
King Remains

Sam checked his health bar one last time before he left the place. His health reduced by two bars and Sky's health reduced by one bar. This is not because they are injured.

It is just the exhaustion of energy.

Sam reappeared in the chair and once again entered the battle zone for his next move. This time, it is a pawn against another Knight of Kartikeya.

This Knight was a female and is mounted on an eagle-like beast.

Sam couldn't fly on a beast by himself, because he is a pawn, but he has a hoverboard and when the knight was feeling complacent and was trying to toy with Sam, who has already dodged quite a few attacks, he suddenly took out the harbinger and zoomed to the top. He didn't attack her, instead, he took reaper and sliced the bird on its belly.

His sudden move made the bird screech as it crashed into the ground.
