
Let Me Go


I didn't know when or how, I slowly got my consciousness back. Maybe the feeling of suffocation helped me a little. I tried moving around, but couldn't. It didn't matter how much force I used, I couldn't even turn to my side. My eyes were still too heavy for me to force them open, so I tried to use my hands to feel around. 

But to my dismay, just like my body, I couldn't move my arms. They seemed to be stuck in their place, as if something was holding them down. 

Not wanting to give up this easily, I tried to move again, only to get the same results. I was starting to get frustratingly annoyed, but I was too tired to actually look at the real problem. I didn't want the blaring white lights to blind my vision and steal whatever sleep I was left with. But what happened next, forced it out of my body anyway.

"Can you stop moving? I want to sleep for a little longer." 
