
EPISODE 141: Will of Steel, Heart of Gold!

A win against the Pokemon Tag Battle Frontier is another step towards being a Pokemon Master. My first trophy has finally been achieved, a symbol gained from the product of fire and tribulation. One more day remains, before the Festival of the Beast finally begins, this day will surely be a remarkable one... I still plan to look for gifts for my friends, it's almost Yuletide anyways.

"Bye Glade, Kalem. I and Camellia have some important businesses to take care of." Zhery greeted as the both of them rushed outside the room with hurry and suspiciousness.

"Hey wait... where are you guys going?" I questioned.

"Just somewhere... you don't need to know, so... goodbye!" Zhery beamed with sarcasm and slammed the door.

"Jeez... what's up with those two?" Glade sighed and questioned.

"I don't know... come on Glade, we still need to find gifts remember?"

"Oh right... I forgot about that, come on let's go!" Glade stood up from his chair and beamed with excitement.

Just like the girls, we rushed outside the room, but of course... we didn't slam the door unlike what girls usually do when they're in a rush.

It's going to be a busy day today, dozens or maybe even hundreds are in the Pokemon Mart and the old fashioned Japanese department store, everybody would be buying gifts for their friends, families, and loved ones for the last day of the festival, and the first day of Yuletide.

"Looks like the Pokemon Mart is jam-packed with people," Glade uttered with disappointment.

"Why not try the department store? Maybe there are fewer people there?" I suggested.

While walking to the Pokemon Department Store, we passed by at the Enju plaza. A lot of food stalls can be found, as well as souvenir shops. The Plaza was packed with people and Pokemon, going through the plaza is like walking in a foggy forest.

Something caught me and Glade's attention. A crowd gathered near the battle temple. They were being entertained by two trainers battling with their Pokemons.

"The match goes to Pokemon Bag Catcher Joey!" the referee announced. The people clapped their hands and cheered Joey's name while the other trainer wept and left with his Heracross.

"I'm getting tired... Is there any good trainer out there with a serious bug type Pokemon!?" Joey boasted. The other trainers were scared to battle his strong Pinsir.

"Hey! I want to battle." Me and Riolu beamed with excitement and determination as we shouted to the crowd. The crowd began to look at us, it was like time has stopped, and there... Joey smiled with arrogance.

"Kalem... what are you doing!? We came here to find a gift for the festival and not to battle trainers." Glade whispered softly with embarrassment.

"Come on Glade, just a little detour won't hurt anybody right? Just a quick battle and we can continue!"

"Ohh Fine! Just hurry up." Glade facepalmed and sighed.

"Hey you? What's your name trainer?" Joey questioned.

"My name is Kalem, and I'm from Aulburg town! I want to challenge you!"

"You do know you can only use bug type Pokemons right? Do you even have one?"

"Of course I do! I have a strong Scyther waiting to debut in front of you!"

"Hehe... alright then Kalem, I accept your challenge. Battle me with all your might!" Joey smiled and grinned as I walked towards the little bug catcher.

"This match will be a one on one Pokemon battle. The battle ends when either side no longer has a Pokemon to battle with!" A little lass, who appears to be Joey's friend instructed and announced.

"Please send out your Pokemons!" The young lass instructed.

"Scyther... Come out!"

"Pinsir, you know what to do!"


"Alright, let the battle begin!"



"Scyther, use X-Scissors!"

"Pinsir use Seismic toss right now!"

*Pinsir held Scyther's scythe and threw him to the sky! The crowd and I were in awe with Pinsir's amazing power.*



"Hehe... Now use Vise-Grip on Scyther!"

"Scyther, quick... use double team!"

*Scyther sent out multiple copies of himself. His evasiveness rose as the foe's accuracy fell.*

"Scyther, now use Brick break!"

<Scythe! Scythe!>Scyther jumped to the sky with his multiple copies, as the attack comes close to Pinsir, his multiple copies slowly dispersed.



"Quick Scyther, use X-Scissors again!"

"Pinsir, use Guillointine and end Scyther quickly!"

"What!? Pinsir can use Guillointine!?"

"Well duh! Look at your Pokedex, you're a trainer right?" Joey mocked.



"Hehe... your Scyther lost! It's just like the other Bug type Pokemons, a weakling!" Joey mocked.

"Of course not! Scyther is one of my strongest Pokemon."

"Then that means you're a weak trainer! Thanks for wasting my time." Joey beamed boastfully as Scyther walked closer to me with a sad face and teary eyes.

"My Pinsir is the strongest bug type Pokemon! No one can defeat me and Pinsir." Joey boasted.

"As for your Scyther... It's extremely slow and boring to watch. Haha!"


Joey's words made Scyther recall the memory he had with Krill. The time he was treated unfairly, and the time Krill mocked him. Scyther's feelings were pierced by Joey's words.

"Scyther... don't cry, we'll still improve!" I knelt down in front of my Scyther and rubbed his tears away.

"Joey is right... I'm weak, If I was strong I should've withstood that Guillointine." Scyther uttered solemnly.

"No he's not, you're a strong Pokemon! Don't lose confidence. We won many matches together, we won many achievements, they prove how strong you are!"

"I'm sorry... but I might let you down again Kalem." Scyther wept harder and ran away from me.

"Scyther wait! Don't leave, we can... Scyther!" I beamed and shouted with worry.

"Hey, Kalem... I think it's time to evolve Scyther." Glade came forth and suggested.

"Evolve? Who can I trade with... Scammers are everywhere you know."

"Your friends aren't scammers! Let me trade with you, and soon... your Scyther will evolve, once that happens I'll trade him back. You can trust me."

"Thanks Glade... but, I should ask Scyther first if he wants to evolve. I can't force a Pokemon to evolve, that's also part of abuse. Let's go find Scyther shall we?"

"Of course! Come on Kalem, let's go to the woods and find Scyther!"


On a foggy and icy area of the woods lies Scyther, training hard and tough. Every tree he saw, he chopped down with his X-Scissors. Every Pokemon he saw, he dared to fight, as tears slowly fell off from his eyes.

"I have to prove to Kalem that I deserve to be with his team!" Scyther uttered to himself as he chopped down a tall pine tree, and fought with innocent Caterpies. The Caterpies were just eating the leaves, but Scyther destroyed all of them... Literally.

Scyther remembered the Pinsir which glared to his eyes, defeated him in two moves, and destroyed his reputation. He dares to have a rematch against that filthy Pinsir.

"Scyther! Scyther!" Me and Glade called from the distance. Scyther heard our voices, he stopped for a moment and gasped for air.

"Scyther! There you are! We've been trying to look for you!" I beamed with relief as I rushed towards Scyther. His eyes were sparkling with tears as he rushed closer to meet.

From a point, the two of us met. We hugged each other tightly while Glade gasped for air. "You don't have to run Kalem!" Glade uttered softly while gasping for air.

"Scyther... don't run off like that, I've missed you," I uttered solemnly while hugging Scyther.

"I thought... that you would release me just like Krill because I was too weak, so I decided to train by myself and show how strong I really am." Scyther explained as tears flowed from his eyes and through my back.

"Scyther... I never release my Pokemons. Even if it is a Magikarp or a Feebas because I believe that any weak beings can be molded into strong beings. All we need is determination and passion!"

"How can I become stronger?"

"I was thinking... if you want to evolve. If you don't wish to evolve, it' fine by me, I can still train you, but if you wish to evolve, I can help you."

"Will I become stronger if I evolve?"

"Yes, but... someone once told me that the most important ingredient in battling is the bond between people and Pokemon, even if you don't evolve, you can be strong. So... do you still want to evolve?"

"Y... Yes! I want to evolve. I want to have a rematch against Pinsir too!" Scyther beamed with determination.

"Are you sure about your decision? You can still change your mind while it's not too late."

"I've made my choice! I want to evolve into a stronger being. Let me evolve Kalem!" Scyther beamed with excitement.

The three of us went back to Enju town. In the old fashioned Pokemon Center, lies one of the town's few technology. The trading machine! A rectangular steel machine with a small screen in front, and two funnels in the side.

"Scyther... do you wish to change your mind?" I questioned.

"No! I've got this Kalem... I'll hold the metal coat." Scyther beamed with determination.

"Here is the metal coat. Hold it tight and I will send you back to your Pokeball. The metal coat will be absorbed with you, so you may feel kinda slippery inside." I instructed and gave the metal coat I saw in the temple of the Unowns.

Scyther held the metal coat with his two Scythes, without further ado... I sent Scyther back to his Pokeball, and the metal coat came with him.

"Alright Kalem... I'll be sending Wartortle to you. After Scyther's evolution... Send Wartortle back."

"No problem Glade you can count on me!" I smiled with relief and reassurance.

We placed the Pokeballs on either side of the machine. The metal coat has been melted inside Scyther's Pokeball, as we trade... Scyther will absorb the metal coat and evolve into a new Pokemon.

"Alright... all we have to do is to flip that lever. Mind doing the honors?"

"Me? Why?"

"Well... Scyther is your Pokemon after all. Go ahead Kalem, flip the lever!" Glade instructed.

I flipped the red lever and the screen turned on. Scyther's silhouette was seen on the left while Wartortle's silhouette was seen on the right. The Pokeballs got sucked inside the funnel as a nice little sound effect played like those in the original Pokemon games.

The two Pokemons slowly swapped sides together with their Pokeball, one minute later... Wartortle's Pokeball fell at my side, while Scyther's Pokeball fell at Glade's side.

"Good job, it's a success! Scyther... Come out and evolve!" Glade tossed Scyther's Pokeball to the sky. Scyther came out of its Pokeball looking shiny and white.

Scyther began to glow even brighter as it slowly got taller. It was developing two pinchers like the one's one Kingler and Crabby. Scyther's green color faded away as a shiny red coating covered Scyther's skin.

<Scizor! Sci!>My newly evolved Pokemon beamed with determination as the glow surrounding him disappeared.

"Scan him later Kalem... now, Scizor return to your Pokeball!"

The trading process was repeated again, I sent Wartortle back and Glade sent Scizor back to me. Scizor's Pokeball looked lustrous than ever, as a bug type seal formed in the Pokemon's Pokeball.

"Great Kalem... Wartortle is doing fine, about your Scizor?" Glade questioned and checked.

"Riolu, mind doing the honors of throwing Scizor's Pokeball?"

"Sure Kalem!" Riolu beamed with excitement and tossed Scizor's Pokeball to the sky. Scizor descended down to the ground with his robotic looking body. His eyes met mine, and hugged me tightly again.

"Congratulations Scizor... You've finally evolved!"

"Now let's go defeat Joey and his Pinsir!" Scizor beamed with determination.

"Hold up Scizor... I still have to scan you! Irys, that's your cue!"

[Scizor! The Pincer Pokemon! A Bug and Steel-type. A SCIZOR has a body with the hardness of steel. It is not easily fazed by ordinary sorts of attacks. It flaps its wings to regulate its body temperature.

Scizor currently knows four moves:


Iron Head

Vacuum Wave

Flash Cannon]

"Neat... you have a nice moveset Scyther Although, I wished that double team and Sword dance was still with you. Come on Glade, Riolu... Let's go challenge Joey again!" I beamed with excitement and determination.


"*Yawns* Is no one tough enough to defeat my Pinsir!?" Joey boasted. The crowd were worried and scared to lose, Joey defeated more than a dozen of trainers already.

"Hey Joey! Remember me!?" I called from the distance.

"Oh? It's Kalem and his white-haired friend! How's it going?" Joey questioned sarcastically.

"Why does everyone call me white hair!?" Glade beamed with frustration.

"I want a rematch! Me and Scizor have improved."

"Eh? Evolution means nothing! Scizor is still that lame old Scyther!" Joey mocked.

"Come at me then! Or are you scared to lose?"

"I've never said that! Fine, I accept your rematch."


"The rematch between trainer Kalem and bug catcher Joey is about to begin! Each shall use one Pokemon each. The battle ends when either side no longer has any Pokemons to battle with." The young lass announced and instructed.

"Scizor... show Pinsir your true Power!"

<SCIZOR!>The Pokemon beamed with rage and determination while glaring at Pinsir.

"Pinsir, win this again for me!" Pinsir leaped into action.




"Pinsir, use Guillointine!"

"Scizor, dodge it then use Flash Cannon!"

<Sciz!>Scizor dodged the attack swiftly. His swiftness when dodging was like teleportation, one second ago he was in front of Pinsir, and after one second he was behind. Scyther's speed rose sharply, or extremely in this case.



"What!? Flash Cannon isn't a one-hit K.O move." Joey beamed with surprise.

"I know, but me and Scizor trainer hard! His speed was excellent, you saw how he dodged your Pinsir's attack swiftly just like teleportation. Sorry to break your streak!" I uttered sarcastically.

"Hmph! I won't forget this, come on Ashley... let's go home!" Joey uttered with frustration and ran away from the crowd, he was too embarrassed to be seen again.

"Great work Scizor, your speed was amazing and your attack rose sharply!" I complimented while hugging my Scyther... I mean Scizor, very tightly.

The crowd began to cheer for me and Scizor. He was happy to defeat that Pinsir in one move. His determination boosted his power by 101%

"Come on Kalem... We still need to find gifts remember?"

"Oh right! I got caught off! Come on Scizor, we have to move quickly!" I beamed with worry and hurry!

Scizor's will to win is strong as is steel, as his heart was strong as gold. A new evolved Pokemon, has become stronger and faster... What journeys with Scizor awaits us? The answer's to come as the journey continues...
