
Story III / Part VIII: Galloping Through The Crimson Sky (III)

It took all daesh to eradicate them and we are completely exhausted mentally even though we have casted many buffs to erase our physical and mental fatigue. What we need right now is a rest. However, the Guild Master forbids us from resting or slowing down because it will be dangerous for us, since we are in the enemy's territory. Also, if we are slowing down here, there will be a lot of lives that will die in vain, waiting our help.

"What a crazy experience that you had before, Leader."

Toval have said this statement more than sixty times, well after we got rid of the Wyverns and Harpies, my party members can't stop talking about my crazy experience that made me riding a Wyvern, jumping between rock pillars, running on the cliff wall and dodging the Wyvern's attacks. But the funniest thing, I still remember Guild Master and Zack's expression like they want to say, "WHAT THE FUCK" and "HOLY FUCKING SHIT" to me. I bet they will be questioning me about this over and over again. Haaah, how exhausting….

Jack drank a water, "It's evening already and 10 heverra from now we will enter the [Sixth Danger Zone]. By the way, [North Wind of Liberation] Party's Leader had asked the Guild Master to let the parties rest, but his idea was completely rejected. It's true that if we make camps here, we will face a lot of resistance or even some high-ranked Undeads. Hopefully, we can endure this journey."

"I have been horse riding for five daesh, ouch, my butt. It hurts…" Said Toval as he strokes his butt.

"I'm so jealous of the people who ride on the carriage…they can eat and sleep whenever they want…" Anna is the only woman who rides a horse with the men since she is a Warrior.

"Anna, you can join the girls in the carriage you know…" said Robert sympathetically.

"Well, I have a motion sickness. I think riding a horse is far better, Robert-san. I'm quite enjoying this, especially when we battled against those scorpions back then."

"Anna-chan, you may come here if you want, it's already evening." said Rania from the carriage.

"I'm sorry Rania-san but I must refuse. I can't use my sword inside the carriage. Wait, where did Robert-san go?" Anna glances around her.

[Companion Alberto Robert Hawk has gained 1000 EXP from killing 10 Demonic Treants] the system message popped in front of me.


"Early bird gets the worms. That's your fault for being too slow."

"Robert, you can't wander off by your own you know?" I said.

"Sorry, but careful is not my style. You do know that there are many Treants around us right? We are deep inside a dead forest. I bet Mothman or Vampire will appear."

"Ah…give me a break." Arnold sighs.

"I will report this to other party's leaders and the Guild Master."

I said as I wrote a message and sent it to them. A few moment later, there is a reply from the [CST] Party's Leader Kenzia. She said her party has taken down one Mothman and one Vampire.

Well, a Vampire…as I recall, I have killed tons of them in the past during our party mission to Xiantian Land and [Land of The Dead]. I forget the one in Xiantian was called "Jiang Shi" or "Jiang Xhi" but they literally just a Zombie that sucks on your blood, and not a Vampire. They once bit Robert, and me, but they burned into ash instead. Yeah, unlike normal Vampires that have high [INT] STAT, those guys didn't possess high [INT] STAT, so they still don't know that most Vampires tend to avoid sucking from the blood of Elves and Fairy because it contains a lot of divine mana from The Maker, Dragon Gods, and Earth Mother, as their creator.

I heard some of them had evolved into intelligent species after [Rain of Isis] occurred at the end of A.E.V I, and the community also has accepted them as an independent race. But if I remember again, those guys were quite funny, jumping around and doing Xiantian special Martial Arts called "Kung Fu", but all of their attacks missed. So, they hit a wall or tombstone instead. It's really different from the Vampires that I met inside [Land of The Dead]. Those guys were life-threatening monsters that will attack you with coordinated attacks and ridiculous magic. But for Mothmen, these monsters are remnants of Moth Demi-Human that evolved during the end of A.E.V I after the [Rain of Isis]. They can use illusion magic and they release harmful powders that have different effects both mentally and physically. But it easy to kill them if you can attract them to a light or use bug repellant to them. Vampire, Treant and Mothman all have B- threat rank.

"You are right Robert." I said to him reluctantly.

"I know right?" I ignore his remark and open a party wide broadcast.

I commanded all my party members to anticipate an ambush from Mothmen and Vampires, and keep watching their surroundings. I warned them about Treants that disguised as normal trees. I prevent the Vanguards and Scouts from riding too near the forest in order to avoid Treants' AoE (Area of Attack) range since they can use [Instant Kill] Skills or Magic. I also reminded them to kill The Treants with one hit attack to avoid being left out from the formation and to save up the time. If they can't finish them in one hit, just leave them alone and continue the riding. I asked Priests, Healers, Druids, Sages, Paladins, Champions and Clerics to be on their guard and protect the carriages and their comrades with their [Divine] Magic or Skill. I didn't forget to ask them to command and guide anyone who wants to take down the Treants. Lastly, I ordered all party members to activate their skills and abilities for a long night fight.

"Excuse me. This is Julio from Paladin Riders, My Lord, are you sure about that?"

"Yes. You have my word and permission. But don't act rashly on your own and stop calling me "My Lord".

"Affirmative, I'll command my men, My Lord" I sighed heavily, really…this man wouldn't back down at all even after being told.

"This is Zikiya from Priest Squad, Ishizaki-sama, should we cast [Miracle Eyes] on everyone?"

"Yes, and please stop adding "sama" at the back of my name."

"We shall do so, Ishizaki-sama." This woman also wouldn't back down either.

"Yavia Druid's Squad Leader here, dear leader. I ask thee not to kill the Treants since they are part of nature."

"Hey, do not hear any request from a Tree-worshipper. She wants the Treants to kill us." Khazim replied with mocking tone to Yavia.

"I mean no harm to all of you. If you are kind and merciful to nature, they will also kind and merciful to you."

"Yeah, I'll be kind to the Treants, I'm sure we will have new place called "home" inside them. Surely, they will be thankful for a food donation from everyone's meat here. Don't you think so Tree-worshipper?"

"Children of Gaia and Earth Dragon Gods, I didn't say to let the Treants eat you. I mean to—"

[Companion Alberto Robert Hawk gained 10.000 EXP from killing 100 Demonic Treants]

The system message popped in front of me again, now with more EXP as everyone is looking at Robert who is riding on the right side of the carriages. Everybody is looking at Robert with disbelieve at what he just did

"…what?" Robert said nonchalantly with a straight face

"That's pretty racist ya know Dark Elf boy…" Said Khazim to Robert, but I think he doesn't understand what Khazim means.

"HUAHAHAHAHAHAHA…!" I heard Tim and Rania's laugh from broadcast.

Well, Yavia and her squad members are a group of Healers that followed the Earth Mother and The Dryads as their Third Patron Deity and Guardian. If I'm not mistaken, The Dryads' teaching is to be "kind to nature, and they will be kind to you in return", which sounds stupidly ridiculous for me. I agree on the parts of their teaching that said, "Do not harm the nature or you will be suffering for the rest of your life" since there were many cases of misfortunes that happened in the world because you are destroying the Mother Nature. But it sounds freaking ridiculous if you apply that prestigious teaching to plant monsters, that are created after absorbing huge amount of natural mana or demonic mana. I also really want to know did Gaia, as The Earth Mother really wants her followers to die in the stupidest way? But I can't throw this question to Yavia or Zikiya, because they will "roast" me alive or "purify" me in the gentle word.

Last time, Toval made a statement like this, "Why Mother Oceania, as The Ocean Mother doesn't wear a bikini since she lives in the ocean? It's ridiculous to wear a long dress when you live underwater and—"

Yavia and Zikiya suddenly grab his shoulders, their face might be smiling at him, but their eyes weren't showing the same expression like their smile did. Yavia said, "Excuse me, what the fuck?"

Zikiya followed her, "Oh no! Toval-san's brain has been corrupted by Lust Demon Gods' power! Yavia-san, we need to PURGE HIS BRAIN AND SOUL. HE IS APPROACHING A HERESY."

They called their squad and dragged Toval into a room and until now, I don't know what happened to him, he just said, "I don't want to talk about that" with nervous and scared expression. Meanwhile, Yavia and Zikiya are smiling behind him as if nothing happened. After that, I keep my guard up when talking to both of them.

"Now, now Yavia-san hears me out. Everyone can freely hunt them if they attacked us. Don't you think they endanger other travelers here?" I think a little reasoning statement is enough to shut her mouth.

"Fine…if that's our Kaichou-sama's wish, I'll not oppose it."

(The heck is "Kaichou-sama" ("Lord Leader")?!)

Rania patted her head, "That's a good girl, Yavia-chan! Kaichou loves good and obedient girl you know?"

"Men really love submissive and timid girl eh? How manly. I too, love them but I prefer persistent but foolish one. You know how the sensation is when you break them from inside and make them hopeless, making them fall into despair? Ufufufufufu…" she keeps grinning while continuing her wild fantasy.

(Damn, Rania-san is a sadist right down to her core. It's best to stay on her good side) I shudder as I think about Rania sentences. Well, it's a good thing not to get involved with her fantasy any further.

"Hey! No one here wants to hear yer fetish. You damned pervert spider!" yelled Khazim.

"…and no one here wants to hear an argument from tiny talking annoying pebble." She replied.

Well, it's normal for Khazim and Rania to bickering like this. To be honest, I'm glad they get along each other because it can raise cooperation and friendship level. But if they keep teasing each other like this, I'm afraid someday they will start hurting each other or fighting because a simple "tease".

"Cut it off you two! It's very impolite to harass each other! You aren't allowed to mock another person's face and body that created perfectly by The Maker Himself!"

Khazim and Rania looked at each other and Khazim say, "What's wrong with this God's lapdog?"

"Dunno, maybe something hit her he—"



Yeah, Arnold sure is pissed off on how many times Guild Master used this magic to scream or shout. I quickly ordered my party members to turn off carriage' lamps and commence the "Night Hunt Operation" right now.

The sky is already dark, and now it becomes even darker because we need to turn off the lamp to avoid attracting both Mothmen and Vampires at us. It's not like we are afraid to them, but we don't have any energy to spare since that shitty Wyverns' attack on the canyon. We just want to rest and recover our mana and stamina for the next daesh challenge. Meanwhile, The Mothmen and Vampires don't give you very valuable materials even though they are a B- Rank Monsters, except if you hunt the higher species of them, and we aren't tight in money either. I hope we can just pass this road safely without any fighting….

[Companion Alberto Robert Hawk gained 200 EXP from killing 1 Mothman]

(…Ah shit, here we go again)

I am kind of pissed off because Robert engaged a battle without thinking about his exhausted comrades. Yes, I permitted everyone in the party to engage a battle whenever they want or when they are in danger, but most of them have decided to rest and take this night easy without any battle. I can also hear Arnold's angry sigh after that message appeared in our [Status Screen].

I wrote something very quick and sent it to every party member. I wrote what I thought earlier and as I expected, not everyone wants to engage battle and choose to rest instead. Even Luna, Toval, and Tim who are usually obsessed in squeezing every single drop of EXP from the enemies decided to stay low and hidden tonight. But their safety, especially the riders, are still my responsibility even though I don't want to bear it. I commanded The Archers to do "silent hunt" whenever they encounter a Mothman or Vampire that are approaching the carriage and they agreed without saying a word. They proceed to follow my instructions. It seems both Robert and Arnold have confronted two Mothmen and took them down already.

".....!" I take down one with my arrow and then Jack followed it.

"Good Lord, Tim hasn't fired his magic with ridiculous power is somewhat wrong and unsettling…"

"Don't worry he is sleeping right now. But if he did that, Robert, Rania-san, Arnold-san, Abel-san and I will punish him all day long. He had tasted "that hell" long time ago.

"Heh…it sure brings good memory Leader." Jack released his arrows and three Mothmen fall from the sky.

Through the night, I assisted Jack and other Archers pining down the Mothmen. The other party members that have [Light] Elemental Attribute Spells or Skills used their [Divine Arts] according to my order if necessary, has hunted down ten Vampires. We kept riding until the Sol emerges from the horizon. We have been fighting all night long and as the sunlight shines, I felt relieved that we are able to survive the night.

Arnold shakes his head, "I'm beat, I can't sleep at all…even though I have enchanted ourselves with various buffs of strengthening magic, but my body still feels tired somehow."

"Yeah, it's natural. Normally, we eat and sleep in regularly every day. Our body has a system called "clock" to "control" the activities of our internal and external organs. If it is disturbed by forcing ourselves to stay awake for a week with little food, then our brain can't handle the stress. Please endure it a little longer, Arnold-san."

"It's a good thing if someone has [Dragon Gods' Blessing] and [Earth Mother's Blessings], don't you think so?"

"Yes Jack, in fact I'm a Holy Elf, these blessings will refresh my mind and body as long as I get in touch with light. For Robert who is a Dark Elf, he is at his peak when the light disappears from Gaia. Meanwhile, Arnold you are a Terra Elf and Jack is Sylph Elf, I hope both of you can touch the ground to recover your [Status]."

"Hah…I wish I could…" Arnold sighs as he looks to the ground.

"Windy weather is enough to refill my mana and refresh my body. When galloping at full speed like this, my blessings automatically activated by their own and I don't feel any fatigue at all." Jack smiled happily.

Arnold sighed, "Damn you…"

I chuckled after hearing that. We continue our riding to north as the Sol rises from the horizon.
