
Cabin (5)

"Is that all?" Gael asked.

"For now," said William.

"For now? You mean you intend to demand more later?"

It was Damien who responded next. "You have to understand. This has only been brought up today. We're honestly exhausted, and other things might come up later after we've rested. Also, this isn't a one-time deal. Considering we're not merely talking about being in territories but rather sharing businesses, this will be an ongoing partnership moving forward. For as long as your family and mine benefit from each other."

Gael nodded, and so did Giovanni, then he said, "There's one thing, though. I'm certain that the council will sanction punishments to the Morellis—likely to Marino and Filippo since the two of them are the ones personally handling the drugs. All I ask is that when you bring this up, leave out Mariano and his wife."
