
Voltage ( 2 )

Lets... get going then.

- " Alright everyone, get everything packed up. Leave no material or anything behind, we wont be coming back to this land. "

" Eh-?? Come on... already back to work? "

- " Yep. We got a lot to do, might as well start now. "

][][ Scarab and I are already packed and ready to head off. We have plenty of materials such as wood and concrete stored inside our bodies. ][][

> Yep yep! I have all my nanos' ready! <

- " Great, need help packing Jotun? "

" I mean, no. The only thing I don't carry on me is usually the manuscripts you have, I can leave it behind. Better to take it directly from the source right? "

- " Of course! That's perfect anyways, we can just go and pick up Dice and Anise and then set out, simple and easy! I'll message them now... "

Send message, Dice and Anise.

| Confirmed, connecting to Dice... connection complete. |

Dice - " Good morning Cobalt, what's up? "

- " We are just getting packed up, Arch said something relating to Asi is at his base... so we are going to head over there. Wanna meet us there when you are packed or should we wait for you and Anise? "

Dice - " Uhh... sure. Wait for us, I'll help her pack up her notes... are we bringing tungston? "

- " Pfft. Nah, she will probably chill with Arch's group or something. Oh, send Edo my regards...I can't be bothered to talk to her myself, give her my old alchemy manuscript. "

Dice - " The... The Alchemy Manuscript?!? But... that's our... "

- " Hmm? "

Dice - " The... Manuscript... I kept it for so long, I thought it was... important, I even had it then... "

- " I see. Keep onto it, give her something else though... anything really. You can't go wrong. "

Dice - " Gotcha, wait for us at habit point? "

- " Habit point? "

Dice - " The biggest hill, north directly South of the blossom tree, you should be near it. "

- " Ok dokie. See ya. "

| Call ended |

All right then, now I gotta pack up my stuff.

- " Syn, could you please find the Jet I made? It should be somewhere near where I usually slept... "

][][ Confirmed. Are we going to carry it with us? ][][

- " Oh, no... I'm just going to store it in my inventory. "

][][ Alright, I'll be right back. ][][

Speaking of inventory... I could spend a small amount of time looking through that real quick...

System, Show inventory.

| Confirmed |

[ Material ] - [ 57% capacity ] - [ 70% Vile Mithril, 20% Key items, 10% Misc. ]

[ Gear ] - [ 20% capacity ] - [ ' Nebula Fantasm ' currently stored ]

[ Junk Items ] - [ 90% capacity ]

[ Quest Items ] - [ N/A ] - [ ' Origin Manifest ' ]

Everything as it should be... that item is what I got from the war event right? System.... open Origin Manifest.

| Confirmed, due to effect ' Blind ' I shall describe it to you. |

| A few weird symbols etch across a laminated paper, it is untranslatable, between such symbols is a large spiral that reflects across itself. A weird energy resonates within the paper. |

Can I interact with the energy?

| It has a similar feeling to Void energy, but also there seems to be traces of Alchemy and Desolate Energy, drawing power from this source would be potentially fatal. |

Understood, I'll keep it under wraps then for now... maybe I'll do something about that in the future.

I think I'll hold onto the trash items for now, there is no telling if I can make some form of Magic from them anyways so it would probably be best to keep them... I have all my armor and stuff on right now, only Nebula is stored... I'll give the rest of these materials I have to Scarab to see if it could do anything with it.

I dropped the piles and piles of Metal onto the dirt floor, it landed with a muted thump as the metal shimmered in the morning light.

- " Scarab, Absorb this metal please. "

> R-Really!? All this for me? <

- " Yep, enjoy. "

> Thank you! <

Jotun butted in with her own thoughts on the situation.

" Aww, Scarab is so cute. "

- " Think so? "

" Yeah, it's just like a puppy... one that can talk of course. "

Scarab immediately began tearing through the metal, scrapping off tithes of the illustrious metal while diving through the metal bars like it was a pile of money, to Scarab metal is basically food... the Mana inside absorbed directly into the little beetle, allowing it to grow and otherwise increase it's capability and intelligence. Unlike Syn, whose turrets are somewhat sentient on their own, each nano bot included in Scarab's hull is Scarab completely, they are like arms and legs to it.

When Scarab becomes fully functional according to the guide... he should be able to complete many different large and small scale tasks for me like construction or even monitoring various locations or even the vitals of me or the others. Hell, there might be a point in the future where Scarab will be able to fuse with Syn... at that point they should be completely capable of some wicked stuff.

The main reason I want this... is because they can operate mana crystals... and therefore, my types of weaponry. Eventually, I can build an array of Guns designed to hover and let Scarab operate them to hover around me and fire at opponents without my own assistance. Kinda like a personalized version of Syn... and if they fuse.... oh boy, I can't wait to find out how that interaction works.

While I was day-dreaming about all the cool stuff that could happen in the future, Jotun sighted Anise and Dice making their way over to our location... they were carrying a few duffel bags, each a star filled purple color, along with a few extra items. Anise held in her hands a few rough books that glowed a muted silver color while Dice had a 12 pack of some canned beverage... labeled... oh, Ebony. That's the stuff Tungston told me about a few days ago.

Alright, now we just gotta wait for Syn. Until then we should discuss the plan, Syn already knows and I haven't told Dice or Anise yet... so we'll be having quite an interesting conversation.

- " Good morning, Dice, Anise, I'm glad you packed up as quickly as we did... we are waiting on Syn to come so until then I'll have to tell you about what is going to happen in the future. "

Jotun - " Buckle up bitches... ya' know it's something insane when Cobalt's got a plan. "

Dice - " Very true, I wonder what it would be this time... a mad dash to the Demon Lord's castle? Elimination of the entirety of some monster population? "

Anise - " I do believe it has something to do with what Arch told him when they were alone. "

Dice - " And what's that? "

Anise - " No clue. Must be important though if we haven't heard about it. "

- " Yes... very important. Anise and Jotun have very little knowledge about this person, but Dice knows them very well... Arch told me that there was traces of that person as well as a path leading towards them. "

Anise - " Hmm... Mordova? "

Jotun - " Mom? "

Dice - " N-Neither... traces of... Asi. But she... she wasn't with the Demon Lord when he was defeated! It's obvious! They must of killed her! S-she..she can't... there is no..."

- " That is what we are going to find out. While Dice was the first to enter my party, she certainly wasn't the only one to help... the... original Cobalt to resist Crimson... she was around before I even met Arch. "

Anise - " The Flame! That was one of the locks on the door! So that's what that aspect was... jeez, and here I thought you were some pyromaniac underneath. "

- " Frankly I have no idea what you mean but... yeah, she was pretty important to me. In fact, the only reason I even considered working with Mordova was due to Asi... that lead to a lot of things... Like Jotun... and Crimson's death. "

Jotun - " So... what is Asi? "

- " Summoned Spirit. Born from my blood, created with Demonic and Holy energy, and burning with her was a desire to keep everyone happy even in the worst of situations... in many ways, she reminded me of my sister. "

Jotun - " I have a fire spirit aunt. Sick. "

Dice - " Well... she isn't his sister as of yet, there is this whole weird bullshit with players after they die... getting put into summoned spirits and what-not. Theory is, his sister became Asi. "

Anise - " Then what about his parents? "

Dice - " That's the problem I've had with that theory... it's so rare to even see such phenomena in the first place... most stories of it might not even be true, large amounts have been proven to be fraudulent and the rest haven't been proven to be true... so, how could such a things happen with so little people... yet it could happen with all of them at any time? "

Syn made his entrance at this time, carried on his back was the Jet I created... it's mana was potent and visible clearly using my techniques... and so, I aimed at it and transformed it back into a Mount Card with the System's influence. Syn seems to have overheard the last bits of our conversation and chimes in...

][][ It doesn't matter. Either way, to find out about it we will have to find her. First I believe we travel to Arch's home and see what's going on there... after that, the best option would to probably head to Morin and find some mode of transpiration... we have lots of people with us, and Cobalt isn't exactly in the best position to be creating things. ][][

- " Yes. Now, are you all ready? "

Dice - " Ready! "

Anise - " Let's get going. "

Jotun - " Yeah I'm ready, ya cheesy fuck. "

> Yep! <

][][ Confirmed. ][][

- " Great! ... uh, how are we going to get there? "

Jotun - " *sigh* Anise... warp us there with your magic or whatever... "

Anise - " Are you kidding? That type of magic is... very hard, like... even Alexander couldn't pull it off without the use of world items. "

Jotun - " Don't you have that one item? What was it... KeyStone? "

Anise - " Oh... oh yeah, I... forgot. Alright... teleportation in 3... -"

Here we go...
