
Chapter 845: Sera in trouble

Let's go a few minutes back.

In the demon's capital, on the outskirt of the capital, was a mansion; this mansion was too big; it was pretty normal; nothing stood out about this mansion. Most people would think it was only the mansion of a rich demon; however, this normal was, in reality, one of the mansions owned by one of the eighth dukes under the emperor. 

This was the favorite mansion of the duke Highland, an undead, a lich, unlike normal lich who are only bones, Duke Highland was really different from other demons or humans, only his skin was pale blue, and he possessed no horns like most demons. 

Among the eighth dukes, he was ranked third; previously, he was ranked fourth when Priscilla, the vampire duchess, was still alive, but after her death and her sister took over, the duke saw his rank increasing while Priscilla's sister became the sixth of the strongest of the eighth. 
