
Ch 260: Boring year.

"So..." Harriet says cuddling with Luna

"Hmm?" Luna says hugging Harriet tighter not wanting to leave yet.

"What do you wanna do?" Harriet asks

"Cuddle more?" Luna says with a giggle.

'"If you two are busy and safe I have something I need to take care of."' Kyra says through telepathy which gets a thumbs up from Harriet.

Kyra flames a way.

"Finally it's less awkward now." Harriet says

"She's just trying to make sure we are safe this world is a dangerous world." Luna says kissing Harriet.

"Alright." Harriet says kissing back


"So, the gaunt family died out besides Tom and Lily technically. Lily is Slytherin's direct line and not like this branch family." Kyra says to herself in human form walking up to the old shack.

Kyra just forces the wards down with her magic.

"They sure were an old family." Kyra says since it seems to have been blood wards.

Kyra walks right into the decrepit shack it's foundations giving away as the floor boards creaked the paintings on the walls faded as the roof had several holes and was not to protect them from the elements.

"Who are you what are you doing here!" A painting shouts.

"I'm here for a thing that belongs to my daughter." Kyra says as she stomps on a floor board and the other end shoots up showing a small hole with a ring in it.

"So your the last one." Kyra says picking up the ring completely ignoring its feeble attempt to control her mind.

"He should be completely dead after I purify this right?" Kyra mutters to herself.

"Fuck that was a flag!" Kyra shouts as she takes out the stone and melts the ring in white holy fire.

"Time to head back." Kyra says transforming into a Phoenix and flaming away from the gaunt shack.


Meanwhile in his office Dumbledore's is giggling.

"I knew it Tom, you could never out smart me I put wards on the old gaunt home knowing you would eventually go there." Dumbledore says happy to have proof he's alive.

"I need to call the order back together, oh right Frank and Alice woke up I wonder if they would come like they used too." Dumbledore says throwing a lemon drop in his mouth.

As he clutches the elder wand close to his chest.


Meanwhile at an old forge that seems to have magical lighting and was also surprisingly advanced.

"Yeah a necklace seems good." Kyra says as she starts to work with orichalcum and gold titanium alloy to make a necklace chain.

"Then we just slot the stone into here and.... done" Kyra says holding the necklace which holds the stone deathly hollow.

" Let's put it in a box." Kyra says as she looks out of the forge's window to see a sun rising.

"You know I only ever make legendary weapons here. I'm fairly certain this was the place I made Excalibur." Kyra says looking around as she goes through her memories nodding to herself.

Shifting back to a Phoenix Kyra picks up the box and flies out of the window towards hogwarts.


Luna suddenly sits up and smiles.

"We should go down for breakfast." Luna says

"Huh? If you want sure." Harriet says as they both get out of bed and get dressed.

Both are leaving and Harriet is adjusting her hat as the door closes behind them.

Once the door closes.

"Shameless." A blushing Susan bones says

"I see what you meant by not letting them room together. So much snogging." Hannah says blushing aswell.


Harriet and Luna walk into the great hall as a blue Phoenix flies in through a window landing directly in front of Harriet at her table leaving a small box before perching itself on Harriets hat.

"Oh?" Harriet says opening it and seeing the necklace she puts it on.

"That looks nice." Luna says with a smile

Harriet nods.

It feels like it's magic resonates with Harriets invisibility cloak which is hidden in Harriets green hood that she wears never up ,but she always has it on.
