
Mountains on Fire

The fire burned everything and anything that's on the mountain.

The beasts that managed to hide away from the floods and survive the sudden heat rise were also engulfed in flames and the people in the valley could hear the screams of their agony. But that is just the start, they were more terrified by what happened next.

The beasts that died off only left behind their skeletons that are engulfed with flames and once all of their flesh is gone, these skeletons started moving.

These skeletons flew down to the formation and started attacking.

Much less citizens, even Sam didn't anticipate this change. These skeletons are very close to undead, in fact they should also be classified as a type of undead. But they are exactly not. Just like how some gods gave sentience to the trees and rocks, this god gave sentience to the skeletons of the beasts that are still burning.
