
EPISODE 113: Haunted Horrors!

<Dusskkkkkkk!>The Pokemon uttered with a frightening tone as its one red blood moon eye reflects over the brown birch door.

"Don't look behind Riolu..." I uttered while shivering in fear. I was hugging Riolu tightly to protect it from the Pokemon behind us.

"Wh... what should we do!?" Camellia queried while sweating heavily.

"We have no choice... run and leave the room!" Glade suggested while slowly holding the golden doorknob.

<Duskkkknooooiiiirrrr!>The Pokemon uttered with a frighting tone, we were too scared to face the Pokemon, we ran outside the room again.

<Hauhahahaha!><Ghahahahaha!><Gengheheheheh!> The three mischievous Pokemon began to chase us. They can pass through any object, any wall, and even through liquid!

"Don't look back, just run!" Glade instructed. The piano produced a striking melody, there were red blood droppings on the carpet, and footsteps roamed the sleepless mansion of Ms. Wendy.

As we run through the hall, the candles placed on golden candlesticks began to lit up a violet flame.

<Litwick!>The candles talked with a dark and spooky voice. The giggles and laughter of the three ghost Pokemons were getting louder as well.

"Don't mind the talking candles, we have to look for an exit!" Zhery uttered with sweat running through her veins.

Our hearts pounded faster while rushing through the grand staircase of Ms.Wendy's mansion. Zhery was right, who lives on their own in a mansion anyways!?

"I can see the door to the exit!" Glade pointed while rushing towards a brown birch door, with a spot of silver lining. It was raining violently at that time, the winds blew to the east, and the lightning crashed down to earthly soil.

Glade was about to open a door, when suddenly a silhouette of a tall man with a feathery hat opened the brown birch door.

"More ghosts!?" Zhery uttered with fear.

We left the brown birch door which was supposed to lead us to the exit. Running with our spirits was our only hope. For some reason, the three ghost Pokemons stopped chasing us. We hid behind the counters of Ms.Wendy's kitchen. I could hear my heartbeat, I was sweating gravely while holding my dearest Riolu.

Pots started to bang which produced a tingly noise. The noise irritated the four of us while hoping that whoever was doing it, won't find us.

Two red eyes appeared in front of us, its body was turning murky black. A skull grew from its face which made "it" look fearsome.

<Duskull?>The Pokemon uttered and tilted its body.

I and my friends were frightened by its voice, we figured to run out of the counters and rush to a new safe place.

"Ouchhh!?" I accidentally bumped Riolu's head on the counter while scrambling out of the red eye's sight.

"Sorry Riolu, we have to run!" I apologized shortly while massaging his head.

Our brains weren't functioning well, all it knows is run and hide. We met two halls, one led to the right and the other to the left.

This is where the four of us accidentally split up. We didn't know that we didn't follow each other's path due to fear crumbling our spines.

"Where's Camellia and Kalem!?" Zhery queried and gasped for air while hiding in a small wooden room. This room was filled with hats and statues, add lightning to that, and you have the perfect ingredient to a horror movie.

"They must've gone to the right side." Glade hunched while gasping for air.

"Don't look back Camellia!" I instructed while the both of us run to safety.

We didn't know that the Pokemon wasn't chasing us after all, it was just wondering why we were under the counters.

Our fear made us run-up to the third floor, we were able to hide in another bedroom filled with cobwebs and dust. The question is, where is Ms.Wendy anyways?

"That was a close one..." Camellia uttered with relief while gasping for air.

"Yeah, Glade and Zhery must've went to the left side." I hunched while gasping for air.

Riolu was shivering with his eyes close hile clinging tight to my sweaty hands.

"I guess we have to wait for the morning so that these shenanigans would end." I hunched and teased.

"Wait for morning!? I can't sleep anymore." Camellia uttered while gasping for air.

"Then we'll just be wide awake! It's almost four o'clock anyways." I suggested.

"We have to meet Glade and Zhery..." Camellia suggested and instructed.

"They're probably fine, we'll find them once morning arr-" My sentence was interrupted by a pillow which flew across the room. Camellia freaked out and closed her eyes.

<Shup! Shup!>An angry Pokemon raged while throwing pillows everywhere. The Pokemon was invisible and unseen.

"K... Kalem," Camellia uttered with fear.

"Don't worry Camellia, I'll protect you!" I beamed with courage and stood up from the ground.

"Alright, whoever you are, show yourself!" I uttered courageously while facing my fear.

Camellia stood behind me, feeling relieved and safe.

<Shuppet!>The Pokemon raged and showed herself. It was color grey and had a pointy horn on top. It was covered with a gradient fill of black and grey.

"Zoroark, it's up to you!" I tossed Zoroark's Pokeball high into the sky! She descended with full guard.

<Shup.... Shuppet!>The Pokemon used shadow ball!

"Zoroark, dodge it then use night slash!"

<Zoroark! Zor!>The Pokemon dodged the foe's attack swiftly. Night slash was super effective! Camellia glazed at me while I battled the Pokemon, her cheeks were turning slightly red.

<Shuppet! Shuppet!>The Pokemon turned invisible again and left the room.

"Phew, that was a close one!" I uttered with relief.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Zoroark and your courage of course." Camellia smiled and complimented.

"Alright, we still have to find Zhery and Glade! Zoroark, you stay with me..." I beamed with courage.

"Fine by me!" Zoroark smiled courageously.

We were about to open the door when suddenly Shuppet appeared once more.

"It's Shuppet again!?" Camellia uttered with shock and fear.

"Alright Zoroark, prepare for incoming attacks!" I instructed.

"But wait, it looks like Shuppet doesn't want a fight..." Camellia uttered and examined the sad-looking Pokemon.

<Shuppet, Shup>The Pokemon uttered solemnly.

"Shuppet's trainer was not angry at all." Zoroark translated.

"Not angry? But it was raging a while ago?" I queried with confusion.

Shuppet went to my torso and cried deeply. Riolu in the other hand hopped to Zoroark's head.

"Alright Shuppet, let's talk." I smiled and uttered.

We sat down on the bed, while Camellia groomed Zoroark's head. Riolu was feeling safe and secure.

"Alright, what's wrong Shuppet?" I queried while comforting the moaning shuppet.

"My... my trainer," The Pokemon uttered with a hoarse voice.

"What!? You can speak telepathically?" I queried in shock.

"Y... yes. I can speak..." Shuppet uttered like a young toddler who can't speak properly or has no profound knowledge about words or languages.

"What happened to your trainer? Did it leave you?" I queried.

"Trainer didn't leave Shuppet. Trainer is at sky." Shuppet uttered and explained.

"At the sky? So you're saying, your trainer is dead?" I queried.

"Trainer is gone. Trainer told Shuppet to look for house to stay." Shuppet explained.

"Ah, now I know why you were throwing the pillows, you missed your trainer don't you?"

"Shuppet missed her trainer. Shuppet wants to be with trainer again." Shuppet uttered solemnly.

"Well I lost my parents too, I also wished my parents were still alive. For months, I thought they would be alive, but..." I uttered solemnly.

"Kalem lost parents?" Shuppet queried.

"How did you know my name?"

"Shuppet can sense mind, can read mind. Shuppet is a ghost type." Shuppet explained.

"You're not used to this telepathy thing aren't you?"

"Shuppet knows limited words. Shuppet doesn't know grammar."

"I was like you too, don't worry. I also wished my parents were here too. I wish they would watch me in gym battles, tournaments, and Pokemon leagues, but... they can't." I started weep slowly while remembering the memories I cherished with my parents.

"You can't repeat the past Shuppet, once it happens, you gotta look ahead. I know how you feel cause I lost people I loved too, every night a weep for them, wishing that they're here." I uttered solemnly.

"Shuppet and Kalem is not different. Shuppet and Kalem weeps for loved ones."

"Yeah, sorry. I just missed my parents so much, every night I wished to go back to the day they were still alive, but I can't do that, time has its own rules."

"Can Shuppet come with Kalem instead?" Shuppet queried.

"Wait, you want to come with me?"

"Shuppet and Kalem can make bond. Shuppet and Kalem can be strong!" Shuppet smiled and comforted me.

"Sure thing Shuppet, you'll be my seventh Pokemon... meaning, you'll automatically teleport to Professor Bellice."

"Who is professor Bellice?"

"Professor Bellice is amazing, she's a professor." I explained and smiled.

"Shuppet wants to stay with Kalem, not professor!"

"Yes, you'll be switched out from time to time, I'll call your name and you'll automatically be switched out!" I beamed with excitement.

"Alright then. Shuppet agrees to Kalem, Shuppet likes Kalem!" The Pokemon squinted her eyes and smiled at me.

"Alright, here's a Pokeball. Just tap it and you'll be mine!" I beamed with excitement which caught everybody's attention.

"You're going to catch Shuppet?" Camellia queried in shock.

"Yes I am, then I'll just switch her out when I need her."

"But, don't you have a final team? Remember thy article? No switching out." Camellia explained.

"No switching out per round, meaning I can switch team if I progress to the next." I explained.

"Wait, now I'm confused."

"The article says, that I couldn't switch out any Pokemons from my team during the round proper. So, in round one I'll be using let's say, my registered team, I can't switch my registered team. If I enter round two, then I can change my team."

"I still don't get it."

"Meaning to say, each round has a locked team, or an unchangeable team, you can only change if you pass the previous round."

"So in short, you're saying you can switch Pokemons?"

"Not Pokemons but teams, example team a can be switched with team b on the second round but, I cannot switch the members of the team with other members."

"Oh, now I understand. Shuppet will be your seventh Pokemon!" Camellia smiled and congratulated.

"Yup, alright Shuppet, enter the Pokeball!" I beamed with excitement.

"Kalem is Shuppet's trainer now!" The Pokemon beamed with excitement and entered the Pokeball. She was automatically caught and teleported to the lab.

"Oh my, Shuppet's probably with Professor Bellice." Camellia hunched.

"Yeah, I'll call her once we arrive in Fantasma city. Anyways, let's go find Glade and Zhery!" I beamed with excitement and courage


"Oh, it looks like Kalem is building up a sub-team." Professor Bellice uttered with shock. A Pokeball suddenly teleported to her table. She opened the Pokeball and saw the jolly natured Shuppet!

"Hi professor. Shuppet belongs to Kalem." The Pokemon smiled and introduced.

"Yup, I know. Follow me Shuppet, I'll show you your dome!" Professor Bellice instructed as she stood up from her chair.


"Kalem! camellia!" Two young trainers entered our room with a silhouette of a tall man, and an old woman with sharp nails.

"Zhery, Glade! You're here, but... who's behind you!?" Camellia wondered in shock and worry.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Murdock. This is my mother, Wendy." The tall man with a feathery hat introduced himself. He had a black tuxedo with a white mask which only covered his eyes.

"Murdock!? That means, you're the gym leader right?" I queried with surprise.

"Yes, Yes I am. This is my family's house by the way. Sorry if my Pokemons and my mother's Pokemons accidentally scared you." Murdock explained.

"Kalem, they weren't scaring us, the Pokemons just wanted to play," Zhery explained.

"So... So, this house isn't filled with ghosts. It was filled with Pokemons!?" Camellia uttered in surprise.

"That is correct. I arrived late tonight and saw four children running across the house. I woke up my mother and asked her about the four of you." Murdock explained.

"So which means, you're the guy in front of the door!"

"Yup, he is!" Glade uttered with relief.

I guess we can say, that me and my friends overpanicked. The Pokemons just wanted to play, and it turns out the blood on the floor was actually ketchup. Gengar and his gang loved ketchup, it reminds me of a yellow furry mouse who also loves ketchup.

After those events, me and my friends were able to sleep in ease and peace! My gym battle is about to take place, not in his home but in Fantasma city of course! Wendy was actually a kind person, and not some evil witch.

Alright, I'm sleepy, let's end this here. I'll meet you guys again in Fantasma City, but for now, I'm gonna sleep!

As the journey continues folks!
