


The sound of galloping hooves can be heard in the field of Germania, five thousand cavalries can be seen charging to the right flank of the barbarians formation, leading this charge is the young commander Prince Tiberius.


Tiberius POV

"Enemy cavalry at the front your highness!" Shouted by a praetorian guard behind me.

I looked towards the enemy cavalry and smiled. "Here comes the appetizer boys!" I point my blade and shouted my command. "Charge!"

It took less than ten minutes before the enemy cavalry was obliterated. They didn't stood a chance with our greater numbers.

I looked at the barbarians who were busy fighting the legionnaires and give my command. "Continue the charge! ATTACK!"

The barbarians seeing our charge towards their right flank panicked. The chieftains tried to recompose the barbarians but failed when they saw another incoming cavalry from the left. The chieftains and shamans weren't able to prepare their men before we arrived.


Both their flanks were impacted by the cavalry charge. After twenty minutes of fighting, I can see the barbarians starting to lose ground. Outmaneuvered they lost their morale and started to route.

Looking at the fleeing barbarians I issued my command. "Let them go it will hasten their defeat!"

I see a chieftain trying to rally his men but failed miserably. "You idiots don't flee! keep fighting! Argh who hit me?! Fight to the death you imbeciles! Argh, who hit me again?!"

But like a collapsing dam the entire coalition routed as every man run for himself.

Looking at the fleeing barbarians, I grinned and gave my command."Chase them down! Rome needs fresh slaves!"

With a roar the legionnaires gave chase. Two hours after the battle I watched the soldiers clean the battlefield, they dug mass graves, treated the wounded and salvaged gears. Watching them I nod before entering my tent.

Resting in my chair I see a man wearing white clothes enter. "You're highness there are too many wounded, we're lacking medical supplies after the barbarians raided our stocks last month."

Looking at the physician I thought for a while before ordering. "Prioritise our men and kill those barbarians that are disabled, they have little value being slaves." The officer stared at me before saluting then leaving to execute the order.

"No mercy eh?" I stared at Darius who was standing behind me. I shrug before replying. "It's their fault for burning the supplies, if they didn't burn them we could have enough supplies to treat all the wounded, including them."

He laughed as he hears me say that. "Cold as usual, well at least we can finally go home. I haven't slept with a woman for eight months, there are no beautiful women here in Germania. I only see muscular women here, too rough for my taste and were running low in booze and wine."

"You and you're hedonistic ways Darius." We hear a voice and see a man entering the tent.
