

Luke is so childish because Alex and I are no longer have anything to do between us, but he is still jealous of Alex. He is even bolder to do this kind of intimacy in front of someone else, I am a little embarrassed you know.

"You don't need to be this jealous, you know because Elena and I never have an affair, do you really understand what an affair means?" Alex said with dissatisfaction because his friend is so stupid after he falls in love even though he is always on the top in the examination.

"An affair? What is that? I don't understand," Luke said while avoiding Alex's gaze.

"You are deliberate, and it is impossible for you, not knowing the meaning of an affair," Alex yelled at Luke with anger.

"I already said that I don't understand that means I don't understand, hmmppp," Luke said while ignoring Alex's anger at him.

"I don't understand, your head, you are blockheaded," Alex said in dissatisfaction.
