

Pushing the boulder aside, Urag left his slave alone. He felt refreshed after receiving a blowjob from Blake, and couldn't wait to come back again. It seemed to him that his captive finally learned her place and started obeying.

If there was something better than power or sex, it was the thrill he felt every time someone bowed down to him. Of course, this thrill was almost none existent. After all, in the whole clan, he was perhaps amongst the weakest.

It has always been that way - since the day he was born, they constantly told him that his potential was weak.

That his level cap was too low to achieve anything worth noticing or even to evolve to a more powerful orc. Well, it is not like Urag really understood what level cap meant - actually, most of the orcs in his tribe didn't know - but the traditions told that those with a low-level cap were destined to be weak.

And he didn't like being weak. He wanted to be at the very top - master of the destiny from those below him.

The way Blake obediently sucked him dry that morning, hungrily drinking his spurt like an addict, was enough to make his day.

And that coupled with the rise of his numbers couldn't become any better.

[Level Cap Raised! 10 ⇒ 18 Max Level]

The feeling was almost like taking out some weight from his shoulders. His body could hold more power now and it was hungry for it.

Which is the reason why he decided to enter the mud-pit.

To become stronger is to defeat your enemies. To evolve is to drink from your enemies' blood. Such were the sayings of his tribe.

A bloodthirsty smile crawled up to his face as he imagined himself crushing skulls and piercing his halberd through guts. There was lust in his eyes as well though.

"Urag kill to become the strongest. Then, Urag make slave his woman."


There was a rich scent of blood in the air, impregnating everything within its reach. The arena was silent, not a single whisper to be heard. The whole audience watched with glee the spectacle, feasting onto the sight of a decapitated head.

"TO SURTUR!" Urag shouted before impaling the head he held in his halberd.

"TO SURTUR!" The spectators replied with their hands raised in the air.

Hours have passed since the whole ordeal started, and Urag felt like he was at home. The challenge of the mud-pit was simple - to fight against 10 adversaries of the same level and survive. While he certainly was weaker than most of his peers, those with the same level as him couldn't hope to compare to his prowess.

Well, that's a completely different story when talking about the Greater Orcs (the majority of the clan's population) - those who reached the first great barrier, the level 25.

'With slave, Urag invincible.' He thought before stepping out of the arena.

Notifications appeared one after the other, filling up his sight.

[Level 9 ⇒ 15]

[Skill Points 0 ⇒ 2]

[Do you wish to see the options available? Y/N]


[Skill - Bloodthirsty

Requirements: Unknown; Kill 10 kinsmen in sacrifice for Surtur

Effects: Enemies' blood have mild mana and stamina regenerating effects]

[Skill - Everlight

Requirements: Unknown; Master an Origin-type spell of the fire aspect

Effects: Capable of manipulating 25% of flames within range]

[Skill - Headsman

Requirements: Decapitate a total of 20 heads in combat

Effects: +20 DEX]

The skill choice was so easy that Urag didn't even need to seek for the elder's advice. Anything related to Surtur, their patron, was definitely good. And as for his second pick, he knew the Everlight spell for such a long time already that he decided on it without batting an eyelid.

'Power...' He thought as he stared at his numbers.

[Name: Urag]

[Race: Half-Orc, Half-Unknown]

[Body Type: Male]

[Class: Warrior]

[Level: 15]

[Enhancements: None]


Attribute Points: 0

STR - 100 DEX - 25

END - 45 INT - 4

WIS - 4 PER - 10

CHA - 10


Skill Points: 0)

I Everlight Lv.1

I Bloodthirsty Lv.1

II Halberd Wielder Lv.3


He set his eyes on the woods north from the village, immediately having a hard-on as he imagined grabbing Blake's butt and ramming his whole dick into her tight ass. He was so focused on getting his prize for the successful evening that he didn't perceive the Greater Orc who stalked from nearby.

He was followed all the way to his hide-out, where he hid his biggest treasure.

If it wasn't for the slight snap of a twig, then he wouldn't have noticed the intruder. His eyes turned bloodshot before he swung his halberd to the right, piercing right through the tree at his back.

Inside the cave, all Blake could hear was the smooth rumble caused by a tree falling.

"Appear!" Urag shouted at the shadows. Another snap sounded from the forest as a tall orc came out.

He raised his shoulders in mocker, almost laughing as he said:

"Ah! You got me, Urag. I do have to say, I am quite surprised that your little brain noticed me." The Orc had a slight tinge of blue, and his height well put Urag's one to shame.

Perspiration formed on his forehead as he stared at the intruder.

"Why Vultak here? Hunting?" He tried as he stepped forward, obstructing the entrance to the cave.

"Oh me? I was just passing by! What I am curious about though, is why are YOU here..." He looked over Urag's shoulder, peering into what he was hiding.

"Hunting." Was his immediate response.

A small smile formed in Vultak's lips before he completely disappeared. A cold sensation brought Urag out of his reverie.

"Now, you can either be honest or... else." He pressed the tip of his blade on Urag's neck, who in turn slowly nodded his head.

"Good." He sheathed his blade back.

With hesitation, Urag pulled the rock from the entrance. He knew what was about to happen. But such was life - the strong stepped on the weak.

If Urag wanted to survive then he needed to maintain his head low and obey.

"Urag?" A sultry voice asked from inside.

Vultak looked questionably at the entrance to the cave.

"So you were hiding a slave?" He asked, perplexed about Urag's reasoning. When he finally entered the room though, he got his answer as to why.

"A male?!" His startled voice resounded inside the stone walls.

Blake was paralyzed in terror as he stared at the strange orc. This one was so tall that his head almost hit the ceiling. Two long tusks grew from his mouth as well. The sight was intimidating, to say the least.
