
Ch 129: The city of Vein.

"So, when do I get the blessing?" Hana asks

"When we get back to the world of Danmachi." Kyra says

"What is it with you and anime worlds?" Hana asks

"Well bell is Bella too." Kyra says

"She's not in love with you too is she? you womanizer." Hana quibs jokingly.

"...." Kyra

"Wait, she actually is?" Hana asks

"She saw my clone which is in my goddess form and instantly became love struck." Kyra mutters

"Really?" Hana asks shocked

"The goddess form isn't even my strongest I could probably push for a partial silver form." Kyra says

"Wait, you are a saiyan?" Hana asks trying to hold back laughter.

"Anyway, did you gals pack everything?" Kyra just ignores her and asks everyone.

"Yes the music here is meh but I was able to get several books on the tech. Hopefully I can catch up to you in the future." Ruby says excitedly

"I got a lot of chemistry books." Weiss says

"Knowledge is power, but I prefer my new gauntlets." Yang says showing off her new energy shot gun gauntlets that charge off of Kinetic energy.

"The fish is pretty good." Blake mutters

"They made lightsabers I bought a few." Osaka happily.

"Well then off we go." Kyra says

"Bye everyone I'm going on an adventure!" Hana shouts as they all disappear into thin air.


Suddenly everyone reappears in a city surrounded by a red mist.

"Wow, we ended up here." Kyra says

"Where is here?" Yang asks

"This is the city of vein." Kyra says

"Is that it's actual name?" Ruby asks

"According to Wikipedia." Kyra says

"Got it." Ruby says nodding to herself

"What is that?" Hana asks

"That is a lost." Kyra says pulling out her scythe cutting it in half.

"Hello?" A man says holding a massive sword.

"That is so cool!" Ruby shouts looking at the sword.

"Louis?" Kyra asks with a smile.

"Yume!? How you dispersed along with Cruz Silva." Louis says

"As a frenzied or as the queen slayer?" Kyra asks

"As a frenzied." Louis says

"How about Io? Have you met her yet?" Kyra asks

"Io and the silent girl that can purify miasma?"

Louis asks(A/N: does anyone want to come up with what the game character would look like? I will edit the chapter after I get a good one. I also plan on having her being mute. Taking name suggestions aswell.)

"Yep them, could we come with you I have a proposal for your group." Kyra says with a smile.

"Sure." Louis says warily

"Louis I'm not a revenant anymore Louis." Kyra says with a smile.

"What?" Louis asks

"I wonder what my blood would do to revenants? I'm not exactly human but I'm not longer a revenant." Kyra says

"And all the girls here?" Louis asks

"Human, well besides Blake she's a Faunus." Kyra says

"Hello." Blake says waving

"A Faunus?" Louis asks

"How about you take us to the base? We have a lot to talk about." Kyra says


"Fine." Louis says leading towards a skyscraper.


Louis pushes open the door to the base.

"We got guests!" Louis shouts.

Suddenly over by the couches and jukebox, the silent girl the queen slayer looks and stares at Kyra.

Kyra once again gets a rush of memories.

Coming out of the daze Kyra catches a hanemukuro between her index and middle finger.

"Hello queen slayer." Kyra says with a smile. While everyone in the base goes silent at that title.

She looks at Kyra dangerously.

"Come on, if you can frenzy and have your heart destroyed while coming back perfectly fine why can't I?" Kyra asks

The queen slayer nods before putting her sword down.

"She's the queen slayer?" Louis asks

"Yes, I remember everything from my time frenzied sadly." Kyra says knowing they are just memories and although real for the world it wasn't actually her.

"So how far have you gotten?" Kyra asks

"What do you mean?" Louis asks while the queen slayer tilts her head confused.

"Well let's see she has her memories back so, you are at least halfway through the maze of the cathedral." Kyra says

Suddenly the door burst open.

"You need to help jack!"

"What's going on with her?." Weiss asks

"I was silent that entire time wasn't I?" Yang asks

"Yes it's quite a rare thing." Ruby says

"Well there seems to be an interesting story behind everything and I wanna learn more." Blake says

"She's going to frenzy!" Murasame shouts

"Get her to the beds we can treat her there." Louis says picking her up.

"I personally can't wait to destroy that guilded Hunter." Kyra mutters

"Well, have fun then I'm going to set up shop." Hana says

'Do I wanna know what that means?' Kyra wonders before realizing Hana will probably surprise her.

This chapter is also brought to you by the guilded Hunter. Seriously fuck that guy, I got my friend who also has the game and teamed with him and Io went in there and thrashed him. It probably doesn’t help that I’m only level 40. But meh I wanna see how long I can go without leveling I have like 700k haze.

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