
Chapter 14

Chapter 14

*** Andrea ***

After his phone call he told me he had to go home to babysit his little brother. I was kind of sad that he was leaving but I put a smile on my face so he wouldn't know how much his leaving me was bothing me. Hey Andrea I want you to come with me, that's if you don't have anything planned?

Oh you know I don't have any plans other than packing the stuff I'm bring back with me the rest the movers are going to pack.  But really you don't have to invited me to your house, I'm a big girl I take care of myself I snapped at him. When I looked up he looked really confused and hurt by what I had just said it made me feel really guilty.

Nick I'm sorry for just now I just well I don't want or need your pity ok. For a long while he was really silent it was starting to get awkward, So I when I had gotten feed up I started to walk away he grabbed my hand and pulled me toward him so fast I crashed into his chest. He took my face into his hands and smashed his lips to mine, I swear I saw fireworks.

 My body was on fire my pussy was tingling wow that's never happen before, I pulled away breathing hard as he was. His eyes were dark with lust and he was staring at my lips like he wanted to devour them again.

 He was making me so subconscious that when I licked my lips he pulled me to him, kissing and licking my lips like I was the best tasting lollipop he had. As he was feasting on my lips we were moving backwards until he slam me into the wall.

My legs going around his waist his arms under me holding me tight, he move one hand in between us rubbing on the underside of my breast. Gwad it's so hot I want more and more . then a thought popped in my head that we shouldn't be doing this( oh shit what was I thinking)!!! Oh that's right I wasn't just as I was about to push nick away I was save by the bell, while not really it was his phone...

*** Nick ***

Stupid ass phone just had to ring bring us out of the daze we were in, while I was in it look like she was going to push me away.  She's so beautiful standing shy and embarrassed, blushing red cheeks, swollen pink lips, and messy hair damn it I want her in my arms right now. Then my phone rang again frustrated I answer!!!

_____ Nicks Phone Call_____


Nicks Mom: Well hello to you to son of mine...

Nick: sorry ma what's up?

Nicks Mom: well I thought you would be here by now and got worried that something happen to you??

Nick: oh no ma I'm on my way I huh just got side track that be there in ten bye ma.

After I hang up with my mom I looked around and noticed Andrea gone, walking around I finally find her in the kitchen drinking water with this faraway look on her face. You know you don't have anything to be embarrassed about right?

She looked up startled out of her thoughts, Nick it's not that I didn't enjoy the kiss the fact is that it was another amazing kiss. I just want to slow down because I'm not use to this ok!!! I told you before that we could take it as slow as you want and I meant every word I would never Force you to do anything8 you're not ready for …
