
Chapter 98

The world around Lydia blurred, shadows stretching and distorting as a wave of lightheadedness washed over her. She stumbled, her knees buckling beneath her as she dropped to the cold, hard ground. Confusion swirled within her, rapidly replaced by realization as she caught sight of her left hand. Her skin was unnaturally pale, almost ashen – a stark contrast to her normally vibrant complexion.

She knew what this meant. The edges of her medical knowledge resurfaced in her mind, linking her symptoms to a diagnosis: radiation poisoning. A chill of fear seeped into her bones at the implication. Her powers, among them her advanced healing factor and her ability to absorb and manipulate cosmic energies, had always acted as a shield, containing and regulating the colossal amounts of cosmic energy she had absorbed throughout her life.

They were a buffer, a shield of sorts, preventing the volatile cosmic energy from ravaging her body. But now, with her powers suppressed, that shield was gone. Her body was laid bare, exposed to the full brunt of the cosmic energies she harbored.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized the severity of her situation. If her powers remained suppressed, her body would continue to deteriorate under the uncontrolled influence of the cosmic energies. It could manifest as severe radiation sickness, but it could also be worse – a progressive breakdown of her cellular structures, effectively tearing her apart from the inside out.

She suppressed a shudder at the thought. She couldn't afford to panic. Not now. Not when James and Victor needed her. Despair was a luxury she couldn't afford. She needed to keep her head, to stay focused. To figure out a way to fight back.

With a grunt of effort, she tried to rise, but her body protested, fatigue tugging at her limbs. But she wouldn't surrender. Not yet. She had faced worse odds, fought fiercer battles. This wouldn't be her end. Not if she had any say in it.

She knew her situation was grim. Her gaze darted to James and Victor, their faces strained as they battled the relentless onslaught of wolves. A surge of determination flooded her veins. She wouldn't allow Shaw to win. She wouldn't allow her brothers to fall. She was a queen. A warrior. She wouldn't go down without a fight.

The sinister cadence of Shaw's laughter echoed off the ancient stone walls, filling the chamber with an eerie chorus of mirth. The corners of his mouth twisted further into a wicked grin as he remarked, "Very well. If you won't choose, then I'll pick both."

His fingers deftly tapped another button, and an immediate change swept over the wolves. Their eyes glowed brighter, their movements became more reckless, and their attacks turned ferocious, no longer caring about self-preservation. It was as if they had been stripped of any instincts beyond their prime directive to kill.

From the throng of lupine beasts, two wolves emerged, their forms larger and more menacing than the rest. The sheen of their claws revealed a distinctive, almost metallic hue – the unmistakable gleam of Vibranium. Like seasoned hunters, they prowled slowly, keeping their gazes locked onto their targets – James and Victor. They moved with a patient and calculating menace, embodying the very essence of apex predators poised for a lethal strike.

James and Victor, embroiled in their relentless fight against the wolves, felt a sudden shift in the onslaught. Their enhanced senses picked up on the change in behavior, the surge in aggression.

On the other side of the room, Lydia watched the scene unfold with a knot in her stomach. She saw the determination in her brothers' eyes, matched with the desperate aggression of the wolves. She was not accustomed to being a bystander, and the feeling of helplessness gnawed at her.

Victor, his senses sharpened by the super-soldier serum coursing through his veins, tracked the large wolf's every movement with his eyes. He waited, gauging the beast's timing as it lunged. In a moment that stretched into an eternity, he side-stepped, his movements executed with the precision of a seasoned fighter. The Vibranium-enhanced wolf flew past him, and before it could recover, Victor was there, his boot connecting with a powerful Spartan kick that sent it careening into the horde of its lesser counterparts.

At the corner of his eye, Victor saw the other wolf. It was a gray blur, zeroing in on James, ready to pounce. Victor's instincts screamed at him to help his brother, but the regular wolves, relentless and frantic, obstructed his path. A split-second decision was all it took; Victor activated the jets in his boots. With a sudden burst of speed, he cut a swath through the wolves, his path culminating in a thunderous tackle that collided with the second Vibranium-clawed beast. His impact arrested the wolf's fatal strike, sparing James in the nick of time.

"Thanks for the assist, Vic," James grunted, his eyes not leaving the chaos around them. He clenched his fists, ignoring the discomfort that pricked at his skin as his claws emerged from their housing. The mechanical hiss of the extraction mechanism echoed above the growls and snarls around him. He felt a pang of nostalgia for his self-regenerating adamantium claws, but there was no time for sentimentality now.

He sprung into action, his movements a blur as he weaved between the wolves, his claws tearing through hide and flesh with every strike. The disconcerting sight of the wolves healing, their injuries mending themselves at an alarming rate, gnawed at him. It was a grim reminder of his own current vulnerabilities, the lack of his self-healing.

Yet, there was a stubborn resolve, a deep-rooted tenacity in James that didn't waver. He fought on, every snarl, every growl, every vicious swipe of his claws a testament to his will to protect his siblings. He couldn't afford to let his guard down; he had to keep fighting, no matter how many times these wolves came back.

Victor wrestled with the massive wolf, its metallic claws digging into the suit that was his sole protection. He could feel each vicious scrape against the suit, the vibration rippling through the layers of material as the wolf's claws left behind a series of shallow scratches. With each frantic moment that passed, the cracks in his suit began to spider-web out, creeping along like deadly tendrils of ice.

Victor could feel a stab of panic in his gut. The suit was not just armor; it was a layer of protection, a buffer between him and the raw, primal force of these beasts. It was all that stood between him and an onslaught of vicious attacks, and now, it was failing.

"Off!" Victor roared, summoning every ounce of strength left in his body. He delivered a powerful punch to the wolf's side, sending it reeling away from him. His breaths came ragged and heavy, his muscles straining against the sheer force of his efforts. He managed to scramble to his feet, his suit groaning in protest at every movement. He looked down, seeing the maze of fine cracks across his chest plate, each one a stark reminder of his vulnerability.

The other wolf, emboldened, leapt at James, its Vibranium claws slashing through the air. James sidestepped and parried, his own claws ringing against the metallic ones of the beast. The wolf was relentless, matching his every move, its relentless aggression testing the limits of James' stamina.

Victor could only watch in alarm as the creature engaged James, the grating clash of metal against metal echoing through the air. The sight of his brother fighting tooth and nail against this creature, their powers suppressed and their weapons insufficient, stirred a visceral fear in Victor. But beneath that fear was a stubborn resolve. He would not let them fall here. He would not let Shaw win.

Victor could feel the strength draining out of him with every passing second. His suit was practically shredded now, barely hanging onto his body in tattered strips. The wolves were on him before he could muster any semblance of defense. Teeth sank into his exposed flesh, each bite puncturing through like hot pokers searing his skin. His heart pounded violently against his ribcage, adrenaline fueling his frenzied attempts to break free from their grips.

Victor could feel the first sting of venom entering his bloodstream, a cold shock spreading quickly through his veins. His vision started to blur around the edges, his body growing heavy and his movements sluggish. His scream echoed off the cavernous walls, the pain reverberating through his entire body in cruel waves.

James, a few feet away, fought like a man possessed. His hands were a blur, slashing through the onslaught of wolves that blocked his path to his brother. Each howl that echoed off the walls set his teeth on edge, fueling his frantic attempts to reach Victor.

In the distance, Lydia watched with horror etched deeply into her face. The sight of her brothers being overwhelmed, the sound of Victor's agonized screams – it all knotted in her stomach, her heart pounding in terror. But fear couldn't keep her immobile, not when her brothers were in danger. Each step was an effort, her body refusing to cooperate, but the determination in her eyes was unwavering.

Shaw, in the midst of all this chaos, stood like an unbothered spectator. His soft laughter echoed in the space, a disturbingly tranquil note against the backdrop of snarls and screams. The cruel glint in his eyes was that of a predator watching its prey struggle, knowing that victory was within grasp.

Victor could feel the pressure of the wolves' grip lessening, their feverish snarls gradually giving way to vicious snaps amongst each other. The wolves, once his tormentors, had turned their predatory instincts against one another in their savage desire to feed. The sound of their frenzied squabbles filled the tomb, adding a savage discord to the eerie silence that had descended.

James, who had been throwing every ounce of strength he had into the fight, seized the opportunity the wolves' distraction provided. With swift, brutal efficiency, he dispatched the wolves clinging to Victor, their bodies falling away in a pile around his brother. James' breath heaved in and out, the adrenaline of the fight still rushing through his veins, but relief washed over him as he reached Victor's side.

Shaw, observing this spectacle, sighed audibly from his position. He wore an expression of mild disappointment as he surveyed the scene, the wolves' primal instinctual clashes seeming to mar his plan. "Such a waste," he mused out loud, his voice echoing throughout the tomb. His fingers brushed over another button, the press sending a wave of termination to the wolves.

Lydia's heart pounded in her chest as she watched the wolves begin to convulse, foam gathering at their jaws. A potent sense of dread swept over her as she recognized the symptoms of the poison. She knew its effects all too well, having studied it extensively during her time in the lab. The wolves, their bodies twisted in the throes of death, were a stark reminder of the danger her brothers were in.

Shaw watched as Lydia staggered forward, each step a testament to her determination and fear. Her eyes, full of raw vulnerability, flicked from Victor to Shaw and back again. It was a look he relished, proof that he had made the right choice in his target.

"Seems like I've struck a chord," he mused, a satisfied grin spreading across his face. His eyes twinkled with a perverse pleasure as he watched Lydia's labored movements. He let his gaze linger on Victor, now prone on the ground, writhing in pain as the poison from the wolves' bites coursed through his veins. The sight of Victor, once strong and powerful, now reduced to such a state, brought a sadistic smile to his face. It wasn't what he had planned, but it was satisfying nonetheless.

Lydia's heart pounded in her chest as she moved towards Victor. Each step was an ordeal, the radiation sickness sapping her strength, but she forced herself to move forward. Her mind was a whirl of emotions—fear, anger, desperation—but above all else was a burning determination. She refused to let Shaw win, refused to let him hurt her brothers any further.

James, for his part, was torn between attacking Shaw and tending to his brother. His eyes darted between the two, his fists clenching and unclenching. He could feel a low growl building in his throat, the wolf within him sensing the danger. But for now, his priority was Victor. James knelt beside his brother, his heart pounding in his chest as he took in the severity of the bites. His suit had been torn in several places, deep puncture wounds visible underneath. James grimaced as he saw the dark veins branching out from the wounds, a clear sign of the potent poison in Victor's system.

As Lydia finally reached Victor, she crumpled beside him, her shaky hand reaching out to touch his. "Hold on," she whispered, her voice choked with fear. "Just hold on, Victor." The plea was more for herself than him. She needed him to hold on, to fight. Because if he didn't, she wasn't sure what she would do.

"James…kill the green guy…" Lydia whispered.

James looked at Lydia, a desperate plea in his eyes. "But Victor..." he began, worry etching deep lines into his face.

"Go!" she hissed through clenched teeth, not daring to take her eyes off Victor. "I need my powers back. I can handle Victor."

James nodded, casting one last glance at his fallen brother before turning his attention to Leech. His body moved almost on autopilot, the soldier in him taking over as he bounded towards the source of their problems. As he moved, his mind raced with the desperate hope that Lydia could do something, anything, to help Victor. That was the only thing keeping him from succumbing to the primal urge to stay and protect his brother. He needed to trust Lydia.

Lydia, for her part, was teetering on the edge of panic. Victor's face was contorted in agony, his breathing shallow and rapid. His body was tensed, the muscles in his neck and shoulders standing out in stark relief against his pale skin. She could see the frantic pulse in his neck, a harsh reminder of the poison coursing through his veins. The pain was so intense that he couldn't even speak, his eyes simply pleading with her to help. She swallowed hard, trying to steady her shaking hands.

"You're going to be okay," she murmured to him, the words sounding hollow even to her. She knew Victor could see through her, could see the fear in her eyes. But he needed hope, and she would give that to him.

She glanced up at Shaw, the man responsible for all of this. There was a bitter taste in her mouth as she took in his satisfied smirk, his relaxed stance. It was as if he was watching a show, deriving pleasure from their pain. A wave of anger washed over her, hot and fierce. She would make him pay. But first, she needed her powers back. She needed to save Victor.

Shaw's laughter echoed around the chamber, a cold and gleeful sound that sent chills down Lydia's spine. It grated on her nerves, a reminder of the man's absolute disregard for them, for Victor. But it was his words that truly hit her. The spiteful venom lacing every syllable was impossible to ignore.

"How does it feel, Lydia?" he taunted, his gaze locked on hers, a predatory glint in his eyes. "To lose something you care about?"

His voice seemed to crawl under her skin, the implications of his words burrowing into her thoughts. He was right. She was about to lose Victor, and there was nothing she could do about it. Not while her powers were nullified. Not while he was in control.

His words hit home, a cruel reminder of the destruction she had wrought. He was making her see the parallels, forcing her to understand the pain he had felt. The Hellfire Club... she had destroyed it, decimated its members. In her fight for justice, had she become no better than the monsters she was fighting against?

But now was not the time for such introspection. Victor needed her, and she couldn't afford to wallow in guilt and regret.

Shaw continued, his tone laced with dark satisfaction. "Now you understand my pain. The pain of losing something dear to you. Your precious Victor, he's not going to make it. This is your punishment for what you did to me, to the Hellfire Club."

Lydia gritted her teeth, her fists clenching at her sides. She was not going to let Shaw win. She was not going to lose Victor. Not like this. Not without a fight.

But as she watched James charging towards Leech, a sinking realization dawned on her. It might already be too late. The cold hand of fear clenched around her heart, threatening to squeeze the life out of her. But she wouldn't give in. She couldn't. She had to be strong, for Victor.

"For myself," she whispered, more to herself than to anyone else. She would face whatever came next. She had to. Because that's what heroes do. And despite the dark cloud of uncertainty and fear looming over her, she held on to one glimmer of hope. She had to believe that they could turn this around. They had to.
