
Big Slap

Sam kept on ascending.

He didn't know what is happening outside of the tower. At least not at the moment. He just focused on enjoying himself as he made the whole fight kind of meaningless.

With his energy tricks, it is becoming a bit easy for him to deal with these humanoids and the beasts.

The numbers are also not making much of a difference. The clearance for the next floor was much faster than when compared to Pearl. His ascension speed just made the mood outside much more somber.

The died down mood only cheered up when they noticed the ascension of Vidyut and White.

Both of them finally broke the record. They broke past the twenty-sixth floor and from their speed, they are pretty fast even in the next floor. Most people in the crowd tried their best to ignore Sam and kept on cheering for Vidyut and White.

There are even some betting pools, each betting to see who will reach a higher rank.
