A/N: Can you help me scavenger for grammar errors and so forth? thanks.
After a while Daphne and Tracy got slytherin, I had decided to tune out the rest of the students and scan the area.
I had made a mental note to keep an eye on Voldemort who was currently possessing a body named Quirell at the moment.
Snape, to my surprise, was not looking at Rose in hate or disdain. Must be because of her red hair, gives her more of a resemblance to her mother Lilly Evans.
I glanced at Rose discreetly, or maybe it's the fact that she has a very small form? Perhaps she doesn't seem as arrogant in his eyes?
I mean, if you ask me, you must be pretty stupid to think she is arrogant at all if you look at her now.
I glanced from Rose to Dumbledore who was looking this way. I could see him making plans at rapid speeds trying to improvise at his failure to get her to Gryffindor and make her his pawn or something or at least that's what I think...
I mentally frowned.
I think I read to many dumbledore bashing fanfictions it's messing with my mind, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt since I haven't actually "seen" keyword seen him do anything wrong so I'm not going to be an idiot that jumps to conclusions and then have everything crap on me.
I was startled out of my thoughts when the Sorting hat burst out laughing.
I glanced and I saw...Oh look it's Ron's turn.
" BUAHAHHAHAHA!" the sorting hat laughed like somebody had told him the world's most funniest joke " Are you serious? do you really think you would fit in the house of the wise? Oh dear creator's, that's the best laugh I've ever had in years!!!"
Ron's face turns red in anger and embarrassment mostly Anger, the sorting hat calmed down al little only to burst out laughing some more.
"Hahaha! That's an even funnier notion, hahaha sorry kid but that's spot is taken already hehe I'll put you in...GRFYNNDOR!"
"No! No! You stupid hat! put me in Ravenclaw!"Ron yelled
Throwing a tantrum diaper baby? I thought with a grin, his reaction is funny I couldn't help but smile.
He wrenched the hat from his head.
"Control yourself Mr. Weasly!."Prof. McGongal said sternlyl
"But professo-"
"No buts! Now! go back to your house before you put them at red before the lessons even begin."
Ron huffed but did what was told not before glaring at me as he did so. I just looked at him before not paying him any mind.
Dumbledore stood up with a huge warm smile and his arms spread apart as fall of us being here couldn't have made him happier and said.
" Welcome! Welcome!" Dumbledore said "before the banquet begins I'd like to say a few words, nibbit, blubber! oddment! Tweak! thank you!"
I had immediately started helping myself after Dumbledore had sat down, ignoring the negative glances that were being sent the way I also gave bites, very small pea-sized bites to Ruby to which she nibbled on.
It was peaceful to me at least until some guy came in from the same table with a sneer plastered on his face.
I was not the least bit offended by it and gave him a blank look.
May I help you?"
"You arent going to make any more comments "Malfoy?!" he sneered
He said Malfoy on emphasis and toned it with disdain.
"hmm?" I asked casually not the least bit intimidated
"we all know Malfoys are very Vocal when talking about bloods."
Oh boy, racisim on both sides took a deep breath before I stood up.
"Listen up, because I'm only going to say this once!" I shouted gathering everybody's attention as I said.
"I am nothing like my brother or my father!" I growled " I don't give a damn about your bloodlines wether pureblood mudblood or just straight up muggle. If you don't get on my nerves I won't bother you I'll probably just ignore you of you do!"
That surprised everyone as they all stared at me with wide eyes.
Hmph, I tuned them out and continued eating, Ruby was staring at me in expectancy.
Knowing her desire I sighed before tearing another small pea-sized beef and through it to her causing her to catch it with her beak and swallow.
The crowd had gotten over that a Malfoy as seemingly tolerable and had started conversations back up. a random fellow rave claw came up an asked me
"Is that a Phoenix? it's a most unusual and beautiful bird." a random student said starstrucl
"That's because it is, it requires a bond to be partnered with so it wouldn't take kindly to just anybody."
""Then why is she kind to Rose?"another student asked
"-I don't know," I shrugged, "maybe she has taken a liking to her?"
I watched as she was now in Rose's lap as Rose pat ruby gently with a small smile on her face.
Luckily to me, the conversation was over as the people had turned their attention to the deserts which were quickly demolished.
Once that was done everybody was stuffed the food had disappeared and dumbledore stood up.
Once Dumbledore had stood up the entire hall had fallen silent. as they waited for his speech.
"Ahem," dumbledore cleared his throat, "now that we are all stuffed and drank id liked to have a few more words, I have a few starts of the year notices to give you.
"First years should note that, that is out of bounds, I advise you not to go in there if you wish to die a very painful death.I had also been reminded Mr. Flitwick to ask that no magic be used between classes and corridors."
He paused to take a breath.
" Professor Flitwick will be having our first meeting tomorrow morning do make sure everyone gets up on time, have a good night."
Once he was finished everyone began moving upstairs and talking again amongst each other
I sighed ten people probably will already find their way up there. because of curiosity.
I felt a huge tug on my sleeve and turned to Rose who looked quite upset and fearful.
"Rose?" I asked. concerned "What's wrong?"
Rose hesitated before speaking,"I...I don't want to be alone"
My eyes softened
"Hey don't worry alright? I'll see you tomorrow."
She shook her head, and I sighed my expression then grew thoughtful before glancing at Ruby.
Ruby feeling my gaze glanced at me, then slowly turned to Rose before glancing back at me, then back to Rose, then back to me, before nodding, and with a flap of her wings sailed over to rose.
"Ruby will be with you is that ok with you?" I asked
Rose looked hesitant before nodding slightly. and letting goes of my sleeve.
"I'll meet up with you tomorrow morning" I told her "I promise."
Rose stared at me in the eyes, searching for any hidden lies before she slowly nodded and left with Ruby perched on her shoulders.
I watched her as she left, I now had to fight the sudden urge to kill the Dursleys knowing it was partially their fault that she's like this.
Once she had disappeared I had turned and walked upstairs to bed.