
Chapter 14


He got me a shirt, it reaches until my mid thigh. I didn't actually wash my hair, cause I'm tired to dry it... Yah, I know I'm lazy.

Well... if you're wondering what's he doing...

He's just staring at me, following my every move with his eyes. Tell me, am I really the weird one here?! Is a little showing off, will turn him crazy?!

Well if a little showing off is what you call to what I am doing... I don't know anymore "..."

I went to the bed and lie down, and look at him weirdly...

" You're not going to sleep?! " he's still out of his mind. HE'S JUST STANDING THERE DOING NOTHING!

The food is already ready to be devoured by him, yet his just standing there!

Hmp, what a let down. You let this poor woman's heart down. Wuhuhh

I'm not really on the rush in this kind of things, and I believe that karma is a b*tch. Sooner or later this man will make a move to settle the accounts with me.

Why don't I just devour him first?...

He went and lie down next to me, and he's so stiff. He's like lying in a coffin.

Am I going to eat you?!...

Well... there's a possibility... "..." haha

I moved and hugged him, and nestled in his chest. I put his arm to hug my waist and didn't care about his reaction. His smell is really addicting. I think it has to do with the mate thing. If I'm the man in this situation, I would devour this woman in front of me.



In the middle of the night, a man is breathing hard but didn't dare to move to not wake the woman who's hugging him like a pillow. A certain part of his body is also awake and becoming hard, feeling the woman's heat and knowing that she only has a shirt that covers her body.

He could see the outline of her blessed bosom. A desire to touch and fiddle those twin peaks surged inside him making him lose his mind. Still, hanging on his last string of control, he carefully removed her arms from hugging him...

Successfully doing so, he went to the bathroom and filled the tub with a cold water.

Thus, in the middle of the night, a man soaked his self on the cold water to calm his "standing thing". But his mind is not cooperating, his mind is thinking of ways how to punish her. After thinking for almost 15 minutes, he arrived to a decision " Spanking her naked would be fine."

... The culprit who is sleeping, felt a little cold but resumed to her dreamland.

