
Chapter 116: The Mother Tree (Part 2)


I am very confused about the current actions of The Emperor. Seven hours have elasped since he made his announcement but I am still not able to deduce the reasons behind his actions. The chatter of recruits behind me is also getting on my nerves but I need to solve this puzzle first. According to plans made by us and The Emperor, The Emperor will return to Martial Spirit World in 10 years to check upon Huang Xiaolong. So, why the realm gate is closed down now. Moreover, why the initiate Magus were called for this operation. Even if they are the best in their batch, they are recruits who had not completed their training.

Agrrh!!! Their chatter is getting increasingly grating on my nerves. I turned to glare at them and frankly speaking, a feeling of immense satisfaction swelled in my heart as the recruits jumped like frightened rabbits on seeing my glare. I turned to look behind me as I heard some footsteps and saw The Emperor coming towards us. I bowed and watched as he came up to us and spoke, " We are going on a major operation. I will tell you the details later. Let's first move to the realm gate." After that, he just vanished. The Emperor is acting quite mysterious today. What's the matter?

Alexander knew that his actions had confused Jonathan but he didn't want to talk right now. Every second right now was important. He was not going to disconnect from the Cultivation world for long, he needed to return quickly to the origin verse, in order to start his cultivation and reach the peak of HighGod Realm so that he could safely check up on Huang Xiaolong. Only after checking up on Huang Xiaolong, he will go to The Desolate Era world and continue his cultivation there while his people will continue to conquer the origin verse. This will save time.

He only needed to bond with the chaos stone before the protagnist does and the whole chaosverse would become a part of his kingdom. There would be no need of individual conquest in that case. In one move, he will be able to subjugate the whole chaosverse. Alexander arrived before the realm gate and opened the portal to The Harry Potter world housing the seeds of mother tree. He didn't wait and quickly entered the portal. The rest also followed him. What Carter and recruits didn't know was that the elven spies had been already transported to the targeted world before them.

The elven spies were send in advance to scope out the surroundings and to setup an ambush in order to abduct the treasure hunter. Alexander wanted to recover the seeds safely at all costs. He arrived inside a meadow and watched as Carter and the recruits looked around in curiousity. Carter was from Star Wars World so he didn't recognize the Forbidden Forest. Alexander spoke up, " We are in The Forbidden Forest in a different version of Harry Potter World. The year is 1975. We are here to retreive a very important item for the continuation of the elven race. Well, the elves would be the one to retreive the item but you people are the backup in case something bad happens. The elves were already send here in advance in order to scope out the surroundings. The item in question is very fragile so that's why the recruits will be our main force in providing backup to the elves. The passive magical pressure that I and Carter exclude, can damage the item so we will interfere only when the item in question is in danger. For the rest of the time, you are on your own till the item is transported back to the kingdom. After that I will conquer this world and assimilate it in my kingdom. Any questions?"

A recruit nervously raised his hand and looked towards Alexander for permission. Alexander nodded and motioned the recruit to ask his question. The recruit let out a breadth and asked, " Your Highness, why don't you conquer the planet and then retreive the item? And from where we will be retrieving the item?"

Alexander, " The item in question is extremely important to the elven race and I don't know what will happen to it, if it is exposed to my king's might so first comes the retrieval, then, comes the conquest. The item was found by a treasure hunter wizard and he is bringing it to Dumbledore for inspection. In most versions of this world, he will be killed in a Death Eater Raid led by Tom Riddle himself on Hogsmeade and the item will be destroyed by some grunt Death Eater. The raid has not happened in this world yet. The treasure hunter will arrive at the southern edge of Hogsmeade in half an hour. The raid will start in five minutes after his arrival. Today is Hogsmeade weekend so you will be able to easily disguise yourselves as students. I want you to surround that man and act only when the elves fail in their attempt. Also, block any death eater from killing that man, I need him alive. I and Carter will be standing on the western hill, overlooking the proceedings. We will interfere if everything goes down the drain.How the treasure hunter looks like will be told to you when he arrives in Hogsmeade. Till then, blend in with the students. You will arrive at the outskirts of Hogsmeade in five minutes if you move straight towards north. Now, go!!"

Alexander and Carter watched as the recruits moved towards the Northern direction in hurry. They were nothing but blurs to normal human eyes and generated fast winds as they moved towards Hogsmeade. They were recruits but they were also God Realm Cultivators, capable of doing significant damage to this planet if ordered. Carter turned towards Alexander and asked, " Your Highness, why didn't you tell them, the appearance of our target?"

Alexander sighed and said, " The treasure hunter is a metamorphagus. In all versions of this world, he took a different appearance. The only common thing is that he enters through the southern edge of Hogsmeade. I have already ordered the elves to surround both Hogsmeade and Hogwarts, in case, he arrives at a different location. The reason behind employing the elves is that the elves have a connection to this thing. In all worlds, when the item was destroyed, the elves of Hogwarts had arrived on the scene and had let out wails of sorrow. Then, they attacked the death eaters and conducted a slaughter. After the dust settled, the whole Hogsmeade was covered in blood. All the elves invovled, were thrown through the veil by the ministry, the students were memory charmed and the adults were put under unbreakable vows. Only Tom Riddle and his surviving death eaters were the ones who were free to tell anyone. They didn't do so but they heavily tortured their house elves to know the reason of their madness. They found nothing and the tortured elves were then killed. One thing, are you not curious about the item, Carter?"

Carter smiled and said, " I know that there are some things that even I don't know of and I am happy for this. Your Highness, you cannot imagine the weight that your trust put on my mind and soul. I was in constant worry for many decades due to your tendency of sharing important kingdom secrets with me. Only one thought prevailed my mind, what if one day, I got captured by some otherwordly entities or my mind read by some enemy of the kingdom? Our kingdom would be good as gone as all our important secrets would be revealed to them. Now, I can easily sleep at night because my kingdom has some trump cards to protect itself from harm. I implore you to accumulate as many trump cards as you can. This will protect our kingdom. As your friend, I am happy that you took such steps."

Alexander was quite shocked on hearing Carter's words. He placed his hand on Jonathan's shoulders and spoke, " You are a good friend. You have been serving me for 600 years faithfully. I will certainly think of a proper reward for you. Let's move to the western hill." After saying this, Alexander moved towards the western hill and Carter falled one step behind him.


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