
Red to White

"Of course, Follow me your grace" The feeling of his eyes on me was a burning feel. I'd fallen in love with the King when I have barely met him.

As we walked through the garden, hand in hand. We were almost like lovers, he told me about his battles and struggles with becoming King.

"I cannot stay for long, Henry's Queen is bringing more men to join in their army. I must be ready for them."

"You don't fear you may loose"

"Isn't that what you would want, are you not on the Lancastrian side?"

"I wish there were no sides, why must England be torn in half. Why must we have a battle ever day, money is power power is money. Once someone takes the thrown there's only so much you can do."

The space separating us was closing in as Edward leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"May I send a pageboy to bring you to me tonight? I long for you Lady Elizabeth Gray. More than I have for any other woman."

"Your Grace I cannot be your mistress."

"I might die in battle this could be my last request, you would deny your king that"

"You will not die. You are quick, You are brave and You are lucky.!"

"Meet me at the big oak tree, where I first met you. Even just to say goodbye." I simply nodded at his request, Just to say goodbye.

"She shouldn't have gone alone with him, he's a lecher"

"They're looking at the garden Richard"

"What comes next, he will not return her lands for charity." My Father and brothers looked out the windows, hoping to find Edward and I. My mother only attempted to calm them down. They knew Edward had a reputation for using women, and they knew he was gonna try to take advantage of me. Edward was very charming, but I simply wanted my boys lands back.

"We are Lancastrians who stood against him"

"He will want payment"

"If he has not taken it already, he has bedded every women in court. I will not allow him to do the same to my sister!! He could be taking her right this moment as we argue!!"

"He would not take her in a rosebush, John."

"How could you possibly know that"

" He will give her, her lands back and then he will summon her to court."

I walked in only to see that My brothers were arguing as I was talking to the king.

"Is that not so Elizabeth"

"I only ask for what is mine to be returned to me, the king has promised it as he should."

"But, hard man to deny Elizabeth. If he summons you to court what shall you do."

"Whatever you advise me to do at the time father."

"Richard, he is now in charge we must show him our loyalty. He is in charge of who will marry who. There are a lot of girls in this family, Richard. Elizabeth included."

"Sometimes you scare me women."

"Well we no longer work for Henry, at least this king has more wits than Henry did."

"What so you say we just turn on Lancaster and become York"

"That is exactly what I'm saying."

I thought this scene was to well thought out in the episode, that I don’t think I could’ve made it better. However I changed some lines. Next novel I make I hope to make it out of creativity, as I have read many and I believe I have it better that way. Please comment tell me what you think I could improve in, don’t try to make it nice, just don’t try to make it mean.

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