

As I slide up the Double Windsor knot of my tie, my stomach knots itself in a similar way. The dread of the upcoming evening percolates in my gut. I wish I could say I believed my mother when she told me this year would be different from the previous three, but I know deep down that it's another lie.

I go to a private high school in the Western Suburbs of Chicago. Every year around Mother's Day, the school hosts a mother/son dance for the boys and their moms. We've always jokingly called it the Mom Prom because the mothers usually make a big deal out of it resulting in a Prom-like atmosphere.

It's usually a great time for everyone despite the Oedipal overtones of the colloquial name; for everyone except me, that is. For some reason, my mom thinks this day is a perfect excuse to get all dolled up in some fancy, expensive outfit. Don't get me wrong, most of the moms do, but most of the moms aren't Instagram fitness models.

For the last three years, my mom has accompanied me in some outrageously sexy, ultra revealing mini-dress or something equally inappropriate that looks as though it has been painted on. As you might expect, this had led to years of abuse from my classmates telling me about how hot of a MILF my mom is, like I didn't already know. The worst part is hearing the constant berating from the upperclassmen about how they're going to fuck my mom.

The only reprieve this year is that I'm a senior and the underclassmen won't try to fuck with me, but that won't stop the rest of my classmates. Despite the awkwardness of the conversation, I finally gathered the courage to tell my mom what every one of my friends and classmates say about her. I pleaded for her to be like a normal mom and tone it down for my sake. She promised that she would, but with a caveat that she still had a reputation to uphold and needed to be fashionable for her followers. I can only imagine what that means.

Last year she wore a silver evening gown that practically looked like liquid metal dripping down her curves. Her ample bosom and cleavage were on full display, and the dress had a slit that showed so much thigh that if any of the girls wore a dress like that, they'd be sent home for a dress code violation. I'll give her credit though, she keeps it tight and she definitely knows how to get the attention of every man in the room.

The other moms are fully covered, most of them in frumpy, decades old gowns and dresses that do nothing to compliment their aged and overweight bodies. The few other moms that could be considered attractive wear modest dresses that are fashionable but not showy. Unfortunately my mom gets an unfathomable amount of clothing sent to her from designers and clothiers for her to wear as an influencer. I don't know who she thinks she's influencing at a High School mother/son dance, but it isn't the audience she's hoping for.

I must admit though, the freebies are a neat perk. It's great for her and provides the family with a lot of cool clothes, trips, food, etc., but it is exhausting always having to worry about her getting the perfect picture showing off whatever paid for our day. I won't tell you her name here, but she's associated with other fitness models/mothers on Instagram like Emma Glover or Jala Sue. Go ahead and take a look at their profiles and imagine being a high school student with that as your mom. That is what I have to deal with.

Pretty much every one of my classmates has my mom's Instagram page and OnlyFans page on bookmark. Thankfully she doesn't do nudes, but my horror multiplied exponentially after the first Mom Prom when the seniors learned they had a model in the school. One particular asshole introduced me to her OnlyFans page the next day. What a lovely way to learn that your mom is practically a soft core porn star.

I was embarrassed and angry and confused and oddly turned on. I had never seen my mother in that way before. In the picture I was shown, she wore nothing but black stockings and a pair of black pumps and was posing on her bed. Again, she didn't show anything X-rated. It was what is called an implied nude, but I had only ever previously seen her fitness related content. She was attractive, but I didn't see her as sexy. That picture blew my mind. I developed an obsession with black stockings. Instant boner alert if I even saw a woman wearing nylons, imagining if they were lace top thigh highs like the ones I saw my mom in that day.

It almost became a debilitating sickness. I would often find models online that looked like my mother, especially if they modeled in stockings. Finally, I broke down and searched for the picture of my mother that had caused me such anguish. I'm ashamed to admit that I came twice that day looking at that picture. Unfortunately, it wasn't the last. No matter how hard I tried and how much I tried to stay away, that picture was burned into my brain to stay.

My mom didn't wear stockings often, but when she did, I couldn't help but stare at her legs. They were like a vice and my eyes were trapped in their grip. I'm sure she noticed, but she had never mentioned anything about it to me. She usually had the attention of most men, so it wasn't anything she wasn't used to.

This year, a few of my friends and I were all traveling together. The moms rented a stretched Navigator for the night and planned on going out in style. We lived about 30 minutes from the school in the Southwest Suburbs, but the rest of my friends lived closer to the school in the Western Suburbs. The limo would pick us up first and then grab everyone else. Usually we'd all just meet up at one of their houses, but the moms decided that they wanted to drink in the limo beforehand.

I swallowed my fear and made my way to the living room to wait on the limo and my mother. I sat patiently on the sofa while my mother put on the finishing touches in her room upstairs. My dad came in from the kitchen with a beer looking like he was settling in for an evening watching baseball.

"All ready for your last Mother-Son dance huh?" He said as he sat in his chair and flipped on the TV.

"Yeah, I guess, as soon as Mom comes down."

"Ha," he laughed. "You know her. She won't be ready until she absolutely has to be."

I bet you're wondering why I don't say anything to my dad. Well, he's worse than my mom. He encourages her to dress and act the way she does. If I said anything about how my friends want to fuck his wife, he would be more proud than upset. But, I guess I can't blame him. At 44, he has a smoking hot wife who pulls in money and loads of free swag just for being hot. According to him, he hit the jackpot, and to be honest, he's probably right.

I relegated myself to sitting on the couch, wringing my sweaty hands in silence, as I waited for my date. I continued to hold out a sliver of hope that she would come down the stairs in something decent. I just stared out the window as I ran scenarios through my head, preparing comebacks for the punchlines that were surely to come my way. At last, I glimpsed the white Navigator as it pulled up to the house.

My dad yells up to his wife, " Hey Babe, you may want to wrap things up. Your chariot awaits and its best not to keep your chauffeur from his duties."

I rolled my eyes and shook my head. "Come on mom, let's go!" I hollered. "Everyone else will be waiting on us."

It still took another few minutes and I had to peek out the front door to motion to the driver that we needed a minute or two. Finally, my mother graced us with her presence as she seductively sauntered down the stairs, taking each step with her feet turned to the side, so as not to misstep with her heels.

My heart leaped up into my throat when I saw her. My eyes traced her body like in one of those old time movies where the camera pans up from the bottom. She wore black Louboutin stilettos with the red sole and an impossibly thin and high heel. Her long legs were on display in the shortest of black micro-dresses. The bodice clung to her curves, her breasts fighting to break free from the camisole. Spaghetti straps strained to hold the dress up around her neck. The dress was backless, save for the crisscrossing of 4 additional spaghetti straps in the back, with the skirt beginning just below her back dimples.

It was clear that she wore no undergarments. It would be impossible for her to hide them in such a revealing dress. Her auburn hair held a slight curl as it draped over her shoulders. Despite her 40 years, she wore little makeup, but still looked as youthful as ever. Bold eyeliner and false lashes highlighted her face with her lips and nails sporting a matching splash of red to go along with her Louboutins.

Despite all this, it was the black stockings on her legs that caught my attention. They were impossibly sheer and made her legs glisten as she made her way down the steps. My eyes were transfixed. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My cock twitched in my pants as it awakened to the sight of the fantasy I had held for the past three years. I was furious with my mom, but at the same time, I was frustratingly aroused.

"Wow, I guess all that extra time was worth it!" My dad exclaimed from the chair, finally diverting his attention from the game.

"I wanted to go out with a bang for the last Mother-Son Dance," my mother cooed. "Do you think this will make all the other moms jealous?"

Her and my dad continued with their stupid game.

"I'd be more worried about what they call you behind your back," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that, Marty?" Mom asked.

"I said we better be going. We're already late." I retorted as I held open the door.

Mom gracefully joined me at the door as we finally headed out.

"You two have fun," Dad called out from the couch. "Make sure you take good care of your mother tonight, Marty. Show her a good time."

I closed the door and tried to hurry my mom to the limo before any of the neighbors saw us. The driver held the door open and not so discreetly eyed my mother as she climbed into the car, her dress rising ever so slightly to show the lace top of her stockings. The driver caught me staring and gave me a knowing look before he smiled and winked as he shut the door and made his way back to the front.

After a few minutes of exploring the perks of the limo, my mother poured herself a glass of champagne and I turned on some music. We sat in silence for the first fifteen minutes or so as we headed to pick up my friends and their moms. I did my best to avoid looking at my mom, but it was incredibly difficult to keep my eyes from wandering to her legs. I sighed out loud as I realized this dance was going to prove even more difficult than the last three.

"What's wrong baby?" My mom asked as she put a hand on my leg.

I looked at her and rolled my eyes.

"You're kidding, right?"

"This again? I thought that you would like this outfit. I picked it out especially for you."

"It's lovely Mom, you look amazing." I said sarcastically. "I can't wait to hear how amazing you look from all my friends."

"Well your friends aren't the ones who will be taking me home tonight!" She giggled.

I couldn't believe her cavalier attitude. Clearly she didn't care about how her outfits affected my life. This was all a joke to her. I turned up the music for the rest of the ride and stewed in my misery.

It only took about 10 minutes until we started picking up my friends and their moms, but it felt like an eternity sitting in silence. Mike and his mom, Denise were first, followed by Chris and his mom Claire. They were both overweight and middle aged women who felt like they could relive their youth through my mom, so of course they were thrilled with my Mom's outfit.

"Oh, you look so amazing."

"Who made your dress?"

"Are those REAL Louboutins?"

"Which company sent you all this jewelry?"

My mom loved the attention. Of course, what she didn't notice was Mike and Chris drooling over her and trying to sneak peeks up her dress as she adjusted in her seat.

We finally got to the last stop to pick up Patrick and his mom, Carole. We all got out for a few pre-dance pictures with the group. All the moms had champagne glasses in hand, and my mom already had at least two in her belly. She wasn't drunk, but it was obvious that she was feeling loose and flirtatious. She was the life of the party, as always. All the men hung on her every word.

As we filed back into the limo, Mike tried to shove me out of the way to assist my mom into the car. For the first time in my young-adult life, Mom did something that actually made me smile.

"Oh, thank you for the offer Mike. That's really sweet of you, but Marty's my date tonight. He'll help me in."

The look on Mike's face was that of pure rejection. I couldn't help but to laugh in his face as I took my mom's hand and helped her up into the limo, making sure to block Mike from getting a look at her legs and up her dress as she climbed aboard.

Once Mom was in the car, I climbed up and turned back to Mike.

"Dumbass!" I growled as I flipped him the finger.

The rest of the ride was short but chaotic. The guys hung out up front while the moms drank and chittered away, giggling and gossiping all the way to the school. It sounded like we were stuck in the tropical bird house at Brookfield Zoo. Even the music couldn't put a dent in the noise these women could make.

We finally got to the school, and as we exited the limo, the guys were still giving Mike a hard time about his failed attempt with my mom. If anything, it at least helped me to relax as we made our way inside. The women left their champagne flutes behind and joined their sons for the procession.

My mother put her arm in mine. I thought I might have to hold her up as she attempted to walk in her stilettos after all that booze, but to her credit, she was able to not only hold herself up straight, but also walked with a slight saunter in her hips that I could feel as she brushed up against me.

The dance was a really elaborate affair for being held in a high school gymnasium. I'm pretty sure the school put a bigger effort into this dance than it did for the actual Prom two weeks later. It was well decorated and catered by one of the more reputable restaurants in town. The best part was that every year they actually sprung for a band instead of one of those washed up DJs that just play crappy wedding reception music.

As we made our way inside to do the obligatory dance portraits, I could feel every man and boy gawking at my mother. The Freshman weren't so subtle in their stares, but the upperclassmen all nudged their buddies and nodded at my mom as she strode past, every one of them waiting for the moment where they would try to dance with her.

She certainly was making a scene. Even the principal, Mr. Withers, was at a loss for words when he welcomed us and presented my mother with a rose, as he did for every mom. My mom thanked him as if it were the best gift she'd ever received, eliciting an awkward smile from the balding older man.

We all gathered and chatted and danced as the evening got going. Thankfully, Mom insisted on dancing with me, so any guys who were hoping to steal a dance with my mom were left disappointed and hoping for an opportunity after dinner.

I was glad I didn't have to watch her flirt with my friends, but it was still awkward to have her so close to me dressed the way she was. I was trying to have a good time, but I was afraid to put my hands on her. Her dress was so thin that it almost felt like I was putting my hands on her bare hip.

"I'm glad you're finally trying to enjoy yourself at one of these." Mom whispered as she leaned into my ear.

"Well, I guess I relaxed a bit when you crushed Mike back at the limo."

She threw her head back and let out a laugh.

"I thought you might enjoy that."

"I really did." I admitted.

We finished the dance and my mom took my hand to lead me back to our table as dinner was about to be served, much to the dismay of all the other students out on the dance floor. My mom may still have been dressed inappropriately, but at least she wasn't embarrassing me as much as usual.

Dinner was delicious yet uneventful. The moms continued their drinking as each had a glass of wine with dinner. It seemed as though it was finally starting to have an effect on my mom, as her flirting started to occur more frequently. I was happy continuing to sit and let my food digest, but Mike was insistent upon everyone getting back on the dance floor.

Of course my mom was eager, and she managed to drag everyone else at our table back to the floor. It seemed harmless at first, as we all danced in a big group, but when a slow song came on, Mike finally pushed in and made his move on my mom.

She relented and gave Mike what he had been yearning for all night. I reluctantly danced with frumpy Denise, who was dressed in what can only be described as a 70s floral print couch cover. I was just happy that she was fully covered, but still, I was afraid to touch her and her gelatinous body even more than I was with my own mother.

Mike looked at me with a shit eating grin. I fucking hated him. He kept trying to place his hand on my mom's bare back or on her ass, but she wasn't completely off her game from the alcohol. Everytime he made a move to touch her, she grabbed his hand and moved it back to her shoulder.

I flipped him the bird again as I watched them dance, but Denise insisted on trying to distract me.

"I'm so glad that you're actually joining all of us on the dance floor this year, Marty. Isn't this such fun?"

"Yeah Mrs. Vandenberg. This is great."

"It's sad that this will be our last Mother / Son dance with you kids. I'm just so proud of the men you all have become."

I scoffed.

"Well, you better wrangle up your little man before he tries to bite off more than he can chew." I quipped as I nodded toward Mike and my mom.

Mike was still trying to ever so casually move his hands to my mom's body. He even attempted to dip my mom. She finally put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away.

"Okay, I think you've had enough." My mom lectured Mike. "Denise, I think you need to take him back."

Mike walked past, again dejected.

"You're such an idiot." I said as I laughed at him.

Mom pulled me into an embrace and smoothly placed one of my hands on her back and the other on her hip as she somehow maneuvered herself into the dip Mike was trying so hard to perform.

"Wow." I exclaimed. "What was that about, Mom?"

"I figured it would piss off Mike. I really don't like that little shit."

My mom's eyes went wide as she said it and she covered her mouth with both hands after accidentally letting her true feelings slip.

I laughed a little too hard.

"Neither do I. Why did you even let him dance with you?" I asked.

"Honestly, I did it to give Denise a break. Poor lady has to deal with her son drooling over me all night. Figured she might want a few minutes away from him, but that was all I could muster."

"Well Mom, it's nice to hear that you feel the same way I do."

"I thought Mike was your friend?"

"Hell no. He went to grade school with Patrick and Chris, so I'm kinda stuck with him. I've hated him since Freshman year."

"Oh!" She exclaimed. "Well now I don't feel quite as bad. Sorry for encouraging him all these years."

Then she leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"Let's give him a real show to make him jealous."

I had no idea what she meant by that and to be completely honest, I was a little scared to find out. At least she wasn't embarrassing me like the prior years. I was willing to basically do anything to piss off Mike. He was such a douche and always talked a big game, but never backed it up. I had always wanted to just reach deep and punch him as hard as I could, right in the nose. Perhaps whatever my mom had in mind would be even better.Fortunately for me, she didn't require much from me other than my willing participation. She handled the rest. I don't know if it was all the booze, or my begging and pleading from earlier, but my mom certainly put on a show, and directed it all at Mike, although she made sure that I was the recipient.

I knew that I'd never hear the end of it from all my other friends, and I was all but certain to be called into Principal Withers' office come Monday, but I couldn't help but assist my mother in her way of taunting Mike. She was practically all over me with her hands, making sure I returned the favor with her. As she danced, her dress showed more and more of her legs.

Mike could only stare at the scene we made, grimacing every time I looked his way. I still felt incredibly awkward doing all of this with my mom, but it wasn't anything she hadn't done in previous years. Only this time I was the recipient, not one of my friends or one of the more outgoing upperclassmen.

The dance finally wound down, and although I enjoyed myself more than other years, I was still eager to leave. The less time my mother spent in front of my classmates the better. We snuck out a few minutes early and were the first back to the limo.

Mom poured herself another drink.

"Mom, don't you think you've had enough?" I asked.

"Oh relax. You're always so uptight, Marty. Here...pour yourself a Rum and Coke."

Mom handed me a glass and the bottle of rum. I wouldn't turn down that offer. I could use a little something to take the edge off.

Just as soon as I had poured my drink, the rest of my friends and their moms returned to the limo. Mike and Denise were the first in, with Mike trying to scoot up next to my Mom.

Quickly, my Mom stopped him.

"Mike, trade spots with your mom. I need to talk with Denise."

Once again Mike looked like he was going to explode with anger.

Denise looked surprised to see us in the limo already.

"There you two are!" She exclaimed. "We were wondering where you two ran off to."

"We just needed to cool off and get a moment of quiet to ourselves." My mom winked at Mike as she responded to Denise.

Chris, Patrick, and their moms followed Mike and Denise into the limo and we set off for home in reverse. The ride was short to drop off everyone else. I thought to myself briefly that my mom and I were actually lucky that we got so much more usage out of the limo.

When we finally pulled up to drop off Mike and Denise, it was only 11pm. As Mike got out of the limo, my mom put her hand dangerously high on my thigh and leaned over me, letting her cleavage spill open as she wished Mike and Denise a good evening.

The door shut and we started to pull away.

"What was that all about?" I asked.

"I thought you'd get a kick out of that." Mom frowned.

"I guess. I do like fucking with Mike, but this whole evening was all so strange...and I still can't believe you wore...well, that!" I said as I motioned to her outfit.

"Marty, honestly. I thought you would like this."

"Why on earth would I want my mom to wear that outfit in front of my friends?" I asked.

Mom looked at me and then turned to talk to the driver.

"Excuse me, sir...we have the limo until midnight, correct?"

"Yes ma'am." He answered.

"Can you do me a favor and take the scenic route back to our house. I need to have a chat with my son, and it may take a bit. Pulling in close to midnight would be ideal."

"Anything you want ma'am."

"Thank you kindly!"

Mom rolled up the privacy divider and turned her attention back to me. She let out a big sigh as if she had been holding it in all night.

"I've seen your computer Marty. I know you've seen...well, I know you've seen some of my racier photos. And judging from what I've seen, I figured this outfit would have been more appreciated than the others. Also, I've seen the way you look at me when I wear stockings. I wore these for you."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My mom dressed this way for me? My jaw hung open wide, unable to respond.

"I...I...I..." I just stuttered, dumbfounded by what my mom just revealed to me.

Mom sidled up next to me and took my hand in hers, placing it on her stocking covered knee.

What was happening?

"What are you thinking?" She asked as she looked me in the eye."

"I dont know." I answered.

What I really wanted to say was, "I'm scared. I have no idea how to respond to this. I wasn't prepared for any of this."

Mom put her hand on my thigh and leaned her head in toward mine.

I was suddenly conscious of how close she is. How aware of her body I am. The space between us vibrates and trembles with something raw and forbidden, not quite newly woken, but terrifying to me nonetheless. I feel the heat in her breath on my neck, the cold petals of her red stained lips, and the fire in her hazel eyes that would pull me into her and consume me. The fact that I want to let her frightens me more than I would ever admit.

She kisses me softly on the mouth. Ice races through my veins as she lingers there, her mouth open, lips wrapped around mine longer than appropriate, even if I weren't her son. I'm suddenly filled with a guilty excitement as my mom nibbles on my bottom lip.

I pull away, ashamed. Face red from the sudden heat between us and embarrassed that I had turned away this gorgeous woman.

"What...what about Dad?" I asked nervously.

"He'll be fine. Don't you worry about it, but it's probably best if you let me talk with him. Although I think he knew my intentions when we left."

She didn't wait for me to respond before devouring me once more. This time I let it happen, still possessing a feeling of bewilderment as my mom caressed my lips with her own. She was gentle yet forceful at the same time. I wanted to close my eyes and let her consume me, but now that I had the object of my desire, I couldn't bring myself to take my eyes off of her.

Mom caressed my face with one hand and placed the other on my opposite shoulder. In one swift move she swung a leg over me and straddled me, sitting in my lap as she continued to attack my mouth.

It took me a minute to realize, but I finally remembered my first thought when I saw Mom's outfit. There's no way she could be wearing any underwear. I looked down and saw that the hem of her dress had ridden up and the lace tops of her stockings were on display. It then occurred to me that there was a high probability that her bare vagina was now rubbing up against the thin layer of polyester pants that I wore.

I was already hard, but that thought sent an extra rush of blood to my crotch and had my cock harder than I had ever felt it. I went lightheaded and could hardly respond. Fortunately my mom knew exactly what to do.

She grabbed both of my hands and placed them on the lace tops of her stockinged thighs. I moaned into her mouth as my hands felt the legs that I had so frequently fantasized over. I ran my hands up and down her legs, feeling her taut muscles through the silky smooth nylon.

After a few more minutes of passionate kissing, Mom finally pulled away and gave me a devilish look. Slowly, she slunk off my lap and made her way to the floor or the limo like a serpent slithering off its prey. Once she got to her knees, her hands went to my belt and started to undo my pants.

Quickly, she got them unbuckled and down to my knees. My cock sprung free and stood straight up, relieved to finally be free of its enclosure. My manhood throbbed, just inches from my mom's face, as I reached a full 8-inches.

"Wow," my mom smirked. "I didn't expect that. What a nice surprise. You sure have grown up, haven't you Marty?"

I would have blushed if I had had any blood to spare to rush to my face.

Finally, Mom reached out with her hand and took my cock by the base. She leaned in and flicked her tongue at the bulbous purple head. She ran her tongue along the underside of the head, only letting it flick off to the side when I tried to thrust myself at her.

She sure knew how to torture a man. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, she took the entire head into her mouth. I let out a long moan as she bobbed up and down on my upper three inches. Mom worked my dick for a few minutes, massaging the length with both hands as she slobbered and gulped down as much of my manhood as she could manage.

To my disappointment, she abruptly stopped and looked up at me.

"Lay on your back," she commanded.

I immediately did as she said, stretching out along the large divan of limo. Mom flipped her legs up and over me, bringing her crotch dangerously close to my face. She continued to work my dick with both hands, as I finally looked up. Much to my chagrin, my initial assumptions were confirmed. Mom wasn't wearing any underwear, and now her white hot vagina was hovering just over my face, so close that I could smell her musk.

It was an amazing sight, better than anything I could have imagined from looking at her implied nude photos. She was tanned and completely smooth, and not even a hint of a tan line. Mom must have recently had a Brazilian wax. I admired the sight of her love tunnel as long as I could. It was as if she purposefully gave me a few moments to take her all in before dropping herself onto my face.

It was as if it all happened in slow motion. Mom bent back over, taking all of me in her mouth while simultaneously lowering her vagina to mine. She was the sweetest thing I ever tasted. I had received a few blowjobs in my life, but I had yet to go down on a woman. To be honest, I was intimidated and fearful of the taste, but Mom tasted heavenly. My tongue slid between her moist lips. She tasted of honey and vanilla and her scent was intoxicating.

I lifted up the hem of Mom's dress, grabbed her by her ass dimples with both hands and pulled her down toward me, burying my tongue as deep in her vagina as I could manage. Mom rewarded me with the softest of moans. I couldn't believe this was happening. My absolute stunner of a mother was straddling my face, her stocking clad thighs gripping the side of my head as she rubbed herself back and forth along my tongue. All the while, she bobbed her head up and down the full length of my still fully erect cock.

My mother's soft moans and whimpers were becoming too much for me to handle. I had never heard sounds like these come from her. She was pure sex. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined her to sound so raw and sexual.

My dick strained against her touch, so eager to cum, and yet I was desperate to last longer. I slurped up the juices from Mom's slit and then pressed my entire mouth against her vagina, flattening my tongue against her clitoris.

"Oh fuck...Marty...yes!" Mom purred as she pulled her lips from my cock.

That was all I could take. Hearing my mom call out my name in the throes of pleasure sent me past the point of no return. I tried to let her know that I was going to cum, but with her pressed up against my mouth, all that came out was a muffled grunt.

My heavy balls spasmed and unleashed a torrent of pent up sexual frustration right in my mom's face. The first spurt must have caught her by surprise because she let out a great gasp as my load splashed against her face. But rather than reel back in disgust, Mom clamped her lips back over my cock and took the rest of my sperm into her hungry mouth.

I arched my back as I unloaded spurt after spurt into Mom's mouth. She continued to stroke me in an effort to milk my cock of every last drop of semen, her lips still locked around the head of my penis. Finally, after what felt like minutes of cumming, I collapsed onto the divan.

I quickly caught my breath and sat up, pulling Mom into the seat next to me. She scraped a large glob of semen off her cheek with her red fingernail before licking it off.

"Sorry about that Mom." I said with a sheepish grin. "I tried to let you know, but I...well I couldn't really say anything with you smothering me."

"Oh, no worries baby. I should have known better. I guess I've never really talked to you about...well, sex. That wasn't your first blowjob, was it?"

I blushed.

"Um, no. Not my first."

"Have you had sex?"

"No...haven't had sex. And that was also my first time...you know...going down on a woman."

Mom smiled.


I nodded.

"Well, for your first time you were pretty good. A few more minutes and I would have come."

"I'm sorry," I apologized. "I wanted to last longer."

"Don't be. That was fun! I'm glad we finally got you out of your shell tonight."

Mom looked at the clock. It was 11:30.


She paused as she put a hand to my chest.

"Yeah mom?"

"We still have about 30 minutes until the limo drops us off, and...well, I had intended for us to have sex tonight. Do you think you could go again?"

"Um, yeah. I mean...yes, I think so...but, I uh...don't have a condom."

"You don't need one baby. I'm on the pill."

"Ok then, yeah. I can go again."

I was already back at half staff thinking about actually fucking my mom. This was unreal. Not only had we just sixty-nined in the back of the limo, but now she's telling me that it was her plan to fuck me tonight all along.

Mom straddled my lap and started to undo the buttons of my shirt.

"That's good." She cooed. "Because now that I've had a taste of that delicious cock of yours, I really want to feel it inside of me."

I was back fully erect!

"Oh my God," I softly whispered.

As my dick sprung back to life, it brushed up against Mom's vagina underneath her dress. She let out a small, uncontrollable shiver as she continued to take off my shirt. Once she had it all the way off, she stood and pulled my pants down to my ankles.

"Move to the back corner," Mom commanded.

I did as she said. She pointed at the mirrored divider between us and the driver.

"I want to watch your cock enter me."

I sat and watched as Mom undid the tie around her neck and slid the top of her dress off her shoulders, revealing her gorgeous, gravity defying breasts. Her dress slid down her torso like melting wax, gathering at her hips. She pulled up the hem of her dress, once again showing me her amazing legs and the tops of her black stockings. Then, mom turned around to face the divider and maneuvered herself between my legs, grabbing my cock with one hand and guiding it to the entrance of her vagina.

I finally looked up to see the most amazing sight in the world. As I looked into the mirror to watch my mother take my virginity and plant herself on my rigid dick, we locked eyes through the mirror. Mom gave me a big, warm, and loving smile, before returning her attention to my cock. She gripped the base of my shaft with her hand and wiggled her hips to nuzzle the head between her lips.

Then my eyes feasted on the masterpiece that was my mom being penetrated by my dick. It was like seeing God. I couldn't look away even if I had tried.

Her tanned and toned body was taught as she bent her legs to take me inside her. Her abs flexed and her legs quivered as she balanced on her stilettos. As she wiggled her hips and maneuvered my dick to the appropriate angle, I gently placed a hand on each of her hips. Finally, I slid home into her vagina and Mom bottomed out on my lap, taking all of my 8 inches in one quick movement.

As she rested there with all of me inside of her, Mom leaned back into me. I gripped both of her breasts and pulled her back into me. We again locked eyes though the mirror as Mom began to slowly pulse her hips and fuck me.

Mom arched her back and brought her head back abeam mine. I could again feel her breath on my neck as she nibbled my ear.

"Your dick looks so amazing inside of me Marty. You fill me perfectly." She whispered.

I slowly began to match her thrusts as I got used to the mutual dance of our hips. As my mother slowly fucked me, I watched as my dick stretched her vagina. The rocking of her hips caused me to only go in and out about an inch, but the way she swiveled as she rode me had me feeling every inch of her insides. I was thankful for the slow deliberate movements. Anything faster and I would have already cum again.

My mom brought her lips to mine and kissed me as she rode my dick reverse cowgirl. I continued to hold onto her breasts as if they were my personal life preservers. I never wanted to let go. Then Mom moaned into my mouth as I thrust myself into as deep as I could go.

"Oh fuck baby, thats deep!" She cried.

"Mom, you are the sexiest woman in the world. I love you so much."

I don't know what it was, but something I did or said must have flipped a switch in my mom. She sat up and pulled herself off of my dick. It snapped into my stomach with a loud, wet slap. Quickly, she spun around and straddled me once again, bringing her fabulous breasts right in front of my face. This was even more beautiful than when she put her vagina inches from my face.

Mom guided my cock back into her vagina and repositioned her knees beside me to get more comfortable. Then the real fucking began!

She started to bounce up and down on my cock with a fervor I had never experienced. This was no longer for me. She was going to get hers and I got to come along for the ride. I put my hands on her tiny waist and held on tight as she began to ride me for all she was worth.

As Mom started to get more and more worked up, she placed both of her hands on my shoulders and brought her glorious breasts to my mouth. I latched on and sucked like there was no tomorrow.

With the extra leverage her arms on my shoulders provided, she was able to fully explore the entire length of my dick. Mom would rise until just the head remained inside her and then slam back down into my lap, forcing my 8 inches as deep as it would go. As she picked up the pace, our thighs crashed together playing a beat to which we continued our incestuous dance.

"Oh yes Marty!" Mom moaned as she hopped up and down on my dick.

Again, hearing her use my name in that sexual voice brought me close to the edge. I looked back to the mirror and watched as Mom's vagina stretched and clung to the sides of my slick cock as she rose.

The sight of me filling my naked and stocking clad mother to the brim was too much. I was going to cum inside her.

"Mom...I'm gonna..." I mumbled.

She brought her mouth to mine and cut me off.

Then, she removed her hands from my shoulders and slid them under my bare ass. She gripped and squeezed as she pulled me into her in quick-fire thrusts.

"Cum in me Marty. Cum in your mother!" She yelped.

Like I had a choice.

"Oh Mom," I moaned.

Then I unleashed everything I had left into her. I watched in amazement as my balls rose and flexed and then pumped spurt after spurt of hot cum into my mother's vagina.

"Holy fuuuuuuck." I panted.

Mom continued pumping her hips and fucking away as I drained every last bit of semen I had to offer into her. I started to soften ever so slightly, but Mom wasn't slowing. If anything she was speeding up. I watched as a huge glob of cum leaked from her pussy and ran down the length of my dick, pooling around my balls.

"Oh! Oh! Oh!" Mom grunted as she continued to slam herself onto my dick.

"Oh my God, Mom. You're amazing!"

Her hands went behind my head and she pulled our foreheads together as she panted and moaned.

"Yes Marty...Oh fuck! Holy shit...you're gonna make me cum."

I couldn't believe she was still going. My eyes shot open wide at her words. I wanted so bad to make her cum on my dick.

"Make me cum baby. Make your mother cum with that beautiful dick."

Sweat dripped down her brow and onto my face as Mom writhed in pleasure. She screamed and moaned in ecstasy as her orgasm hit her in waves. Her entire body quaked and shook and her vagina tightened like a vice grip on my now softening cock. More cum leaked out of her and onto me and the divan.As Mom recovered from her orgasm, she showered me with kisses to my lips, cheeks, and forehead.

"Oh my God. Oh my God." She repeated over and over as if in disbelief.

Who could blame her? I was in disbelief ever since she rolled up the divider. I couldn't stop myself from grinning though. Not only had I actually fucked her, but she came. Hard. Watching her enjoy herself was even better than depositing two loads in her.

"That was incredible, Marty."

She pulled me back in for a deep, passionate kiss.

"I can't believe that just happened." She said through labored breaths.

"What? I thought you said you planned this."

She grinned.

"Well...I did. But I didn't know if I'd actually have the guts to go through with it." She paused.

"But I'm really glad I did." She punctuated it with another kiss.

"I'm glad you did too, Mom."

She pressed her breasts against my chest as she came in for a loving hug, her head pressed up against the steamed window.

"Oh shit!" She screamed. "We're almost home. Quick! Get dressed!"

Mom rolled off of me and quickly began pulling her dress up. I pulled up my pants and started buttoning my shirt. We had just gotten all of our clothes back on as we turned onto our street. Mom grabbed a rag from the cabinet and threw it at me.

"Clean up that mess. I need to fix my hair."

It was a mess. There would be no hiding it. Her hair or the stain we made on the divan. I used a bit of club soda and did my best to clean up my mess while she tackled hers.

We pulled into our driveway only a few moments later, neither of us having completed our tasks. We'd just have to play it off as best we could.

Mom straightened her dress and had a seat next to me as we waited for the driver to open the door. A blast of cool air hit us as he let us out, offering my mom a hand. I was sure he knew what had just happened. It was plastered all over us, and the inside of his limo.

Mom tipped the driver and thanked him for the evening. I did my best to avoid his gaze as I exited, but as I walked past he nudged me with his elbow. The driver nodded toward my mom, who was now walking toward the house, and winked. Then he pointed with his thumb to my mom's legs.

That's when I saw it. A big white glob of semen had run down my mom's leg and had settled on the back of her stocking. It stuck out like a full moon on a clear night. My eyes shot open as I ran to catch up to her.

I placed my arm in hers and pretended that I was escorting her back to the house. Then I leaned in and whispered to her.

"Um, mom. There's a bit of cum on the back of your left leg. The uh...driver noticed."

I'm sure he noticed our wrinkled clothes, her tousled hair, and the smell in his limo as well.

"Thanks baby. I'll take care of it."

We didn't look back as we climbed the stairs to the house. Dad was still seated in his chair, watching another game as we entered.

"There they are!" He exclaimed. "I expected you two back about an hour ago. Didn't the dance end at 10?"

He got up to meet us at the door. My heart was thundering in my chest.

"It went a little late, but we also had the limo until 12...had to take advantage. The driver chauffeured us around a bit." Mom responded.

I stood behind my mom, guarding her backside as my father gave her a kiss.

He was going to find out. I knew it.

"I need to get out of these heels," Mom exclaimed.

She bent down with her knees and wiped the back of her leg with her hand and then stood, taking off each of her shoes in turn. The glob was gone and all that remained was a tiny wet spot.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, you two look like you actually had a fun time this year. Did Marty take care of you?" Dad asked.

"He did!" Mom boasted. "He was the perfect gentleman. Danced with me all night. I'm going to be quite sore in the morning."

She kissed me on the cheek.

"In fact, I'm going to take a shower and get in bed. I'm spent."

Dad clapped me on the back.

"Goodnight Marty. Thank you for a wonderful evening."

Mom pulled me in for a hug and gave me a tiny squeeze on the ass and a small wink as she backed away.

"Way to go, Bud!" Dad said as he gave me a fist bump.

He then turned and escorted his wife to the bedroom.
