

Jung Hoseok

I ran out of Yoona's room and into my own closing the door shut and locking it in the process. I leaned my forehead against the door and closed my eyes while I tried to calm myself down.

When I heard Areum earlier, I thought of Yoona. And when I opened my eyes and saw her face, I remembered Yoona. I felt disgusted with myself yet excited at the same time. Areum and Yoona are two different people, but how could I have done that with someone who had Yoona's face? Areum was here to play the role of my sister and here I was kissing her and feeling her up like a hormonal teenager.

I should have held back. No matter how much Areum was affecting me, I should have never kissed her. I opened my eyes and brought my right hand up as I remember the way her silky smooth tummy felt in my hand. I flatten my hand against the door so that the hard surface could take over the feeling of her skin. But it didn't help. No matter how hard I push my hand into the door, I couldn't forget the way she felt.

I punched the door hard in frustration. I hated how confused I get sometimes because I would see Areum laughing and my heart would speed up and then when she's with Grandma, I would see Yoona.

"This is wrong. I shouldn't have kissed her. Why the hell did you kiss her? Why did you have to touch her?"

Because now that I got a taste of her, I wanted more.


Oh Areum

What the hell just happened?

My heart was still racing away as I stood rooted in my spot. My face had heated up in embarrassment after being turned on and he just left me. I slid down the door and sat on the ground in pure puzzlement.

Why did he say all that to me, kiss me, touch me, and then just left me?

And before I knew it, tears had fallen down my face.

Why did I kiss him back? Why didn't I push him away? I was supposed to control my feelings around him. Now how do I get rid of these feelings for him? How do I face him after this? How can I stop thinking about the way he kissed me, the way his hand felt on my body.

I want him, but I can't have him.

I brought my knees up to my chest and snaked my arms around my leg. I cried into in arms cause no matter how painful it was, how ashamed I felt about the whole situation, I couldn't leave. I had vowed to help Grandma.

I don't know how long I sat in this position but I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I took it out to see that there was no notification on my phone. I looked at the time and it was already 10 PM. I felt another vibration and realize it was probably from Yoona's phone. I set my own phone down and took Yoona's phone out.

I received a few text messages from a number that Hoseok didn't save on Yoona's phone. I wiped any remaining tears away before unlocking her phone and reading the messages.

'How do I stop thinking about you?'

'I miss you...'

'Don't forgive me...'

My eyebrows furrowed as a couple new text messages came from this number.

'Who is this?'

'Why do you have Yoona's phone?'

Whoever this person was, saw that I had read their message. I was about to text back to ask who they were when another text came.

'Areum? You're Oh Areum aren't you?'

How did this person know who I was? This was Yoona's phone and the only people who knew of me were Hoseok, Namjoon, and Hoseok's parents. And then it all clicked in my head. There was only one other person who this could be.

I moved to look for my wallet. I dug through and found Yoongi's note that he had left me. I compared the two numbers and sure enough, it was Yoongi's number.

'What do you want Minty?'

'Minty? It's me, Min Yoongi.'

'I know it's you. Minty cause your hair is mint. I refuse to call you by your name cause I don't like you.'

'Even through text you're sassy as hell.'

'Shut up. I'm not in the mood. Now tell me what the hell are you doing texting Yoona when you cheated on her you asshole?'

'I didn't think her phone was still active.'

'Doesn't answer my question, you cheater.'

'Hoseok told you didn't he?'

'Yes, he did you jerk. How could you? You hurt her yet you still want her? You're such a psycho!'

'Did you see my note I left you? How come you never text or call me?'

'Why would I? I don't want anything to do with you.'

'Just meet me tonight at Mini Mini's Bar and Club. You won't have to see me again after tonight if you don't want to. I want to apologize to you in person.'

I read his last few messages and ponder upon it. I really did need to get out of the house after Hoseok and our situation earlier. But I had also told Hoseok that I wouldn't ever meet Yoongi either.

Memories of when I last saw Yoongi came rushing through my mind. The way he cried that night still got me curious as to how he really felt towards Yoona. He couldn't have loved Yoona that much could he? He would have never cheated on her nor would he refuse to marry Yoona if he really did love her. But those tears that night were heartbreaking and even I pitied him.

I decided to go out and meet with Yoongi. Maybe I'll even get some answers as to why he cheated on Yoona in the first place. Plus I need a few drinks tonight to clear my head of Hoseok. There was no way I would be able to sleep sober tonight.

'Just tonight. I won't ever see you again after tonight Minty'

'All I need is tonight anyways. I'll see you soon Areum.'

I got up and changed quickly before slowly opening my door and exiting out of my room trying my hardest not to wake anyone one up. Once I snuck out of the house and got passed the gate, I called a taxi to pick me up and made my way towards the bar that Yoongi had sent to me. When the taxi pulled up next to a tiny bar, I paid him and got out of the car. It was a little rundown, but it still was packed.

As I made my way inside, I stopped when I heard the faded music coming from inside. It was a beautiful piano piece and the melody was so pleasing to my ears. But what caught my attention was the familiar lyrics.

'Don't think of anything,

Don't say anything, not even a word,

Just give me a smile.

I still can't believe it,

All of this seems like a dream,

Don't try to disappear.

Is it true, Is it true,

You, You,

You're so beautiful, that I'm scared.

Untrue, Untrue

You, You, You.'

I pushed the door open and enter the bar. My feet didn't stop until I reach the stage where I saw Yoongi behind the piano. He was immersed in the music with his eyes closed, head nodding away, and moving along with the melody. There was another person who was standing and singing into the mic. I saw him and immediately recognized him as Jungkook. He had a beautiful voice singing so angelic. The more I listened to it, the more I loved it.

'Will you stay by my side,

Will you promise me,

If I let go of your hand, you'll fly away and break,

I'm scared, scared, scared of that.

Will you stop time,

If this moment passes,

As though it hadn't happened,

I'm scared, scared, scared, I'll lose you.

Butterfly, like a Butterfly,

Just like a Butterfly, Butterfly.'

It was the sad poem that I had found and fallen in love with in Yoona's room, only it wasn't a poem. It was lyrics to a beautiful song that I was witnessing live.

There was an empty seat near the front of the stage so I found my way towards it and sat down. My gaze fell upon Yoongi and soon I was left shocked when I heard him rapping into the mic that was next to his lips. He effortlessly continues to sway and play behind the piano as his voice echoed throughout the room.

'You're just like a Butterfly,

From afar, I steal glances; if we touch hands, will I lose you,

You shine in this pitch darkness that is the butterfly effect,

Your light touches, I forget the reality at once.

It's like a wind that gently strokes me,

It's like a dust that gently drifts along,

You're there but for some reason, I can't reach you, stop.'

I noticed that Yoongi had opened his eyes and he met my own. He smiled ever so sweetly towards me before he spoke his last line of the song.

'You, who's like a dream is a butterfly, high to me.'

Jungkook's sweet voice took over singing the rest of the song as Yoongi kept his orbs solely on me while performing until the end of the song. Never once did he break eye contact with me and for some reason, I just couldn't look away either. All I could think to myself was this must be the reason Yoona fell in love with Yoongi.

If I didn't know what an ass Yoongi was, shit I think I would have fallen in love with him too. Especially if he had been the one to write this song.

Once the song was over the crowd roared with cheers and applauses. Yoongi stood up and walked next to Jungkook. The two bowed to thank the crowd before walking off stage.

Yoongi walked straight up to me and Jungkook's eyes widen in shock when he saw me.

"Y-Yoona! I can explain! P-please don't be angry and don't tell Hoseok!" Jungkook panics in front of me and Yoongi just slaps his back to calm the boy down.

"He doesn't know?" Yoongi asks me and I glare at him before giving Jungkook the biggest smile that I could.

"Jungkookie, It's okay. I won't say anything if you don't say anything either."

I zipped my lips and Jungkook nods while zipping his lips too. He smiles brightly at me before ruffling my hair.

"Thanks Yoona. Hoseok would kill me if he found out I was still hanging out with Yoongi. I just couldn't get over my love for singing and this idiot Hyung of mine was stupid to hurt you but if only you knew- "

"And that's where you shut up Kook," Yoongi pushes Jungkook out of the way causing him trip and almost falling onto his face.

"Yoongi Hyung!" Jungkook cries out towards his Hyung before Yoongi was quick to shoo him away.

"Get lost, I need to talk to Areu- uhh I mean I need to talk to Yoona."

"Whatever. Maybe it's time you tell her the truth Hyung."

"What truth?" I ask suddenly all curious. Yoongi rolls his eyes and shoves Jungkook away but he turns back around and faces me.

"Ask him about it Yoona. Maybe he'll stop being such a coward and-" Yoongi covers Jungkook's mouth and drags him far away from me. I sat in my seat fully confused at what I was hearing and within a minute Yoongi returns without Jungkook.

"Where's Jungkook?

"Locked him in the backroom. The stupid idiot wouldn't shut up."

"What the hell Yoongi?! Why would you lock Jungkook up? Let him go!"

"No. If he hadn't been so dumb I wouldn't- Hey, you just called me by my name," Yoongi spoke out while grinning away.

"What are you talking about? I-" I stopped myself from speaking anymore. Damn, I let it slipped and actually did call him by his name.

"Whatever Yoongi. Let Jungkook go and talk so I can leave."

"Let's head to the back."

Reluctantly, I followed him to the back. When he opened the door I saw an empty room with a couch in one corner and a bed on the other side of the room. There was a small metal hanging rack next to the bed that was full of clothes. A small table was in the middle of the room. It had paper scattered all over it that looked like music sheets and lyrics. A tiny living room table was next to the couch. There was no TV or any other source of entertainment. I didn't see Jungkook anywhere in the room either.

"Where's Jungkook? I thought you locked him back here?"

"You really thought I locked Jungkook here? There's no lock on the outside. You'd have to lock from the inside. Jungkook would be a true idiot if he locked himself in here," Yoongi spoke while chuckling away.

"So where did he go?"

"I told him he could leave early today. He's been bugging me so that he could go spend time with his girlfriend. Here, have a seat," Yoongi gestured towards the couch and I sat down while he sat next to me.

"Did you want anything to drink?" Yoongi asks me.

"A bottle of Soju and a beer."

"Someone had a rough night."

"Shut up and just get me my drink."

That gummy smile had made its appearance again. Yoongi got up and left the room while I sat in silence waiting for him. He enters the room again but with my drinks. Once he sat the tray down on the living room table, I instantly grabbed the Soju and opened it, pouring myself a shot. I down the shot in one go and Yoongi just watches me, amused by all of this.

"What?" I asked sassily back towards him.

He chuckles it off without answering me before pouring me another shot. I drunk it again in go and Yoongi ends up full out laughing at me.

"What the hell is your problem? Why do you keep laughing at me?!"

"You're just really interesting Areum. Yoona could never really handle drinking. She would be out within two shots."

"Well, I'm not Yoona," I said while pouring some beer into a cup and pour a shot of soju into the same cup. There was no need to act as if I was Yoona around Yoongi so I didn't care to put on my mask right now. I down the whole glass withing 5 seconds and let out the loudest breath of relief. I started poured another somaek glass for myself when Yoongi took the glass from my hand.

"Slow down Areum. I want to talk to you sober. If you get drunk, then I'm going to end up seeing you again. Unless that's what you want?"

"No. I don't want to see you again. Speak now or forever hold your peace."

I grabbed the drinks back from Yoongi and started drinking it again.

"Gosh darn it. I am just too darn popular. First Yoona, and now you too? Are you already looking to want to marry me also?"

I choked on my somaek and ended up coughing while Yoongi laughed his ass off at me, pissing me off even more.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Can you stop messing around and just get to the point?"

Yoongi finally calms down while I try my hardest not to kill him. His face had suddenly softened while he stares at my face.

"I'm sorry for kissing you the other day. And I'm also sorry for calling you a slut. And for showing up unannounced to your room."

"And how did you even know I was staying at that Hotel?"

"I heard you when you were talking to Hoseok on the phone. The only hotel near the park was Namjoon's hotel. And if you were staying there then you could only be staying in one of the suites. I tried my luck with the room that had the room service cart right outside it."

"But why did you come to find me when you knew that I wasn't Yoona? You cried that night Yoongi. Why? And what truth was Jungkook talking about earlier?"

Yoongi grew silent. He swallowed hard before pouring himself a shot of soju. He downs it in a gulp before he spoke.

"The truth... The truth is that I loved Yoona. I loved her and wanted to marry her. I really did..."

He poured himself another shot and drunk it before finally turning to face me.

"... But her parents never approved of me. They never liked me even when I was friends with Hoseok."

"What are you talking about? They even agreed to your marriage! Why would you lie about that?"

"I'm not lying. They didn't like the fact that I was a murderer's son..."

To Be Continued...

This chapter was written really fast so I will most likely edit it again in the future. Lol.. Enjoy loves.. ^_^


Shookieillegirlcreators' thoughts