
A Quincy's Fairy Tail

作者: mrweraas
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Not Mine https://m.fanfiction.net/s/11682209/3/

1 標籤
Chapter 1Chapter 3: Bambietta Vs Natsu 1/3

Here we go, Natsu vs Bambietta! Hope you all enjoy! Please let us know what you think in a review!

I do Not own Bleach or Fairy Tail. Bleach is owned by Tite Kubo and SHounen jump. Fairy tail is owned by Hiro Mashima and Weekly shounen magizine.

This was a day that Lucy Heartfilia had been longing for ever since she had left home. To stand in awe of greatness, to be on the threshold of joining one of the most renowned magical guilds in all of Fiore. She was here now, standing outside the open doors of the guild hall, ready at last to take that final tentative step into the rest of her life.

Yet now she was unable to do anything but take a slight pause as she saw chaos envelope what she had hoped to be her new home. Natsu Dragneel, the young man she had met during her journey and who had invited her to join the guild, had launched himself into the building with a vigor she knew all too well. He had displayed it time and time again since they had met in Hargeon Town. It had led him to victory over the wizard turned slave trader known as Bora, as well into conflict with the local militia for the property damage that had been wrought during the battle. Yet Lucy could only see it as an endearing, if sometimes overbearing, trait.

Now was one of those times. The Fire Dragon Slayer had been quick to act, launching a tirade at one of his fellow Fairy Tail wizards over misinformation about the location of a dragon that went by the title of Salamander. That incident had been the spark for what followed, the guild hall descending into a rapidly expanding brawl. It was madness perhaps, but Lucy could not help but smile.

This was the Fairy Tail she had heard so much about after all.

Lucy took a deep breath then and entered the chaos, carrying her luggage behind her. "I'm really in Fairy Tail, aren't I?"

The Celestial wizard looked at those among the crowd, seeing that only two were not involved in the fight. Yet she could see the two women were eyeing the spectacle just as she was.

"Now, Bambi," Levy began to say, realizing just what her new friend was no doubt planning, "I know what you're thinking. 'Should I step into this brawl and throw down with Natsu?' The answer might surprise you-"

"Oh, so close," Bambietta replied with a smile curling back her lips. "You're good at reading my thoughts, but I think you need to flip around 'should' and 'I' if you really want to know what I'm got on my mind."

"Well, that answer doesn't surprise me." Levy sighed, her shoulders dropping. She was beginning to realize that there was no getting around this. If Bambietta wanted to fight Natsu so badly, she was going to do just that. However, the Solid Script mage knew that if her past experiences watching a massive fight break out in the guild were anything to go by, then Master Makarov was soon going to intervene and put a stop to things before they got any more out of hand. "Fine, have fun. I'm just going to hide over in the corner, okay?"

"Yeah, you do that," Bambietta said as she turned and watched Levy step away. The Quincy gave her a wink then, trying to dispel any concern her new friend had. "Be safe, okay?"

Then Bambietta began to roll up her sleeves and walk forward. This madness, this carnage, was not something she was quite used to in her old life. On the field of battle it was to be expected, but in one's own home? Yhwach would never have allowed such discord to play out among his Stern Ritter. Infighting was strictly forbidden and punishable by death. The Quincy had lived under His Majesty's rules to her utmost ability, yet there had been a few occasions where she would have loved to test her mettle against some of her own allies, if only to either see who was stronger or to finally put them in their place. Bazz-B had been a rare occurrence of a potential fight being born from both desires. Yet still she had stayed her hand time and time again, having possessed no intention of inciting Yhwach's wrath.

"Time to make up for lost chances," Bambietta whispered under her breath as she inched closer to the fighting. "One pink haired pretty boy is just as good as another..."

If Fairy Tail encouraged and endorsed battles among its own, then who was Bambietta Basterbine to argue? Yet, as the Quincy was about to find out, someone else did disagree.

"This ends now!"

The floorboards beneath Bambietta began to shake and the young lady's eyes went wide as her spiritual senses began to tingle. She could feel it, a shiver running down her spine as an overbearing power began to push down against her body. The Quincy began to turn to face this power, fear seizing her heart. It was then that she saw an overbearing mountain of a man towering over herself and her new guild mates. His features were obscured in darkness, eyes blazing with magical energy, the only thing that broke through the enveloping shadow. Bambietta's eyes widened further as she looked up at the awe inspiring monster that stood before her, his power leaving her almost shaking.

"You dolts!" the beast roared. "You will cease your foolishness right this instant!"

It was then that the Quincy could hear one other behind her scream in fear, something she almost found comforting. To not be alone in her fright was calming despite the circumstances. Yet when she turned she could only see a blonde haired young lady, one she did not recognize, quivering in shared fear. The rest of Fairy Tail was simply staring in awe, nothing more. Were they simply used to this occurrence or could they simply not sense this monster's power?

"Am I supposed to be scared of that?" A laugh began to echo across the guild hall then and Bambietta could only stare wide eyed in shock when she noticed who was responsible. Natsu was simply grinning like a fool as he approached this beast. "That's nothing! I claim victory in this battl-"

The monster simply stepped forward then, pinning the foolhardy Dragon Slayer to the floor without any resistance. Despite what she was facing, Bambietta could not help but giggle just a little bit. That had clearly answered whether or not the young man could sense the power in which he was up against.

"Oh, what's this?" the monster suddenly said, turning its gaze away from Natsu and towards the teeming masses of Fairy Tail wizards. "Do we have a new face here?"

Once more did Bambietta's blood run cold. Was the monster speaking of her as they had not been formerly introduced? The Quincy forced herself to take a deep breath then, trying to stand her ground. "Yes, I don't think we've met. I'm-" The beast's gaze passed right over Bambietta then, leaving her speechless as it focused instead on another. The Quincy turned to follow its gaze and found her eyes locked on the terrified blonde girl. "Oh, her. Well, don't I just feel like yesterday's chopped liver now."

It was at that moment then that Bambietta could feel the dreadful power beginning to recede. Caught up in her own curiosity, she looked back at the monster and watched in awe as it began to lose mass. The shadows that swirled around it began to dissipate then, leaving behind nothing more than the diminutive stature of Master Makarov. The old man smiled widely at Lucy. "Nice to meet you!"

Bambietta could not help but blink a few times then, trying to get over her own disbelief. Was this the power she had felt lying dormant in the man? The Quincy could only imagine so, yet she had to wonder if there was even more to it. All she knew for certain was that if she was going to fight this Natsu Dragneel, she would have to do it away from Master Makarov's prying eyes.

Her breathing beginning to relax, the pressure of Master Makarov's power no longer pressing down upon her body, Bambietta began to move back then, to find a place to sit and compose herself. She did so, her back leaning against a counter as she propped her elbows on it.

"You okay?" Levy asked as she moved in close, placing a hand on Bambietta's shoulder. "You're looking pale."

"I'm... fine." Bambietta managed to say those words, yet she was not entirely sure she meant them. She had found herself very nearly swallowed up in the depths of Makarov's power, the strength he possessed feeling as if it was an endless ocean. "I just..."

Bambietta felt the need to explain to Levy what her Quincy blood allowed her to do, to sense the ebb and flow of energy around her. For so long she had been attuned to simply spiritual energy, but despite its differences, this magical energy was similar in nature if not execution. It was alien to her and yet similar enough that she had been able to glimpse the fathoms of power that her new master possessed.

Bambietta watched as Makarov moved to greater heights, the old man's agility surprising her. He stood upon banister of the guild hall's overlooking second floor, holding before him several documents. Bambietta glanced upwards, a few small beads of sweat slipping. She had already spoken at length with the man, leaving her trust to feel well founded, yet his power left her reeling nonetheless.

"You dolts, all of you!" Makarov shouted, a disappointed expression etched upon his face. "Look at all these letters I've received from the Magic Council!"

Then did Master Makarov begin to run down those under his care. He spoke of Gray running naked through a town during a mission, of how Elfman had knocked out the very same man he was meant to protect after he had made a joke in poor taste, of how Cana had sent the bill for several kegs worth of beer to the Council itself and of how Loke had seduced the daughter of one of the Council's own.

Then did the old man's eyes look down at one other, his voice growing more serious than it had already been. "And then there's Natsu. You defeated the Devon Bandit Clan, but you destroyed several private homes in the process! You even took out the historic clock of Tuly Village! The church of Freesia was left in ruins! Then you did the same to a significant portion of the Lupinus Castle! Your errant destruction has left the Nazuna Ravine observation station closed until further notice. And now you've gone and totaled more than half of Hargeon town's harbor!"

Bambietta raised an eyebrow at the extensive list, glancing slightly at Natsu, the young man still sprawled out on the floor thanks to Master Makarov's stepping on him. The Quincy smirked, amused at just how much destruction he had wrought. Clearly this was a man after her own heart, so long as she was ever allowed to cut loose.

Yet the Quincy's thoughts were cut short, Makarov continuing his lecture. "You kids have all made the Magic Council quite cross with me as of late. However..." A spark of flame suddenly appeared in Makarov's hands, igniting the documents he had spoken at length of. "I say the heck with the Magic Council!"

Makarov's threw the flaming documents to the floor then, leaving Bambietta in shock at his blatant disregard to authority. However her shock only grew then, Natsu jumping up towards the flaming documents and biting down on them.

"The hell?" Bambietta whispered as she watched the pink haired young man consume the papers as well as the flames. The Quincy blinked a few times, trying to wrap her mind around what she had just witnessed. "Did he just- He- Huh?"

Makarov began to make a speech then, speaking of the grandeur of Fairy Tail, but Bambietta was unable to listen to it, the Quincy far too confused by the sight of Natsu eating fire unexpectedly. Slowly did her attention begin to divert away from the strange sight and refocus back on Makarov.

"If you spend time worrying about what those in power think of you," the old man said as he wore a wide smile, "then your magic will be unable to grow! Follow the path you truly believe in! That is what it means to be a Fairy Tail wizard!"

Bambietta heard it then, cheers amongst her new comrades. Everyone raised their right hands and extended their index fingers towards the heavens, Master Makarov was no exception, doing the same, but it simply left the Quincy confused. Fairy Tail and its customs were still new to her after all but she did what she could. Sighing, Bambietta raised her right arm then, pointing her index finger upwards.

Still, she was not able to cheer, not in the least. While others had stood from their seats to participate in the celebration, the Quincy simply kept herself firmly planted on her bench, forever leaning against the table behind her. She was lost in thought once more, Master Makarov's words having left her wondering one very simple thing. She who had been betrayed by those she trusted, she who had lost her home and she was looking for a means to an end and nothing more...

"What path could I even believe in?"

Bambietta had meant to say it quietly, and she had, but Levy heard it still. The young mage glanced towards Bambietta then, noticing the dull look in her eyes. Levy did what she could, lowering her arm slightly and nudging Bambietta's shoulder. The Quincy turned to face her new friend and was left to see Levy with her eyes closes, a broad smile on her face.

It was a brief moment, but Bambietta felt it, a faint trace of light blossoming within her and chasing away the darkness. She returned the smile then and stood beside Levy, joining her in cheering both Master Makarov and Fairy Tail. Bambietta knew this path would simply have to do.

Yet then did the Quincy see a strange sight. Flying throughout the guild hall was a winged, blue cat. Bambietta shook her head a little bit, as if thinking she was seeing things. If she simply paid more attention, she would have heard the creature say two words. "And then..."

Time passed and Bambietta was leaning forward on the counter and tapping an index finger against. Levy was by her side, engrossed in a magical tome. The two had come to the guild hall to seek out a job request that the Quincy could use to fund her daily needs but now the newcomer was more interested in something else. She had only one goal at the present, to fight Natsu, but that was not going well at all. The Quincy knew she had to take the fight outside, away from Makarov, if she wanted to have some real fun, yet every time she approached the Dragon Slayer he got involved in some other conversation. First it had been with Gray, then Elfman and at last Loke.

"Can't a girl have some fun?" Bambietta whined slightly, dropping her face into her crossed arms. "I just want to have a little fight, you know?"

Levy was not particularly interested in the conversation and moved to change it. "I wonder how the new girl is doing in there."

It was a valid question but not entirely one Bambietta was interested in. The blonde girl, the one who had introduced herself as Lucy Heartfilia, had been brought into Makarov's office for an interview. The Quincy had wondered for a moment if it had been fate that this young lady would join the very next day after she had, but at the same time did the Quincy feel a little jealous. She could not help it; she liked attention. To lose the focus of being the new girl so soon was a little disappointing.

"I'm sure she's fine," Bambietta replied. "The master's a nice guy. A little scary, but nice."

"Well, I'll catch you later, Natsu."

Bambietta's attention was drawn then, the Quincy sitting up and turning around to see Loke leaving with his arms draped across the shoulders of two women, Natsu standing alone. Normally would Bambietta have wondered just where Loke had picked up two new women so quickly but now she was simply focused on Natsu. "Now's my chance..."

Levy sighed as she straightened her reading glasses and continued to look over her book. She knew at this point there was no point arguing with Bambietta. If she was willing to pick a fight despite the master's show of strength then there was no helping it. "Good luck."

Bambietta watched as Natsu began to make his way towards the job request board. The Quincy continued to move closer and closer, watching as the Dragon Slayer began to look over the posted missions. Bambietta was all but ready to reach out and tap him on the shoulder. Her gloved hand began to raise then, fingers extending, but then they suddenly stopped.

"Huh?" Bambietta could feel something tugging on one of her boots. Confused, Bambietta glanced down then and could see the small blue cat from earlier by her feet, one of its paws against the top of her left boot as it looked up at her. The creature's wings were gone now, leaving it to stand upright upon its hind legs. It was a strange sight, but the Quincy had seen her fair share of oddities in her lifetime. This hardly compared to facing off with a Soul Reaper captain that, by her estimates, was more dog than man. Still, Bambietta could not help herself. "What the heck are you?"

Much to the Quincy's surprise, the blue cat responded not with a meow or a simple purr but with actual words. "I'm Happy!"

It should have thrown Bambietta off, to hear a creature like this actually speak, but she was a stranger in a strange land and knew to expect the unexpected. Also there was the matter of the cat's looking up her legs towards her, coupled with what it had just said. Bambietta's eyes narrowed with anger and she quickly leapt away from the cat, tugging her own skirt down more than it normally would allow. "Of course you'd be happy looking up at my underwear, you perverted little kitty cat!"

"Actually, his name is Happy," Mirajane interjected as she approached with a sweet smile across her face. "And he probably doesn't even know what the world perverted means anyway, so don't worry."

"Aye sir!" Happy exclaimed, raising one of his paws. "So are you trying to be one of Natsu's friends?"

"Oh, well..." Bambietta replied sheepishly. "I guess you could say that. And are you his pet?"

Happy seemed to get a little grumpy at that point, as if he had been insulted. "I'm his friend!"

"Of course you are," Bambietta replied as she knelt down slightly, reaching out with one hand and petting the blue cat between his ears. "Yes you are! Yes you are!"

Happy seemed unable to sense any of the thinly veiled sarcasm that laced Bambietta's words or the patronizing way in which she was acting. He simply smiled sweetly instead. The Quincy meanwhile could not help herself, finding him as cute as could be. At the same time Bambietta could not help but envy the cat. She had seen it earlier, the creature flying around the guild hall with wings protruding from his back. She had possessed a similar ability as well once, but with her powers degraded as bad as they had were that was simply a past memory, nothing more. Yet still did Bambietta vow to regain her strength. First she needed to truly gauge her remaining power, and if she put herself on the upper echelon of the Fairy Tail pecking order while she was at it, all the better.

"So how strong is your friend here, little buddy?" Bambietta asked as she continued to run her fingers through the hair atop Happy's head.

"Oh, he's one of Fairy Tail's very best!" Happy exclaimed. "Natsu's the toughest if you ask me!"

"That's just what I wanted to here." Bambietta grinned then and stood, her sight settling back on Natsu's back. The young man was still looking over the available job requests, but the Quincy knew she would have to interrupt him for her own needs. "Oh, Na-"

"Guess who's the newest member of Fairy Tail?"

"Hey, that's my line..." Bambietta turned and could see Lucy exiting Master Makarov's office, a brilliant smile on her face. The Celestial wizard was very nearly jumping for joy at that point, running over to Mirajane at the counter. The Quincy was curious to see what the girl who had stolen her thunder was like and began to approach as well. "So, Lucy was it?"

"Yeah, that's me!" the young lady replied as she held out her right hand and placed it on the counter. Bambietta watched then as Mirajane pressed down on the back of Lucy's hand, leaving behind a pink and magically infused Fairy Tail emblem.

"There you are," Mirajane exclaimed. "Now you're officially a Fairy Tail wizard!"

Lucy raised her hand and stared wide eyed at the proof of her success, her journey having reached the conclusion that she had been praying for. Bambietta meanwhile was simply confused.

"Hey now," she began to say, "Master Makarov personally gave me an emblem with his own power, not some silly stamp." A sly smile began to cross Bambietta's face then. "Oh, am I that awesome that he felt I deserved special treatment?"

"That's weird," Happy said as he moved towards the group. "Natsu told me once that he got his emblem from Makarov, the same as you."

"Oh, there's a good reason for that," Mirajane replied with her smile never wavering. "Whenever the master feels that someone may be a bit too destructive even by Fairy Tail standards he makes sure to apply to them a mark of his own making. That way he can keep tabs on them at all times with his magic."

"What?" Bambietta very nearly felt as if her jaw was about to drop to the floor. She pulled the glove off her left hand then, staring at the FairyTail symbol. "I sense a lack of trust."

"Oh!" Lucy suddenly came close, putting her right hand directly next to Bambietta's left. "We've got a matching pair of emblems!"

Bambietta could see it well enough that the one who had replaced her as the Fairy Tail newcomer had a point, but she was unsure if she should be all that thrilled with a simple coincidence. "Yeah, that's just so awesome. Cowabunga."

Lucy all but spun around then, still ecstatic by being an official Fairy Tail wizard. She looked at Bambietta, a glean in her eyes. "So what's your name?"

"Bambietta, Bambietta Basterbine." The Quincy paused for a moment, thinking over if she should provide more information. Mentally shrugging, she decided to be as open as possible once more. "But you can call me Bambi if you want. All my friends do. Well... all two of them."

"Then let's make it all three of them!" Lucy said with a smile. "So Makarov said you're new here too?"

"Yeah, I just joined yesterday actually," Bambietta answered. "So I guess we're kind of two peas in a pod-"

"How come my daddy hasn't come back yet?"

Both Bambietta and Lucy lost focus at the sound of the unknown voice. The two ladies turned their heads in its direction and could see a young boy speaking with Makarov, the guild master sitting atop the counter.

"You're the son of a wizard, Romeo," Makarov replied, putting down the glass from which he had been drinking. "You simply need to have both patience for and faith in your father."

"But sir," Romeo Conbolt pleaded, his voice cracking, "my dad said the job would only take three days at most and he's been gone for a week!"

"I believe it was the job on Mount Hakobe that Macao took-"
