

Shock! Awe!

Hey, you probably know me right?

It's me, Cobalt. Haha, did I make you think someone else was talking before? No?



Create House, oh dutiful system!

| No. |




| Ok |

Thanks. Love you system xoxo.

| ~... ~ |

Aww, I made it blush again.

Ahem, uh... house.

A nicely furnished cabin took over the place where the once broken down shack that was in the dead fields. Using a pinch of nature magic I brought the grass back to life, maximum I could do was about 18 feet of grass due to my lack of ability to produce nature Mana... I.E. I can only make Ice for the most part.

But, I guess I'm also good at manipulating poor people into doing what I want. Isn't that kinda slave labor? Nuh uh, it's Destiny!


Just saying that makes me angry, because I know for fucking certain there is a protagonist in another novel that's indulging in anything he gets because it's his destiny. I'd of course do it to, but I guess I got fucked in my mind enough times to learn a lesson.

Honestly, am I sane? I just spent what... 3 Platinum for people I never met before today... I haven't spent that much on people I sleep with!


Dice is going to kill these people if they find out... hopefully I can get them to-

" Oh, Master? What's going on here? "


- " Dice? What a lovely surprise, I was just about to message you. This girl might be the Crusader of Fire, since she needed some... convincing... I bought her family some things so she'd be more willing. "

" All I see here, is you spending money on a thief that tried to steal from you. "

- " Dice, look into her Mana. It's weird right? She's definitely not normal, and its very similar to what happened to mine after becoming a Crusader. "

" Oh, I can't see mana... i guess I'll believe you for now, if you do me a favor. I'll ask later. "

... Whew...

- " Alright then, it's getting late... wait shit I forgot! I got to give the weapons out!

System! Warp me and Everyone on the purchase list to the cherry field!

| Confirmed, Warping... |







After a bit of annoyed customers, I gave out the items I promised... they looked very satisfied though, and after warping them back... I warped myself back to the fire girl and Dice.

- " Alright, I did it... so, I'll warp you and your family to the God of Fire, make sure to tell him I sent you and how I believe your the Fire Crusader. "

" Gotcha, Cobalt. I never told you my name though right? It's Ashley. "

- " Gotcha, see ya! Tell Jujigun I said hi! "

| Warp complete |

- " Alright dice, let's head home. "

" Of course master, can I sleep next to you again? "

... sigh...

- " Sure, just make sure to keep your limbs retracted. "







Bah, humbug.

Anise wanted to climb in too, I guess she was lonely. It's... fine, there's enough room. It's not weird or anything to sleep next to two humanoid insects. It's all a part of the harem life right? hahaha... Sigh... can't I have a normal love life? Hopefully Melody doesn't get interested in th-

" Excuse me, mind if I join? "

I immediately got punished for my hubris, I thought I could raise a flag and get away. Unfortunately for me, those types of flags always come true. The bed is full though, if Melody were to join then I'd have to... wait, I can just buy a bigger bed.


| Confirmed, upgrading bed. |

Woah, upgrade? O.K.


Man, tone is all over the place huh? Well... I guess it could be worse. I could be in a novel about giant ants and hosting a funeral for one ant that died. I'm a Playboy gunslinger that don't play by the rules, so I guess it makes sense??? Ok, I'm streching it alot, but it will all be okay in the end right?

... man, even with the new beds is kinda crowded, luckily for me im sitting in the middle so I have the most blanket coverages.
