

I know this is wrong, you don't have to tell me. I have been spying on my Mother for a long time, and I am getting very good at it. It all started when I got started in electronics at school. I began to buy kits to make sound recording and transmitting devices, I used them to record conversations between my parents. As time went by, I overheard the fights that my Mother and Father were having in private. The arguments were getting worse, and by then, I didn't need to record them, as even with my pillow over my head, I could still hear them arguing. In the end, I was praying for my Father to move out and leave Mom and me in peace. They sat me down and had the talk with me.

"We both still love you, and this is just us moving in different directions," Dad said, but I knew they hated each other, his bags were next to the door.

I was old enough to work out the arrangements for seeing him for a 'Dad's day' every few weeks. And they were fun, but I didn't go over to stay every second weekend as a child would. I lived with Mom and loved her very much. After two years I stopped going over to see him very often.

My Mom started to retire to her room early each night. I was intrigued to find out what she was doing in her room each night. I started ordering an electronics kit to make a listening device that I could hide in her room. It took me a few weeks to get it working and soon had the bug in her room, but could not make out what she was doing. I could hear the muffled sounds of moaning, Did she miss my Dad, was she pleasing herself? I had to know.

I began to put together Spy camera kits I bought online. It took months to get the first one to work, and even then, it streamed poor video quality and was pretty obvious it was a camera. If I put it anywhere in the open, it would be spotted straight away. My first opportunity was when Mom went out for the day, and I got up in the attic and put it in the vent over the bathroom.

The first feed I got was of Mom taking a shower. The video showed just a flash of her walking naked from the sink to the shower. It was an epic fail on my behalf, and it was weeks before I would have the opportunity to redirect the camera. So I started to work on a second camera, while I kept checking on any footage I got from the first one. I mostly got a flash of the top of her breasts as she walked to the shower. But I sometimes got her drying her body with a towel. Not really nudity, but I was hooked.

It took me weeks to study what parts I needed to build the small camera and transmitter for the video. I started to sell the sound recorder online, making a small profit from each one and putting the money into the new spy camera. Even the crude video camera in the ceiling of the bathroom was able to be sold for hundreds of uses, that quite frankly I didn't want to know about. Hell, I was already breaking hundreds of laws and social norms each day as it was.

I did end up being able to reposition the camera to give me a view of the shower, and I got a glimpse of my Mother's breasts from above, and I watched each time she showered. She had beautiful full breasts with large nipples that stood out when they were cold. I watched the grainy video feed and wished I could record it for viewing in the future. This is what started off the move to expand my online sales.

My Dad had our garage full of junk, and it was all still there. My Mother and I always parked in the drive, so I thought I could clear out the garbage and set-up a workshop.

"Mom, I need more space to do electronics and repairs for people, is it alright to clean out all Dad's stuff from the garage and use it as my workshop?" I asked, hoping she would be happy my bedroom would turn back into its original form.

"Well, Jamie, if you can get all that crap out of there, it's yours, just throw all of it away it's been two years since he has been back to look for anything," Mom said, the venom still in her voice after all this time.

It took me dozens of loads in my old pickup to clean out all the junk. I only kept two boxes with photos and stuff thought I thought Dad would want at some point. I was not as angry as Mom, but I was still ruthless because I needed the space.

I set up a row of shelves just inside the door from the house to make a hall almost the full width of the area, so that Mom couldn't barge in unannounced, and I set up a camera looking down the little hall towards the door from the house. I set up my bench in a large L shape along the back of the false wall I made for the shelves and across the back of the area. More walls and shelving made for storage and to hide the server and monitors room I was putting together, and some vent fans to extract the heat. The wall slid back to reveal the area I could sit and see the feed saved on the server in private.

As sales of the recorder and cameras picked up, I could start to buy parts in larger quantities and get better prices, and I worked out quicker ways to make the wiring in groups to make it quicker to build. After a few months, I was making batches of each so that I could just pick them off the shelf and ship them as soon as an order came in. I was also building a server for storing the video files I was going to capture when I finally had the cameras up and running.

I started to troll auctions for electronics, and eventually came across an old server stand for only a fraction of the cost, it also had a network switch still in the top bay. I was thrilled when I realized I could fix it, it just had a broken wire to the power supply, and it took me all of thirty seconds to fix. A few weeks later, I found an older rack mount server for a few hundred dollars.

Another few auctions later I hit gold, I found a hard drive array, this was essential for the storage. The array had twenty-four slots for hard-drives and linked them as one large storage area, what the auction house didn't realize, was that of the ten or so identical arrays for sale, all but one had almost useless but quite fast 100gb drives for a total of one terabyte, but this one had a full set of four terabyte drives a total of forty terabytes of storage, it was a dream setup for video file storage . I quickly paid my $200 and picked it up like everyone else under my arm, but when I got to my truck, I lay it on the seat of my truck very carefully like it's real $2500 plus value would dictate. And I drove home like I had stolen it, except, of course, I had a bill of sale.

Now the tricky part of getting the software to work, I tried two free software packages that took a lot of learning but fell short on actual performance. I then moved on to a package that cost a little but it was a hundred times better, and soon had it purring like a kitten. I was able to increase the quality of the old camera, and sales started to grow. The video feed was better, but it was still too large for a hidden camera.

My project to build a hidden camera was progressing slowly, but the parts that were small enough to go in the clock were costly. I was going to make the circuit board myself and get the Leica lens from Germany. Another problem was transmitting the signal in a high enough quality but in a way that was encrypted. I didn't want a feed of my naked Mother popping up on a nanny cam next door. All these problems I was working on as I was making the other cameras to sell.

"Here's some money for the rent and power Mom, I know the bills must have gone up now that I am using the garage for a workshop," I said, and handed over a few hundred dollars, hoping to help out.

"There is no need to do that, I have enough to pay the bills," Mom said, hugging me anyway.

"I want to help out, and I am selling some electronics each day now, so I can at least offset some costs," I said, holding the hug for as long as I think social graces would allow.

That afternoon when Mom went shopping, I went back into the attic and installed the upgraded older version camera into the vent over the bathroom, pointing at the vanity mirror. The next day I reviewed the footage from the server. Wow, the video footage of Mom getting undressed was incredible. I got a perfect view of her breasts and nipples as she checked herself in the mirror. I sat behind my false wall, jerking my cock and keeping an eye on the hall camera for Mom coming to check on me. She seldom did, but I was still worried about getting caught wanking to the video of my naked Mother.

This put a fire under me, and I stored the video files on the server and started making inquiries from contacts in China for the other parts I needed for the real spy camera I was building. I was building cameras and sound recording devices in batches and taking orders and packing and dispatching them each day. Any spare time was spent researching and prototyping the new spy camera. The new tiny lens was working correctly. I had the circuit board complete, and the Wi-Fi was working but not secure as yet, I was not game to skip this step. It was frustrating. I could plug it into the network by a cable, and it would work fine, but I would be much better wireless.

That's when a contact in China came through with a tiny wireless card that used a larger receiver card for the server to transmit the video that was encrypted so only I could ever view the footage. I gladly paid the price in Bitcoin and waited on the package. I finally had the camera ready to install into the clock-radio Mom had on her dresser across from the end of her bed. It had enough space inside to accommodate the camera and has its own power supply to run the camera with a little modification. I just had to have the time to install the camera and get it back without Mom knowing.

I had the feed from the bathroom to keep me busy, I had seen most of Mom's body by now, but glimpses of her pussy were not enough. I thought of getting under the house and putting a camera in the drain in the middle of the bathroom floor, but I would only get a quick glimpse as she stepped over the hole. I was still jerking off to the nightly footage of her before and after her shower. Her nipples contracting in the cold air was my favorite thing.

"Jamie, are you in here?" Mom yelled, from the door to the garage.

"Yes Mom, hold on I will come into the kitchen. I need a coffee anyway," I said, stretching my back after working on a batch of cameras for hours.

"I need to go out-of-town overnight tomorrow, a friend is having a birthday, and she has invited me to stay the night," She said, and sounded excited.

"That's fine with me, Mom, go and have a blast. I will be working all day, so I won't miss you until hunger drives me out of the garage," I said, trying to hide my excitement at having the opportunity to pull the clock apart and hide the camera.

I spent hours that night going over the camera and the software to make sure it was working correctly before I installed it tomorrow. Then I watched tonight's video of Mom in the bathroom, cuming when she wiped her boobs in the video feed.

"I will be fine, Mom I can look after myself for one night," I said, holding her close and smelling her perfume in her hair. "I love you."

"I love you too, Jamie," Mom said, as she opened the car door.

I watched her back out and drove off up the street. I waited an hour before going into her room and unplugging the clock and taking it back to my workshop. I took it apart and spent a lot of time placing the camera at the optimum distance from the tiny hole in the face. I had drilled out one of the speaker grill holes a fraction bigger and mounted the camera looking through it. When I finished, I tested it several times, and it was working perfectly. Then I thought of putting a sound recorder in as well, but I faced a problem: would the power supply for the clock handle the camera and the recorder as well.

I was going for broke, I hooked up the sound recorder and tested the current, it was still under the rating for the supply, I just hoped it would not overheat and melt the whole thing. I carefully put it back together and placed it back on the dressing table, plugged it in remembering to reset the time two minutes fast just like before I played with it. I spent some time that night going through Mom's room and found her panties from yesterday and could smell her essence on the crotch. I also found her vibrator in the bottom drawer. It was clean like it was unused or wiped after use, and I was disappointed. I jerked off with Mom's panties under my nose and put them back where I found them.

"Did you have fun? When is lunch I am starving?" I asked, only joking a little as I was testing the camera and sound instead of eating last night.

"I had a ball, but I didn't drink as much as the birthday girl, she has a sore head this morning, so I came home," Mom said, hugging me and heading to her room to unpack.

I was tempted to check out the video feed but decided I would do it when Mom was asleep tonight. We had dinner together and watched TV. I was on the chair, and Mom was lying on the couch, she was soon asleep. Some party animal she was, out like a light at 9:30. I watched her and the TV for a while, hoping she would shift her legs apart, so I could see up her oversized sleep tee-shirt, but no luck. She woke herself up and went to bed at 11:00.

I went to the workshop and slipped into the secret room and watched the footage from today when she got home she just unpacked and went to make us dinner. Then she came back to change into her sleep shirt. I got my first front view of Mom's boobs. They looked bigger from the lower angle, and her nipples were beautiful, and she scratched them when she took off her bra. The video footage and the audio were better than I could ever imagine, and the German lens gave an almost perfect picture, even in low light. I watched her sleep for a while, before creeping back to my room to bed.

I saw Mom nude many times over the next few days, but nothing more than R rated until I watched Friday night footage. I almost fell off my chair when Mom came into the bedroom after we had said goodnight. She had her laptop under her arm and took off her clothes. She sat with her back to the bedhead with the laptop between her legs. I could have taken a hammer to the laptop at this stage, as it was blocking the best view I have ever had. Then she reached for the vibrator in her drawer, and hunched down and ran it down below the laptop screen. I couldn't see what she was doing, but I could hear the porn playing on her laptop.

She began playing with her nipples, running her nails over them at first, then pulling them out from her breast. Mom moaned and hunched her hips as she became more excited, and her nipples became hard and stood out proudly from her chest. I would do anything to see the view from her laptop camera right now, as I am guessing her vibrator is inside her pussy. I was getting close to my own orgasm, trying to match Mom's pace on the screen. She arched her back and pointed her toes, pulling on one of her nipples as she orgasmed on the screen, and I came into a tissue a few seconds later. I had just had one of the most erotic moments of my life.

I had to get access to the camera on that laptop. I could not just hack into it, the LED next to the camera would light up and give away that it was on. I had to pull it apart and disable the light and put on software to capture the feed and transmit it to my server. Both cameras would give a fantastic overall view of what Mom was doing in her bedroom at night. But how to get hold of her laptop for a reasonable amount of time. I did a lot of research on how to capture the cam footage and not give away that you were doing it. Mom was not that technical with computers, so I don't think she would be digging too deep into the software to find it.

I downloaded a few different software alternatives and tested them on my laptop when I found a vertically undetectable one, and I was ready to try.

"Mom, can I please borrow your laptop for a few hours, mine is on the blink, and I have it pulled apart?" I asked and hugged her for good measure, She could never say no to me if I snuggled up to her like that.

"Fine, baby, but can I have it back later, I have a report to write tonight?" Mom asked, and was still holding me close with her hips pressed against mine.

"I will have it back as soon as I can, Mom," I replied, and kissed her on the cheek.

I quickly retreated to my workshop and pulled the laptop apart, and disabled the LED next to the camera. Then after it was back together, I installed the software and tested it for the next hour. I checked the server footage, and it was as clear as a bell. I could make it more fish-eyed to get a wider angle if Mom had it facing too far up to see properly.

Also, while I was playing with the laptop, I had a look at the cookies and history to see what sites she was visiting. I found the usual suspect's Porn Hub and Xhamster, but what was interesting was the videos she was watching, and a lot were about Girls having anal sex for the first time. It showed a small inbox video from the front showing their expressions as the guy pushed his cock in, and another showing the action. Mom had watched other various anal and virginal videos, but one caught my eye, it was a video on motherless that showed a mother finding her son jerking off, and her giving him a blowjob. I could not tell if she had watched all of this video or not, but maybe she was interested in the topic.

I cleaned all the spam and malware out of the files so the laptop would run better, and she wouldn't notice any dragging from the cam software. Finally, I checked for any deleted files on the computer, and the software found a lot of them. I downloaded them and any video files onto the server for rebuilding later. I cleaned them all out permanently before shutting down the laptop.

"Thanks, Mom, you are a lifesaver, I would have been stuck with testing stuff on my desktop all day. I cleaned off any malware while I was at it, it should run a bit better for a while," I said, and hugged Mom more firmly this time not pulling my crotch away like I usually did.

"That's alright, Honey I am happy to help, the extra money you give me each week comes in handy," She said, making me feel proud I could help out.

We had a lovely night eating dinner together and watching a movie on Netflix. When Mom went to bed, I went to my secret room and watched, but Mom only did what she said she was going to do and typed some reports. I did get a fantastic view of her changing, and the camera was looking at her chest the whole time she was typing. I got glimpses as she scratched her boob, but nothing more than R rated tonight.

I decided to offer the new camera design as a wall clock showing some test footage I shot of myself in my garage making sure the clip only showed me from the neck down, the Cameras would be much more expensive, but the profits would be a lot higher too. It took only a few days to have a month's worth of orders come in. I was going to be working hard to make all the stock. I ordered two months' supply of all the parts and started to assemble the parts I already had, and solder the circuit boards ready for when the other elements came in.

It was three nights after the last time Mom had masturbated in bed, I was going through the footage when I saw Mom undressing beside the bed, but she didn't put anything on. She sat up against the headboard and set her laptop between her legs, obscuring my view. I switched to the laptop cam footage and fast-forwarded until it was placed between her legs. I put each feed on a separate monitor and synced them, so I was watching both at the same time frame.I could see her full-frontal body from the top of her pussy to her neck in closeup. Mom then lent to the side to get something from the drawer. When she came back, she had her vibrator in her hand and something else she dropped out of sight. She typed something on the computer and a video clip that had the unmistakable sound of porn. She rocked her hips forward, and finally, all her body was in view for the first time.

I gasped and put my hand over my mouth, her pussy was incredible. I could see from her rosebud over the gap between there and the bottom of her pussy opening. Then her pussy lips were already swollen and wet, they ran up to the top of her pussy and stretched until they met her clit. That was the awe-inspiring part, the most beautiful big clit I have ever seen, and I had searched the internet for all the videos and photos of large clits, and this had them all beat.

Mom's hand came back into view, and her fingers ran through her pussy, collecting some pussy juice and rubbing it around her clit, making it stand up some more. Her hand disappeared and then came back with a glass buttplug, she lubed it up in her pussy then lifted one ass cheek and slid her hand under it to rub the Buttplug over her rosebud, then pushing firmly her ass opened to accept the intruder. The mic picked her rapid breathing, and groan as the anal muscle closed around the narrower base of the Buttplug holding it in place.

I could see on one screen her fingers pulling on her nipples as on the other screen, her fingers pushed on the bottom of the glass buttplug, obviously giving her the sensations she was after. She picked up the vibrator and ran it around her clit, and slowly before my eyes, it stood up to attention. I could see a clear peril of pussy juice form and trickle from the mouth of her pussy. Mom picked it up with the tip of the vibrator and wiped it around the top of her erect clit.

She plunged the vibrator into her pussy and back out and around her clit, keeping it at fully erect with the low vibrations. My cock was so hard I thought I was going to cum without even touching it. On the screen, Mom was repeating the process over and over, and her moans were getting louder. By the time she had watched a few porn clips, she was panting, then she shook her head as if trying to clear it then type something, and another clip came up.

"Oh Baby, let Mom help you with that," came from the laptop, and Mom started to climax her fingers pulling her nipple out hard, and her toes pointed down, jerking in spasms. I touched my cock and blew my load all over a tissue. On the laptop cam screen, I could see her reached under her ass cheek again and pull the Buttplug out of her ass. She wiped both the Buttplug and vibrator with a tissue and put them back in the drawer. She shut the laptop down and pulled the covers up over her naked body and went to sleep.

The next morning I came into the kitchen and greeted Mom with a hug, again not pulling back my hips but kissing her on the cheek. This was going to be my morning ritual from now on, with longer and closer hugs each day. After eating together, I went to my workshop and assembled the cameras for the shipment today. More orders were coming in, and my large order was not going to last the two months I expected. The website was taking a lot of time to keep up to date, so I offloaded it to a web company, the hundred a month was worth it to free up my time.

Three nights later, Mom got undressed and slipped into bed naked, she pushed in the Buttplug and used a mirror to look at the results of her work. This time she played with her clit with her fingers as she watched the porn clips. Pushing two fingers into her pussy as she pulled and twisted her nipple. She took her large clit in between her finger and thumb and jerked on her clit like a small penis. She started another clip, and I could hear the son on the screen say, "Mom, what are you doing with that cucumber in your pussy?" Then Mom started to clamp her ass muscles around the glass Buttplug as her orgasm washed over her body. I was spasming as I blasted my load into a tissue and threw it into a bin.

Three days later, I started the day with a hug and handed Mom some money to cover some bills. I held the embrace as I talked and kept our hips joined as I did. I had my other hand at the top of her ass and let it rest there as we continued our conversation.

"I need to arrange for the internet to be upgraded, I will take over that bill as I am using most of the bandwidth for work anyway, they might have to send someone to upgrade the cable, but I will handle all of that stuff if you are OK with it?" I asked, still holding my hips to hers.

"Oh, that will be fine. Are you sure you can afford that baby?" she asked, not pulling away from me either.

"Business is good Mom, I am not spending much other than stock and the internet. I am just grateful you let me set up shop in the garage." I said, holding her to me for a final few seconds. "How about a movie after dinner tonight?"

"It's a date," Mom answered, before thinking about it, I'm sure, I kissed her on the cheek closer and closer to her mouth.

I made sure I wore just bed shorts and a tee-shirt after dinner, and my cock was always half-hard, knowing she would be horny by then, I caught her glancing as we watched a movie or TV. I made my cock jump when I saw her look at it, I wish I could have studied the look on her face, but I wasn't game to look her way.

That night I went into my hiding space and watched live as she pulled off her clothes and climbed into bed. She set up her laptop and pulled out the glass buttplug, but this time she had a new friend, it was a massive long dildo. She started a clip that sounded like a son was caught peeping on his Mom, and she got on her toes and pushed in the glass buttplug and squatted down on the giant dildo.

Mom squirmed around on the head of the fake cock to get it to go into her pussy. But after some moaning and sweat, she had most of it inside her. I could see her pussy stretching around the big fake cock. And her clit sticking out from the top as she hunched up and down, forcing it into her body. when the son in the clip said, "Mom, can you take my big cock." I worked out what she was doing, she was recreating what she was watching. The dildo glistened with her juice as she bounced on the fake cock, I could hear the grunting coming from the laptop speakers as Mom started to climax.

Mom spasmed on the cock for a few minutes and then played with her clit as she calmed down. She worked on bringing herself off again, to the video as she had the dildo and Buttplug still in her pussy and the vibrator on her clit. Wow, she was horny tonight, I wondered if my hugs and kisses had anything to with the escalation of her sessions. I watched the screen as her pussy and ass clenched their way through her orgasm.

I started to wonder if I interrupted the chance to work off her frustration, would she find it harder to break out hugs? Would her erect clit be felt through her clothes or even be visible if I don't let her get off every few nights?


I finished my orders for the day and set about getting a feed from Mom's laptop and clock onto my phone. Three days later, I watched from my room as Mom undressed and slipped into her bed naked. She set up as usual and pushed in her Buttplug and pushed on it a few times as she started her first clip. I let her get well and truly horny, and her beautiful clit was sticking straight up from her pussy, then I knocked on the door.

"Mom, is it alright if I come in?" I asked, and watched the feed with no sound, as she scrambled to close her laptop and pull up the sheet.

"Yes, honey, What is it?" She said, and I opened the door.

I quickly crossed the room and crawled onto the bed above the sheet and snuggled into her like it was the most normal thing in the world. Feeling her naked body through the sheet.

"I need to talk to someone about stuff, and I was hoping you would be OK with a bit of a heart-to-heart," I said, putting my head on her other pillow and looking at her in the eyes.

"OK, what is it that's keeping you up? You can tell me anything," Mom said, but she wouldn't really want me to tell her anything if she only knew.

"Anything?" I asked, and cocked an eyebrow.

"Yes, anything," she answered, and I took a big breath.

"I get very worked up and in the morning I arr amm..," I said, and looked away from her eyes.

"It's alright I know about 'morning wood' you can deal with it yourself until you get a girlfriend or wife," Mom said, but looked a little uncomfortable.

"Girls my age aren't looking at nerds like me," I said, looking back to her eyes, and snuggling into her body.

"You would be a catch for any woman, someone will look past that nerd stuff and see the beautiful boy I see," Mom said, brushing the hair out of my face.

"I hope you are right, someday I would like to be in love with a wonderful lady like you. Mom," I said, and tucked my head under her chin and wrapped my leg over her thigh.

"It will happen, I have seen girls that are more like you, and they don't go out much either. Their mothers would probably be having the same conversations with them right now," She said, in a low, quiet voice. But I didn't respond, I kept my breathing slow and even, I was hoping she didn't have the heart to wake me.

I was right, she couldn't bring herself to wake me, and I lay very still for the longest time. Whenever she shifted, I moved too, keeping my leg and arm draped over her body. I knew she still had a buttplug in her ass, and my leg was pressing into her pussy. I could feel the heat through the sheet between us, and I was not going to let the contact go if I could help it. Mom's breathing eventually slowed, and I was sure she was asleep. Soon I fell asleep too, and by morning I had my erection pressing into her ass as I ended up spooning her during the night.

I lay in that position, keeping very still and resisting the urge to hump against her ass. I had my arm over her body and my hand on the side of her breast over the sheet. It was all very innocent as far as Mom would tell, but she would not have the opportunity to relieve the pressure until tonight or maybe later if I had anything to do with it. The thought of the Buttplug still in Mom's ass kept my cock rock hard, and I was not pulling my hips away an inch.

Mom moaned and pulled my hand down to her belly, pulling me into her back, then let out a little yelp, and let go of my hand and rolled over to face me. She was enjoying having my cock planted in her ass crack until she woke fully.

"Baby, we have to get up and start the day," Mom said, and rocked me by the shoulder.

"Oh, sorry, Mom, I must have dozed off," I said, and covered my erection and turned my back as I got out of bed.

"It's OK baby, it was nice to have someone warm in my bed for a change."

"I slept well too, Mom," I said, and walked from the room 'sort of' trying not to show Mom my morning wood.

We eat breakfast without discussing the conversation from the previous night. I gave her a big morning hug, as usual, holding it for as long as I could reasonably hope for, and then kissed her on the cheek. I went into the workshop while Mom went into her home office to complete her workday. After I had all the camera production done for the day, I retreated into my secret room and watched the night's events back. Especially looking at the morning, after I left the room. Mom threw off the sheet and pulled out the Buttplug from her ass and the vibrator from under the pillow and placed it in the drawer. She went into the bathroom and showered before getting dressed. She didn't masturbate at all, so she would probably be trying again tonight.

We had dinner early and sat on the couch to watch a movie, I picked 'Love Actually' Mom's favorite, and yes, I liked it too, even though I protested a little. I got Mom another glass of wine, snuggled up beside her, and pulled her feet on my lap. I was rubbing her feet and calves. By the time I had given her the third glass, she was smiling and crying all at the same time.

When the movie ended, she wobbled off to bed, and I went to my room and watched her on my phone. She undressed and rubbed her hands over her body and looked at her laptop as if deciding if she would continue what she started last night. Standing beside the bed, she retrieved the Buttplug from the drawer and putting one foot on the bed, inserted it into her ass. She stood back, but instead of getting the laptop, she slid under the sheet. I could no longer see her hand, so I thought I would intervene and cut off the opportunity for her to play with herself.

"Mom, can I come in for a sec?" I asked, after I knocked lightly on the door.

"OK, baby," She said after I saw her pull her hands out from under the sheet and make sure she was not showing anything she shouldn't.

I did the same thing as last night snuggling up to Mom's side, and she was less stiff with her body. It might have been the wine or because this was the second time I had come in and cuddled her when she was naked under the sheet. Although this time, I could see a small tent in the sheet at the spot her pussy would be. I slid my leg over her thigh and lifted my head on my hand to talk to her.

"What do you think about me finding a lady a little older than me?" I asked, trying not to look at her breast wobble when I moved my leg over her.

"How much older, Jamie?" Mom asked, looking at me strangely, and the sheet sliding down her breasts a little.

"I have been looking at dating sites, and a lot of the responses are from ladies in their late thirties and early forties," I said, looking for what her reaction might be.

Don't you think they are a little old for you baby, their bodies aren't going to look like a nineteen-year-olds," She asked and moved to brush the hair out of my eyes and let the sheet slip down a little more, almost exposing her nipple.

"The bodies I have seen in the profiles look just about perfect to me," I said, and smiled, snuggling off my arm and putting my head on her bare chest just above the sheet.

"I don't know what you find exciting about a lady that age, but who am I to judge you on who to choose? But I think you should be careful because they might just be looking for a good time and not love, a lot of ladies that age have baggage both emotionally and in reality," Mom said, however, again I kept still and slowed my breathing.

Her body was hot under my leg, and I could feel her mound under my thigh. I know I was crushing her big clit between us and hoped it was driving her wild. She could roll me off her and fuck the daylights out of me if she wanted. I wouldn't stop her, I would happily play with her nipples while she humped herself on my cock, But sadly she didn't.

I could feel her running her fingers through my hair, just like when I was little. I was sure her hips were grinding slightly under my leg, it was almost imperceivable, but I know she must be feeling the frustration building by now. I could see the slightest pink of the top of Mom's nipples peeking out from the sheet. If I moved my leg down a fraction, I could pull it off more, but I would risk Mom stopping her lovely humping.

Then my cock started to harden against Mom's hip, I couldn't stop it, and it soon creped up between my belly and Mom's side. Once I heard her breath catch, I knew she could feel it too. I was expecting her to move from my 'sleeping' body, but she stayed and continued her grinding slowly on my leg. Eventually, her humping stopped, and her breathing and heartbeat slowed.

I kept still for a long time then shifted my leg down an inch, taking the sheet with it. I got a magnificent view of my Mother's nipples in the light coming through the window. But even that could not keep me awake forever, and I fell asleep.

In the morning, I woke up spooning Mom, and I had my arm over her body with my hand on the side of her bare boob. My erection was trapped in her ass crack this time. I made a decision to push things a little this morning. I started to make small humping movements in my 'sleep.' I moaned in Mom's ear and humped a little more. I could feel Mom wake a little and push back on my body, then froze. I humped into her ass softly and moaned again.

"Jamie," Mom whispered, not moving anymore.

I said nothing, just moaned a little more, then humped against her. Then I rubbed my hand around the side of her bare breast, but not groping her just sliding my hand over the side of her boob. I had to make a choice here do I go for it and maybe push it too far.

"Oh, Mom," I whispered, in my 'sleep' and humped my cock into her crack a little more for good measure, just in case she convinced herself I was thinking about someone else in my sexy dream.

Mom gasped then rocked back into my body, she still had a buttplug in her ass and two nights extra frustration to cloud her judgment. She stopped and rolled away, turning to face me.

"Baby, it's time to get up," Mom said, shaking my shoulder.

"Morning, Mom," I said, and rolled off the bed hiding my morning wood, but not too well, I did want to show off what she was missing.

I went into my bathroom and watched on my phone as Mom got out of bed naked, played with her clit for a few seconds, then looked towards the door. She must have been worried I was going to come barging back into her room. She put her leg up on the bed and extracted the Buttplug, and put it back in the drawer. She ran her fingers through her ass crack and over her clit before heading to the shower.

We had a lazy day for a Saturday, Mom started the washing, and I stripped the beds. I saw her sheet had a few wet spots from the past two nights, and they smelled nice to me.

"Do you want to go out on the back deck and catch some sun, summer is not far off, and it will be too hot to sunbake soon?" I asked, after lunch, and with all the chores done, there was no reason not to relax.

"I'll go and put on my one piece and get some sun on my legs and back," Mom said, at least that was a start.

"Mom, haven't you got a bikini, it's only us here?" I asked, pushing her to show some more skin.

"I have an old one, but the material is very thin," she said, trying to get out of wearing it in front of me.

"I promise I won't look too much," I joked, and she smiled.

"OK, I'll go change," She said, and headed to her room.

I put on an old pair of swimmers because boardshorts would hide my cock too well, and I wanted to show off for her and maybe turn her some more. She came out wrapped in a towel, and when we were on the deck, she unwrapped herself and lay down on that towel. I lay next to her and looked over her body as discreetly as possible.

"Do you need me to put some sunscreen on your back, Mom?" I asked, begging for some contact with all the beautiful skin I could see.

"That would be lovely, baby, it's on the kitchen counter, get us a soda while you're in there," She said, not looking up from her towel.

I grabbed the soda's and sunscreen from the kitchen and watched from the window as Mom wiggled and picked at the seams of her bikini to cover more of her bottom. The bikini was too small, but I was not complaining, as it looked great to me. I handed Mom her soda and started to rub some lotions on Mom's back. Pulling on the bow's to release the top, so I could 'reach' all of her back.

I straddled her lower legs as I worked the sunscreen into her back, sliding my fingers just below the top of her bikini bottoms. Then I worked my hands along the sides and over the edge of her breasts, and finished on her shoulders. I lay down and enjoyed my new view of her side boob.

"Let me know if you want me to do the front?" I asked, she didn't know, but I wasn't joking.

"I can handle the front, you wouldn't want to rub lotion on this old body anyway," she said, and looked over at me.

"Don't dare me, Mom, if you ask, I will do it," I said, calling her bluff.

"Can you do my top back up baby I need to turn over?" She asked, looking my way.

"It's just the two of us, why not let them get some sun. I promise not to stare too much," Repeating the joke from earlier.

Then she surprised me by turning over and pulling the bikini top out from underneath herself. She applied the sunscreen to her body and legs and lay back down just a foot away from me. She kept her legs together, and her knees bent. I guess because her bottoms didn't hide her large clit too well. I wasn't complaining, as the view of her boobs was fantastic, and her erect nipples were standing out proudly from her mounds.

"They aren't too horrible, are they Jamie?" She asked, her face flushed, not looking in my direction.

"You are beautiful, Mom," I answered, and I didn't have to think for a second.

"You're just saying that because you don't want to hurt your old Mom's feelings?"

I just rolled onto my back, exposing my hard cock that was making a ridge in my tight swimmers almost all the way to my hip.

"I guess that I don't look that bad then, Mom said, with a giggle and rolled my way and kissed me on the lips then quickly went back.

Mom and I lay in the sun for a while longer, I was taking peeks from time to time, and I noticed Mom doing the same. Then she dropped her legs down flat, and the tent in her bikini bottoms came into view. My hand was right next to hers, and I slowly moved it to touch the back of Mom's arm. She didn't move away, so I used my fingers to stroke the back of her hand. She turned hers, and I took the opportunity to interlace our fingers, and we lay in the sun holding hands.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?"

"Yes, baby, you can ask me anything,"

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to, but, is what I can see in your bikini bottoms what I think it ...." I asked, of course, I knew the answer, but I was trying to break down the last of her barriers.

"Well, what do you think it is, baby?"

"I think it's a large arr lady's bits," I answered, my cock throbbing visibly in my swimmers, and leaving a dark wet patch at the head.

"All girls are built differently, and this is the way I am built, my clit is bigger than most girls," she said, looking at my cock.

"Just like all men have different size co..." I said, not finishing, but still holding Mom's hand.

"Yes, like penis size, no two are the same," Mon said.

We lay their holding hands until the sun went behind the trees from next door, and when we stood up, I moved in and hugged Mom before she could cover herself with the towel and kissed her on the lips.

"I enjoyed this afternoon very much, Mom," I said, and held my hips to hers while we hugged.

"Me too, baby."

That night after dinner we watched TV until late, and when we went to my bedroom to watch her undress. I knocked on her door and saw her slip under the sheets. I opened the door crossing the room climbing on top of the covers and snuggled into Mom.

"Is it OK if I lay here for a while, I sleep so well here with you," I said, telling the truth.

"It might be a bit selfish, but I like it too," she said, pulling me in closer.

I fell asleep quickly and woke up spooning Mom's bottom again, it was like a magnet for my sleeping cock. It was then that I realized that I had her breast in my hand. Not the side or anything, but the whole thing nipple and all. And my cock was wedged in her ass crack for good measure. I could hear my Mom's breathing sharpen each time I hunched forward with my hips or squeezed her breast. And she moaned something incoherent in her sleep. Then as I arched my hips forward again, I heard it.

"Yes, Jamie, cum in Mommy."

And I did, letting go of a massive load in my shorts and on the sheet tucked in Mom's ass. There was going to be no way of hiding it, I was just going to have to fake sleeping and take the consequences. I could feel Mom waking up, probably from the warm wetness in her ass crack and the hand on her left breast.

"Baby, wake up, but don't move, we have had an accident," Mom said, holding her hand over mine on her breast.

"Oh, shit I'm sorry Mom, this is so embarrassing let me clean all this up,"

"It's both our fault I was having a nice dream and hunching back on you, and the feeling of having your hands on me, well your body reacted just the way it was designed to, now slip off your shorts and leave then in the sheets, and I will bundle them up and throw them in the wash," Mom said, letting go of my hand.

I said down my undershorts and left then in the wet patch, turned and sort of tried to hide my still hard cock. When I got to my bathroom, l watched Mom slip out of bed, pick up my soggy shorts, run her finger through my cum, collect some on her fingers, and bring it under her nose. She took a long sniff, then smiled and popped her fingers in her mouth. She was a kinky lady, my Mom, and I had an inside look that no other son probably ever got. I was kind of acting sheepish at breakfast, but during the morning, Mom hugged me even more often than usual.

"It's a beautiful day, what about we work on our tan again," Mom said, coming out in her bikini and her towel over her arm.

"OK, I'll be right back," I said, and rushed away to get my swimmers on.

Mom was face down with her top undone and lying beside her by the time I got back. I picked up the sunscreen squeezing some in my hands, and lathered her back and sides. Mom just relaxed her body and let me have my way with her. I ran my hands along her backbone and back down her sides, brushing past the sides of her breast. I keeled between her thighs and had a fantastic view of her ass, and the fabric stretched over her pussy. Moving to her legs, I rubbed the lotion into the back of her thighs, moving higher with each stroke.

I took a chance, ran my fingers under the edge of her bottoms, and was rewarded with a moan. Mom did part her legs more for me, so I had some extra room as I made my way up the inside of her thighs on my last pass, I 'accidentally' brushed her pussy at the end.

"OK, let me do your back now, you are a little pink from all the sun yesterday," Mom said, sitting up and waiting for me to lay down.

She worked my shoulders over well and moved down my back. Then she rolled down the top of my swimmers to rub the lotion in properly. She knelt between my legs and gathered my thighs, running her fingers over the edge of my balls, making them contract as she did. My erection was at full mast by the time she finished.

"OK, roll over," Mom said, but I hesitated.

"Arr.. I have a problem with that at the moment," I said, lifting my head.

"Now, I have my tits out, and you are worried about a hard-on covered in your swimmers," Mom said, and gently rolled me over.

She rubbed the sunscreen into my body and arms, but all I could concentrate on was when her breasts brushed my cock. By the time she had finished my legs, my cock was about to rip through the swimmers.

"Do you want to get rid of these," she asked, her fingers in the tops of the swimmers giggling.

"I am game if you get rid of yours too," I answered, calling her bluff, knowing she would never do that for real.

I could see her thinking as she caught her bottom lip between her teeth, then pulled my bottoms down and off my legs in one motion. She then rolled over to her towel and stripped off her bottoms too. Lying there in all our glory with our bodies shining in the sunlight. I reached over and took Mom's hand while my cock stood up proudly from my crotch. Mom spread her thighs a little more, and I could see her clit peeking up from her mound. We lay there in the sun for an hour.

"I am thirsty, do you want a wine or something?" I asked, hoping to my feet.

"Yes, baby, I'll have a glass of wine," Mom answered, looking my way and watching me walk to the kitchen.

When I came back, we sat up to drink our wine and were able to see all of our bodies. When we lay back down, I reached past Mom's hand and stroked her hip and thigh, and Mom did the same. My cock sprang back up as her hand came near, with a pearl of precum collecting at the tip. I ran my fingers along the edge of her pubic mound and touched her short-cropped hair. Mom used the back of her fingers to caress the bottom of my cock.

I lent over and kissed her on the lips and headed into the kitchen and refilled our glasses. When I came back, we sat the same way as before, but I could see the wetness between Mom's folds and I had a string of precum hanging from my cock. When we finished our wine, we lay back in the sun only inches apart this time. I ran my fingers along her side and up to the edge of her breast, and I could see her nipple harden as my fingers approached.

"I think they like that," Mom said, looking down her chest at her nipples.

"I think he does too," I said, looking at the drop of precum hanging from my cockhead.

Mom ran the back of her fingers along the length of my cock. She picked up the precum with the tip of her finger, smeared it around my cockhead. I turned on my side with my bottom leg straight down, and my top one bent and standing upright. In this position, my cock was pointing right at Mom's side, and she bumped into my cock as she turned to mirror my position.

"Is it alright if I look at you some, Mom?" I asked, and ran my fingers over the side of her breast.

"It's OK to look, how are you ever going to learn if you don't look," she said, and ran the back of her fingers over my balls.

I was getting overexcited, so I stood and went to get us another glass of wine, as I came back my cock stuck out swaying from side to side. I lay back in the same position, drank our wine, and caressed each other's bodies with our free hand. I leaned in and kissed Mom more passionately, and Mom kissed me back her tongue searching for mine. I cupped her breast as we kissed, and she caressed my balls softly.

We broke the kiss breathless, and Mom stood, I thought she was running away for a second, but she said, "Back in a minute baby," as she stepped over my hip, giving me a fantastic view in the process.

She did come back carrying a bottle of wine and a cooler to sit it in. She filled our glasses and lay back on her front as we drank some more. She finished the last of the glass in a gulp and refilled us both this time returning to mirror me but closer. My cock was touching her pussy mound, and her nipples brushed my chest. I ran my fingers along the crease of her leg and pelvis, and along the edge of her pussy. I found her clit as I was kissing her briefly, but we looked down to see the contact.

Mom reached behind her knee and pulled her leg back towards her body, exposing her pussy to my touch. I could see all of her now, her clit standing out from her body, and the inner lips running from it down each side of her pussy entrance. Her glistening lips peeling apart slowly as she pulled back her leg. I ran my fingers along her clit and through between her inner lips, and Mom moaned as I did, and her hips gave an involuntary hump as my fingers passed over her pussy opening.

My fingers were slick with womanly secretions as they roamed around the perfect playground, as I slid them up to the top of her clit. Down each side of her inner lips, then I slipped then further down to her rosebud, I knew this was a special place for her, so when I touched it, she groaned and hunched against my fingers, her anal ring nibbling on my fingertips.

She put her arm through behind her knee, took hold of my cock, ran the head around her clit, and kept it erect and lubed. All I had to do was thrust my hips forward, and I would probably slip into heaven. I looked back to Mom's eyes, and she looked up to mine, I leaned in and kissed her like a lover and slipped the tip of my finger into her rosebud, Mom bucked her hips and started to clench on my finger, as my cock gave a lurch and blasted its first shot of sperm onto Mom's clit.

I felt some cum splash my hand, and as another spurt came out as Mom directed it over her pussy and clit, each successive shot was directed to another part of her pussy, in the end, her pussy and mound were covered with my cum. Mom and I watched as she ran my cockhead around, spreading my cum. I slid my fingertips in my cum and fingered her ass and pussy, pushing all my cum inside her body. I looked back at her face, and she just gave the biggest smile, so I continued to do this for a long while.

Mom slowly lowered her leg to signal the end of the fun, and filled the glasses again, we drank the rest of the bottle, although only another glass each. Then as the sun went behind the trees, we moved inside. I really didn't want to break the spell between us, but Mom excused herself to taking a shower and leaving me to start cooking. I was busy browning the beef mince when Mom came up behind me, wrapping me in her arms, and smelling of soap and shampoo.

"How's the cooking going, Baby?" she said, like it was the most natural thing in the world to be hugging your naked body to your naked son's back.

"I'm almost ready for the sauce, if you want to start the pasta," I answered, with my cock rising to the occasion.

When Mom bent at the waist to get the pot, I saw a glint from between her ass cheeks. I took one step and ran my fingers through her pussy and over between the cleft of her ass, and there I found her glass buttplug tightly gripped in place.

"Mom, you are a kinky girl," I said, and tugged on it a few times, but Mom clenched it tightly, moaning as I pulled.

"I might have a kink or two," but I think you already found this one this afternoon.

"How do I find out all the rest, do I have to tie you up and spank you to extract all your secrets?" I asked, but Mom just looked up to me with a red face, then quickly turned away to put the pot on the stove.

Hell, I think I just stumbled upon another of Mom's fantasies, I wonder how many she will be willing to explore with me, I mean there could be no one safer because I can't tell another soul about any of this. When Mom turned back to me, I caught her in a hug, dropped my hands to her ass, pressed on the Buttplug, and pushed it into her ass. As I stirred the pasta sauce into the meat, I used the other hand to jerk on Mom's clit, keeping it erect and her on edge.

We ate in front of the TV, watching a movie, but we were struggling to keep our eyes open after an afternoon of wine and sun. I offered her my hand and pulled her up off the lounge, as I walked her towards the bedrooms, I wondered whether she would want me in her bed again after the day of titillation. I decided not to hesitate and followed her into her bedroom. I went straight to the bed, slid under the sheet, and held it back for her to join me.

"Are you getting under the covers with me tonight," Mom said, as she slipped in beside me.

"Unless you don't want me here?" I said, and dropped my bottom lip in a fake pout.

Mom simply leaned in and kissed me, easily breaking my pout. I fell asleep with my head on Mom's chest and my thigh over her body. It was later in the night when I felt Mom moving, and then I heard a moan. Mom must be masturbating, so I thought I should be a good son and help out. I already had my head on her chest, so I searched around in the dark with my lips until I found her nipple and sucked it into my mouth. Nibbling and sucking on her nipple while Mom played with herself. I reached down to find Mom's fingers caressing her clit, so I reached below her fingers and found the Buttplug, and I pushed on it while still sucking her nipple.

Mom's legs shot out, and she stiffened as the first wave of her orgasm washed over her. I could feel her ass griping on the Buttplug as I pushed on it. Then she bucked and spasmed as more waves crashed over her, then slowly her breathing settled, and I fell asleep nursing on her breast.

The next morning I awoke to find myself spooning my Mom, pushing back onto my cock. My cock was wedged firmly in her ass crack, but this time without a sheet between us. I reached around and took Mom's breast in my hand and squeezed it, and played with her nipple as I humped into Mom's asscrack.

"Baby, Could you do something for me?" Mom asked, like I was going to refuse anything she asked for now.

"OK, Mom," I said instantly.

"Could you put your arr amm.., don't worry," She said, stopping and turning red.

"Mom, can we make this a safe place where we can ask each other to try anything, no matter what. No laughing, no making fun of each other's fantasies, and if we can, at least try it once. If we both like it, we can do it again, but we have to be able to safely ask for anything, or we will spend years locked in our own little worlds like you and Dad," I said, not wanting to repeat the mistakes I had seen first hand.

"Jamie, how did you get so smart, your Dad and I spent twenty years working out how to NOT be together, and you are nineteen and are light years ahead of us. I promise to take any request you make seriously, and nothing is off-limits to talk about, and I promise to try anything that doesn't totally turn me off. That's the best I can do," Mom said, sealing it with a kiss.

"OK, then what did you want to ask me," I said, and pulled on her nipple.

"I want you to pull out my buttplug and squirt your cum in my ass and plug me back up, so I can work all day in my office with your cum inside me," Mom said, her face burning red.

"You want me to fuck you in the ass," I said, surprised.

"I don't think I can let you do that, baby," Mom said, deflating me in an instant.

"I am not ready for us to go that far, yet Honey, that doesn't mean I don't want it," She said, pushing her body to mine and cheering me up.

"OK, how do you want to do this?" I asked, not sure how to get the cum in her ass without fucking her.

I will get you close to cuming, and then you pull the Buttplug out and seal your cockhead to my ass and fill my up as much as you can," Mom said, making my cock even harder if that was possible.

Mom started to play with my cock head and kiss me at the same time. She pushed my cock head between her breasts and held them together, adding more pressure. Then just as I was getting used to the incredible sensation, she dipped her head and licked my cock head at the top of my stroke.

I nodded to Mom, and she rolled over on her stomach, reached back, and held her ass cheeks apart while I pulled on the Buttplug. I stroked my shaft and sealed my cockhead to her gaping asshole. I was biting my tongue while I was fighting the urge to hump forward into Mom's beautiful ass. I started to jerk as my orgasm took hold of my body, the spasms shook me, forcing the head of my cock against Mom's asshole.

"Oh God, I can feel that don't you dare pull back until you are sure I have all that wonderful cum," She said, Holding herself in that position while I squirted my seed into her.

I spasmed pumping jets of my sperm into Mom. She held herself open while I rocked a little back and forth against her ass.

'I am going to pull back now, Mom," I said, holding onto my cock with one hand and the Buttplug with the other.

"OK, I am ready I will try to relax," Mom said, and I pulled my cockhead back and watched as a dribble of cum started to make its way out.

I quickly put the head of the Buttplug at the puckered opening blocking the sperm from dripping out. I then pushed and watched in fascination as Mom's ass opened up to take the plug. I pushed the Buttplug in until it was just past its widest point and pulled it back past there again, this brought a moan from Mom. I could see the juice running down her pussy, and I used my other hand to collect it and spread it around her clit. Finally, I pushed firmly on the plug, and it snapped into place capping of that entrance to her body.

"I thought this was a good idea, but now I have my doubts. I don't think I can stand being this horny all day," Mom said, as I watched her ass muscles clench and nibble on the glass buttplug.

"I will cum and rescue you if you need me," I said, taking my hand away from her clit, and wondering what will happen when she gets to breaking point.

We ate breakfast and headed to our work areas, I assembled a batch of cameras and packed up the orders for the day. I took my truck to the transport company that I had been dealing with from the start and asked to see someone about my shipping needs. I didn't go in totally unprepared, I had made some inquiries about better rates, but I would like to give these guys a good chance of doing my work.

"Hi, I'm Jamie Carter, and I have an increasing need for shipping both here and internationally. I was hoping we could talk about a better than over the counter deal," I said, and waited for the manager to look over some paperwork.

"Mr. Carter, I can see that your usage has been increasing lately, I would think if you can keep that number steady or increased, we could offer a 5% discount," He said, looking a little disinterested.

"Sorry for wasting your time, sir," I said, and stood to leave.

"Mr. Carter, what were you expecting for your little business," He said, and I was pissed off by then.

"Just not to be insulted, two other companies have much better offers and will pick them up for free," I said, but it didn't matter the manager's attitude to me was cause enough to give the work to someone interested.

I walked through the door at home, and I was hit by a flying mother. "Thank God you're here, I was going crazy, I have soaked through my skirt, and I haven't even touched myself all day."

I pulled her in for a hug, and she kissed her, running my hands over her ass and pushing on the Buttplug.

"I can't deny this anymore. I want you, and I need you. If you want me too, I am yours baby. I am shaking with desire, my clit is sticking out, and won't go down. I am begging you, make me cum, and you can have any part of my body that you want, anytime you need it!" Mom said, and sank to the floor on her knees, her face to my hardening cock.

"If you need me so much, why do you still have clothes on. I think you need to be punished for not being naked when I came home," I said, taking a massive gamble that the look she gave me yesterday was what I thought it was.

Mom looked down at her body, then up into my eyes, "Yes, baby, I need to be spanked, then will you fuck me?" She said, lowering her head, and pulling off her top and skirt.

"Put your chest on the floor, and hold your ass apart, I said, striding over to Mom's desk with as much confidence as I could muster.

I picked up a long ruler and turned and smacked it into my hand as I walked back. I caught Mom looking at the ruler and then turning her head away. First, I pulled on the Buttplug and watched as it bulged her ass out, and just as it was about to pop out, I pushed it back in. Mom moaned and let go of her ass cheeks. I stood back and brought down the ruler on her ass cheeks three times.

"Did I tell you to let go?" I asked, trying to disguise the shaking in my voice.

"No, son, I'm sorry it won't happen again," Mom answered, as a drop of pussy juice hung on the tip of her clit.

I waited for her to pull her ass apart and pull back the ruler's tip with my finger and aimed it at her big clit. I flicked it with the ruler's tip, and Mom let out a squeak, so I did it again. Her clit remained sticking out proudly as I returned to smacking her bottom. I pulled the but Buttplug out of her and showed Mom the cum still clinging to it.

"You still have my cum in your ass, where do you want me to put the next load?" I asked, pushing the Buttplug back in roughly.

"I want it in all my holes, please give it to me now I am shaking with need, so bad," Mom said, taking one hand off her ass and playing with her clit.

"Did I say you could touch your clit, that's mine to do with as I like, I can give it a smack or a lick or even offer it to someone else if I chose," I said, with more confidence than I really had.

She removed her fingers, and I flicked it with the ruler again, causing Mom to groan. I played with her clit for a second then plunged my fingers into her pussy, she was wet to the point of dripping.

"Now go to our bedroom and get ready for me," I said, hoping I was making her fantasy believable.

I followed her into the bedroom, and Mom was on her back with her legs pulled back to her chest, and her ass and pussy lewdly exposed to my view. I threw off my clothes and crawled onto the bed and over her body. Starting on the inside of her thigh, and I kissed my way up her body. Along her pussy and licked up to her clit, and her pussy was intoxicating, she smelled and tasted incredible.

"I don't know if I can hold off cuming for long enough to make you climax," I whispered, into Mom's ear as I positioned myself over her.

"Don't worry, we can do it as often as you like, and we will work out a way to make me cum as we go," She whispered back as I held myself up on my toes and arms with Mom's legs on the crook of my elbows.

Mom took my cock in her hand and aimed the head at her pussy opening, after running the tip around her clit. My view down between our bodies was exquisite, my cock pressing into her pussy and her clit standing proudly above her slit. Mom's boobs were squished between her arms, and her nipples pressed into my chest.

"Go ahead, Baby, fuck me with that beautiful cock," Mom said, pulling on the back of my arms.

"Mom, I have never done this before I am worried about not doing it right," I said, all bravado is gone, and just the real me left.

"You're still a virgin Oh, Baby boy, It's fine, we will work it out as we go, this bed is a 'Safe Zone' remember, no mistakes here just experiments and fun. I am so happy to be your first, I hope you won't be disappointed that your old Mom is taking your virginity," Mon said, pulling my arms again, but this time I let her pull me into her.

I watched my cock sliding halfway into Mom's pussy, I let my weight down to force it the rest of the way. I stopped with my pelvis resting against Mom's clit, and she ground her hips into mine. I flexed up until my cock was almost out of her body, then back into her to the base. I thrust into her another three times and could feel my balls start to tighten, so I pulled all the way out and moved down to suck her clit into my mouth.

"Oh, baby, that feels wonderful," Mom said, as she pulled on the back of my head.

When my cock had settled down a bit, I assumed my position above Mom and slid into her again. I moved faster this time. I lasted another five or six strokes before I had to pull out again, moving down to suck her clit into my mouth. I repeated this for the next ten minutes until Mom grabbed my ears and pulled my face into her, bucking and squirming as I sucked on her clit while she climaxed on my face.

"OK, Baby, put that cock back in me and don't stop until you have filled me with all the cum you have," Mom said, although before a few weeks ago, I would have never believed she would say dirty things like that.

Being a good son, I did what I was told and put my cock back into Mom's pussy and started at a slow, steady pace. I was looking into her eyes and straining to keep from cuming, but Mom had other ideas and pulled me in for a deep kiss. The passion of the kiss sparked off my orgasm, and my body jerked and spasmed as my first shot of cum blasted into Mom's depths.

I arched my back and thrust my hips into hers, and held myself against her pussy as I grunted with each shot. My body spasmed and shock as the sperm shot from the end of my cock, until I finally couldn't hold myself up on my arms and toes anymore, and collapsed onto Mom's body.

"Oh, my baby, that was so good, you did so well, was your first time as good as you expected?" Mom asked, kissing me a thousand times while holding my face in her hands.

"I am speechless Mom, I have never felt anything like that, I have dreamed of doing it, but even my wildest dreams were nothing like the feeling of really doing it. I can't believe I have wasted so many years of not doing that every day," I said, kissing Mom back.

"Personally glad you waited, I was so turned on by being your first, and you did a fantastic job of making me cum before you, I wasn't expecting you to last that long your first time," Mom said, and was rocking her hips bringing my cock back to full hardness in her sloppy cum filled pussy.

"Can we do it again, Mom?" I asked, and started to hump against her body.

"As many times as you like tonight, Baby. My body's yours from now on, take wherever and whenever you like," Mom said, and pulled me into herself as she spread her legs wide for me.

I began to thrust myself into Mom and build up pace. I dipped my head to suck on her nipples and bury my face between her breasts as I fucked her pussy. I picked up the pace and strength of my thrusts, and you could hear the slapping of our bodies colliding with each stroke. Mom was moaning and pulling on my arms as she got close to her climax again.

"Oh, God, I 'm cuming Baby shoot your stuff in me, fill my pussy Baby," Mom said, as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.

I went into top speed and thrust madly just on the edge of my orgasm. Mom recovered enough to run her hands over my chest and pinch my nippled, bringing me crashing over the edge into my orgasm. I pumped my load into her already full pussy, pulling out to spurt my last few shots onto her beautiful clit, still sticking up from the top of her pussy.

We lay on our backs looking at the ceiling panting, I slid my hand along the side of her body to her breast, playing with her nipple as I caught my breath.

"Mom, I think I'm in love with you," I said, turning onto my side to look at her.

"Honey, What about babies and a wife and the picket fence, the whole nine yards," Mom said, but her eyes told another story.

"Would you really be happy to let me fuck another woman and maybe lose me for good, or even be the other woman to get a quick fuck when the opportunity presented its self?" I asked, showing her graphically what she was saying.

"No, but... I would walk away to make you happy, that's what a mother should do, right?" She said. but I could see the jealousy raging in her eyes

"But you made the happiest son in the world today, If you don't want any more babies, then I am OK with being an only child," I said, bringing a smile to Mom's face.

I think at thirty-nine, I am too old to have another one, but accidents do happen, and you have definitely put enough sperm in my womb today to do the job ten times over," Mom said, and my cock was rising back to life between us as she spoke.

I rolled her onto her back and hooked my arms behind her knees, pushing them to her chest. I thrust my hips forward and slid my cock through the slot between her pussy lips and over her clit, bringing a groan from Mom. "So, you don't love me too?" I asked, thrusting my cock between her lips again.

"I do," Mom said, her bottom lip quivering and her eyes filling with tears, then they brimmed over and traced down her cheek.

"I do," I said, and kissed the tears away, and thrust again this time hitting the mark, sliding into the hilt.

Joined, I kissed my Mom and held the kiss for the whole time it took to cum again. We fucked twice more that night and again in the morning, before getting up for breakfast. We ate and parted to do the day's work, I finished the orders and rang the shipping company I chose to replace the local one that would not even negotiate with me, and they picked up the boxes an hour later.

"Thank god it's Friday, we have the whole weekend for just us," I said, as I walked into Mom's office with a glass of wine.

"Yes, I can handle the pay run on Monday," Mom said, as she took the glass from me, and put her leg up on her desk and spread her legs, pulled up her skirt, and took a sip of her wine as she listened on the phone.

"I will have the emails out by 3pm Monday, Julie, that fine, speak to you then," Mom said, as I slipped my fingers through her pussy lips, and she hung up the phone.

"Are you ready to go out for dinner for Friday night?" I asked, pushing two fingers into Mom.

"Mmm. That sounds wonderful, where do you want to go?" Mom asked, leaning back and sipping on her wine, as her clit started to rise and extend from the top of her pussy.

"Somewhere, no one knows us, into the city. Let's go and see what you can wear," I said, pulling her still holding her glass.

I started to look through the outfits in Mom's closet. I knew what I was looking for, It was a thin woolen dress that clung to her body. She had worn it once before, and I could see her underwear through the fabric, but I had other ideas. I pulled the dress out and lay it on the bed next to Mom.

"No Baby, it's too tight you can see my pantie line through the dress, It's beautiful, but the lines ruin the look," Mom said, rubbing the fabric between her fingers.

"I know, but with no panties, their would-be no pantie lines," I said, turning and heading for my room.

"But if I get excited, my clit might be seen," Mom said, blushing red.

"That's the dress of my fantasies, you wouldn't want to take that away from your only son," I said, playing the only son card to full effect.

Mom was holding the dress to her chest as I left the room. I dressed in all dark clothes, in case we found a nightclub before we left the city. I waited in the lounge room for the required hour for Mom to get ready. I don't know why men get mad about this, they always look beautiful for the extra time they spend getting ready for us, and Mom was no exception.

Mom turned the corner, and she looked spectacular, her hair done and the dress without a line to be seen, her breasts wobbled wonderfully as she walked and when I saw her bottom jiggle, I was tempted to pull up her dress and take her over the back of the couch.

We are never going to make it out the door, I am going to have to fuck you right here on the floor," I said, looking Mom up and down.

"Oh, yes, please," Mom said, pulling the side of her dress up to her naked hip, showing that she was ready to do just that.

I smoothed her dress and pulled her in for a kiss, wrapping her in my arms. I was grinding my cock into her pussy as my tongue found hers.

"You look beautiful, Mom," I said, as she blushed and followed me to the door.

We drove to the city on the freeway, it's about forty minutes' drive on a Friday afternoon, but I didn't care. I had great company.

"Mom, can I see one of your boobs?" I asked as we crawled through the city traffic.

"Mom looked at me, shocked, but after a few breaths, she flashed her boob out quickly.

"I missed it," I said, lying.

Mom looked around, pulled it down her top, and tucked it under her breast, pulling on her nipple for good measure. I didn't look her way until I saw her look out her window to see if anyone noticed, then I reached over and took hold of her nipple, holding it and rolling it between my finger and thumb. Mom moaned under her breath, trying not to react and unable to pull up her top with my hand in the way.

"You are the hottest Mom ever," I said, childishly.

"You are a bad boy," Mom said, but smiled at me when I let go of her nipple. But she left her breast out for most of the trip.

I parked in a parking station not far from the restaurant I booked, and we walked past an adult store that I knew would be there. I pulled Mom to a stop when we reached the door. Mom looked shocked, but when I turned to go in, she let me drag her to. Inside we checked out all the books and videos, showing every kind of sex you could imagen. I put my arm around Mom's waist and held her close as we checked out the dildos and vibrators.

I picked up one bigger than the one I saw her squat down on in a video feed from her room, I showed her, and she gently ran her fingers up and down its shaft. "Do you think you can fit this one inside your pussy, Mom.

"You better use my name Baby, or someone will report us to the police," Mom said, I doubted it but to make Mom more comfortable. "Sylvia," I said.

"Mmmm. I think I could make it with the right motivation," Mom said, kissing me.

Then I spotted a vibrator with 'Bluetooth' printed on the box. It had two heads and a thin, flexible join, I picked up the box and read the back, I downloaded the app and checked it out. It was made to go in the pussy and ass at the same time, and you could control the vibrations of both ends independently. I had to have it.

I picked it up and paid for the dildo and the vibrator and pulled Mom into one of the video booths. I opened the vibrator packet and connected it to my phone, and told Mom to pull up her dress. She looked at me skeptically for a second, then I held out my hand like I was going to spank her. She smiled and turned her bottom to me, But I just took the opportunity to bend her over in the cramped booth and using some of my spit I slid the ends into her ass then pussy dropping her dress back down and opening the door before she had a chance to change her mind.

We walked to the restaurant, I made the reservation in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Carter, and Mom smiled as we were taken to our seats at a cozy booth. Sam introduced himself to us and took out drinks order while we looked over the menu. Sam was just coming back with our drinks when I switched the vibrations on in Mom's bottom. She pulled her hand back and watched Sam put the glass on the table. Sam took the orders and left us to drink.

"I would have dropped that glass, please turn it off," Mom asked, and I did, but turned on the one in her pussy just as she picked up her glass, making her shake and almost miss her mouth.

Mom moaned a little, and I turned down the vibrations. Sam came back, and I turned on the vibrations in both her ass and pussy on the lowest setting. I could see the redness rising from Mom's neck to her face, as Sam arranged the plates. She just sat there until Sam left us to eat before she glared at me. My only response was to turn them both up a notch, causing her to take in a sharp breath.

I turned them both down while we ate, Mom squirmed in her seat a bit, but I enjoyed running my hand down her back and over her bottom while we ate. As we finished, Sam came back to clean up our plates, and I turned up the vibrations again. Mom cleared her throat and asked for another drink in a raspy voice.

"Don't you cum yet," I said, as Mom moved in her seat again.

"I can't stop that if you keep that vibration up," Mom said, holding onto my leg high on my thigh.

I turned down the vibrations, and soon we were settling the bill. As we walked back to the car, we passed a nightclub that had opened its doors while we were in the restaurant. I pulled on Mom's hand, and the doorman let us in if we ordered a drink because it was still early for a nightclub, I think the door price would have been cheaper. I was happy to be here with Mom, we headed straight for the dance floor, dancing close and pressing our bodies together.

We danced for the next hour, and Mom was glistening with sweat. After an hour we stopped for another pina colada, dam the price. I then pulled Mom back to the dance floor and held her close as the crowd was building as we pressed even closer grinding my cock into her pussy I was forming a ridge in my pants, and as the strobe lights crossed Mom's body, I could see her clit making a small bulge in her dress.

"That dress is a knockout on you," I said in her ear as I kissed her earlobe.

"Everyone can see my clit sticking out like a flagpole in my dress," Mom said, pushing herself into me to hide her clit."No one is looking at your pussy. They're too busy checking out your ass," I said, thrusting my cock into her ass crack from behind.

"Is that where you want to be tonight, Baby, in Mommies ass," She said, wiggling her ass.

I loved her playfulness, and we danced for a while longer, and when we stopped for a drink, I ordered one for her and headed to the bathroom. On my way back from the bathroom, I noticed Mom sipping on her drink and a gentleman chatting her up.

"Are you ready for another Dance yet?" I asked, as I snuggled up to Mom's side.

"You go and find a young girl to learn with Boy, And let a man get this job done," He said, with a little slur in his voice.

"He has to take me home and fuck me all night, He already has his girl," Mom said, just as I was going to defend myself, then she rubbed my cock for good measure.

I pulled her to her feet and started towards the dance floor, but Mom pulled me in close and whispered into my ear, "I will go naked all the way if you take me home now and fuck my ass."

I turned on a dime and headed out the door. When we got to the car, I opened the locks and watched in amazement as Mom shimmed out of her dress in front of me and slid into the passenger seat with her legs facing me.

"Are you going to start the car or look at me all night, Mom said, smiling and pulling one leg up onto the seat, letting me see all of her pussy.

"I thought I better get in all the looking now, or we will crash on the way home," I said, turning to start the car.

Mom teased me all the way home, fingering herself, and playing with her clit. It was all I could do to not stop on the Highway and fuck her then and there. We pulled into our driveway and sat in the dark car, trying to decide if Mom should get dressed or not when I turned the interior light off, so It wouldn't light up when Mom opened the door. She then opened her door and snuck down the side of the house and to the back door.

I turned the light back to normal, opened my door, and went through the house to the back sliding door in the front door. I stood there laughing at Mom stuck outside, looking at me.

"You had your chance, I am going to finish myself off here on the back deck," She said, and moved back to one of the outdoor chairs and sat down with a leg over each arm, and playing with her clit frantically as if she was trying to get herself off without me.

"OK. OK, you win, get your beautiful ass in here," I said, quickly pulling the glass door open.

Mom stood and opened her arms, inviting me in for a beautiful nude hug. I stripped off my clothes and stepped in, my cock was rock hard and rubbed itself against her clit, driving us both wild.

"Take me up to our bed and fuck my ass until I can't walk tomorrow," Mom asked, hoarsely into my ear.

"My pleasure," I answered, leading her up the stairs to the main bedroom.

"Get on your hands and knees," I said, giving her ass a loud slap with my cupped hand. Mom dropped to her knees and presented her ass and pussy towards me.

I pulled the vibrator from her ass and pussy. I retrieved a bottle of lube from the side table, and using my finger pushed some into Mom's ass, when I was happy it was well lubed up, I placed my hard cockhead against her puckered opening and pushed slowly. I watched as her anal ring started to open for the intruder, and Mom moaned as my cockhead slipped in.

"Oh, Baby, go easy. I am a virgin back there," Mom said.

I pushed forward an inch, then withdrew until my cock head was almost out of her. Then thrust in two inches, keeping that movement up until I had my cock buried to my balls. This had Mom panting and moaning, as I started to thrust in and out. I pumped into her again, pacing myself trying to last longer if I could, but Mom pushed back on me, forcing my cock into her. I drove in deeply and withdrew to the tip again, then repeated the action. I could feel her ass start to pulse around my cock, and the groans and grunts began to turn me on, even more, making it hard to control myself.

"God, Cum in me Baby, fill my ass up and make me yours," Mom said, in between grunts, and pushed back onto my cock, planting me into her fully, and moaning out her climax.

I held myself deep inside her and felt my cock start to spasm, as cum ruched to the tip of my cock. I unloaded my seed inside Mom's ass and stayed inside until I had it all in, every drop of my essence. I reached around and pulled on Mom's nipples and grunted as I finished the last of my shots. Mom collapsed forward with me on top of her, and my cock still in her ass.

I could feel Mom spread her legs wide and rock her hips, keeping my cock hard and allowing me access to her. I started to slowly hump into her as my cum lubricated her ass and made it easy to regain my rhythm. My body was slapping into her ass, causing it to ripple with each stroke. The sweat was dripping from my face by the time I was close to my second load.

"Are you my ass whore, Mom?" I asked, as I could feel my orgasm building.

"Oh, God, yes, baby, my ass is yours," Mom answered, grunting with each of my strokes.

"When can I use your ass, Mom?" I asked, Pumping faster and faster.

"Anytime anyplace, just take me, Jamie, you don't even have to ask. I am your 'Ass Whore," Mom answered, reaching under herself to play with her big clit trying to get herself off before me.

My strokes reached fever pitch as I pounded her ass. Then I felt her fingers gripping my balls, and I lost control and came into her ass a second time that night.

The end.
