

With a rasping gasp as sharp as scratching metal, she floated for about a foot from her bed. The gems embedded in her forehead, from her arms, from her chest, began to activate an intensified beam of light of almost white. The quiet foggy dusk of Nagozul slipped into chaos and confusion as the inhabitants of the city felt the dark depressing energies of Prodea's activated Amplifyers, a feeling unlike any activation they ever felt before, an activation so powerful, even the nearest neighboring village shuddered at the repulsive spine-tingling sensation akin only to ten thousand cockroaches running up and down one's body.

This is the final proof of their accusations to their Grand Princess. The final proof they need to put her into exile just for activating one of Dim'ion's abhorrent spells, but no one can put that thought into action. No one can for only the military has the power to activate their Amplifyers. Only those whom Prodea approves of can use their Amplifyers because of the Global Binding Spell and asking politely about it is out of the equation. They don't trust the Nagozulian Army anymore or where their loyalties lie, and no one wants to be made an example of. Some are whispering for a rebellion, others are waiting for their Grand Prince Artemus's small army at the North to engage her for them to take arms to fight, but ultimately all they can do is wait. They have been turned to ordinary mortals inside their own lands and no one is one bit happy about it.

"Zeba!" Prodea shrieked in her usual tone of ire. "What the impierno are you doing with my body!?"

Zeba ran across the room shooing away the water casters present in her room, getting everyone out and then hurried to her side to help her in her weak state of removing her mourning gown in futility.

"You have died Your Highness, quite longer than you said you would've based on your contingency plans, given the circumstances, so I thought you have truly perished..."

Prodea looked around her room seeing all of those grand mourning candles burning bright, dripping their waxes, ruining her expensive red carpet.

"Zeba! I told you that in the event of my demise, you will handpick a lowly Water..."

"No!" she interrupted standing firm with serious face.

Prodea scoffed and directed her attention to her. "NO?! Are you defying me now!?"

"I will not sacrifice another Nagozulian life to you again. Maybe the Leonus delegates can help you with that but I will not. I will never subject any Holy Sentinel to one of your Dark Arts ever again."

Prodea's smiling face leaked her devilish fury which made Zeba shudder, afraid but not turning down her resolve. She thought that the punishments she might have to endure would be more comforting than the nightmares she's having at night and Prodea knows that now too. She knows Prodea can read minds, so she made her case perfectly clear in her head till she sprung up a question.

"Zeba, how many days have passed?"

Before Zeba can answer, Prodea's eyes widened gasping as if hyperventilating. Prodea beat her to it by scanning her mind and that number rang around her head driving her quite frantically mad.

"Forty-one days!? FORTY-ONE! What did you do!? What have you done with Nagozul Zeba!?"

"I-I-I tried to manage it a bit..."

Prodea floated in the air with her Amplifyers activated. Her eyes burned with red flashing fury as if burning. "You managed!? You think you can even try?!"

"I'm sorry..." she said slowly backing away till she reached into a corner.

Prodea thrust her palms into Zaba's head and began reading all of what's happened in the last few days in Zeba's eyes. Zeba felt the burning hot hands searing into her forehead as if drilling her head with a corkscrew. It would've burned her skin right off the base of her skull if not because of her unique tough Daomagarian skin.

"Unbelievable!" she shrieked further after a few seconds of searching. She ran to her study, grabbed the military plans Zeba has written up in her name and began burning them in her trash bin. "I died for three days, just three days, and you immediately resumed command of the Great Holy Nagozulian Army. In your disposal is the best army the Holy Lands can provide and yet you failed to rout those filthy trespassers but managed to ruin my good name? I sincerely doubt it if I could really leave the Holy Lands at your oh so capable hands."

Zeba, crying in pain while inspecting her sore forehead, just slid down in that corner and let Prodea ran her rants. She just wished she never thought about Prodea's punishment. That way, at least Prodea can get creative. Any of the usual punishments will do than giving her an idea from her own nightmares. She just thought about running errands as punishment and pinned it down in her mind to bring up whenever she failed her again in the future. That will be less painful than thinking about being burned by her base element.

"Hey! Daomagar! Are you even listening?"

"H-how did you come back?" she mumbled sniffling.

"What are you muttering there? I can't hear you!"

"I said, how did you return back from the land of the living. You've been dead for three days. The casters said your heart stopped. Even your brain is not responding to any stimuli. They said your soul has been reaped and yet..."

"Oh, don't be so naïve, Daomagar! I did not assimilate those weak casters for nothing. I traded ten for my life back."

"You what?" Zeba now shocked standing up looking at the burnt-out sapphire embedded on her shoulders she is pointing on.

"Remember when I told you about assimilating them? Well I freed ten. Hooray, right?!"

"Wh-where would they go?"

"To impierno of course. Such a silly question. It's your fault they are there. But not to worry I'm alright so you shouldn't blame yourself. Try and act as if it's a lesson you now learned. Always move forward as my father used to say. Just keep moving forward."

"Why is that my fault!" she screamed confused and worried. "You're the one who killed them!"

"Oh... No, no, no Zeba," she replied smiling as if enjoying herself. "You're the one who killed them, not me. I told you, I assimilated them. I can return them to their bodies after our objectives come into fruition. I have perfected the assimilation spell to an extent that I do not need to reap another soul so that I may escape death. But no, mmm-mm, instead you chose to listen to your pathetic conscience so look what I did. I have no choice but to let them be reaped. You can't blame me. After all, it's me or them. And my mission here on earth is not yet over. Don't you agree?"

"Y-you... you're a..."

"Stop!" she smiled wide reading her thoughts. "Words are a funny thing, Zeba. Once spoken it can never be taken back... so I suggest you choose your words carefully from now on. I can forgive you on your little mess here. I can even forgive you for letting me rot to die without offering me some souls to assimilate as we planned. I don't know if I can still trust you with my body after what you've done but sadly I still need you for my plans to work so you should be thankful I'm not bringing vengeance upon you.

"Let's just settle this misunderstanding to a draw, now, shall we? You failed me letting me die, and I forgot to tell you about the perfection of my assimilation techniques, it's a misunderstanding, you see? That can always happen to good people. Right? Let's wipe the slate clean. After all, I died and have been reborn once more. So, what do you say?"

Zeba's gnashing teeth showed greatly on her face which enjoyed Prodea further. She ultimately gave a nod which made Prodea snicker in delight.

The loud smashing sound of the door interrupted their intense discussions in an instant with the frightened Sarram running in haste.

"Zeba! You gotta help me!"

Prodea pressed her temples hard in great dismay clearly controlling her frustration. "I thought I told you big lug not to slam my doors again."

"P-Prodea?" he smiled running to hug her but failed to do so because of her bitter personality giving him cruel eyes.

"Knock! Then enter! Is that really hard to remember?" She continued in reprimand.

"S-sorry... I'm just glad you're alive. You got me worried there."

Prodea just laughed mocking which hurt Sarram leaving him to ask.

"Why? Is that hard to believe?"

"No, my dear brother. I'm sure you're relieved that I'm back here again to solve your pathetic problems once more. I think you have one right now so let's cut this short and let me hear it."

"Great thing you're now up and about 'cause you wouldn't believe who is at the study waiting for you."

"Hmmnn... let me guess, you're having debt problems again with other nobles and your inconceivable large sums of gold bets. Stop playing with Nagozul's gold and start acting like a real man and face your own problems. I have a lot to deal with."

Sarram scrunched his face wanting to get back but his problems are a lot bigger today, so he let it pass by. "It's not them. It's Kuya-Artemus."

Prodea's eyes widened even more looking at Zeba whom she blames for her brother's visit. "I know I said I'll let the slate be clean and wipe away your trespasses against me and of Nagozul, but if you ever tried and do something that would impair my plans I swear Zeba I'll make sure you'll pay."

Prodea grabbed her long silk scarf and bundled it around her neck. She gracefully walked to the door and smiled at them there inside, as if instructing them to stay there, as if ordering them to be quiet, without a single word coming out of her mouth, just with her cold angry eyes that can be seen even if there's a hint of joy dangling in her lips. That's how they know she has truly returned, alive and well.


"Prodea." Artemus nodded as he sat there at the center waiting for her. He didn't even stand up to recognize her, an insult that she took quite seriously given her self-proclamation of being the Queen's Substitute for the time being.

"Kuya-Artemus. I sure hope you had a pleasant trip from the north. How are things there?"

"Cut the small talk Prodea," he said in all seriousness, standing up. "News have arrived that you are doing unholy acts against Nagozul."

"And who might your sources be, I wonder?"

"That is none of your concern."

"Oh, brother but it is. Accusing another noble of such disgraceful act without evidence or a credible standing witness is an upfront to our laws." She smiled and whispered. "Especially to your little sister. That's a big no-no."

"I implore you Prodea with all of my heart," Artemus bowed kneeling down in front of her which surprised her greatly. "Stop this nonsense. For the sake of Nagozul. Stop this at once."

"My, my. The Great Grand Prince Artemus of the house of Limor, the unbeatable, the invulnerable son of light, the successor of Bathala's Shield, kneeling down upon a lowly princess like me? Whatever have I done to deserve such a thing?"

"You have created confusion in our lands, sown discord into the hearts of Nagozulian men, created fear by putting fortresses even at the most holiest of Bathala's lands. Stop this madness. Please. I beg of you."

"I am trying to protect Nagozul brother, if you should know."

"By placing Daomagarians into involuntary servitude too? By putting Nagozulian lives at risk by placing the Global Binding Spell!? Is that for the benefit of Nagozul or is it about for your own benefit? I think we have different definitions of protecting Nagozul and I certainly believe that you've gone too far."

Prodea smiled and activated her Amplifyers. Artemus sensed this and jumped back almost twenty feet away.

"What are you going to do about it? Hmm?" She smugly chuckled seeing him distancing himself from her.

Artemus looked at her with serious eyes, eyes without fear, eyes with full conviction. "You dare activate your Amplifyer on a kneeling brother? A kneeling king? Your king? Prodea, you've become too full of yourself you're not thinking the repercussions of what you're doing."

With his last sentence, his white diamond Amplifyer activated an intense blinding light that made Prodea stepped back a little, mumbling why her Global Binding Spell does not affect his base element.

"To tell you the truth Prodea, I came here to talk some sense on you. I tried being humble but apparently that act is unfamiliar to you. I do not wish to fight but if that's what you wish then I'll be glad to reciprocate by defending myself."

Prodea's heart thumped louder and louder. Her eyes quiver at the sight of his magnificent elemental focus, resonating a weak, but at the same time heavy, pulse. His brother is measured with the lowest elemental essence ever recorded for a Life Elemental, but he compensates by directing all of his elemental energies to surround himself in a barrier that even the greatest of any elementals cannot penetrate. Even Daomagarians will have no luck pushing through his perfect defense. Narra himself, the greatest of the Daomagarians have tried and failed. She gulped in fright and toned down her Amplifyers and laughed. Artemus withdrew too in a quick second following her retreat.

"I'm just testing you brother. I'm checking if you've grown soft at the north."

"No, you're not."

Prodea felt infuriated with his tone but tried to compose herself as she found herself a way to deal with him. "You know that someone tried to assassinate mother here?"

"I highly doubt that Prodea."

"Oh? But that's not what the other people here are thinking now is it, Brother."

"Keep repeating that in your head and it will become the truth. We all know this is what you do."

"But they are not lies. Even the Generals have found evidence all over Nagozul about that radical group that has been targeting us aiming to destroy our Kingdom. The group of that Shadow Fiend, Yiv. Surely you're not taking their side?"

"What's this now Prodea. One of your convoluted conspiracy theories? Stop wasting my time."

"I'm sure that whoever tried to assassinate Mother has an informant in the cotton village."

"You mean the now Seventh Fortress?"

"Yes, but most importantly, the fort that has been attacked by this Yiv and his group - The Night Hunters, as they would like themselves to be called. They're a bunch of misfits composed of a rogue Elf, a great beast, a Nagozulian and two Daomagarians. Would you know someone who associates to those three?"

Artemus frowned standing firm, looking at her still in seriousness. "Where are you getting at? Do not run around in circles like a coward. If you're going to accuse me of something, then say it to my face directly."

"Well, it's going to be hard to explain but I do know about you associating with Elves, with the great beasts, and even have a Daomagarian wife that is the direct descendant of the Great Daomagar. It seems to me that plotting to kill the Queen and usurping the throne, eliminating all of us here, creating confusion and then saving the day would be your most likely goal."

"I have no such dreams Prodea. Why would I need that when the throne is rightfully mine? I'm just humoring you on this little game we're playing because of my respect to mother. If not because of her, I could've easily thrown you to exile already."

"Oh!? Well if that's the case, then why are you harboring the Cotton Villagers up in the North?"

Artemus' eyes of shock made Prodea smile a bit. This is the ace she's been holding for quite some time and she's rather happy about the results.

Artemus pondered well as to why she knew that when they have made the incident a secret. The thought of having a mole in the Citadel disturbed him but he cannot let this feeling leak out in front of her, so he replied. "We are not prejudicial to all of the Holy Sentinels. If they come for us in need of aid, we're more than willing to help them out, especially if they are harassed and have been unjustly sentenced to be executed based on a farcical trial you're running."

"Well, that... or it's just that you're harboring them from real justice. See, they're convicted of helping the assassins try and kill the Queen, our own mother.

"Making them stay at the North gives the idea that you're protecting them from the crimes they've committed, which gives the assumption that you're the ones behind it and you're protecting your goons from revealing your abhorrent plot against us, your own family, against Nagozul. Have you no heart?"

"That's not true."

"I'm not saying it is, but to everyone, it kind of is... You're good with logic, please explain to me how the notorious Yiv attacked the Seventh Fortress, liberated all those convicts and then they end up in your end of the backyard seeking your refuge. This sound a bit like Yiv, and the Goody Grand Prince are up to something behind the curtain now is it?"

"Stop and listen Prodea," he said indifferent about her plans to entrap him. "I do not care about your weird delusional concoctions of truth. Bathala is the truth and if you're not with the truth then you are against Bathala. Anyone against Bathala is the enemy of Nagozul, and all of our brothers and sisters in the Holy Lands.

"I'm giving you six months. Six months to dismantle all those fortresses and everything you've been building so far, to rid those Leonus people here, to pay all those Daomagarian Workers their dues then send them home free. In those six months, I will wait at the North. I will toil myself day and night to eradicate all of the Pusakal stuck there and will wait for that time to pass until I return here. In that span of time I really hope all of those requests be complied to."

Prodea scoffed mocking. "Are you seriously..."

"I'm not done yet!" he shouted with a reverberating full voice that stroke fear even in her proud heart. "After my entire request is complete, I will visit here once again. You will release Mother from wherever hole you put her in, you will relinquish your title, be an ordinary low-ranking seer or noble or whatever you prefer, and then I will forgive you. We will have a normal dinner as a family, and we will forget everything that has happened. Comply with my wishes, as the first born, as your King, as your Grand Commander and I will spare your life."

"Spare my life?" she shrieked angry with her shaking voice, a voice that can only be aptly compared to a squealing spoiled girl having her tantrums. "You dare talk to me that way?"

"I am the Rightful King of Nagozul. All of this charade is just an act of generosity and respect to Mother as I have promised my Father. Father does not want me to reign still because he loved Mother so much that he's afraid she'll be devastated if she got placed to be an ordinary noble after reigning for a long long time. You know how she is if she doesn't get what she wants.

"Do not mistake my compassion to Mother as weakness. Do not mistake my silence to this whole affair as my permission for you to desecrate this Holy Lands."

He smirked as if looking down upon her, signaling the end of their discussion and quickly teleported behind her. In a blink he moved past her like a dash but without actually disrupting the air particles around him. She knows because she is partly a Wind Blower. She stood there all frozen witnessing Artemus' awesome powers as he opened the door to exit.

"Oh, and Prodea," he added almost chuckling. "I do not care if you're my sister. Do not ever, ever, threaten me again or I swear to Bathala, I will put you down for good."

With his final words and a gentle clink on the door, she was left there to ponder on how she can ever defeat his brother, the invulnerable Artemus. An idea so troubling it gave her nightmares in broad daylight just thinking about the thought of it.


"Let me say thank you again for joining us here, Iyom," Reus whispered as the five stopped on their low crouching, waiting for the guards to pass by. "It really means a lot that you're helping out. Not just because of your continued supply of ammunitions to Yosh... uh- I mean Aether, but because you believe in our..."

"Yeah, yeah, quit it Kuya-Reus," Yosh tapped, waving for him to go forward. "One more compliment and his head will turn to an exploding watermelon. We wouldn't like that happening, now would we?"

The twins slightly smiled and Iyom found that to be funny too. He's not used to that kind of compliment especially from a mortal whom he regarded as his mortal enemy just months ago. He agrees it's going too much, Reus's deep appreciation of his help, but he's getting rather embarrassed by it now. He's not the type of person who wants to be frequently glorified. Good thing Yosh stopped him there, or else he might reveal his blush and stop him himself.

It took only but thirty minutes till they were completely out of the Snake Tunnels, the Palace's creepy brick-walled maze that Yosh is still afraid of even after five long years. The party tried their best to be stealthy, avoiding every guard, at every post, at every corner. A pretty weird positioning considering they're guarding a maze no one dares to enter. It's too excessive it's practically inefficient since patrolling guards always bump into each other and make idle small talks at that lazy morning which provided them more cover to move about undetected.

Iyom originally asked to help them transmit anywhere in the Palace grounds but to his surprise, he found out that there are heavy Magicks inside preventing anyone of his kind from transmitting. An unfortunate but expected roadblock since he is indeed a Dwendell and his kind went to war with the brother's ancestors a thousand years ago. Clearly it is a reasonable Magick defense that he should've thought beforehand but has forgotten at that brief moment to remember.

Scaling the hundred feet wall to climb to Illyriah's chambers at the East Wing is a challenge too, a challenge that only Reus unfortunately recognized since the four are somewhat experts at this field. Iyom made the landing first followed by Kayzar who is almost silently teasing Karus's slow climb being fourth. They waited for about twenty minutes for Reus to show up till they huddled together in the balcony to regroup.

"Wow, Kuya-Reus. If a turtle can learn to climb, he'll still be faster than you."

"I'm sorry Yosh, I do not share your monkey-like abilities."

"Hey!" reacted Iyom offended because he arrived first.

"Oh, I'm sorry Iyom. You're excluded in the reference. It's a given you'll be arriving first. You're a Dwendell after all and it'll be a shame if Kayzar beats you to it."

Kayzar just smiled not joining in on their little talk. Clearly, he could've jumped and reached the landing because of his newfound propulsion techniques that he refined in his training at the veil, but he doesn't want to show it off, not yet anyway.

"So, should we knock now?" Karus whispered tapping them all, pointing inside to where Illyriah is, crying at the edge of her bed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Knock on it Karus." Reus ordered pushing him which he refused to do.

"Oh, no I won't. You knock. I'm not going to be the one who speaks to her first. I don't know anything about crying girls and I don't want to start a trial and error experiment now."

Reus looked at Kayzar which he completely ignored, looking very far away as if he didn't notice his ordering gaze. Yosh did the same so he leered at Iyom.

"Aw, impierno no, Reus. I don't even know her. Quit stalling and knock already!"

Iyom pushed him to the window that instead of a knock, a loud thump echoed inside as if a fast flying bird hit her window. Illyriah stood up and dried her tears and immediately went to the balcony but noticed them all huddled up altogether crouching as she walked half-way.

She opened her window and beamed her beautiful smiling face of relief at them. She looked at them but it's mostly for Reus who is awkwardly smiling, fixing his spectacles, as usual. Illyriah mouthed her thank yous and rushed to hug Reus tightly. It has been a week and a half since she sent her letter and she's worried it didn't reach them in time.

All of them entered the room with Illyriah still hugging Reus at the balcony, crying and sniffling. Yosh would've complained about their reception, with Illyriah ignoring them and focusing her attention only to Reus where in fact they all underwent a lot of trouble to be there for her. They travelled two days without rest just to get to where they are now and all they got was a kind look of relief, but he didn't say a word. The awkward look on Reus face as he stood there all stiff is enough for him. In fact, the four has been silently choking their guffaws looking at him asking them what to do with his curled brow and shaking smile. His hands move about at her back, not touching but appearing as though he is patting the air around her. A truly amusing thing to witness they thought, one that may only be seen once in a lifetime - or a few times more depending on when their brother learns to deal with women.

"Uhm... Illyriah? Please come inside and talk about your problem with us here..." Karus mumbled remembering the walking soldiers outside. Her sobbing is gradually increasing, and he doesn't want to attract any unwanted attention directed at them.

"That's pretty insensitive, don't you agree?" Yosh whispered tapping Karus which he just shrugged. It's better to be insensitive than to worry about the problem they'll be facing later on with the soldiers. After all it'll be very hard to escape once they are all riled up.

Illyriah weakly walked clinging at Reus's side towards her bed. She sat there trying to maintain her steady breath, trying to douse her already tear-soaked handkerchief further. Reus pulled his and gave it to her, seeing her having the trouble of ridding the tears that she has been spreading all over her face because of her wet napkin.

She smiled and said her thank you with a broken voice almost as if crackling. Illyriah is not like this at all. She's the strongest noble they know. She's shy and gentle but she's not going to cry over something too trivial. It must really mean that she's having troubles that are beyond the normal person's threshold. And that pushed Karus to speak up, wanting to his feed the growing curiosity and concern within him.

"Who's bothering you? Tell us who and we'll put a stop to them immediately. Is it Gantee? Is he harassing you again?"

"Oh, no, no. I'm sorry, Grand Prince Karus, Grand Prince Kayzar, Grand Prince Yosh, especially you Grand Prince Reus, and..." he looked at Iyom and just smiled, "...and you, handsome sir. I'm sorry if I'm such a wreck today that I didn't even bothered to fix myself. It's a behavior unbecoming a lady."

"Oh no, you look beautiful. Except for those puffy eyes..." Yosh quipped which the three, even Iyom, reacted by looking at him with reproach. Yosh just laughed and continued his statements, wanting to fix what he just said. "...not that puffy eyes are not in fashion, indeed they are. Actually, I've noticed that I need to have puffy eyes too. I think that would make me look trendy."

Karus just held Yosh's hand and shook his head smiling. Yosh understood him so he pulled his lips and shut it just nodding seriously.

"What happened Illyriah?" Reus asked.

"Well... I don't know how to say this... but I think you four are the only person I can trust to tell about my father..."

"What about him?" Kayzar entered almost figuring what is happening.

"Did our Aunt do something to him?" Karus started beating her to it, clearly anticipating her hesitant words. She's the only one that could make her life miserable. She made their lives miserable too so he could relate.

Illyriah broke crying again for a couple of seconds till she nodded.

"What happened to him?" Reus said.

"Well, they threatened us two months ago. They said they needed the Hishma. But he wouldn't give in... so they fought and ultimately cursed him with the Sleep of Death... and then she made me take his place as the ruler of our lands in Hishma. She's taking him ransom there for me to do her biding. If I don't do what she wants, her Super Mortal will tear my father's limbs apart and they said they will feed it to the fishes in the ocean..."

The four brothers felt chills ran around their spine, clenching their fists in frustration and anger. They didn't know Prodea is capable of such inhumane actions making them reevaluate their perception about her. She sobbed for a couple of seconds and then she continued.

"I'm sorry. I don't want for you to get mad at the Grand Princess Prodea. She is your aunt and I'm sorry if I'm tarnishing her good name, but I just want my father to be safe and alive. I don't even mind being betrothed to a foreign mortal but please I beg of you, save my father."

"Wait what?" Karus snapped almost angry. "Kindly repeat that last part. It seems as though I heard Prodea betrothed you to a foreign mortal?"

"Indeed, Grand Prince Karus. I'm sorry but she been pushing me to marry the Earl Eryk Caden Shade of Leonus. She said it will give our two nations a strong bond. If I do not participate in this deal, my father will be torn asunder. I have accepted this fate, but I just don't want him to get hurt. I don't know what the Grand Princess is capable nowadays. She can back out on our agreement anytime soon."

Reus clicked his tongue in anger almost activating his Amplifyers till Kayzar tapped him to his senses.

"Hey, Kuya-Reus. Stop piling your anger in and just breathe out. If you activate that here, someone might notice. We'll be in trouble if that happens."

"That's it, you're coming with us to the north," Reus commanded.

"Wait... the wedding is at the next day. I'm afraid it's a little too late. I'm sorry to be such a burden but I cannot leave here. If I do then..."

"What!?" Karus shouted which earned him a slap at the nape from Kayzar giving him time to remember to whisper before he continued. "Are you kidding me? You could've given us the problem at hand in the letter. We could've gotten here first instead of waiting for the ever late Yosh."

"Hey! I tried my best to get at your super-secret training ground as fast as possible!"

"I'm sorry but I'm afraid I can only relay two words. You see, I'm not permitted to leave this room and I can only give one letter at a time to my trusted handmaid who is giving me my meals. I have to fashion my food in a secret code from the leftovers so that they can't catch me. Then, it's hard to send a letter to Piks since he's always away so I have to send the message to the north first so that they can reroute the message back to where you guys were. Time really is not on my side here even though time is the only friend they allow to accompany me."

"Oh... I'm sorry," Karus mumbled looking down. "I didn't know you're having such a hard time here."

"So, we have to get your father before getting you out here." Reus pondered fixing his skewed glasses.

"Yes, this is a problem indeed Kuya-Reus," Yosh shook his head thinking deep. "We can't take her since they'll kill Uncle Sayed. If we save Uncle Sayed there, then we risk losing her here. So, someone should be here, and someone should save Uncle Sayed but sneaking out and going there is going to take at least three days nonstop, and that's by dashing."

"That, I can help out!" Iyom entered smiling wide. "Your family, my dear Illyriah, is a personal friend of our great ancestor. Hishma, Nagozul's cousin, is one of our close friends and when he outlined the hills, we helped them sculpt the area, checking where the strongest foundations are on those slopey hills. Even the Palace where his generations are residing is a product of the Dwendell people's hard work. Get me outside these creepy Magick-infested walls and I can transmit you there instantaneously."

"Y-you mean, you're a Dwendell?"

"But of course, milady. I am sorry that I haven't introduced myself. I am the unrestricted Dwendell Iyom, Son of the Great Dwendell King Kyrin the Sharpshooter. Any enemy of Prodea is my friend and anyone Prodea hurts is going to receive my help."

"Thank you great Dwendell but I'm afraid even you can't help me here."

"What do you mean? I could transmit there. We're in, we're out. No one will notice."

"The room where Prodea left my father is in a special room. It is sealed by the Dark Arts and only a great Daomagar can destroy it. That's the rumor and even then, I can't really vouch for that information. You can't transmit inside his room. Still after then, there is a super mortal stationed outside at all times. He's been there for more than a month now, trying to guard my father so that I won't back down on my deal."

"A guard?" scoffed Karus, "That's somewhat reassuring."

"Oh no, Your Highness. He's not just any guard. He is a mortal forged by the spirits of Dim'ion."

"I thought you're referring to a Daomagar," Kayzar smiled. "Come to think of it, I think it's weird now that you're referring to a Daomagar as a Super Mortal."

"He's the by-product of the Grand Princess Prodea's Dark Magicks. They said that he can withstand any pain. He can even take the strongest blow of the strongest Daomagar and be left unscathed. They consider him a Manufactured Titan."

"Hmmmnn... a titan you say," Karus smiled wide. "That'll be a challenge."

"Even then Your Highness, even if that titan can be defeated. Many Sibara Assassins will be present there."

"Don't worry," Iyom reassured. "I will transmit these rascals to the nearest place to your father's room. We will avoid as little Sibara as much as possible. I'm not much of a fighter anyway so I'd be really careful not to get caught in a swordfight."

"Pardon?" she said confused. "Are you saying you're going to engage them yourselves?"

"Of course, what else are you thinking about?" Karus boasted.

"But, you're Nagozulian and he's..."

"We're not called the Night Hunters for nothing," Yosh laughed which brought all of his brother's surprised eyes at him.

Kayzar slapped Yosh in the nape mumbling.

"Dammit Yosh. Don't reveal our identities to other people!" Reus reprimanded crossing his arms.

"Hey, I thought she's okay? You guys told me she can take secrets."

"You are the radical group, Night Hunters?" Illyriah smiled in delight as if excited. "The one Prodea's obsessing about?"

"Yes..." Karus confessed almost irritated of Yosh's yapping mouth.

"But in the papers, it's said Yiv is with them..."

Kayzar raised his hands smiling. Which gave Illyriah a bit of a chuckle.

"You're Yiv? Let me guess, the Daomagarian Incarnate Magnus is you Grand Prince Karus since I always hear him call you that, and Grand Prince Yosh is the Elf..."

"Dwendell," corrected Iyom almost annoyed at that slur of a name.

"Oh… Dwendell. Sorry. And you, Grand Prince Reus, is the Nagozulian Man-Beast."

"What?!" Reus reacted hearing this for the first time.

"Yes, that Man-Beast that was said to have been raised by the terrifying Grog himself in the Dark Jungles of Narra. One that has incorporated the strength of the Great Beasts and have the powers of Nagozul."

"Hey! How come they're all legendary and I'm just a Man-Beast!?"

"Don't worry, Your Highness," she giggled. "He is said to have great Daomagarian strength, a muscular giant. That's why they defeated a Sibara Strike Team that easily."

"Oooh..." Yosh remembered laughing. "That... So, they attributed their defeat on some kind of a spin-around story to justify their weakness. That's just sad..."

"I didn't defeat those Strike Team. It's all Yosh."

"I can't blame them though," Yosh smiled as if forcing himself to stop bursting out laughing. "It's humiliating to admit they have been defeated by a kid like me. Now I know how the real Yiv feels. Accounts said he's six years old then but reports on failed Sibara Assassin recounted that his age range to almost forty. Now I know why they don't trust Sibaras. Now I understand the saying 'you can't trust a Sibara's tongue'."

"I'm sorry to give you this problem, Your Highness but you're all my only hope. Please save him."

"We will," Reus smiled with his comforting eyes.

"Oh no, you won't," Karus entered. "You'll stay here with her. We'll take care of Uncle Sayed at Hishma."

"What!? But you can't possibly..."

"Karus is right, Kuya-Reus," Kayzar interrupted. "You must take Illyriah here right now and take him to the north."

"Remember the clearing where Shihiku and Gramps fought?" Karus asked.

"The one you pointed out last summer? I know that."

"Well, meet us there. Iyom can leave a mark there, his violet or something."

"Yes, I can do that," Iyom concurred. "Give me the location and I will spring up a violet there. The Violet will be there for the whole day. If it shrivels that means we fail if it blooms further, then we succeeded."

"Well, don't think like that!" Yosh grumbled. "You're saying as though you have no faith in us. We broke seven fortresses without your help y'know."

"Hey, I'm just saying."

"But I'm not afraid anymore," Illyriah smiled beaming them her naturally beautiful face. "I trust you all with all my heart. I know you will succeed. So, I'll be coming with Reus and leave any time you like."

"That's the spirit!" Yosh encouraged. "Don't worry. Leave Uncle to us."

"We'll leave tonight," Reus concluded. "We'll give you time to prepare your attack at the Hishma. I'm sure you can hustle up and return to the clearing by early morn?"

"We'll be there before the sun comes up and not a minute later," Karus promised.

"Don't be foolish now," Reus laughed. "You know you can't promise anything like that. Not while you have Yosh with you."


"You heard them?"

"Loud and clear, Master."

"Those knuckleheads are unwittingly walking to a trap." Yiv turned around walking in circles scraping the ground as she goes in deep thoughts. Her two kneeling apprentice notices her smiling coupled with a few scratching of her chin. She has ultimately reached her most obvious decision. She goes around like this for about five seconds till she continued. "This can't be helped then. Are your information reliable?"

"Yes, Master," initiated Argentis, proud of her intel. "Our Daomagarian brothers are building the Hishma Fortress now. Sibara Masters and their Apprentices are teeming there. The Manufactured Titan known as Sir Haaron is there too guarding Sayed's magically encrypted room as confirmed by Illyriah."

"Yes, so Auric, a question. If they enter that fortress, most probably, in your most optimistic assessment, what will happen?"

Auric raised his head answering the self-explanatory question she's imposing. "It'll 'b a bludbat' on 'yer broders' expense, Master. Der's too many Sibara Masters supehvising Sayed's Palace. Dey'r margin' o'success is rader t'in."

"And are you sure they can't get in and out without having to engage all those Sibaran Masters? Especially the Titan Haaron?"

"Y-yes, Master. It'd 'b hard for 'em to move about 'der undetected. Most likely, dey'l 'b detected 'd minute 'dey arrive. At 'd very least, Kayzar will 'b left alive since he can go to 'd veil but his brodehs' fate is sealed. Not unless he can pull ol of'em inside which I t'ink is highly doubtful - especially in his current level o'skill."

"How about the new defensive enchantments? Argentis, what does your sources tell you about it?"

"Renovations are still taking place and I doubt that elf kid can magically transmit to the closest spot. Most probably they can press forward up to the kitchen two flights below where Sayed is - and when I mean two flights of floors, I mean almost five hundred paces long. All of the floors above there are magically sealed. Even entering the veil can be pretty tricky master. It'll be thrice as hard I bet.

"Sayed is trapped at the tower spire east of the Palace. There's a long wide hallway to him and only one door. When the door opens in the other side, Haaron will know and I assure you, they will never survive that giant, not with their level of expertise."

"Rescuing Sayed is stated in the Prophecy. It is foretold that the brothers will bring salvation to the father of the Holy Hills and now it is indeed unfolding. There is no mention of us being there, a proof that we truly are Bathala's Shadow Enforcers. We should consider ourselves blessed that Bathala has chosen us among his Holy Sentinels." Yiv smiled wide which excited them with hope. "Does it state in the prophecy that they will die early on in that date or after completion of their task, Argentis?

"No, Master."

"Auric, does it say there that they will fail given the insurmountable odds against their favor?"

"No, Master. I t'ink not."

"Then, again, my loyal apprentices, Bathala's holy words have now revealed to us the truth of our lives' purpose. It is up to us to ensure their fated success in saving the Holy Lands. I hope that you two are now seeing clearly the role you're playing in this Earth and how blessed you two are to have such a mandate as a Holy Sentinel. It is our destiny, nay our responsibility, as Bathala's children to save this land and to fulfill his bidding, to complete the prophecy, to aid them in rescuing Sayed.

"Yes Master," the two echoed in reply.

They believe they are doing the right thing, being Bathala's shadow enforcers - as Yiv would likely describe their calling, but the blood on their hands are now catching up on them. It's getting harder for them to kill people anymore with their conscience growing bigger but neither one of them wants to admit it to themselves in fear of being dulled in battle or being ridiculed by their master.

They are indeed the Legendary Shadows of Yiv after all. Their lethal combination ranks Number 10 in the Great Twelve. They are the scourge that fights so efficiently side-by-side that the council placed them at the same rank together recognizing them as a single deadly individual. One slip up from the other and they endanger each other. They sure hope now that this ends quickly so that they can lead a normal life, a life without murder, a life they can be proud to claim as theirs.

"Why are you two not rejoicing?" Yiv started walking closer to them, interrupting their lonely thoughts of retiring. She caressed their faces and gently pulled them up to stand. "You should not pity those whom you're about to slay? Truly they are your brothers and as Daomagarians we feel for the deaths of our slain brothers but do not fret. Their delusive understanding of the truth prevents them from entering Bathala's Paraiso. By cleansing them today, we prevent them from joining forces with Prodea later on where we can't save their souls any further."

"We are going to massacre all of the inhabitants of Hishma, Master?" Argentis asked full of worry.

"No, just the ones that are there about a couple of hours before my brothers arrive. Dim'ion's Magick is getting stronger in Nagozul. After this great cleansing at Hishma, Prodea will build her army, as the prophecy foretold. After then, they will have to choose a side and we know what the Sibaras will choose. It's best to eliminate them earlier on than for them to defile the Holy Lands with their twisted lies they call beliefs - on how they worship Dim'ion insulting our Father, Bathala. Before they turn into infidels, it's best we send them to Paraiso right away."

"M-master? What about 'd workers? 'Dey'v nuttin' t'do wit' d' Sibaras."

"Oh, my lumpy apprentice, Of course, we're not going to hurt them. That's why it'll be your responsibility to clear them all out. The scribes, the workers, the attendants, the few loyal soldiers of Sayed, all of those who are with Bathala. Those who do not accept Bathala, the ones who still aligns with Prodea after your warning, will perish. Now, I don't want to sound insensitive, but anyone appearing inside the Palace within that time frame, friend or foe, will die. That is the hard truth and I'm revealing it all now to you two."

"But Master, they're going to strike tonight. They'll rest for a bit and they will strike them by midnight. At least that's what Karus is planning. Their elf is making preparations to transmit Reus and Illyriah to the clearing now as we speak. We can't follow them around and warn the workers in time for our assault tonight."

"That's why I'm leaving this with Auric, Argentis. You don't have to track them as they separate their group. We know where they will go now." Yiv smiled noticing her apprentices's eyes looking down on the ground, fearful of what they are about to do which is not within the parameters of their normal operations. "Do not worry tonight, I'll be the one who'll chastise them with my Shadowless Blade. Your duty at the cleansing will be to rid of all the blood and bodies that I leave behind. Throw them into the ocean at the east, bury them, incinerate them, I do not care, as long as no soul can ever know of our participation tonight. As long as my brothers walk inside that empty Palace and rescue Sayed without a scratch, we'll be alright. We'll be making Bathala proud then."

"What about the titan, Master? Are you sure we have enough time to deal with him?"

"Oh, don't worry. Tonight, this will all be me. My duty. My responsibility. You go ahead and figure a way to clean those halls. I want it spotless for their arrival. Two hours is all I need to sanctify Sayed's Palace with my blade so our plan will be two hours before midnight."

"But Master, if I warn 'dem, 'dey might pile up 'd Sibaras guardin' 'd Palace by midnight. It'll invite more soljers present 'der."

Yiv just chuckled in delight, "The more the merrier. If they're all spawns of Dim'ion then tonight will be a wonderful day for Nagozul. I'll be doing them a huge favor, one I hope will remain a secret forever, so be sure to stash those bodies perfectly or else you'll regret failing me."

The two bowed low and before they could lift their heads Yiv started to walk away.

"W-where are you going Master?"

"To go pray for my enemies tonight," she said. "I do hope Bathala intervenes and shed some light to guide some of those wayward Sibaras. I truly care about their souls even if they are my enemies. They are our brothers still after all."

With a warm smile coming deep from her heart, she vanished dashing, heading east towards the early morning sun.


"Zeba! Where the infernal Tey'Arn have you been?!" Prodea shrieked in her room in a tiptoed fury. This has surprised Zeba so much that she has to crook her eyebrows in confusion instead of her usual cringing. "You know I can't do everything here! If only I can multiply myself I would, but I can't!"

"I had my forehead checked. I just stepped out for about an hour, what's wrong?"

"Artemus is now threatening us, that's what! He's been onto us while you're just walking around the Palace all dandy and gay!"

"What has he got to threaten us? His small army is nothing against..."

Prodea marched angrily activating her Amplifyers in frustration. "Are you really that daft? Do you want me to permanently mark your forehead?"

"No..." Zeba finally cringed stepping back a little, frightened with Prodea's aggressive charge as she raised her burning hands controlling all her might not to finalize her slap. Shoots of crackling cinders flew by in a frenzy which adds nightmare to her ever-ill-tempered attitude.

"Arrrgh! It's so hard to talk to you if you're that thick! Zeba, just so you know. Artemus is of Life Elemental, and as such he is immune to my Elemental Attacks and we can't afford him ruining our plans, not when we're finally progressing on our tracks. I don't have the energy, the resources, the force to rally against him now, now that I'm still on the verge of cleaning up your disappointing acts that besmirched my name, a master tactician and a great General. Especially after you spread all our forces thinly over the lands that led to the destruction of seven fortresses! I could only imagine the laughing faces of my detractors, and it's all because of your stupidity!"

"We have Dim'ion's Dark Magicks? We could use it against them."

Prodea laughed shaking her head as she walked to her study. "Oh, Zeba, now you're rooting for my Dark Arts? I don't know if you've changed for better or for worse. Oh wait, I remembered you're growing a conscience. You're cute and amusing then but now you're just plain irritating!"

Zeba ignored her insults and continued on point. "I'm not liking it but if you're practicing that, we might as well have some use for it."

"Oh, such domineering language! My, my. What have you become these past few days? What's next? Are you going to teach little princesses your new-found intelligence?"

Zeba felt insulted and just stared at her in serious eyes. "I'm saying we have your titan."

"Correction! Titans! We're going to have lots of them."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Yes, Zeba. As much as you abhor the fact, we're going to manufacture an army of Titans! We have no choice now."

"I thought we have one. I had him stationed there as you've plan months ago. Recall him and let him take care of all those people at the North."

"Zeba..." Prodea shook her head in disappointment pressing her temples in irritation. "If life was just as easy as that, you'll be Queen here and I have unified all the inhabitants of Earth under one Bathala. But that's not easy, now is it? It's not that easy since I'm the one doing all the heavy lifting while you're there all conscious about the marginal differences of what you think is right or wrong. This is getting rather old don't you think?"

"But he's a..."

"Zeba. Let me just say this again in one rational explanation so that I won't have to repeat it again." She paused, clasped her hands and went near her. "Are you ready?" Zeba tilted her head in confusion till she snapped at her again. "Zeba, are you ready to listen?!"

"Yes," she winced.

"A titan has a specific power generated by the individual's basic attribute. A titan is not immortal and all powerful. Sir Haaron has an indestructible skin but he can be killed and most certainly cannot take all of the Northern Forces all at the same time. Not when the North is filled with the Daomagar and Maskara Clan's Tactical Reserve, the Hundred Sword Elites, Shihiku and Grog, Artemus and his wife, not to mention their little army occupying there. Even though the Global Binding Spell is in effect, it will still be impossible to eliminate all of them there. Daomagarians are not affected by that spell as you would've noticed if not because of your miniature brain. It will be suicide unless we have the advantage."

"Send the Sibaras with him then!" she proudly exclaimed.

Prodea just rolled her eyes giving up as she scribbled a letter on her study and gave it to her.

"Take that to the Duke. And please hurry up."

"One titan is not enough? You still want to make more? But we have the Sibara on our side. We also have the Talim Clan too. Granted that they are a few but they are mighty capable. That, combined with your great powers, we could win this."

"Wow! Thanks for the flattery but you still don't get it." Prodea sighed mumbling. "It's like I'm talking to wall, Bathala help me!"

"We can't. We just can't. Creating an army requires a lot of..."

"A lot of bodies?! What do you care? I thought you only cared about the souls of the Holy Sentinels. Their slaves are none of our concern."

"But they are still lives – holy or otherwise. Thirty souls to produce a titan? There must be something that we can do other than doing that dreadful thing."

"You, of all people, growing a conscience like that, is getting disconcerting, Zeba. Of course, I considered the ramifications, but we can't be defeated. We need to transform the Duke's Knights into Titans as soon as possible. Artemus gave us six months to prepare and I would like to take all that time to manufacture as many titans as possible."

"He gave you six months?" she said with widened eyes. "Should we be worried, Prodea?"

"I AM worried. Only a fool like you would have the time to think about whether to get worried or not when our enemy is apparently planning to strike us down from quite some time now, one that you missed to see. There's a play there somewhere. He can kick me out of here with his level of skill, but he didn't. It's not like he's weak. I don't see why. There's something happening that I do not know yet and like always, I have to get that information myself because you're not that reliable after all."

"Maybe he's amassing his troops and getting organized? He might contact Deito, they are close friends after all."

"Indeed," she sat in her study scratching her chin in deep thoughts. "If I were him, I'd do that too. That's why we need to do that too, Zeba. We have to amass our troops to be ready to match his. That's why we have to manufacture a titan now!"

"But I thought one could only be performed once every new moon?"

"Yes, and have you looked at my moon calendar?"

"Oh yeah, the next new moon is two days from now."

"Stop asking stupid questions Zeba. I'm exhausted with just talking with you for minutes. I need to get my energy fast. We only have six new moons to cover which means we can't miss one."

Six hasty knocks surprised Prodea making her sigh for a bit, taking relief from her stressful talk with Zeba. Tranquility almost entered her heart, but she should've known better than to trust her capricious nature. As the doors opened slightly, an angry Eryk Caden strode quickly to her spot, uninvited and unannounced.

"Grand Princess Prodea! I can't take this any longer! You stayed at your room for far too long and now that we're two days away from my..."

Prodea raised her finger silencing him. She stood up from her chair and slowly walked to meet him. "Why are you here?"

"For my sham of a wedding of course!"

Prodea's eyes twitched in frustration looking at Zeba. She remembers having to promise that the earl be married in two month's time, but she also distinctly planned for them to marry eighteen days ago. Not only does Zeba did not follow through on her strict four-month plans, she did not mention it to her notes. She then smiled and returned to the Earl.

"I'm sorry it got delayed but good help is hard to find."

"You're not listening! I said I want to marry Lime!"

Prodea began to laugh incessantly for about a minute till she continued. "Which then I said no and quickly promised you'd be married in two months' time. It has been - what? - forty-eight days and counting right? Your marriage is two days from now which means I still have ten days by then, and would you believe it, it is in the weekends! Great news right!?"

"You're a cheat! You tricked me!"

Prodea's Amplifyers burned to their optimal states, reverberating a suffocating pulse that filled her room. The force of that impressive display of powers closed her doors shut in a mighty slam. The Earl almost tumbled down if not for his resolve.

"Do not ever speak that tone with me mortal or I will burn you where you stand! It'll be so easy for me so do not tempt me!"

"You went back on your word!"

"I did not! I told you that marrying that wretched girl is impossible in this time, so I merely changed the specifics. You're the one who wants to marry, and you gave me two months to fix it. You wanted to, I don't. You're the one to blame. You did not specify to whom, only that you'd be married within your two-month period you so pathetically call a threat."

"I-I said her, Lime, not some random..."

"Whoa!" Prodea's eyes widened laughing even harder. "Random? You're basically marrying a princess, a beautiful, beautiful princess that has been wooed by high ranking noblemen since she was just fourteen. If you compare her to your homely plain unattractive..."

"She's wonderful! She's special!"

"Oh, I thought you're going to let me finish my insults."

"Do not say one more word against her or..."

Prodea now frowned moving closer. "Or what?"

Eryk looked down, still hiding his anger grinding his teeth and mumbled. "Or I do not give you the final set of scrolls of your Dim'ion..."

Prodea walked closer and closer till she's just a foot away from him. The burning Amplifyers made tremendous heat around the air that it managed to give Eryk rolling sweats to trickle down around his face. He still won't look to her directly, fearing her powers, but he stood unimaginably firm on his ground, a feat that would be commendable in that instance considering he's a mortal directly absorbing the full weakening pulses of Prodea's fully activated Amplifyers.

"Here's what you're going to do, you pathetic mortal. I will give the hand of the finest princess this Holy Land can offer to an unworthy scrap like you. You will humbly accept and feel greatly unworthy which will then leave you to respect her with all your heart. You will go to the Altar of Bathala tomorrow and make your vows. You will love her, cherish her, and forget Lime."

Eryk's shaking lips managed to unlock. He's about to mutter his rejection but Prodea snapped at him.

"You will not have any say in the matter. Stop thinking and let me finish. You will feel blessed someone like her can stomach the fate of marrying an insignificant insect such as yourself and then you will thank me. You will then give me Dim'ion's last scrolls and we will part ways. I will give you your little land in Leonus and you will be happy. Nod and accept if this is your wish."

Eryk now looked at her directly. He's about to shout NO but Prodea's mind-reading skills are far too good for him to beat. She quickly took a tight grip on his left shoulder with her burning hands that immediately incinerated his sleeves right to his skin. Burning flesh now filled the room as he wailed kneeling before her.

"Nod and accept if this is your wish!"

An impressive fifteen seconds surprised even Zeba. A mortal like that would've fainted from the pain alone in just under five seconds but he didn't. It took him that long to agree with her and that took a toll in him with his bone almost showing amidst his charred skin. Prodea just smirked as she saw a small nod on the crying Eryk. She then walked slowly to her study and started her work.

She left him crying there for about a minute till she snarled at Zeba. "For goodness sake Zeba, get him to the Medical Casters. Have you no heart? A man is crying in front of you in pain and you're just watching. This is not a show for your amusement you demented fool!"

With that, Zeba dashed carrying her, leaving Prodea to smile in silence to what she refers to as her win. She needed to unload her frustration and it just so happens he is available.

She almost managed to be sympathetic for her harsh treatment but she just shrugged it off. He deserves it, she thought. He wants to take Lime as his bride against her will after all. That's the same as treating women as men's property and that just sickened her. They've been doing that for centuries in the foreign lands and she'll be damned if that happened to her lands.

But then she quickly remembered she's doing the same with Illyriah. Then again, she believes it's different if it is done by a royal Grand Princess temporarily carrying the Queen's seat, especially if they are securing both nation's continued friendship, and that quelled the moral conundrum she's facing. That kind of tradition is perfectly legal, in a sense. Besides, she'll be a widow early if he ever makes one stupid mistake of hurting her to get back at her actions towards him. She'll make sure of that personally and this mollified that nagging voice inside her head that she refuses to call her conscience.

“Prodea awoken in an eerie gasp that surprised even Zeba. She sacrificed ten of the souls she assimilated to live once more. Before she could attend to the disaster Zeba has created, Artemus steps up for a visit. He met with her to plea for her to change her ways but Prodea’s arrogance got the better of her as she activated her amplifiers to test his brother. Luckily for Artemus, he can maximize his elemental charge to its full potential, so the bluff worked as Prodea backed down humiliated by the fact. Artemus then gave Prodea a six-month ultimatum.

The four brothers, together with Iyom, visited Illyriah and soon found out about her situation. Angered by this, they now planned to take her away the twins, Yosh, and Iyom, rushed to the Hishma’s to save Sayed while Reus accompany her in the clearing up north in the Jungle of Narra.

Yiv found out about their mission and was deeply concerned about their success. Since they will be rushing there blind with a great chance of dying, she planned to cleanse the Hishma from the evils of Sibara before the three ever get there, proclaiming further that they are Bathala’s shadow enforcers as they provide help to aid the prophecy’s fruition.

Prodea was enraged later on finding out Zeba’s reckless acts which led to Artemus’s early visit to the palace. Their discussion grew intense ultimately leading to the conclusion of manufacturing more titans to compensate and prepare for Artemus’s six-month ultimatum. This is when Eryk Caden Shade rushed in the room and demanded to right Prodea’s incorrect wedding plans for him. Prodea finally released all her frustration on him by torturing him to submit to her will and to accept what she has offered him without contesting.”

KarusLimorcreators' thoughts