
Trying on his own

It has been two days since the Minotaur troops surrounded the town from three directions. There is only one direction left for them and it is covered with dense forest. It would lead to an area where there is no civilization and no one knows what kind of creatures live there.

Sam is extremely frustrated as he stayed in the tavern.

Currently, his task is not going anywhere. There is no progress. Since the troops of Minotaurs came here, there is nothing much the troops of dwarves can do.

This morning, Sam once again took a look at the situation outside from the top of the wall. From the past two days, there are not many offensive moves from the Minotaurs. But there are some attacks that are just made to frustrate and drain the forces on the top of the wall.

But within the two days, there are many changes within the troops of the Minotaur.
