. The Crown Princess being a prodigy in firebending, while General Zhu's son seems to be gifted intellectually and physically. They appeared to be the opposite of each other as well, like creating lightning, but they let their energies flow around themselves instead. Their rhythmic breathing and close linkage allow them to channel and unify their energies, creating white-fire," as both Zhan and Azula finish their presentation.

"Interesting," said Ozai, gesturing for him to approach. "What of this unique firebending? Is it inheritable or a rarity?"

"On the contrary, M'Lord. White-fire is considered the epitome of fire itself, a purity in itself the purest form of fire. Those dragons who could bend white fire were the strongest and most powerful of the dragons. It's almost unheard amongst, the firebenders, not even the Avatar could bend it," he says, whispering to the Firelord. "Inheritable? Well, they are capable of creating it. It might be possible that this bending might pass on. But it's unknown at the moment, only time will tell."

"Excellent," replied Ozai, standing to his full height, "you're all dismissed, except you Azula. Lord Zhan, stay close, I would like to have a word with you as well."

The fire sages left the chambers, as instructed, with Zhan following them outside, mouthing, good luck, before exiting. Azula was left alone with his father, and by far, she was nervous.

'What will father think of this?' Azula thought, waiting for his father to speak.

"This...is a very sudden and interesting turn of events," said Ozai, sitting down, keeping his voice formal and polite.

"Yes, father," she replied.

"I hadn't expected, the general' son to be this...changing," he said.

"Of course," she replied, keeping her eyes down.

"Tell me something. What would you say to an arranged marriage with the General's son?" asked Ozai.

'What in AGNI!' screamed Azula in her mind, when she realized what her father said. 'What? Why-'

"My reasons?" he asked, seeing the blank stare on Azula's face. She slowly at his request. "This kind of unique inheritance can't be wasted on any other high-born. Both you and the boy have a strong blood-line, which shouldn't be weakened by any other."

'So that's father's plan. He wants a strong heir or heirs,' she thought, a bit bitter that she reduced to this.

'An arranged MARRIAGE?!'


'That would mean...'

Ozai was curious why Azula's mood had changed from blank to thoughtful and smirking.

"Yet, I'll need a word with him as well," he added.

'Oh no...' realized Azula. She didn't know how Zhan would respond or what will father ask or question him on.

"Call him in please," said Ozai, rising from his seat.

She nodded, then went outside, where he was leaning against the wall.

"What happened?" asked Zhan, seeing the shocked on her face.

"Trouble..." she gulped. "Good...luck."

He nodded in-kind, pushing through the curtains into the room. Azula held back, keeping an eye and ear on the soon to happen events.

She could her Ozai starting to speak, laying down his thought, before him, that was the problem with father, if he wants something, he gets it, just like her.

"You understand, what I'm implying?" asked Ozai, making sure he got the idea.

"Of course, M'Lord. If that's is-"

"Lose, the growling attitude boy. It doesn't suit you, neither will it suit me if this your personality," he interrupted.

"As you wish, Firelord," replied Zhan, with more strength and pride standing taller in his seat.

"Though you're physically and mentally gifted, I'd like to know your...personal...agendas about the Princess," said Ozai, stopping in front of him.

"Personal?" he asked, moving in his seat, before looking the Firelord in the eyes. "I respect her...I adore her. She is a perfect warrior, beautiful as nature itself, a crown jewel that should be, loved in the world. Although I may be a non-bender, I'll say this: I'll block any rock hurled in her way. No savage will drown her, as long as blood flows in my veins. No assassin will choke her, as long as I draw breath. No traitors fire shall hit her...No blade shall touch her, while I live. If forced, I'll gladly give my life for her.

Azula could barely hold her gasp back after his speech.

'Oh...my...' she thought, his feelings for her ran-deep, very deep, such self-sacrifice and he wouldn't expect anything in return, a smile bloom on her face, a natural and not so force smile.

'Ozai looked at the boy in front of him, hoping to spot any lies in his face, Ozai knew when someone was lying to him, his daughter is a great lier, not to mention the other sly nobles.' Yet his eyes held no glimmer of dishonesty or lie. Either he was a greater lier than the Firelord himself, or he meant every word he said. Although Ozai expected the former, all the signs pointed towards the latter: 'he loved Azula and would give his life for her.' Well, that eased his other problem, of getting them arranged.


An hour later and Zhan was exhausted, from all the questioning, he understood desiring a powerful offspring, but this was a bit over the top even for the Firelord, but what could he do. He also didn't even know if Azula was comfortable with this, ah yes, his Wildflower, no matter what people said heard or gossiped. To him, Azula was perfection, you don't call a perfect diamond unnatural, it's a beauty of nature, and so was Azula.

Although he had expected Azula to be listening behind the curtain, she was nowhere in sight when he came out he had a hunch, told him she had returned to her room that or the Training Grounds.

"Azula?" he asked, entering her chambers.

"I'm here," she replied, standing on the balcony.

"Though you might be listening?" he asked, knowing Azula, she had to know every little gossip and information.

"I was...during the first few moments," she said. "I heard what you said."

"Yeah...I'm cooked," he replied goofily.

"Not at all," she replied. "Though I was...surprised by what I heard."

"Yeah, about that...are you sure about...this?" he asked, hinting at the arranged marriage proposal.

"Trust me. That came as a surprise to me as well though knowing father, seeing something that we did..." she said, circling him. "..He wouldn't allow an opportunity like this pass. I guess this would have happened sooner than later?"

"You sure about this? I wouldn't do anything that might hinder you," he said, worried about her.

"So I've heard," she said, pushing him on the bed, then sitting on his lap, her hair down. "You meant those words?"

"I taught you?" he asked, faking a surprise. "What do you think?"

"I think you're either a great lier," she said, messing with his hair. "Not, or you're the most love-struck idiot, I've had the pleasure to meet."

"Guess," he said, pulling her closer. "You're stuck with this fool for the rest of your life."

"Don't you dare question my tastes. I am the great Firelord and you-" she spoke in a mock tone, before getting interrupted by Zhan kissing her on the neck. "Ahahhha...stop it."

"Whatever you say...Wildflower," he replied, kissing Azula on the lips.


Omake: This is horrible!?


We can see a young man runing towards a door in panic, "Uncle this is horrible news!" as Zuko said.

While we can see a calm old-man sipping from his teacup, "what's the matter?" still in a serene-state in full control.

"We have had little to no appearance in the story, and now we have been branded as traitors!"

Iroh still not shaken about such news, "Oh, prince Zuko a moment of tranquility is good for your mental wellbeing." as he offers him some tea.

Zuko sits down and tries to calm down as he starts to forget why he came here, only to remember he quickly stood up, "you don't get it our omake for our updates we are running of ideas!"

"At this rate readers who may come to read the novel will all be disappointed they may even revolt."

Iroh started sweating, "this bad... what can we even do is not like we can do? It is not like we have, even made an appearance calm down let's just think about it..."

Zuko places his hands on his uncle's shoulders, "the point is they may start cutting on your supply of tea."


"This is, bad we need to, do, something about this!" he stands up and starts taking off his robes slowly.

Zuko quickly stops him, "we are not that type of novel uncle! AAH! There's no time! Quickly do something! Dance!!!

Uncle Iroh started robot dancing he dance and not because of not appearing much in the novel or been persecuted by the fire nation, but because they would, take his tea away.


Well, that was something if I say so myself do remember if you keep praising, me for my awesomeness maybe I will not take Iroh tea.


DriedSnugcreators' thoughts