As I was waiting I took my book out and began reading only for Madam Pomfrey to let out a gasp.
Startled I dropped my book and rushed in, only to freeze at what I just saw.
There was Rose, without a shirt, well she had a bra on wasn t the nudity that got me, eyes did linger for a bit longer than I attended it to be but it wasn't that, it was the scars.
These scars were not normal scars, she looked like she had been tortured.
My eyes hardened and I inwardly growled, it hurt to see this.
"Merlin's beard, who could had done this?"
Her so called fucking family, my eyes glowed briefly before reverting to normal
"I could only guess, it most likely had something to do with her... "Family"
Pomphrey narrowed her gaze and turned to Rose, "Miss potter, Is this true? she asked.
Rose glanced at me I could see the shame in her eyes looked away and nodded.
Madam Pomfrey looked like she was going to rip some heads.
"I see," she growled. "Well...when I am done here dumbledore and I will be having words,... for now, will you please step outside?" she glanced at me I nodded and motioned myself to leave.
"Wait!"I turned to look at Rose who stared at me with pleading eyes.
"Don't go."
I looked back at madam Pomfrey who sighed and nodded her head "If she is more comfortable with you here than you may stay."
I nodded and sat next to rose as she finished scanning the rest of her body. by the time she was finished, she looked ready to murder someone.
She disappeared and came back with a cone-shaped plastic bottle
"Here, ...this should help with the scaring, I'm afraid it's too old for me to heal it completely put cream on it once a day and you should be fine."
"Thank you"
"Your welcome, now I have to go and talk to a certain headmaster, if you'll excuse me."
She then marched out.
The rest of the time I had noticed that Rosewas looking at me like she had expected me to run off and start avoiding her.
"Why are you looking at me like that for?" I asked bluntly causing her to flinch.
" W-well I t-thought t-that you..." she trailed off as she looked away.
"What? you expect me to run away just because you don't have a good childhood? do you really think so lowly of me?"
She looked down my eyes softened before I reached out and grabbed her chin gently before lifting it up till we were Eye-level with each other.
"You are my friend Rose," I said softly "I'll even go as far as consider you. my best friend. a few scars aren't going to change that, not one bit."
Rose stared at me for a moment before she lunged forward and pulled me into a big hug.
"You're my best friend too," Rose said tearfully, "Thank you, Adam"
I smiled, "No problem."
Strike one Dumbledore.
A message had appeared on the noticeboard a few days later informing us that our first year flying lessons were coming soon.
This notice, however, has also triggered a lot of boasting much to my displeasure from across the school.
Ron and Draco especially, they were such a pain in the ass, I mean I can fly too, your not that special!
Currently, right now we were in our lessons and Hermione was spouting off hints and bits randomly to anyone who would listen, it got so bad. I had to interfere.
"Hermione I think that's enough," I told her "you're not really helping anyone with this."
"What do you mean, Malfoy?" Hermione saod glaring
Yes, she seems convinced that I was a dark wizard lord based on my family name Malfoy, for some reason, probably because of the books she's been reading.
"You can't just learn how to fly based on reading a book, Hermione. " I explained "Its the same as learning how to ride a bike you actually have to do the do"
Hermione glare deepened at me before she stuck her nose up in the air and walked off.
Blaise shook his head next to me, "Adam, I really don't know why you even bother," he said "you should leave her be,she's a lost cause."
I shrugged, "Meh, give her time, she'll learn through experience that books aren't always right."
Blaise looked skeptical but nonetheless nodded his head, "Alright if you say so"
Blaise then went back to the Slytherin side while I stayed waiting. before I noticed embrues moms huge black eagle soaring through the sky towards me and dropped off a box.
When I opened them I smiled as I saw the box was full of Caldron cakes. gave it bacon before giving them to rose, who had developed some form. of addiction towards them. Especially the chocolate ones.
I sighed when I saw Draco approaching from the corner of my eye, stood up and went towards his destination before he did anything stupid.
"Excuse me" I said before I intercepted Dracos's hand before he could steal the ball from Neville's hands by grabbing his wrist.
Draco snatched his hand from my grip and gave me a glare that probably must have thought was withering to him.
Just as he did that Mcgongall came in glaring at us
"What be the problem?"
"Nothing mam," I eye smiled "just sibling drama is all"
I Ignored Draco scoff as I smiled innocently to her. before turning my attention back to Draco, who marched had just marched off.
"Thank you, Malfoy" I turned to see Neville looking at me with a grateful look.
I smiled softly
"No problem," I said "and by the way call me Adam" Neville smiled slightly back.
"Ok, then you can call me Neville too." he replied with a smile.
Then suddenly much to my displeasure Ron came storming in with his mouth full of eggs and bacon.
"What the bloody hell are you doing here, Malfoy!" Ron snarled
I rolled my eyes.
"Meh, just trying to stop problems from occuring due to my brothers idiotic actions.
-"yeah right," Ron scoffed "why don't you go back to your own table then."
I shrugged, don't say I didn't try.
"Meh,I was about to do that anyways"
I turned toward Neville and said.
"It was nice talking to you Neville" I said "I hope I will see you later"
The Longbottom heir nodded before I went back to my table only to see rose licking the cake residue from her fingers.