

Seeing who it was however, caused Grad to release a sigh of relief, opening the door wide open to reveal a man of Hispanic descent, the man having a shaved head with a dark brown hoodie on over his body, a wicked Mike Tyson-esc tattoo stamped right next to his left eye socket.

"Hector, you dipshit." T said in agitation, "Why didn't you fuckin' say it was you? We thought you were a pig or something.'"

"Sorry man, kinda just slipped my mind." Hector said, entering the room to see the guns on the couch, "Jesus that's a lot of heat." Walking over towards the guns he picked up and began to inspect a 20-gauge shotgun.

"Yeah bitch, Coppermouth just promoted up to dealin' arms. Just made a couple big sales a couple nights ago." The Mets fan said, the man taking notice to the fact that No Church in the Wild began to play, "Oh shit, turn that shit up man." Something that the wife beater was more than happy to comply to.

"Yeah." Hector said, holding the gun out in front of him as he inspected the gun's barrel, "Yeah I know." Bringing the gun up to himself, Hector then grabbed the bottom of the barrel. Then, without warning, he swung the 20-gauge into Grad's temple, cracking it open as he bashed the man's head in with all his might. Grad fell to the ground with a loud thump, the cocaine in his hands falling with him, bursting open sending the white powder flying everywhere.

"Da fuck you doin' nigg-" T was interrupted by the butt of the shotgun slamming into his mouth, sending back into the couch as he grabbed his mouth in pain, blood spilling out from between his fingers.

Hector then turned towards the other two, the wife beater pulling out his revolver as the Mets fan ran towards the Glock sitting on the window sill. Waiting till the very last second, Hector side stepped out of the way as the wife beater fired off a shot, allowing the bullet to zoom by as he threw the shotgun like a spear, slamming into the man's nose, sending him flying back into wall before sliding down to the floor unconscious. Vaulting over the couch, Hector then made his way towards the Mets fan, just as he got ahold of his Glock. As the man swung around, Hector grabbed the gun just as it reached around towards him. Suddenly, steam began to emit from the gun, the dark grey metal of the gun turning an angry bright red before it began to bend into Hector's grip, rendering the weapon completely useless. Hector didn't allow the man any time to retaliate, driving his fist right into the guy's forehead, sending him into the window behind him, cracking the window on the glass pane with the back of his head, effectively knocking him out cold, blood spilling from the back and front of his head.

"Ah..ah guck!" T mumbled out, blood still seeping out of his mouth as he sputtered out, "I fink you cracked my teef you-" The big man was interrupted by the fact that the radio that had been blasting music slammed into the side of his head, smashing the radio as it cracked his skull open with a loud crunch, silencing the room with the only sound being the TV that was still playing.

On the TV was WHiH World News, with the anchors Will Adams and Christine Everhart covering a story, "Today marks the 24th anniversary to the disappearance of Peter Quill. Most of you I'm sure remember the story that took over the late 80's of the boy from Springfield, Missouri who disappeared the very night of his mother's death due to complications with skin cancer. The boy's grandfather, Andrew Quill, lead a state wide search for the missing boy. The boy's story touched the nation's heart, with hundreds of thousands of people volunteering in what would later be called the Search of the Century. Even still the elder Quill holds an open line for any kind information pertaining to his grandson's location." Christine said, her voice a perfect mix of professionalism and empathy, showing her skills as a reporter.

The camera then focused on Will, with a picture of Kurama holding his massive Rasengan in his hand popping up in the top right corner, "In global news, videos have begun surface of what many believe to be the cause of the Sokovian based AIM Research Lab explosion, with amateur footage showing what appears to be a strange, massive creature being the cause, with many questioning the video's validity. The question I believe we need to ask, is if the video is real, just what this could mean for the world as a whole over the revelation that a creature like this may roam around our planet undeterred."

"Truly scary stuff." Christine said, shaking her head as the camera switched over to the both of them, "In more global news, the return of Captain America has been the main headline of the day. His triumphant, if mysterious return, occurred last night ironically in Stuttgart, Germany, when the Good Captain helped apprehend a mysterious attacker during a gala event in a Stuttgart museum. Captain Rodgers was assisted by Tony Stark in his Iron Man armor, the two of them taking the attacker to a currently unknown location."

Will nodded, "Welcome back Captain."

Hector shook his head, "Of course, of course someone had a camera. Why not?" The man was then enveloped by a puff of smoke. As the smoke dissipated, Naruto stepped out as he walked over to the television to turn it off, "And when did Fury start letting Rodgers stretch his legs? I figured they'd keep him cooped up there for another couple years."

"I'd apologize for stirring so much shit, but Goddammit if wasn't so much fun." Kurama said, chuckling at the end.

"Whatever Kurama, it's not like I wasn't gonna get shit for it eventually. I'm honestly surprised Nick hasn't brought it up yet."

"It is pretty odd, I figured Fury would have gotten on your ass months ago. I mean…we caused a shit ton of damage."

As Naruto was about to respond, he felt a sudden presence enter the room. It was a thick feeling, similar to Thor's but weaker, looser almost. While the massive blonde man's could be described as loud and flashy, this one was allusive, intelligent. Turning around, Naruto saw that he wasn't the only one conscious in the room anymore. The man was standing behind the couch looking around the room at his handy work, an impressed expression on his face. Said stranger was very handsome in appearance, with an angular, lean face that reminded him of an Uchiha, only much…much paler. His slicked back black hair reached down to the nape of his neck, giving him a sophisticated look. His clothes were rather lavish, a dark brown overcoat that went down to his upper thigh covered a sage green button up dress shirt. Wrapped loosely around his neck was a striped green and yellow scarf, the material making it look more expensive than all the clothes Naruto was wearing at the time. The most interesting thing about him however, was the staff resting in his left hand. The stranger seemed to be using it as a cane, though it looked like some kind of weird weapon, seeing as how the staff was made out of what looked like a fairly sturdy metal and the fact that there was a glowing blue gem at the top, the stone humming with barely restrained power.

Finally making eye contact with Naruto, the man spoke, "My my…what a fascinating creature you are." Gesturing around the room he continued, "Barton truly was telling the truth about just how gifted you are. To think that such power would lie in a brittle being such as yourself."

Naruto's eyes were narrowed at the man in front of him, consciously leaking out his chakra as he spoke, "I know for a fact that Clint doesn't have any friends outside of SHIELD, and you're not a member. Nobody there dresses like…that." As Naruto finished his sentence his eyes roamed up and down the man's attire with a look of mocking on his face, "So who the fuck are you?"

The man chuckled, "I believe the enchantress may have told you a little about me, I believe she may have tried to contact you after my little…excommunication. Did you kill her? I haven't heard a peep out of her since that day."

"Enchantress?" Naruto asked before realization struck, "You mean that Amora chick?" Seeing him nod he said, "No…no I didn't kill her. She asked me to take her in after Thor got sent back to his home world or realm or whatever. She told me you ordered her to take control of me, that true?"

"But of course." The man drawled, a cocky smile on his face, "That woman is so willing to please. So desperate for love…true love, that she'd do anything you ask of her if she thought she could get it. It's sad really."

Naruto was beginning to grow impatient with this man, flaring his chakra as he demanded, "Just who are you exactly?"

Spreading his arms out in a grand gesture, the man spoke, his voice thick with narcissism, "I am Loki, new ruler of this world. And I come with great tidings."

"And what would that be?"

Loki began to walk around the couch, making his way towards Naruto before stopping just a few feet away from him, "That you're going to work for me now." He said menacingly, his walking cane soon becoming enveloped in a flash of light before it transformed into a much longer spear like weapon. Raising his spear forward, Loki then made to gently place the tip of its blade in the center of Naruto's chest.

Only for Naruto to grab ahold of the spear's shaft just before it touched him, "I don't know what the fuck you think you doing." Naruto started out, "But I can tell you right now that it's not gonna fly."

"Oh really?" Loki challenged as he began to put some muscle into it, trying to force his spear to make contact with Naruto, only for Naruto's grip to stay true, not budging even in the slightest.

Naruto simply stood there, looking at the new ruler of Earth with a bored expression on his face, "Is that really all you got?" Feeling no change in Loki's attempt, Naruto decided to put an end to it, "All right, my turn."

Forcing the blade away from him, Naruto then grabbed the bottom of the spears shaft, before forcefully pushing Loki back, "You're almost as much of a brute as my brother." Loki said, the strain in his voice obvious, "Perhaps I've been going about this all wrong." Looking up, Loki made eye contact with Naruto a wicked smirk on his face as he said, "After all, why would I need to get control of your mind…when I have the very thing you've been searching for oh so desperately." Leaning forward, he then whispered in a brutally seductively tone, "The Tesseract."

If Loki expected anything, it wasn't getting slammed into the wall behind him, his body forming a dent in the foundation with a heavy crack, "What the fuck did you just say?!" Naruto yelled, spittle flying from his mouth.

Loki smirked, his voice a slight wheeze, "The Tesseract...the Cube…whatever you want to call it, is in my possession."

"How…how did you get it?!" Naruto demanded.

"From SHIELD of course."


Loki's smile grew, his crooked mouth giving him a malefic appearance, "I took the Tesseract from SHIELD, just a few days ago. According to Barton and Selvig, they'd been trying to figure out how it works for decades now. How strange that they wouldn't let you know about it."


"How does that make you feel?" Loki asked, his staff glowing as he spoke, "Angry? Furious? Betrayed? How does it feel to know that the people you've been working with for years now have lied to you? Telling you that they only thing that could send you home is lost…when it's been in their hands for nearly fifty years. Or, about you flame, your woman…Agent Romanoff." Seeing Naruto's confused face, his smile only grew even more vile, "Oh, that's right…you didn't know. How could you?" Leaning closer, his lips nearly gracing Naruto's ear he softly whispered, "Her…affections…towards you…are only orders given to her by her superiors. The love you share…are orders. All to watch you…to make sure you stayed in line. To make sure you could be controlled."

"Kurama…you were right." Naruto thought. "You were fucking right."

"All this betrayal…all these lies. Please, allow me to be the first to give you some truth. This planet…these earthlings, are ants. They scurry along the ground, gathering what they can to survive, building their cities, gathering their food, but in the end, their lives matter little in the eyes of us. Those that have the power to squash these ants under our heel. And yet they question us, condemn us as monsters, as untrustworthy. And when they try and bite us out of a preemptive fear of extermination, who is to blame when we crush them for their insolence? Not you or I, that I assure you." Leaning back, he looked at the seemingly broken Naruto, "Join me Naruto, help me conquer these ants. Do this…and you can finally go home."


"I have already defeated this world's protectors, the metal man, the soldier, the monster. That just leaves…the last piece to the puzzle. I had planned on including you in their demise, but after all the juicy gossip Barton shared with me…and the fact that I've lost so many pieces already, I knew that I had to have you on my side…one way or another." Feeling Naruto's grip loosen, Loki jumped at the chance, pressing the tip of his scepter into Naruto's chest, allowing the power the staff held to enter the blonde man's body.


"And now you're mine." Loki said triumphantly, "Release me so that we can leave, I believe it's about time the invasion started. Selvig should have opened the portal up by now."


"Did you not hear me? Let go of me fool!" Loki demanded, growing impatient that his new slave wasn't obeying his order.

"Was that supposed to do something?" Naruto whispered.

Loki looked at Naruto in utter shock, the god about to try and cast him under his spell once again, only for his body to be forcefully ejected from the wall. The two of them didn't stop however, their forward momentum only increasing, with the only thing Loki could see being blurs and pain as Naruto continued to slam his through wall after wall. Finally, after what felt like a nonstop moment of being body slammed through wood and foundation, Loki found himself outside, the two of them flying outside the building heading towards the ground below them. He didn't have to wait for an impact long, the two of them slamming into the concrete, sending a cloud of debris and smoke bursting into the air. If he thought he'd get a reprieve he was mistaken, as Naruto's fist began to bounce off Loki's face.

"YOU THINK. YOU. CAN. FUCK. WITH ME?! Naruto screamed, his words punctuated by his fist slamming downwards into the man's face, the force of his head smacking into the ground causing the concrete to crack and splinter, "You think…by telling me all that shit, that I'd work for an asshole bastard like you?! Huh?! I know you weren't lying…I could feel it." A tear began to form at the corner of his eye, slowly cascading down cheek as he continued to speak, "But even then…even then, I would never do the shit you're talking about. I would kill myself before I became the very monsters I nearly died fighting against." His fist was about to come down once again, only this time it was being pumped with chakra, his full intent being to end this miserable man's life then and there.


His body seemed to freeze at the sound that boomed across the city, his head instinctively looking up at the source. He was shocked to see what looked like a portal in the middle of the sky, with a beam of energy seeming to feed it coming from Stark Tower. After several moments of nothing else happening, a wave of creatures began to fly out of the portal, descending down to the city below, opening fire at the buildings as they reached them, igniting the city in a hail of laser fire.

Looking down at Loki, Naruto saw that the man was sporting a bloody grin, "It has begun."

Rage filled Naruto as he looked down at the insufferable man before him, "Stop it! Stop it NOW!" He demanded.

"Now that it has begun, there is no stopping it." As Naruto was about to decapitate the man with his fist, a wave of laser beams washed over the area, blasting the cars around them, the resulting explosions causing panic and havoc as people began to scramble in fear, cars trying to swerve around each other only to be blasted to bits by the strange creatures and their chariot like flying machines. Looking back up at the portal where hundreds of aliens were still spilling out of, Naruto could see what looked to be Tony in one of his armors flying up towards the portal taking out as many of them as he could, the resulting flow of explosions reminding Naruto of a fireworks show.

Forced to jump out of the way, Naruto scoffed as he saw Loki jump on board of the hover crafts, the god zooming away from him towards Stark Tower. Naruto was about to give pursuit when several more blasts of energy came hurtling towards him, forcing him to evade once again. Looking above him, Naruto saw a pair of aliens rushing towards him on their chariots. Anger still in his mind, Naruto had little patience for the soon to be dead creatures. Reaching out, Naruto took ahold of their chariots with the use of his Metal Release before slamming the two aliens into each other. Now on a role, Naruto began to do this with any alien that came his way, taking control of their hover crafts before sending them into each other.

An explosion in the corner of his eye catching his attention, Naruto looked back over towards Stark Tower…well, more like Sta Tower, seeing as how the R and the K had been blasted off. Bright flashes of light could be seen on top of the building, with Naruto assuming it being Loki doing the fighting. He then noticed that what appeared to be a Quinjet hovering near the source of the flashing lights, the jet opening fire on whoever was standing on top of it. The effort was for not, as the jet was quickly shot down causing the plane to spiral down to the ground below.

Naruto was about to activate his Six Paths Sage Mode when a ground shaking roar split across the city, shaking Naruto's very bones as he looked back up at the portal. Out of the portal slinked out a strange worm like creature the size of your average battle toad, the likes of which could only be matched by Gamabunta or Gamakichi. The worm seemed to be wearing some kind of golden armor, with the mouth of the creature resembling a whale only with very, very sharp teeth.

"You gotta be kidding me."


Chapter Complete


Author's Note: Guys, I just hit 1,000 Followers. Hooooly shit. You guys have no idea how grateful I am that you guys love my story so much; you guys have no clue. Thank you guys, seriously. Now, I know some of you probably wanted me to follow the movie plot line, probably have Natasha contact Naruto, the gang gathers up Loki, Loki then attacks the Helicarrier, Naruto fights the Hulk for a bit, then they go and kick Loki's ass after Naruto gives some kind of inspiring speech or whatever. Well guess what, that was the original plan. But then I realized that every story that follows the MCU does this. I wanted to go at it from a different angle, and this to me seemed like a perfect way to introduce Naruto to the conflict with Loki that hasn't been overdone and what not. Now, I know I told some of you through PM that Naruto would slug it out with Hulk, and for those that I said that to I apologize. When I told you that, that was the plan. But things change. Sorry. I have a feeling that people are gonna complain about this chapter, I kind of took a turn that I'm sure a lot of you won't be happy with. If it's about the Hulk thing, we still have Age of Ultron. And who's not to say I may not just have him and Naruto fight for shits and giggles some time down the road. Please don't flame though, if you really have an issue just PM me and we'll hash it out then. Next chapter will be the Battle of New York, with Naruto going ham on some Chitari. REVIEW! FOLLOW! FAVORITE! Let's break 400 reviews people!
