

At this time Chris was silent and didn't say anything, but his expression was similar to the time he sealed his heart, this made everyone present feel indescribable fear in their hearts, even though Chris didn't release any aura, with the Everyone's senses could sense the crazed thirst for slaughter that was compressing and condensing inside Chris.

"Caesar… Bastard"


Once Chris said those words the mirror space shattered returning everyone to the room, but before they could ask why he shattered the space, the mirror space became active again this time covering the entire city and its surroundings for several kilometers, Chris programmed it to lock all existences above the mystical realm.


"Where we are?!"

"What is this place?!"

"Why are we here?!"

Shouts and confused questions could be heard from all sides, from the soldiers of the earth army to the representatives of the upper worlds were confused as the city changed to a totally white space with nothing, leaving everyone confused.

At that moment Chris released his power throughout the field and activated his 5 ability, a huge asura arhat appeared on his back this was twice the size of the one he used in the test space in each of the 6 arms of the asura appeared an energy spear one was made of the fire of the lotus of nihility, others of lightning, others of ice, one of wind, another of light and the last one of darkness.


When the spears appeared, the arhat looked at a particular direction, at which point the already overloaded spears went berserk one more and the arhat fired them in that direction.


The speed was incredible to the point where the sonic boom was heard throughout the entire mirror space, and the next moment the spears reached their destination with the power to easily destroy anyone below the mystic realm.

"What's going on Chris?" Kaguya asked that she was the only one who couldn't understand Chris's reactions even forgetting his normal etiquette of calling him by his name.

"Let's go" Chris said spreading his wings and placing his weapons while he went to the direction of the attack, once they saw him move, they all followed him.

When they saw the huge explosion, the other people decided to regroup with their groups and head to where the bombardment was.

"Exactly what happened?" Beatriz said unable to hide her confusion at the sudden changes.

The group of three women was heading towards the north area of ​​the city, but unexpectedly the city disappeared and unexpectedly a point-blank attack happened next to their side if it was not for a few meters away that attack would have cost their lives the 3 women.

Sensing the danger, they released their powers and floated into the sky awaiting the arrival of their opponent.

"Damn bastard since when can he do large-scale simultaneous attacks?"

Shouted the man with brown hair and brown eyes who came out of the destroyed area, he looked miserable, but from his ability to move and react it was clear that he did not receive much damage.

At that very moment, the groups of people who were trapped in the mirror dimension began to arrive, the first to arrive were several representatives who came to earth, once they all arrived, the soldiers of the earth who were headed by Meiko followed, since had to regroup were among the last to arrive.

Once the group of 3 saw Meiko, they headed towards her trying to understand the situation, but seeing how everyone was, you could see that no one understood what was happening.

At that moment Cesar spoke "You've already met a lot of people; don't you think it's time to introduce you Chris"

The fact that Chris found out so easily surprised him after all even his family didn't know he was here and he had kept this a complete secret from everyone else and had kept his disguise at all times.

If he knew that he was discovered by Astrid for his bad habit with women and that Chris placed a protection seal on Beatriz that detects any potential danger or ill intent that approaches her, it is likely that he would be furious at being discovered by such. crap.

At that moment a young man with black hair with sapphire blue eyes who, wearing black armor with golden decorations, appeared in front of everyone, even though no one could feel the slightest fluctuation of aura and energy everyone could feel an invisible pressure around him. Chris's body as if everything around him was going to disappear, causing most of them to feel fear running down their spines.

When Cesar saw this, he also felt fear, he knew Chris's state better than anyone, it was the most dangerous state he could enter, at this moment the Prana and Mana inside Chris's body was traveling at such a speed. high that it is impossible to feel, in that state Chris's power is multiplied at least 10 times, and his energy reserves become almost infinite, but that will consume a lot of mental strength putting a lot of strain on his brain at least. Cesar was so sure that he could not maintain that state for long and the only thing he has to do is resist.

What he didn't know was that the third ability of the immortal god had already fixed this problem and Chris could easily maintain that state longer.

"We're done quickly. I'd like to fix the issues as quickly as possible," said Chris.

"Why so rushed if we've just arrived, we should have a little more fun" Cesar mocked.

At that very moment 9 groups of the representatives who came to earth stood in front of Cesar showing that they supported him.

When Astrid saw this, she was surprised she had estimated, that at least a quarter of the people who had arrived were Caesar's henchmen unexpectedly were half of the guests.

All of these people released the powers of ancient realms since they were in a mirror dimension, the limitations of the laws were minor and they could release almost 100% without fear of anything.

"Should we help" Kaguya asked as she was the weakest in the group being only a rank 5 mystic realm.

"It is not necessary counting to cease there are a total of 10 groups of enemies of 5 people in front of us, if we discount teacher Astrid's group and mine, there are only 8 groups left that we don't know their true intentions and we don't know if they are enemies therefore, we will take care of paying attention to these eight groups better while young master Chris takes care of Cesar and the other men" Lulu said while assessing the situation.

"What about the pair of brothers from the investigator alliance?" Kaguya asked.

"They don't seem like a danger, but it's better to pay attention to them, I didn't trust those crazy people very much" replied Mana, she had gone with Chris several times to the investigators' alliance and her point of view was the same as Chris's and that is that they are an organization full of lunatics so she didn't give them much confidence, the memory of how those crazy people wanted to dissect her to study her divine physique was something that always disgusted her every time she remembered it.

At that moment Solin and Sonia arrived at the scene, at that moment Sonia felt the same feeling as when Chris called them a madhouse from Mana's crazy words, but even so she couldn't blame her, she knew how rare the investigators were, besides of the fact that she herself had thought the same thing that some of these researchers were better off being in an insane asylum than in a laboratory, though she wondered why this woman was venting so much hostility.

In Solin's case he just ignored Mana's rude words and took out a device that scanned the entire area and gathered the data.

Once he saw Chris's data, he was excited to see its frequency and data it produced, to the point where he began to caress the monitor as if caressing a woman's body, while a smile similar to that of a pervert appeared. in his face.

At that moment, everyone stopped looking at Chris and the group that confronted him and looked at Solin with strange faces similar to when they looked at a pervert with some displeasure and disgust at Solin's reactions.

Sonia, seeing everyone's gaze, couldn't bear the embarrassment anymore and walked away from her brother and stood behind Kaguya with a red face since she couldn't bear the situation anymore.

Astrid was the one with the most complex face of all, since she could feel better than anyone the ecstasy and emotions that Solin's body releases since she was part succubus.

In Solin quasi, he just ignored everyone while reading Chris power, he could see that the frequency in which his power moves is so high that even the device couldn't capture it in its entirety, in Instead he concentrated on extracting slight traces of reports of his power, but each of this data was skyrocketing, based on the information Chris's characteristics were impossible to read but his strength was devastating no matter how much of it. she use.

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