
Curing Kiritsugu

Izayoi and Gilgamesh left after chatting for half an hour. Gilgamesh disappeared leaving golden particles and Izayoi just sat there for a few minutes and then he also left the place.

-Sakamaki residence-

Izayoi and Baron were currently talking about curing Kiritsugu. After deciding what they had to do, Baron teleported himself and Izayoi into Emiya residence where Kiritsugu currently was, living the little time he had left.

A light surrounded the room Kiritsugu was currently in. Kiritsugu was not able to see anything as he was blinded by the light, a few moments later two figure came into his vision. One of them was Future's last embryo and other was the God of love, lust & death.

Kiritsugu became vigilant and asked, "Who are you?"

Croix looked at Kiritsugu and said, "Please calm down Mr.Emiya, we don't mean any harm."

Kiritsugu with his experience as magus killer didn't believe them and said with a depressed expression, "So, Acht finally decided to get rid of me. Trying to cover up his mistake about the Grail war. Sigh, Just do it. I don't much time left anyway."

"Old man, I am already in a bad mood today. Just shut up and listen, "said Izayoi with an annoyed look on his face.

Izayoi was not in a good mood after his conversation with Gil and he couldn't handle Kiritsugu's rambling.

Kiritsugu didn't say anything, he didn't care about izayoi's word. He just sat there with the same expression, it was the face of a person who clearly just given up.

Croix continued, "As I earlier said Mr.Emiya we are not here to harm you, we see that you have been effected with an ancient curse. We like to know how exactly did you come into contact with a curse like this?"

Kiritsugu answer, "I see mage association finally started to pay attention to problems that actually matter.

During the third Holy Grail war, Einzbern summoned a servant outside of the seven regular classes. An Avenger class servant, the Zoroastrian God of Evil, Angra Mainyu.I don't have the proper information but based on the information I have is that the servant got defeated but he did not die like he was supposed to, he attached himself to the Grail and corrupted it.

By the end of the fourth Holy Grail, I realized that the Grail was corrupted and any wish made would be only brought through destruction. I denied to make a wish and that caused the Fuyuki fire years ago."

Kiritsugu face was filled with regret and sadness while he was saying this.

Croix facial expression became a little dark as he said, "Mr.Emiya before I came here, I did my homework about your past and here I ask you, Why after everything you went, you didn't just destroy your own life. You also destroyed the lives of people who stood with you. I heard about your wife and daughter. I generally don't show this side of mine but now I am asking you this do you regret all this?"

Kiritsugu face darkened as he answered, "Yes, I regret all that."

Izayoi with an angry expression, "Regret huh don't make me laugh all of this, your current life is what you created. The situations you put yourself and people close to you all your miserable life. What result did you expect? That your child would be born in a happy life, that her mother would be alive to spend time with her daughter that you could live and thrive as a happy family with them and now one day your daughter will know what kind of person her father is."

Kiritsugu expression didn't change and he said, "You think I don't know all this boy. Do you know what is the worst kind of despair? It is when in the darkness of despair hope is so close to you yet you can't grab onto it. I know where my daughter is, I know how to get her back but I still can't."

Izayoi: "So if you ever grab onto the hope, will you ever let it go?"

Kiritsugu: "No"

Izayoi: "If you get a chance to get your daughter back, WILL YOU EVER LET HER GO?"

Kiritsugu: "NO"

Croix smiled and said, "Mr.Emiya good for you, I have a way to remove your curse."


Kiritsugu shouted this moment was too overwhelming for him. He who has lost all hope, he who has given up on his life to him these words by Croix were like a star of hope.

Croix came near Kiritsugu and said, "Relax, Mr Emiya the process will take just a few minutes."

As Croix was going to start the process of removing the curse, Izayoi left the room and went to the courtyard as he looked at the sky he mumbled, "We don't realize the worth of somethings until we lost them."
