
Worship +2

He had asked boss Zheng to come because he wanted to see his superb dissection skills.

However, who would have thought that boss Zheng would not play by the rules? he did not look for the location of the cerebral hemorrhage, but directly found the thrombosis in the internal carotid artery through dissection.

"Boss ... Zheng, what do you mean?" Li zhaosen couldn't speak properly.

"The deceased suffered from carotid artery's cirrhosis, and the elasticity of the blood vessels was poor. In the process of avoiding and fighting, his neck had excessive stretching or side - bending and other strenuous activities.

It pulled the carotid artery violently in an instant, causing the membrane of the carotid artery to tear, causing thrombosis, and blocking the tube.

Acute cerebral thrombosis leads to multiple and large - scale necrosis due to blood vessel occlusis or part of the thrombosis falling off the encephalon branches of the brain tissue. "
