
EPISODE 17: Eavesdropping Eevee!

It is the post meridian of the day, and just liked I planned, me and Riolu will be practicing our Z-moves. I told Zorua to watch and observe, so that she may know a thing or two about Z-moves.

"Zorua, watch closely ok!" I instructed as Zorua sat beside a tree for shade against the harsh sunlight.

I read the handbook and observed the actions carefully, while Riolu my impatient Pokemon keeps on telling me to hurry up.

"Come on Kalem, lets start practicing already!" Riolu hollered as his sweat fell down due to the hot rays of the sun.

"Ok, now I understand!" I said softly to myself.

"So Riolu, it says here that you have to cross your arms like this..." I instructed as I observed the handbook.

"Alright then what?" Riolu crossed his arms as sweat continued to fall down.

"Then you push your left arm forward, then your right slowly," I instructed.

"Ok, then what? Hurry up Kalem, I'm sweating!" Riolu hollered.

"Umm then you just repeat step 2 but faster!" I instructed.

"Alright Riolu, from the top, but this time we'll do it together and faster!" I told Riolu as his body became determined to battle the hot sun rays.

"Alright Kalem! Let's do this!" Riolu said with full confidence.

We crossed our arms, pushed our left then our right hand, then pushed again but faster! Riolu was surrounded with a yellow veil while my Z-ring and Z-crystal were glowing brighter.

"Full power now! Riolu use All out Pummeling!"

Zorua stood up in awe as we were about to unleash a Z-move. But, our Z-move exploded and didn't work.

Zorua lost her awe and sat down again.

"Riolu, you ok buddy?"

"Yeah yeah... but our Z-move didn't work!" Riolu became disappointed!

I carried Riolu up and croaked. "Its ok Riolu, we'll just keep on practicing and practicing until we do the Z-move perfectly!"

I heard someone laughed behind the tree Zorua slept on as she lost interest in our Z-move practice.

"You call that a Z-move?" Zhery teased as she walked towards me.

"Well it's our first time to use a Z-move, we'll get better at it! Right Riolu?"

*Riolu smiles at Kalem*

"So what brings you here Zhery?" I questioned as I walked towards her.

"I was on my way to the lake when suddenly I heard you and Riolu practicing your Z-move, I even so Zorua lost her interest and fell asleep while she was watching you!"

"But... Why were you going to the lake?" I puzzled at her.

She took the Pokèdex she borrowed from her mother from and showed me a Pokemon.

{Eevee! The evolution Pokèmon! A normal type, A rare Pokemon which adapts to harsh environments by taking on different evolutionary forms!} The Pokèdex stated.

"So that's an Eevee!" I exclaimed. "Yup! And isn't it just so adorable!" Zhery squealed, jumping up and down.

"I wanted to catch Eevee after hearing and learning about it, I've heard rumors of Eevee sightings near lake wisdom!" Zhery added.

"So that's why you were going to the lake. You wanted to catch an Eevee!" I concluded.

"Yup, so since your done practicing your Z-move can you please help me catch an Eevee, please?" Zhery pleaded.

"Well, I've never said to me and Riolu were done practicing our Z-move, why don't you ask Glade to come with you?" I tried to make an excuse.

"I asked Glade earlier but he said he was going to seek for battling guidance from Mr. Copper" Zhery blubbered.

"Fine, let's go see that Eevee, the Z-moves can wait anyways," I said with a forced tone.

"Really? Thank you Kalem!" Zhery simpered.

"Come on Zorua, let's go to the lake!" I called her name to wake her up. Zorua jumped to my cap and pushed Riolu off my arm.

"Hey! It's my turn to stay with Kalem!" Riolu exclaimed.

"Hee hee hee!" Zorua laughed.

"Hey Kalem, it's my turn to stay on you, you promised yesterday!" Riolu complained.

"Let Zorua have a go, it's her second time, you've been on me for almost three years!" I told Riolu.

Riolu looked at Zorua with a grim face, but Zorua just laughed at and smiled at Riolu.

"So where can we find Eevee?" I queried.

"Ummm... It says on the Pokèdex that Eevees love flowers! Maybe they're in the flower patch area near the lake!" Zhery hunched.

"And do you know where the flower patched area is?" I questioned.

"We'll find it for sure!" Zhery replied.

"But my question is if you know the flower patched area, not if we'll find it," I complained.

"Its called being optimistic!" Zhery told me.

"So you don't know where the flower patch is," I concluded softly.

We looked for hours! We couldn't find the flower patched area, until we met a path which leads to two points.

"So which path should we go to? The left path or the right path?" I puzzled.

"The left patch of course! Left means right and Right means wrong!" Zhery answered.

"How did you know?" I questioned.

"Just a hunch!" She replied shortly.

We chose the left path wherein for Zhery, it means correct. I started to believe that Zhery knows where she's leading us, but then we were met by a dead end.

"So Zhery, I thought you said left means right?" I sighed.

"I did say it was just a hunch right?" Zhery mumbled.

We took the right path this time, and it led us to more paths! Four paths this time.

"Hmmm...." Zhery taught deeply.

"I know where to go!" I shouted.

"Alright then, where should we go?" Zhery puzzled.

"The third path is always correct!" I replied.

"Ok then..." Zhery followed me towards the third path.

It seemed like we were heading to the right place at first, but we were met by a dead-end again!

"I thought you knew the way Mr. Smarty pants!?" Zhery badgered and sighed.

"Just a hunch!" I mumbled.

We took the first path after trying all three paths. Then finally we arrived in the flower patched area. It's a big mass of flat land filled with elegant and beautiful flowers.

"So where's Eevee?" I questioned Zhery.

"Shhhh! Look over there!" Zhery pointed.

"Awww... Eevee looks so adorable when it's sleeping!" I said as we observed behind a tree.

"I know right! Let's eavesdrop it some more!" Zhery suggested.

We followed Eevee as it woke up, but we hid from tree to tree so that Eevee won't see us.

"Umm, why are stalking Eevee? Go ahead and battle it!" I whispered to Zhery.

"Alright then!" Zhery shouted out loud as she walked towards the Eevee.

"Eevee! I challenge you to a battle!" Zhery shouted with determination.

Eev! Eev! Eevee! Eevee shouted in determination as she approved Zhery's request.

"Alright Roselia!" Zhery threw her Pokèball and released Roselia.

"Roselia use Razor Leaf!"

Eevee dodged the attack!

"Roselia, don't give up! Use Petal Storm!"

Petal Storm missed!

Eevee used Tackle!

Roselia blasts off!

"Roselia land on your feet then use petal storm again!"

Eevee was hit with a petal storm! Me, Zorua and Riolu observed.

"Now Go Pokèball!" Zhery shouted as she threw the Pokèball.

The Pokèball shook for the first time, then the second the time, but Eevee escaped on the third time!

"That Eevee doesn't give up, neither shall we!" Zhery proclaimed.

All of a sudden, a cage fell from the sky trapping Eevee on it! Eevee got badly damaged as two individuals flew down with their Jet pack.

"Team Chaos!? You guys never give up do you?" Zhery asked.

"Well if it isn't the twerpette!" Cyra noticed.

I rushed towards team Chaos and helped Zhery.

"And the twerp is here as well!" Nate noticed.

"Release Eevee right now!" I ordered.

"There's nothing you can do to stop the wrath of the powerful team Chaos!" Cyra shouted.

"Seriously you call yourselves powerful but you keep losing against us? You're an embarrassment to your boss! Zhery teased.

"Grr! How dare you annoy team Chaos! Want to see power, then we'll show you power" Cyra shouted.

"Go Ekans!" Cyra shouted.

"Koffing lets go!" Nate shouted!

"Zhery let me fight with you!" I pleaded.

"The more the better! Go Roselia!"

"Time to test your power Zorua!"

"Ekans use Super fang!"

"Zorua use scratch on Ekans!"

"Roselia use Petal storm!"

"Koffing use sludge wave!"

*Super fang missed, Zorua's attack dealt damage to Ekans*

"Petal storm and sludge wave collided, none was affected by it!"

"Speed does not matter! Ekans use Poison needle!"

"Of course speed does not matter, it's bond... Bond with your Pokèmon that matters! Zorua use tackle!"

"Roselia circle Koffing the use Razor leaf!"

"Koffing use smog!"

Eevee observed Zhery battled!

*Smog missed! Razor leaf was able to hit koffing!*

*Tackle made Ekans blast off!*

"Team Chaos will return, you were just lucky!" Cyra badgered!

"Oh no Koffing!" Nate badgered as well.

Team Chaos rode their jet pack and launched off back to their headquarter. However, they forgot to bring Eevee with them since they were such in a hurry to leave!

"Cyra, are we forgetting something?"

"Hmmm, Oh no Nate!" Cyra shouted.

"WE FORGOT EEVEE!" Both of them shouted as they continued to fly in their jet packs.

"Riolu use metal claw on the cage and set Eevee free!"

*Riolu's metal claw released Eevee*

"Oh no! Eevee is badly hurt! Kalem, mind getting the potion in my bag?" Zhery pleaded.

I handed over the potion to Zhery, I saw Eevee crying in pain!

Eev Eev!

"It's going to be fine Eevee!" Zhery comforted.

"Look! Eevee's leg is bleeding, it must be because the cage landed on its leg." I observed and told Zhery.

Zhery sprayed the potion on Eevee's bleeding leg. Eevee shouted and cried in pain but Zhery comforted her.

Please hand me the bandage Kalem!" Zhery pleaded.

Zhery covered the wound with the bandage, then Zhery got 5 Oran berries and crushed them with her Mortar and Presle.

"I need you to open Eevee's mouth Kalem!", She pleaded.

I opened Eevee's mouth just like how Zhery instructed, she poured the crushed Oran berries into Eevee's mouth.

Eevee! Eev!

"I know it tastes bitter Eevee but it's for your own good!" Zhery explained.

We covered Eevee with a blanket because it was feeling cold, Eevee felt better after a while.

"Eev? Eev? Eevee!" Eevee shouted comfortably.

"I guess you're feeling better now Eevee!" Zhery hugged Eevee.


Eevee saw the Pokèball hanging in Zhery waist. She pointed at the Pokèball with joy.

"Huh?" Zhery wondered why Eevee was pointing at it.

"Hey Zhery, maybe Eevee wants to join you and Roselia!" I hunched.

"Is that true Eevee?" Zhery asked.

[Eevee smiles]

"If that's the case..." Zhery got her Pokèball from her waist then held it towards Eevee!

Eevee touched the Pokèball button and went inside eagerly.

The Pokèball shook three times... then poof! Stars appeared as a sign that Eevee was caught.

"I just caught an Eevee!" Zhery boasted.

"Now come on out Eevee!" Zhery ordered.

"Welcome to the family Eevee! This is Roselia! And my name is Zhery!" Zhery introduced.

Eevee smiled at Roselia and Zhery, Eevee even smiled at me and my Pokèmon!

"Well Zhery, I think its time to head back to the orphanage!" I thought.

"Your right Kalem! Let's head back, it's getting late already!"

We walked back to the orphanage happily especially Zhery! She caught her second Pokèmon!

"Glade I want you to meet Eevee!" Zhery introduced when we arrived back from the flower patch area!

"That's great Zhery! You've got a new member of your family!" Glade smiled.

"And we'll grow closer together! Right Eevee?" Zhery asked.

[Eevee smiled at Zhery!]

"And as for us, me and Riolu will do some practicing tomorrow!" I scheduled.

"Oh that's right Kalem, I want to say thank you for helping me catch Eevee and sorry for disturbing your Z-move practice..." Zhery mumbled.

"That's alright Zhery, I have plenty of time to do that!" I told Zhery.

And that's how Zhery met Eevee! A cute and adorable Pokèmon. One thing we noticed for sure, is that Eevee and Zorua seem to be the same. Both of them love to sleep and relax!
