
Points Bringer

I was tad lighthearted, walking relaxed as I carry my items below my arm pits supported by my side chest.

Between two class, I just earned the Slytherin House an overwhelming 60 points. Dang. 30 points from Charm's Class and Transfiguration. As I was the only one to be able to perform the spell 'Partu Transire' correctly and proficiently in the whole class. And probably, one of the only two in the whole year. Of course, the smart ass Hermione was one of the two also. But I don't really care, in the future, they will get one hell of a decrease of house points because of all detentions and warnings about their adventures through out the year. But now thinking, they got it back anyway by the end of the year, when Dumbledore gave some points to them as to make Slytherin's lose or something.

But still, 60 points with two class? I'm already proud of myself.

But then, it's the benefit of being in the first class of your first day in your first year. You will always get high points like 15, 10, sometimes, 20, and that's because it's the first class, meaning, you did some advance reading or something. But in some days later maybe even tomorrow, it will be like the usual points you will get through out your whole seven years in Hogwarts. 5 points maybe for answering questions, 10 for hard ones, and same goes for spell application.

So conclusion, I was doing good today. Since i plan to perfect every class this day to get a head start from any other students out there. Which can lead me to be carefree in the other days if in case I need to do some work missions. There's 15 minutes break in between the morning classes. And I should probably arrange my plans and things to do now, as it will get mushed up in my head sooner on. But the layout is already done in my mind. Oh well, long story short, 5 points are usually given, but in first days, a lot more are given. And I'm taking that benefit on.

While walking, I took the time to think about my plans.

- Find right training grounds

- Seven Courses of the Philosophers Stone

- Try to be in the good side of everyone

The first two are self explanatory, but the third one. Why so? Just getting on their good side means you can basically make them your servants in the school. Sure, professors gonna be questioning me about it, but I've been training my occlumency now that I'm close to mastering legilimency. So that's all right. I can just lie and get away with it. Though will be troublesome if it's Dumbledore who is gonna be personally calling me on. Enough of that.

Sooner, I arrived then at the outside field where quidditch classes are performed. It was peaceful, just bunch of fifth to seventh years doing their quidditch practices. Using the book as my table, I grabbed a clean and neat parchment paper, as I am immediately doing my essays for the levitation and lighting charm. I don't need to do any research in the books about it, it's all in my head. Sitting in the grasss, I then started writing alone, wind accompanying me.

The total 10 minutes was a lot of time to almost finished my Charms and Transfiguration essays, if only ballpens actually exist in this world then writing would have been more easier. It was all quiet until whimpers and muttering are heard in the grass area near the corridor entrance. Looking at that area, it was none other than my friends who always seems to know my location.

"Elliot! We're gonna be late!"

If I'm staring right, Justin was also with her - unusually. His small figure is almost covered by Tasia's large and bulky one. He was quiet as always and Tasia was in her sicko mode as always.

"There's still 5 minutes anyway," I stated as they got onto my spot. Them holding their items for the Herbology class where I assume, since Justin is here, meaning we're all together for this one.

"Justin is with us, and the famous Harry Potter seems to be there too. I'm disappointed, but oh well, not surprised, thought he would be more handsome though since he's so popular," Tasia is like any other girls out there, likes handsome boys now that she's in her puberty. But yeah, her strength is just really not like the 'other girls'..

They helped me grabbed my stuff as I stood up and walk along side of them, going to the classroom where we will have our class.

So Harry is there too? Fun.

Along the walk, we were just conversing with each other as usual. Tasia talking about her new found liking to Rebeus Hagrid. Who seems alike her attitude.

"Oh, and by the way, Justin here was ranting about you earning points in his first class," Spilling the tea, Justin beside me quickly slapped the back of Tasia, flustered apparent in his face, making me grin a bit.

"Shut up Sinclair, It's not tHAT I'm weak, it's just that....."

"-Elliot is pretty good." His admittance made me smirked, as Tasia snorted disbelieving.

"Awww, I'm flattered," I sarcastically exclaimed as Tasia glared at me.

"Pretty good you say? Everyone is talking about El as the Slytherin's genius! They actually thought Harry would be pretty good, but it seems he's unlucky cause you're here, just stole his fan base really," I didn't know if Tasia complimented me or just made an annoyed claim.

"Cmon, too much praise will make me a narcissistic shite." They both looked at me like I'm kidding. Incredulously sighing with the looks of 'You sure you're not a narcissist already?'

In time, we just arrived at the classroom of Herbology, yes, classroom, not greenhouse. Because you need to be at least in the 2nd Year to experience how to actually care for magical plants. Unlike first year, you just have some discussions and cover plants and spells. Boring to be honest.

The classroom was just like the one in Transfiguration, but in a rectangle shape, there are the three rows of students desk. In the middle is the table of Professor Sprout with tottering pile of books and some weird instruments and parchment papers. The ceiling was pretty high having a chandelier that brightens the whole class with the candles that are surrounding it. There's the shelves in the sides where it stores several equipments and things to use for the class.

Loads of students from different houses were already sitted, and luckily, we just got in time. But anyway, Professor Sprout is one of the kindest teacher in this castle. She won't actually bother if you're late or anything, nor even do something stupid. Unlike some certain ones.....

The seats in the far left bottom side is available, three students to occupy each desk, perfect for us. We sat on and Professor Sprout promptly got in where she holds a moving magical picture of what I expected to be - Devil's Snare.

I got to actually encounter it in my sixth year, It is composed of a mass of soft, springy tendrils and vines that possess some sense of touch, and resembles the Flitterbloom. It uses its creepers and tendrils to ensnare anyone, which one of my classmates back then actually got to experienced it, well, I guess the Golden Trio too but we don't talk about those guys alright? Those thing traps their arms and legs and eventually choking them. If I recall, the harder a person struggles against Devil's Snare, the faster and more tightly it binds them. And with the opposite, if the victim is able to maintain their presence of mind and relaxes, the Snare will relax its grip on them. Devil's Snare prefers a dark, damp environment. That made me suddenly think of Snape, that dungeon bat.....

Arch already told me some ways to counter it, It will stop its movement in the environment in front of bright light and will recoil away from the heat of fire, so a well-placed fire or light based spell such as the Bluebell Flames, Fire-Making Spell, Wand-Lighting Charm or Lumos Solem Spell will effectively drive it away from its victims. And that's why, if I'm right, we're gonna learn the Fire Making Spell today, Incendio.

"Good Day Everyone! your first years first class of Herbology. Today, we're going to learn about Devil's Snare, feel free to raise you hands if you know it," Her aura was light, unlike McGonagall's tension and Snape's dark one. She immediately gone on to the point, as Justin and Hermione raised their hands simultaneously.

Hermione got quickly called, and she stood proudly taking a moment before speaking, must felt good since she just got called out by Snape as Insufferable Know-It-All in her first Potion class, must hurt though, everyone apparently is talking about it right now.... Justin just dissapointedly backed up, seeing the smug face of the bushy girl.

"Devil's Snare, or also called datura stomonium, is a magical plant with the ability to constrict or strangle anything in its surrounding environment or something that happens to touch it. Devil's Snare does not seem to be common, but certain Herbologists have access to it." She took her time saying each world like she's speaking to children. People who use hand signs can even defeat her speed.

Professor Sprout was satisfied and rewarded Gryffindors with 15 points and the brave ones obviously clapped their hands off. Draco had his intense glare against Potter, and thankfully, his eye staring at me seems to stop. He's getting good at ignoring me it seems.

Next thing was Fire-Making Spell question, where Justin successfully answered the Ravenclaws awarded with 15 points. Making the Slytherin's look like a total loss in the room, no one earning them points yet. Some of them were ones that were with me back then at the Charms, like the guy named Daniel, their eyes expecting me to at least give our house some points. I just smiled reassuringly.

It was time for the application of the spell, and there was a demonstration given, the parchment paper that was lighten with the spell burned into ashes.

"And that, is the Fire-Making Spell, well, try it then!"

Everyone was pretty excited to try the spell, everything was given. The incantation and the hand movement in the book. There was also the demonstration. Unlike the previous professor, probably didn't give them those things making everything harder. While here in Herbology, where the professor is pretty cool by everything. Probably why Neville Longbottom excels at it.




The room was bombarded by the word, and Justin rolled his eyes as he wasn't successful at it too as well as Tasia. Oh well, I guess it's pay back time to the points I loss to them. Clearing my throat... "Incendio!"


The day ended as everyone obviously noticed the drastic difference between the house points of each houses in the hourglass that acts as the point storage. The green sand was noticeable farther than the other three colors that are beside each other. And everyone in Slytherin's table was holding their chin up high. As much as how Elliot should like his house, he admits it himself that Slytherins, they're bunch of annoying assholes.

Continuing, Dumbledore too, will be definitely not happy about it. Opposite of the proud Severus Snape, who seems to praise Draco for whatever the fuck did he do.

Whilst the true witnesses did complimented Elliot who was uncomfortable for the whole time in the Great Hall. Some Gryffindors were in their grumpy state, like Ron constantly staring at Elliot tad annoyed, and the Weasley Twins, from Elliot's legilimency, seems planning to prank him in the future.

I'm sorry but I didn't totally had any ideas of what will happen currently and that bugs me off. my sleeping schedule really is hElpinG me right now. I'm awake by night while I'm asleep every morning.... dang, I live up to my book title.

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