
Chapter 115:

Ace read over the puzzle and smiled, 'Well, it seems that this guy might be interesting to speak to.', it was a word puzzle, where various letters and words, which had preset values had to match up. It was an interesting concept, and Ace had not seen many like it before, he was truly looking forward to solving it.


Zaynn frowned as he read over the puzzle, 'What the f*ck? How am I even… No, you can solve it, just relax and work with what you know.'

He hyped himself up, breathing heavily and yet calmly, falling into a state of complete focus, where he would be able to work at maximum capacity.


'Hmm, this should be it, I guess.', Ace thought as he got the solution, and inputted it into the screen. 'It was hard enough, but not much of a challenge at the end of the day, not once I got past the starting stages at least. But the puzzle was well done, and if he did not copy or take the idea from someone or somewhere else, then his creativity gets some props too.'

He stood up, and walked out of the room, a calm look on his face, he had just won one of the most prestigious tournaments a person his age could participate in, and yet, it seemed that he was as relaxed as if he had just taken a stroll in the park. Walking amongst the flowers, breathing the fresh air, and losing himself in the moment.

And yet, there was an intense focus on his eyes that scared those who looked at him, it was a focus that did not seem to be vivid like fire, but as controlling as water, and as dense as Earth, a wall no one could get through, an impenetrable defence to his inner thoughts

Ace, like always, ignored the looks and stares, and just left the hall the same way he usually did, except this time the onlookers parted much like the Red Sea, splitting in half, letting what seemed a man grander than the world through.

There was supposedly a checking process they would have to go through, but everyone knew that was just an excuse to engrave the eventual trophies that would be given out to each high ranking participant. Just by looking at his face, one could tell the overwhelming confidence that spoke volumes on what he expected the results to be.


"That was a fun one, hey?", a young man in a white lab coat said to his older counterpart, someone Ace would recognise to be the main speaker that greeted them every day.

"It was expected, and yet, it was interesting, any other year, Zaynn would have won simply with the puzzle he had prepared.", he conceded a smile, and shook his head lightly, while shrugging his shoulders. A small, involuntary gesture, that spoke volumes to the younger man that spotted it. "However, I guess this is not just any other year. I think that for the years to come, we can expect this to be a fight for the second Rank, for the next three years at least, Rank 1 should be there for Ace if he wants it…"

The younger man laughed, and said, "Hey. You never know, there could always be another surprise, just waiting around the corner…"


Ace turned at the right street, only to be assaulted by a multitude of hugs and fist-pumps, a few daps here and there too.

"Well, done, we had full confidence you would win!", Ludwig, always the loudest, shouted.

"Oh shut up, you wanted him to lose so that he would spend more time with us.", one of the girls replied.

"Hey! That's not bad, he is our friend, plus, I am not the only one that wanted to spend more ti-", he stopped abruptly, prompted by a healthy hit to the back of the neck by one of the other girls.

"Keep talking, I dare you.", she shot him a murderous glare, and no more was said about the topic.


"Well, these guys sure know how to celebrate.", Ace said out loud as he dropped on his bed like a log, they had shown him the final spots of the city, and took him for a free run [A/N:Parkour] through some of the rooftops, where there was less security, and no one would call the police instantly.

It was amazing, the views were spectacular, and Ace promised himself to at least go to some of the highest sky rises in his home city. He lived in a penthouse, of course, but it was nowhere close to the thrill of the climb or run, to get to the destination, and the feeling of the air hitting his face so high up. Where cars where other people were merely puppets on a stage, and Ace was enjoying the show from front-row seats.


Ace tightened the knot of his tie, and lightly patted his impeccable uniform. Today was the day where the results would be announced, and everyone had to wear the uniforms of the institution they belonged to.

"Ace! You ready to go?", Edward shouted, and Ace opened the door, meeting him in the door to the hallway from their suite, "Yep. Let's go."

Usually, Edward would be half-asleep, but the fact that Ace had won, and he would be able to take another trophy back to the school, had given him enough energy to 'last a few hours', as he said. He was wearing a suit in the same colours as the school uniform Ace was wearing, and he had a bright smile on his face, plastered stupidly with no intent to change position.

"It is very good, very good indeed, we should be able to dominate for the next three years at least, which is good. Also, I wanted to ask, would you like to participate in the-", "No. I already told you, the only reason I did this was because of the fact that we got to travel, I have no interest in boring myself to death, solving puzzles I could do in seconds, while being given whole hours."

Edward sighed, an understanding look on his face, "I get it. I suppose that was to be expected, but the team will not be happy, it is usually them that get to go to this, the highest performer during the past season goes to this tournament during the next. But now with you… There is no way the school would take the risk, knowing that you have your whole school career ahead of you, and yet won on your first try. You might get a lot of challenges though, so expect that."

"Good, tell them that anyone can challenge me, as long as they pay the points fee, otherwise, they better not even try it.", Ace said, and no more was spoken on that topic.


"Good morning to all participants and tutors, before we begin, I wish to thank the students for coming and participating, getting here I am sure was not a small feat, and all of you should be extremely proud.", he said, smiling at the crowd.

"Furthermore, I, on the behalf of all the staff, and participants I am sure, wish to thank all of the tutors who made this possible, it is only because of them that we have such an exciting contest every year. They make all of this possible, and I believe they deserve a round of applause for it.", as expected, people clapped, and a few even whooped.

"Now, as you know, you will all be receiving a certificate, stating your participation in this Tournament, along with your ranking out of 400 students. This will serve you well in the future, even if it is to cover a crack in the wall.", people laughed at the stupid joke, Ace kept his poker face.

"Also, the top three will be getting a trophy, hand-engraved, to take home and put on display. The winner of the tournament will get a special trophy, one which will carry a special insignia, one that will represent both the prestige of the tournament and the winner of such. Only one is made every year, so cherish it with care.", he said the last few words while looking specifically at Ace, and people began muttering as soon as they noticed.
