
Chapter 1 Everything has a Beginning

Hi, my name is Alex Barter I died in a Car accident and yeah, I've stayed so long in this dark space that I started talking with myself just to pass time. I also felt that my memory is fading away, so I decided to list in my mind what I still remember, as said I died in a Car accident and landed here. I was on my way back home form a friend of mine, we both loved Si-Fi and novels, on the faith full day we watched all the star wars movies in one go it took the whole day so it was pretty late when I was on my way back… and that's basically it more I don't remember. It's not much but I at least remember something right?

So, I started to recount that information in my head to not forget that too. Don't know how much time has passed but it felt like an eternity when finally, something happened.

"Quit repeating that already I have understood that your name is Alex Barter and that you died in a car accident", Thundered an unknown voice in my head.

"Hello there who might you be? I just repeated the last things I know to not forget them too like the rest. Didn't know someone cloud hear me could you forgive me for that?" (me)

"Hmm You're quite sentient for a dead soul normally a soul would just be dead… well I forgive you and to take you out of this place I will reincarnate you and grant you five wishes… so where would you like to reincarnate?" (The thundering voice which calmed down and which I started to assume was God)

"If it's possible I would like to reincarnate to Star Wars as it's one of only things I remember. For my first wish I would like to have a System which can show me my Status, has an Inventory, can give me Missions, has a Store and a Crafting function.

My second wish is that I have a Mining Dimension which resets every month.

My third wish I would like the Mining Dimension to have a high force concentration so I could train in it.

My fourth wish is that I have a Library Dimension which holds a Holocron of every known force technique there is and updates when a new force technique is found.

My fifth wish is to have a high force sensibility." (me)

"I will grant all your wishes, but I advise you to pick something different for your fifth wish" (God)

"Then I wish for unlimited Cell replication so my body doesn't die of old age and a reinforcement of my mind so that I can withstand the strain of old age." (me)

"Granted normally I would take that as two different wishes but because you thought of the strain the old age will put on your mind, which not many people do most just ask for cheat abilities and don't care what those would do on the long run to them." (God)

"Thank you for that, so when will I reincarnate do, I still have to wait or is there something else I have to do?" (me)

"Well you still Have to choose as which race you would like to be reborn as and which perks to be reborn with. You can choose three perks for your race." (God)

Suddenly a list of perks and Races as well as a Character editor appeared before me. As a race I choose Human, because it could be quite troublesome to get acquainted to the movement forms of the new race. For the perks I choose [Child of the Force], [Natural Mechanic] and [Hard working Immune system] with those the doors to the galaxy of Star Wars where open. As for my appearance I just choose to look like in the last live. In my last live I had ordinary looks not to chubby and not to lean, brown hair and Storm blue eyes. Just for my eyes I wanted a little tweak, so I made them golden with a little twinkle in them.

"Then I guess it's goodbye for now make sure you don't come back here to soon!" (God)

"One last question If you would allow Sir?" (me)

"Sure, go ahead." (God)

"Will there be others who choose to reincarnate into Star Wars, or would I be the only one?" (me)

"You will be the only one with the simple reason with your appearance in the universe you create an alternate timeline and as long as no one especially wishes to be put in your timeline you would be alone." (God)

"Then thank you for your assistance and for the chance to live again." (me)

"Sure, no problem have a nice Second live. Goodbye!" (God)

Then everything went dark. When I could see again, I was laying in a forest you could hear a small river in the background and the chirping of birds it was idyllic till I heard.

/System loading 5%, 35%, 42%, 68%, 87% 100% System loaded welcome host to your new live/

'Hello System, is it ok if I call you Jason in remember of my friend who was always with me from kindergarten to University?' I asked in my mind.

/That would be quite alright/(Jason)

'Then give me a rundown of your functions Jason'

/As requested, I have your Status page, the Missions Tab, Inventory, Store and Crafting Tab. God also had the liberty to bind the Mining and Library Dimension to me to grant you an easier access/

'That's great! Show me my Status page please.'


Name: Alex Barder

Age: 5 (27)

Title: [Child of the Force], [Master Mechanic], [Undying]

Race: Human

Perks: [Child of the Force], [Natural Mechanic] and [Hard working Immune System]

Abilities: [Strong Mind]

Force understanding: none

Force abilities: none

Force relationship: Child/

'So, I don't have stat points and levels… That just means I must put hard work into getting stronger, but what does Force relationship mean? System?'

/It means that the force recognises you as its own child and other than the Jedi and Sith you won't have to fight against its temptations to bring you to the other side and if you would use the Dark side of the Force you would have any of the side effects, because no one wants to hurt his own child right?/

'That's understandable and I guess I turned five because that's the age when the order takes in it's padawans right?'

/That's correct. Now you just must wait in a few days there should be a Jedi knight coming to this Planet. He should feel you through the Force and come to pick you up. /

/New Mission Available/

'Please show me the mission Jason'

/Survive in the Forest

Time to Survive: 3 days

Reward: 1000 System points and an Automatic mining drone.

Penalty: death/

'The penalty is pretty understandable, but I think the Reward is a bit high. Not that I'm going to complain about it. Oh, right Jason do I have a starter Package?'

/Indeed, you have.

Open now Y/N? /

'Yes Obviously'

/Gained: 500 Credits, 500 System points, CR90 Corvette Blueprint/
