
Chapter 14


It's been five days since I walked out on Xavier, I've settled into my apartment with Amelia. Everything was going smoothly, I've still been on edge. He can come to take her any day if he wanted to, I know he had the power. He can always take her back. But I haven't heard a word from him even a phone call. 

Alan on the other hand has been coming non-stop to my apartment building, but I've instructed my concierge not to let him in. There no one he didn't know about the pills, Xavier tells him everything. I felt betrayed by all of them. I should have known, I shouldn't have believed Xavier. 

I look down at Amelia in her buggy, she was sleeping peacefully. I knew she was only here because of Xavier lies but I couldn't be more thankful. She was the only family I had left, it was just me and her now. I can't bring myself to wish I never had her, I don't regret keeping her. 

"Your coffee, Ms." I look up at the waitress holding a cup of coffee. 
