

Myler Kain and Seira Dean got closer each time passed, and they finally decided to get married.

Myler Kain helped Seira Dean to cure her other personality with his skill as a psychologist.

Seira Dean finally became a normal woman, and Myler Kain also regained his humanity.

Myler Kain learned a love lesson from Seira Dean, and he became more expressive after he understood the meaning of happiness.

Seira Dean realized one thing in her life. Myler Kain is her soulmate, so no matter how hard she pushed him away, he would still come back to her.

Her other ex-boyfriend left her because none of them was her soulmate, so it was why they left her no matter how hard she tried hard to make them stay.

It is the same as destiny. If someone is your destined love, and then he won't ever leave you no matter how hard you push him away.

If a person is not your destined lover and then he will leave you no matter how hard you ask him to stay by your side.
