
Asked Nicely

After discussing the details with Ivar, Sam went back to the Olympian region. 

The Elders acted faster than he thought. They decided on the person to send to check up on this source of information. That guy would be leaving that night and luckily, Ivar will be arriving by afternoon and Sam could program the signature of the guy that Ivar needs to chase.

As he was waiting for it, he is surprised by a new development. 

He got a notification from the Hub. The Dean of the Zeus Academy requested a meeting with Joker. Along with that came another notification from Christos.

Sam let his Joker projection meet Christos who is waiting there in the hub.

"What is it, Christos?"

"Sir, I got information that the Dean of our Academy is going to try and contact you. He might ask you for a meeting."

"Oh? He already contacted me and asked for a meeting. I already agreed to meet him this evening. Why do you care about this?"
