
Chapter 39: Faith

April 24, 2020 2:57pm:

Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is essential for salvation. He tells us that, "No one comes unto the Father, but by me." With out faith there would be no hope.

We all need hope in this broken world. Hope that the suffering will end, hope for a better world. A hope for peace.

Sometimes peace can only come by the sword. Not a physical sword par sa but every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God.

Faith is an action word mind you. For you will receive no witness until after the trial of your faith. Keep taking action.

Be there for your family, read the scriptures, and pray. Also if you share your testimony of Christ with others it can kindle their faith. Faith is like a wildfire.

So set the world on fire with your faith! You never know who you will lift and lives you will save. It's up to you.

Love those around you by serving them; helping them. That is the best way to build someone else's faith. Remember your daily acts of kindness.

Those actions, like I said before, won't go unnoticed and you will begin to see miracles in your life. For you will be the miracle in someone else's. Keep pushing!

Pray to know who you can serve and how you can serve them. Watch the miracles unfold!
