
True Form of Luminaria II

The players tried their best to destroy the flaming golden meteors, but their best was just created cracks on it. Even Adrian's group had the same result which made him teleport them back forcefully.  The cracked flaming golden meteors needed more force which prompted the gods to redirect some of their powers to destroy them.

As soon as the three meteors were hit by the force of the gods, all of them shattered into thousands of pieces that were sent flying downwards. The players had to use their defensive spells or skills in order to make sure that they do not get hurt by the flying debris. The Goddess of Light Luminaria looked down on all of the beings that dared to go against her and laughed like a psycho.

"Did you really think that stopping my attack will be able to stop me?" The Goddess of Light Luminaria shouted as she used the spell Mega Nova once more but this time there were twenty flaming golden meteors.
