
EPISODE 158: Seven Sages and the History of Laurenburg (Bonus Chapter)

Note: [This is just to avoid confusion about the history of the Laurenburg region. The Seven Sages of Laurenburg is different from the Seven Sages of Team Plasma.]

Darkness filled the universe as the fabric of space is baptized. In the beginning, there was nothing but twilight. No world, no planet, no stars, and no life. In this dark universe, where shadows spread across every corner, lies a dawn of a new era, the dawn of a new world.

From the dwelling darkness, lies one egg, an egg that will soon govern the whole universe. From a frigid universe to the universe we now know today, it was all thanks to the egg, which gave salvation to the light.

Arceus was known as the first Pokemon. He came before the ancient Mew, since DNA didn't exist back then. Arceus saw the fabric of darkness. His creative mind formed Time, Space, and Matter. Three Pokemons were appointed Gods of these three participles, Palkia of Space, Dialga of time, and Giratina of matter.

Arceus then created Azelf, Mesprit and Uxie; the spirits of willpower, emotion and knowledge respectively. At this early time, Mew the ancestor of Pokémon, appeared in the universe. After creating the Pokemon Earth, Arceus went into an eternal sleep.

After Arceus' creation, Groudon, embodiment of the land; Kyogre, embodiment of the sea; and Rayquaza, embodiment of the sky; were born. They are sometimes unofficially known as "the weather trio", as each of these Pokémon possess weather-changing abilities. The clash of these three Pokémon was said to have created much of the Earth's surface. Mt. Coronet was created at this point of time as Regigigas moved landmass to form continents and regions. Stark Mountain and Heatran were also created at this time.

Many years after, the prehistoric era began and the first prehistoric Pokémon came into being. The games state that scientists proved that prehistoric Pokémon roamed the land, as Fossils and other paleontological remains have been found to contain the DNA of Pokémon. The Mew population on the planet may have decreased at this stage, as they slowly gave way to other Pokémon species.

Years before Arceus entered eternal sleep, he banished Giratina to the Pokemon Distortion world for mixing matter with anti-matter.

The Earth was filled with many regions, and the most violent out of all was the Laurenburg region. From ambitious fools, too selfish desires, greed roamed the entire region, starting from, the rise of Niurs. Arceus woke up due to the plea of sins and greed, he descended from the Earth and banished the emperor for good, which soon become the bearer of the seven rings. Who could this bearer be?!

Two groups divided after the fall of Niurs, the Ceruleans, and the Azures. The Azures would soon become a powerful kingdom which continued to divide until numerous kingdoms formed, while the Azures established a town, known as Enkephalos. The Azures became rich with knowledge and wisdom while divide and conquer was being held outside.

7 men belonging to the Azures, would soon bear great wisdom. There are were wizards in real life, only knowledge and wisdom. These 7 men were able to use their wisdom and knowledge on shape-shifting and age manipulation. They were able to create seven stones, one for each. The stone, when held, has the power to manipulate a person's age, which could turn anyone into a kid or even an adult. From these seven stones, their goal to shape-shift was also achieved.

Each sage can shape-shift into any Pokemon with the use of the stone, depending on the stone's type. Fowler was the aquatic sage, he can shape-shift into any water-type Pokemon.

From shape-shifting and age manipulation, to wizardry and witchcraft. The first and only wizards of this world was born. They mastered the art of curse and blessing, they could bless anyone or curse anyone with either a death or a blissful fate.

These sages became curious about the outside world, so they decided to leave Enkephalos and discover what lies beyond reaches and deserts? What lies over hills, mountains, and seas. Soon, these sages met countless kingdoms that feared them for their wizardry and witchcraft. Even if they meant no harm, most kings and queens ordered their heads to be cut off.

This is where the sages saw the greed and selfishness of the world. War broke loose everywhere they would go as knights searched for the seven sages.

One king was able to capture a sage, by the name of Casper. The kingdom noticed, that by the use of the stone, they could shape-shift into any Pokemon or even manipulate a person's age. The king ordered Casper to be executed and kept the stone for himself.

The remaining six sages, decided to split and hide in order to protect the remaining stones. One of them was Fowler, who soon ended up in the kingdom of Aulmurus during the time of King Darwin.

The other sages were found and killed, as the kings of other kingdoms grew powerful and ambitious with their stones. Only two sages remained. One of these two sages was no other than Fowler, who would soon avenge his brothers by tearing apart kingdoms.

The stolen stones were used by these ambitious kings. They were able to shape-shift into any Pokemon depending on the type. With the 5 stones under the hands of evil, the region grew chaotic as kingdoms fought to claim the stones.

Arceus saw the chaos happening from above and descended to the region. Fowler, would soon be arrested and killed alongside with the last sage months later.

The seven stones created by the seven sages fell into the hands of evil, as the kings used it for their selfish deeds. Arceus got angry and decided to burn the seven kingdoms which wielded the seven stones.

Arceus decided to put the stones into good use. Instead of shape-shifting, these stones formed into the evolution stones that we now know today.

-Ice Stone

-Thunder Stone

-Fire Stone

-Leaf Stone

-Water Stone

-Dusk Stone

-Dawn Stone

Arceus multiplied the stones and unleashed them throughout the world. Soon, the Earth was bountiful with these evolution stones.

As time passed by, countless wars took place only in the Laurenburg region. Kingdoms fought against kingdoms, until only one remained. The Aulmurus kingdom was one of the last eight kingdom standing, under the leadership of the first champion named Athena.

Athena was only a young girl, with no aspirations for conquer. She made the Aulmurus kingdom safe and peaceful. Those kingdoms which dared to fight against her kingdom would soon crumble thanks to the cooperation of the people.

Athena gathered the remaining eight kingdoms and proposed the treaty of peace. The treaty was successful, as these kingdoms would soon prosper and grow. Eight kingdoms turned into eight cities, which we know now today. The Eight cities cooperated with each other under one queen. The Laurenburg region was formed under the rule of Champion Athena and her four supervisors which would soon be called 'Elite Four'

-Norva city

-Macropolis City

-Photia-heart City

-Silvent City

-Fantasma City

-Aulmurus City

-Glacevelt city

-Dracovolt city.

The queen started to fell ill at the age of 76. She lived a good and prosperous life. The whole region started to baffle as they tried to think of who will rule the whole region next.

"I have lived a good life, and I have not planned any successors. To decide my successor, I have made a decision to start a competition under the hands of the Pokemon League Association. (Now it is called Pokemon League Company)

Eight Cities, eight leaders. Trainers or citizens must compete against these eight leaders to claim a badge. Once the badge has been claimed, all the bearers of the eight badge will soon fight. The victor of the match will challenge me and my four advisers. If he or she wins against me and my four advisers, then he or she will be crowned the new ruler of Laurenburg. The new champion." Athena instructed and announced.

From that day on, the eight leaders rose, which would soon be called (Gym leaders). People started to compete for these badges as they aim to become the next champion. These people were now known as trainers. Those who collect eight badges would soon take part in the Pokemon League, as supervisors became Elite Fours.

A new champion rose after the first Laurenburgian League. Every year, the league repeats. Some years were lucky, because a new champion has been appointed, while some years were not as some of the league victors lost against the Elite Four or the champion.

This when Laurenburg turned into an official region. A competitive region filled with strong and profound trainers. Since then, no one fought for positions until the rise of Arville and team Chaos.

"On my left I hold the betrayed, on my right I hold their ambitions!" Arville's motto uttered in the minds of the members of Team Chaos. Chaos stopped by a queen now baptized by a fallen king.

A new dawn, a new life, and a new journey for the people of Laurenburg. History thought Athena about the past, the mistakes of war and chaos, the rise of greed and selfishness. Athena chose the right decision among all kings, she filled her chapter with peace and treaties, things that men couldn't do.

History thought to Athena, that the more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future. Those who do not know about history are destined to repeat it.

Only time will tell who will turn the final page...
