
Unexpected Field Trip

Not surprising after Derek outright plead for Alexander's help things got quiet, real quiet. Then Alexander wearing a serious deadpan expression broke that silence.

" Revenge, that's what you want correct?"

" Yes."

" Alright, well let's say I accept to assist you in this endeavor of yours. What do I gain from doing so?"

" With the both of us working together we could surely take care of the Alpha and Argents. Wouldn't that make it easier for you to obtain the item your looking for?"

" Easier yes, necessary not so much. Don't get me wrong your enthusiasm is admirable but you're oh so weak. So unless you have a better offer, I'll have to politely decline."

Being called weak to his face bothered Derek but he knew it wasn't the time to lose focus.

" You can't seriously believe that you won't somehow be dragged into this Towns mess. Whether it's the Argents or the Alpha they will come looking for you soon enough"

" Who knows, what I can say is that even if I was, when the dust clears I'll be victorious."

Feeling desperate, Derek showed his final card, blackmail.

" I think you're grossly overestimating yourself while underestimating the Argents."

Alexander had gotten up and ready to leave but that last sentence from Derek caught him off guard.

" What exactly are you playing at here?"

" I'm merely sharing my opinion."

" Well keep it to yourself, because my patience with you is running thin. So please think long and hard about what words are going to come out of your mouth next."

" Oh, I am. Whether you acknowledge it or not, I figured you out. Do you honestly believe this act of yours will last much longer? Because I don't, and it probably won't be long before the Argents also see through you. Maybe it'll even be sooner."

Up to this point, Alexander had remained in control of the situation and the conversation. He knew exactly what to say and when, yet it for the first time it didn't appear that was case. His ever so composed persona seemed to have cracks in it. Most noticeably in the form of his eyes shifting, his right eye shined a radiant golden, while his left lost all color for a split second, before an ominous pale light shined through.

Derek had never seen such eyes before in his life, but being on the receiving end of that gaze he felt utterly helpless.

" Let's get two things clear, Derek. You didn't figure out shit, you know what I wanted you to. Secondly, I felt comfortable revealing myself to you, because I'm completely confident in killing you."


" Now you might be thinking, that you're safe here with all of these witnesses. Which I'm sorry to inform you aren't a good deterrent, since your death would be so fast that they wouldn't even notice."

Alexander then leaned over towards Derek, and slowly raised his right hand. Derek frozen by fear, couldn't move no matter how much he screamed at his body.

' Am I really going to die like this? Without getting revenge for Laura, Cora, or...'

Awaiting Alexander's strike, Derek shut his eyes close, yet it never arrived. Rather than a hit or strike he felt a heavy hand land on his right shoulder. Before hearing a low monotone voice.

" You'd do well to remember that fear."

When he opened his eyes, Alexander had already started walking away. Derek didn't know what to do much less say, so he just stared at him.

" Oh, and thanks for the meal."

For almost two entire minutes, Derek just stood there almost unable to breath from what he's just gone through. Only snapping awake when the waitress, came back and told him if he wanted the check.

" Yeah, here."

" This isn't going to cover it."

" What are you talking about I only ordered a small coffee."

" You did, but that good looking friend of yours ordered two large breakfast platters. And since he already left, you're the one who's got to pay."

Quickly turning around Derek could see a smirking Alexander's wave from his car before driving off.

" You've got to be fucking kidding me!"


Driving through Beacon Hills, Alexander went over what he'd gone through at the diner with Derek.

' While it wouldn't be such a bad idea to use him as a pawn, I'd rather not make this mission any more complicated. All I'm interested in, is finding that bronze disc and going back to Mexico. The faster I get that disc and leave the more likely it is for my arrival to the states goes unnoticed. It'd be a real nightmare, if some of my less reputable acquaintances knew I was here.'

Rather than remembering those people, Alexander shifted the topic to the Argent hard drive.

' Going way back to the topic of the Argent hard drive, my current options are limited. Most of my tech savvy contacts are under the Strix umbrella or don't operate outside of Europe. So that leaves me with, finding someone outside the Strix umbrella or doing it myself. Two options which I truly loathe.'

Making a right turn up ahead, a visibly excited Alexander pulled into the library parking lot.

' Since I'm going to be in a committed relationship soon, I ought to cut ties with Heather now. I don't want a repeat of Marseille from two years ago, where the two woman met. That did not end well for anyone involved, I'm pretty sure I'm banned there now. That said, it doesn't mean I can't share some quality time with Heather before then.'

Closing his car door, a terrible sound entered Alexander's ears, that of small children laughing. The direction of that horrible sound, coming from within the library.

" You've got to be kidding me."

Before he'd even walked into the building, he knew his plan to fool around with Heather one last time was ruined.

' Dammit, breaking it off with women is always easier after they've been satisfied sexually. Now it'll just be an awkward conversation that's had. One which I'm not looking forward to in the least... (Sigh)'

Walking inside, Alexander was not surprised by the large amount of children running around. What did, was the fact that they didn't seem to be that well looked after. Though he couldn't really blame the two teachers who were supposed to watch over twenty kids.

" Xander! You're here, right now."

By the tone of her voice, it was clear that like the teachers was having a bad time.

" Yeah, although it's pretty to see that this is a bad time..."

" It really is, but if you need assistance with anything book related I can spare you a few seconds."

At this time, Alexander knew that his news might not be taken well right now. However it was something that needed to be done so he sucked it up and came clean.

" It's not, I just wanted to make things clear between us, like us not being in any kind of relationship."

" Um, what are you talking about?"

" What happened between us was just a one time thing, don't get me wrong I enjoyed it. I really did, but that's all it was, a one time thing."

" Why are telling me this now!?"

Not surprising, Heather was not happy hearing that her supposed paramour, was breaking up with the very next day after having sex with her.

" That's because you might see me around town with another girl and I didn't want you to-"

" Oh, I get it now. I was just something for you to pass the time with. Is that it!?"

Not bothering, or more precisely not caring, Heather didn't lower her voice when she that. Causing all of the children running around to all stop what they were doing and stare in their direction.

" No, that's not it at all. I was-"

" Get the hell out of my library, right fucking now!"

Seeing as his objective was accomplished, Alexander smilingly waved at the stunned children and teachers before walking out.

' That went well.'

I'd like to point out a two changes I've made recently to past chapters regarding the lore.

1.) Alexander's right eye is amber, while his left is grey.

2.) Alexander's only accessory is his silver cross earring on his left ear.

Please keep these changes in mind mind for upcoming chapters and arcs. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

I'll try to get another chapter up later today. No promises.

AnonAuthorcreators' thoughts