
The bite of 87

😯😧The bite of 87 is an accident that happened in 1987 at freddy fazbears,it is briefly mentioned by the phone guy in the first game. The derails of the attack and the animatronic that is responsible is not given😔

but it allegedly caused the loss of the frontel lobe of the victim's brain.

(btw this is just a theory i have anyway.I feel like it is chris that's the victim but it can also be another kid because i don't think that chris was there when it was 1987 but since this is short im putting more facts in to this chapter).

it says that they reaveled hoo goten bit it says there name was markiplier or called Mike it was in ummmmmmmmm fnaf 4 the fith episode i think yeah fnaf 4.This fact is interesting the bite of 83 and the bite of 87.The bite of 83 happened at the crying childs birthday during the fredbear stage ffp(so i was right but i guess it dident happened in the bite of 87).

Then in fnaf 2,another bite happened prusumbly mangled did it.

the animatronic responsible for the bite of 87 would probly be foxie.Note the "Out of Order" sign Some peaple have speculated that Foxy may have been the animatronic responsible for the bite. This is considered most likely by people because he appears to be the most capable of doing so with his seemingly sharp and broken teeth.

I know this is the wrong chapter for it but did you know springtrap is the most deadly animatronic its because he has a person inside and hes capable of doing things the other animatronics cant.

this is it for thins chapter.😥😯😳
