
Chapter Seven: Training and Evaluation 3/3

Not knowing what else to do, Minerva followed him, with Yoruichi, Soi-Fon, and Unohana in tow. She was curious as to what sort of test the Head Captain had devised in order to evaluate Itachi's progress with Hohō, but she doubted that the old man would take kindly on her spying on the preparation.

Stay on your guard, Itachi, she thought as she silently studied her student, I'm proud of how well you've done so far, but you're not out of the woods just yet.


"I wonder what Head Captain Yamamoto has in mind for evaluating your progress with Hohō," Captain Unohana mused aloud, "I know the Academy has its own standards, but I imagine that he'd be deviating from the usual testing due to these unique circumstances."

"Whatever the old man has up his sleeves, Itachi can take it," said Yoruichi as she gave the young man a confident smile, "Isn't that right, Itachi?"

To his credit, Itachi appeared very calm, although Unohana thought she detected a bit of tension in his features. It was perfectly natural given the stakes involved in the evaluation, after all, but Unohana was still impressed with how well he kept in check. He had a level of self-awareness and control that was very uncommon in Academy students, particularly ones that were still in their first year.

"I suppose I'll find out soon enough," he said after a moment.

Soi-Fon's brow furrowed in thought. "A special Hohō evaluation would likely test the accuracy of you Shunpo technique, along with distance and speed. How would the Head Captain accomplish that in an area as confined as the training yard?"

"There are several possibilities," said Minerva, "Knowing the Head Captain, it'll be something sufficiently challenging."

Before any of them could speculate further the door to the training yard slid open, and Lieutenant Sasakibe poked his head in. "The Head Captain is ready for you now, Itachi."

The group went outside, and Unohana's eyes narrowed as she saw that a series of mats had been laid out across the training yard. Each one had a black circle drawn on it, and in the center of the circle was a red dot. In addition, each mat had a small white flag set up next to it with a black number on it. The numbers went from one to twenty, corresponding with the number of mats that had been set up.

I believe I see what the Head Captain has in mind now, Unohana mused, I wonder if Itachi's figured it out yet…

Minerva folded her arms as she observed the setup. "Interesting…"

Yoruichi smirked. "Yeah. This should be fun to watch."

The Head Captain stepped forward. "Your objective here is simple, Itachi. Starting from the first mat, you will Flash Step to each of the other mats in ascending numerical order. Simply landing within the black circle on each mat will earn you one point, while landing directly on the red dot will give you two points. Knocking over a flag or landing outside the circle, however, will result in the loss of a point, and missing a mat entirely will cost you two points. The minimum passing score is thirty. Is that understood?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes."

"Thirty to pass?" said Soi-Fon, raising an eyebrow, "Out of a possible total of forty points? That's too much for an Academy student! That would mean that he can't afford to miss a single target, and he'd have to get at least ten bullseyes on top of that!"

"For the likes of us, it's a simple task," said Unohana, "For a student, however, it's rather daunting… especially for one that's still a first-year."

Minerva nodded. "Yes. An ordinary student would be lucky just to scrape by. However…"

"Itachi's no ordinary student," Yoruichi finished for her with a confident smile, "He can do this."

"I shall be timing you as you take this test," Lieutenant Sasakibe added, "Your speed will also be a factor in determining whether or not you pass or fail."

"Understood," said Itachi.

The Head Captain pointed to another mat, one without a target on it or flag standing by it. "Take your place there. You will start on Lieutenant Sasakibe's cue."

Itachi did as the Head Captain instructed, and all the while Unohana and the others waited for the countdown. Since Itachi's training over the past month had taken place in the Squad Four barracks, Unohana had occasionally witnessed his Shunpo practice sessions. She would be the first to admit that he had made considerable progress, but was he really ready for a test that required this level of control? Yoruichi and Minerva might've been confident about Itachi's chances, but the Captain of Squad Four was leaning more towards Soi-Fon's assessment; the Head Captain might indeed be asking too much of the young man.

There is no point in raising objections now, she thought somberly, Head Captain Yamamoto has thrown down the gauntlet, and Itachi appears to have accepted the challenge. All the rest of us can do now is watch and hope for the best.

"Commencing countdown!" barked Sasakibe, "Five… four… three… two… one… begin!"

It was fortunate that everyone in the audience was capable of following a Shunpo practitioner's movements, yet even with her trained eyes Unohana was still surprised by just how swiftly Itachi raced through the course. His technique was far beyond that of a typical student; not only did he have speed, but his precision was truly something to behold. The numbered flags flapped in the wind created by the rush of his movements, but not one of them fell over.

And every step Itachi took put him right on the red dot at the center of each target.

It was over in mere seconds, and Unohana belatedly realized that she had actually been holding her breath during the demonstration. She allowed herself a small smile as she turned her gaze to the Head Captain, and although the head of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads kept the same implacable expression on his face, she thought she caught just the barest hint of approval in his eyes.

Yoruichi grinned and clapped. "Good work, Itachi!"

Soi-Fon gave a small smile as well. "That was very well done."

Minerva smirked. "Perfect."

"Indeed," said Unohana, "What say you, Lieutenant Sasakibe?"

It took a moment for him to respond. "I… I could not find any flaw with his technique. As for his time… well, suffice to say it was impressive."

"Quite so," said the Head Captain, nodding at Itachi, "A perfect score, Itachi. Congratulations on clearing the Hohō portion of this evaluation… and on exceeding my expectations in the process."

Unohana raised an eyebrow. That was high praise indeed, coming from Yamamoto. She couldn't recall the last time she had seen a student receive such a compliment from him.

Itachi bowed. "Thank you, Head Captain."

"That just leaves the Hakuda and Zanjutsu tests," said Sasakibe, "Head Captain, perhaps a small break would be in order?"

Yamamoto nodded. "That seems reasonable. Itachi, you are permitted a fifteen-minute rest period. I suggest you make the most of it; you will be pressed hard in your final two trials and you will need your full strength to prevail."

"I'll be ready, Head Captain," Itachi replied firmly.

Interesting, thought Unohana as she watched Itachi head off to the side of the training yard for a brief respite, I wonder what the Head Captain and Lieutenant Sasakibe are planning for the last two tests. I suppose we'll find out soon enough…


I don't understand, thought Soi-Fon as she looked around the training yard, Itachi's break is almost over, but nothing's been set up for the Hakuda test. All Lieutenant Sasakibe did was put away the mats and flags from the Hohō test…

As a member of the Stealth Force and the head of Yoruichi's personal guard, Soi-Fon was trained to spot the smallest sign of deception and subterfuge, but she could not find a hint of either here. Nothing new had been set up in the training yard, and it appeared that neither the Head Captain or his Lieutenant had any intention of bringing out targets or anything else that Itachi could demonstrate his Hakuda skills against. Soi-Fon supposed that it was possible that Yamamoto and Sasakibe had rigged something in the training yard ahead of time, but she couldn't spot any evidence that might suggest hidden devices or other mechanisms.

She glanced over at her Captain, but if Yoruichi was concerned or suspicious Soi-Fon couldn't detect any sign of it. That was typical; her commanding officer could easily conceal her true feelings whenever she felt like it, despite her usually laid-back and playful personality. Right now, Soi-Fon saw only a small smile on Yoruichi's face. Rather than anxious or suspicious, Yoruichi actually seemed to be looking forward to the next phase of the exam with no small measure of excitement.

It was the same for Captain Unohana and Minerva; neither of them betrayed any hint of apprehension. If anything, the two of them seemed almost as eager as Yoruichi appeared to get the next part of the evaluation underway. Soi-Fon could only hope that she would be able to match their level of composure one day; she was almost jealous of how all three of the women standing with her had achieved such confidence and self-control.

She took a furtive look at Itachi, who likewise did not seem to be all that concerned with what might be in store for him next. If anyone should've been nervous, Soi-Fon figured it'd be him. After all, if he failed today's test he would have to start from scratch at the Academy. However, he gave no outward sign that the consequences of potential failure were weighing on him. He was calm and centered, and he almost seemed to be meditating at the moment. How could a student appear to be as composed as two Captains and a former Lieutenant? For the life of her, Soi-Fon just could not figure that out.

She then saw the Head Captain gesture for Itachi to come forward. All eyes were on the young man as he stepped into the center of the training yard. Lieutenant Sasakibe stepped forward as well, and Soi-Fon's eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen.

No, she thought, they can't be serious…

"Itachi Uchiha," said Yamamoto, "for the Hakuda test, you will engage in a sparring match with Lieutenant Sasakibe. I shall evaluate your performance and signal when the match is over. Is that understood?"

Itachi nodded. "Yes, Head Captain."

Yoruichi smirked. "Well, now… I didn't think Sasakibe would be getting his hands dirty today."

"How interesting," said Unohana, "I haven't seen the Lieutenant fight in quite some time."

"Neither have I," said Minerva with a smile, "I hope he's not rusty."

Soi-Fon couldn't believe what she was hearing. "How is this a fair test? No matter how gifted Itachi may be, there's no way that a student can defeat a Lieutenant!"

Yoruichi put her hand on her shoulder. "Calm down, Soi-Fon. The Head Captain never said that Itachi had to defeat Sasakibe."

Unohana nodded. "While I'm sure Lieutenant Sasakibe would win if it were a real fight, I imagine he'll be holding back today to allow Itachi to properly demonstrate his skills. It wouldn't be much of an evaluation otherwise."

"Indeed," said Minerva, "The goal of this evaluation is to judge Itachi's level of skill in relation to where another student in the advanced track would be at this point in their training. It would be completely unreasonable to expect any student to be able to defeat a seated officer of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads, no matter how talented they are. The Head Captain and Lieutenant Sasakibe are both well aware of that."

Yoruichi smiled. "Remember, Soi-Fon; the Head Captain can be harsh, but he can be fair as well. He wouldn't create a test that Itachi was guaranteed to fail. That would make all the time Minerva spent training Itachi this past month a complete waste, and that's not the Head Captain's style."

Soi-Fon sighed. "I see. My apologies for my outburst, Lady Yoruichi. I should never have questioned the Head Captain's judgment."

Yoruichi giggled. "You don't need to apologize, Soi-Fon. Actually, I thought it was kind of cute how you were looking after Itachi like that! I didn't realize that he was starting to grow on you!"

Soi-Fon's face flushed red. "T-that's not it at all! I-I just wanted to make sure that he had a fair test because of how his performance would reflect on you, Lady Yoruichi!"

Yoruichi smirked. "Whatever you say, Soi-Fon."

She turned her attention back to the middle of the training yard, where Itachi and Sasakibe were facing off. The two men impassively evaluated each other as they waited for the Head Captain to give the go-ahead.

A moment later, Yamamoto raised the gnarled staff that concealed his Zanpakutō. "You will commence your match on my mark! Three… two… one… begin!"

Sasakibe made the first move. The Lieutenant surged forward and took a jab right at Itachi's head. Itachi already had his hands up in a guard position, however, and was able to block the attack. Sasakibe swiftly followed up his opening move with a series of punches, but Itachi bobbed and weaved, and the blows barely missed him.

That was when Sasakibe went low and made a sweeping kick, attempting to take Itachi's legs out from under him. Itachi was already in motion, leaping over the kick and using the opportunity to go onto the offensive. A quick sequence of jabs forced Sasakibe to backpedal, and Itachi pressed his attack. When Sasakibe grabbed his fist mid-punch, Itachi twisted free of the Lieutenant's grasp before grabbing him by the arm. For a moment it appeared that the student would be able to throw the officer, but Sasakibe was able to force Itachi to release him by aiming a high kick at his head. Itachi rolled to the side, and as he came up he was once again forced onto the defensive as Sasakibe rained punches and kicks down on him.

Soi-Fon was stunned by what she was seeing. Sure, she had witnessed a few of Itachi's Hakuda sparring matches with Minerva when Yoruichi and her had visited the Squad Four barracks, but the level of skill he was displaying now far surpassed what she had seen from him before. In fact, were he not wearing his student uniform, one might be forgiven for mistaking him as a fully trained Soul Reaper as far as Hakuda was concerned.

Did he really come this far in just a month, she thought, or is there more to it than that? He came here from the Realms of the Living, so perhaps he had hand-to-hand combat experience when he was alive…

Whatever the answer was, that didn't change the fact that Itachi was holding his own against a Lieutenant. Sure, Sasakibe might've been holding back for the sake of the test, but the abilities Itachi was demonstrating with regards to Hakuda were impressive nonetheless. It gave Soi-Fon further insight into why Yoruichi was so invested in his ongoing education; talent like his made him a natural candidate for Squad Two or the Stealth Force, both of which were under her Captain's command.

"He's doing very well," said Unohana, "Your instruction has served him in good stead, Minerva."

Minerva smiled. "Truth be told, all I ever did with him as far as Hakuda's concerned is spar. He was pretty fun to train in that regard."

"I bet," said Yoruichi with a smirk, "He's come a long a way since our little match all those months ago."

Soi-Fon could only look on in silence as Itachi and Sasakibe went back and forth, trading punches, kicks, attempted grapples and more. There wasn't so much as a hint of wasted movement in either fighter. Both kept their balance despite the rapid pace of the match, and they remained as calm and collected as they had been when they'd been sizing each other up before the fight had started.

It took a few moments, but eventually Soi-Fon was able to discern key aspects of Itachi's technique that set him apart from Sasakibe. While Squad One's Lieutenant remained rooted to the ground, the Academy student was more willing to engage in acrobatics if it gave him the chance to get the drop on his opponent. The occasional backflip would give him the chance to both evade an attack and regroup, while a daring leap over his foe provided a brief opportunity to attack from above or behind. Of course, Sasakibe was able to read and counter Itachi's moves, but it spoke volumes of the young man's skill that he was able to engage a veteran officer in such a manner, even if it was just a sparring match.

On and on they went, switching from offense to defense at the drop of a hat. Neither fighter showed any signs of slowing down, and Soi-Fon soon lost track of time as the match continued. Nothing outside the fight itself mattered, and she could not help but be fascinated by the display of martial prowess. Itachi's abilities in the art of Hakuda far surpassed any that she had ever seen from an Academy student before, and she could only wonder at just how strong he would be once his skills had reached full maturity.

Lady Yoruichi is one of the greatest Hakuda practitioners in the Soul Society, she thought, Could… could that be part of why she's so interested in him? Does she believe that he could one day stand alongside her at the peak of Hakuda prowess?

It was impossible for Soi-Fon to say for sure just what her Captain's true motives were. As much as she had gotten to know Yoruichi in the years since she had been assigned the role as head of her personal guard, Soi-Fon would freely admit that there were still aspects of her Captain that she could not fully comprehend. Her inner thoughts and whims could still be something of a mystery at times, and it made her incredibly difficult to predict. As laid-back and casual as she often appeared, when her interest was piqued she could throw herself into a mission or project with surprising dedication and passion. Perhaps that was what Itachi was to her; a project of sorts, the chance to guide and help an ideal candidate for Squad Two, to have him ready to join the division's ranks and rise swiftly when he finally graduated from the Academy.

It was as good a guess as any that Soi-Fon could come up with at the moment.

After what felt like forever but had likely been no more than ten to fifteen minutes, the Head Captain raised his staff before slamming the end down into the ground. On cue, Itachi and Sasakibe immediately halted their match and turned together to face Yamamoto. Soi-Fon could not help but lean forward as she studied the Head Captain's stern expression for the smallest hint as to what was going through his mind.

After a moment, the Head Captain nodded. "Well done, Itachi. I am satisfied with how your abilities in the art of Hakuda have progressed. Lieutenant Sasakibe, what are your thoughts?"

Soi-Fon saw the Lieutenant's brow furrow in consideration for a moment before answering. "His skills are exceptional. In fact, I daresay they are far beyond what a student at this point in his education should possess. Itachi is quite gifted, and I see no reason why he should not pass this portion of the evaluation. "

"Good," said the Head Captain, "Congratulations, Itachi."

Itachi bowed. "Thank you, Head Captain."

Yoruichi grinned. "Nice going, Itachi!"

"Splendid work," Unohana praised.

Minerva smiled. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Soi-Fon nodded. "Good job."

"I will allow you another rest period before the final trial," said Yamamoto, "You will have ten minutes, and I suggest you make the most of them. Believe me when I say that your toughest test still lies before you."

Toughest test?, thought Soi-Fon, What could possibly be tougher for a student than a Hakuda match against a Lieutenant? All that remains is Zanjutsu… what does the Head Captain have planned?

What does he have in store for Itachi?


Itachi was grateful for the multiple chances the Head Captain had given him to catch his breath over the course of the evaluation. While he had not been pressed as hard as he might've been in battles past, the tests that had been thrown his way so far over the course of the day were enough to keep him on his toes. The reactions of both the Head Captain and the other onlookers boded well for how he was doing so far, but Itachi remained on guard. After all, the Head Captain could still fail him if he deemed it appropriate even though Itachi had done well on every test so far.

Zanjutsu is the final skill to be tested, he thought, I do not know how the Head Captain intends to conduct this last examination, but if the previous ones are any indicator, passing it will require me to call upon all of the skill that I have acquired in the art of the sword.

Not for the first time since the examination had begun, Itachi found himself glancing at Yoruichi. She gave him an encouraging nod and smile, and the light of anticipation gleamed in her golden eyes. Knowing that she believed in him provided a significant boost in confidence, although he did have to wonder why her approval mattered more to him than that of the others present today. Hell, she wasn't even the one that was proctoring this examination, yet Itachi found that he desired to excel more in her eyes than those of the Head Captain, and it was the latter that would ultimately decide his fate!

For all your brilliance in the fighting arts, there are some areas where you really are quite dull, said a familiar female voice inside his head, I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that chief among those areas is women.

It wasn't the first time that the spirit of his Zanpakutō had addressed Itachi while he wasn't training with her in his inner world, but he was still having a little trouble getting used to the idea that she could just drop her two cents on him at any time she pleased. He also found it surprisingly difficult to keep his outward expression from betraying to others that he was having an internal conversation, although he supposed that it was something that he would eventually grow accustomed to.

If you've got something to say, just come out and say it.

She laughed. Where's the fun in that?

He mentally sighed. A Zanpakutō was supposed to reflect the aspects of its wielder, but Itachi had a hard time coming to terms with the notion that she had inherited her level of sass from him. He could make the occasional quip should the occasion called for it, but Itachi had to wonder if he really was as snarky as the spirit of his sword was proving to be.

I don't have time this…

Indeed. You'll have a far more pressing opponent than me to trade barbs with in short order.

What are you talking about? My final trial is one of Zanjutsu, not trading quips.

I know, and the barbs in that trial will be the points of yours and your opponent's swords.

Itachi's eyes narrowed as he carefully regarded the Head Captain. No…

Why not? Your Hakuda test was a match against his Lieutenant, after all. Would it not make sense for him to conduct a similar exercise for the final trial?

I don't believe it.

Then you're a fool.

There was a sinking sensation in the pit of Itachi's stomach as Yamamoto's stern gaze fell upon him. He really didn't want the spirit of his Zanpakutō to be correct, but his gut was telling him that he wouldn't be so lucky.

I might be in trouble here…

He could clearly picture the smirk on the face of the spirit of his sword. That may be a considerable understatement.

"Come forward, Itachi!" barked the Head Captain.

Here we go…

Stepping into the center of the training yard, Itachi waited for the Head Captain to address him again. He did not have to wait long.

"Your final trial will be a test of your abilities in the art of Zanjutsu," said the Head Captain, "In my experience, there is only one way to truly comprehend the depth of someone's skill in the way of the sword, and that is to fight them!"

Best of luck, said his Zanpakutō, and Itachi couldn't tell if she was being sincere or sarcastic.

"Itachi Uchiha," Yamamoto continued, "as your trial in Hakuda was to spar with my Lieutenant, I believe that it is only fitting for your trial in Zanjutsu to be a match with myself. We shall fight until I have gained a sufficient understanding of your level of skill! Is that understood?"

Itachi could only nod as he concentrated on mentally centering himself; he would need every bit of focus he could muster if he was going to pass this test. "Yes, Head Captain."

The old man then held out his staff, and the wood swiftly peeled away, revealing a Zanpakutō with a purple handle and a circular guard. The Head Captain did not unleash his Shikai, but even then Itachi could still feel the power radiating from the blade.

"Prepare yourself, Itachi!" Yamamoto commanded, "Lieutenant Sasakibe; the match begins on your mark!"

"Good luck, Itachi," said Unohana with a smile.

Yoruichi grinned. "You've got this!"

"Fight well, Itachi," said Soi-Fon.

"Show us the fruits of your training," said Minerva.

I seriously can't believe that I'm about to do this, thought Itachi, I've never heard of an Academy student facing off against the Head Captain in a one-on-one match.

Lucky you, his Zanpakutō quipped, giggling like a schoolgirl.

I do not find this to be funny.

Oh, really? Too bad; you'd fare better if you learned to see the humor in situations such as this.

That sounds more like Jiraiya than me.

Perhaps. It'll be amusing to hear his reaction once this is over.

Itachi saw Sasakibe raise his right arm. "Five… four… three… two… one… begin!"

Itachi barely had time to bring his sword up into a guard position before Yamamoto was on him. The Head Captain's advanced age did not appear to impact his speed in the slightest; he was fiendishly fast, and that was more than matched by the power behind his swing. It took every ounce of strength Itachi had to block the attack, and while he was sure that the Head Captain was holding back he was still astounded by the fierceness of the blow.

I can't keep blocking those head-on, he thought as he backpedaled, I'll have to deflect and parry at angles to bleed off the force behind those attacks, otherwise I'll lose all my energy.

So he did just that, altering the tilt and direction of his sword just enough so that his subsequent efforts to fend off Yamamoto's strikes weren't straight up blocks, but instead allowed room to redirect the massive amount of power behind the attacks without Itachi's arms suffering the strain that would otherwise come with a standard block. Even then, though, that was only enough to allow him to maintain a working defense; it was not sufficient to give him the means to counterattack. There was a brutal efficiency in the Head Captain's fighting style; for all the power behind his strikes, they were still precise and controlled. No energy was wasted even as the old man hammered Itachi's defenses like a smith beating metal at a forge.

Itachi continued to fall back under the Head Captain's furious assault. Wanting to avoid getting pushed up against a wall, he made sure to slightly alter his angle as he moved, and as a result the path of the fight began to resemble a broad circle. Itachi wouldn't fool himself, though; this was only a temporary measure. It would keep him from getting cornered for now, but if Yamamoto decided to increase the pressure then it would not hold up. He had to find a way to seize the initiative, but the old man's technique presented no obvious openings. Speed and power combined with millennia of experience meant that the Head Captain was extremely effective at covering himself even while on the offensive.

Effective, but not invincible, he thought as he fended off a sequence of ferocious slashes, There's no such thing as a perfect fighting style, no matter how experienced the wielder may be. Keep your eyes open, Itachi; there will be an opening. You just have to find it.

As the duel progressed, Itachi realized that while he'd been focusing on the Head Captain's swordplay, he hadn't even bothered to examine the footwork that went with it. Sure enough, Yamamoto was well-balanced, firmly rooted but still capable of maintaining incredible mobility. After a few moments, though, Itachi began to comprehend that the key to him perhaps finally getting in a solid attack of his own in this fight lay with the Head Captain's footwork rather than swordplay. The way his legs would brace or shift were subtle signs of what was coming, and although the timing would be incredibly tricky Itachi was slowly beginning to understand how he might be able to exploit that fact.

Continuing to hold the line, so to speak, Itachi patiently waited for the exact moment that he would be able to go onto the offensive. As Yamamoto unleashed a ruthless barrage of overhand blows meant to hammer him into submission, Itachi remained mindful of the Head Captain's legs and feet even as he desperately deflected the old man's attacks. Finally, in the briefest moment in the transition from the final overhand strike to a thrust, Itachi found what he had been looking for.

There was just the tiniest shift in balance, the smallest possible window, but Itachi threw caution to the wind and went for it. As Yamamoto thrust forward with his blade, Itachi bent his sword just enough to allow him to redirect the strike and slide beneath the Head Captain's Zanpakutō. He then lashed out with a horizontal strike, forcing Yamamoto to step back to dodge the attack.

Here we go.

Itachi was well aware that this might be the only chance he'd get this fight to go on the offensive, so he went all in. Surging forward, he unleashed a lightning-fast sequence of slashes and cuts, varying the trajectory of each one in order to keep his opponent guessing. The Head Captain's defense was steady, but Itachi was still able to keep him on the backfoot. Of course, Itachi wasn't about to let that go to his head; if Yamamoto weren't holding back for the sake of the test, he had no doubt that the old man could've killed him several times over by now.

He feinted towards the Head Captain's legs, launching a flurry of swift thrusts before suddenly altering his target. His blade swiftly went upward, missing Yamamoto's chest by the slimmest of margins. Itachi could've sworn he saw the old man's eyes widen ever so slightly, but it was only for a moment. Then the Head Captain stepped forward, and with a single swing he batted Itachi's blade aside before flipping his sword around and bringing the edge to Itachi's throat.

Itachi sighed as he lowered his blade. "I suppose that's the match."

Yamamoto nodded as he withdrew his sword. The weapon quickly returned to its wooden staff façade, and all Itachi could do was wait for the verdict as he sheathed his Zanpakutō.

There was a long moment of silence before the Head Captain gave him a nod of approval. "Congratulations, Itachi. Your swordsmanship was exemplary for a student. You have passed your final test!"

Itachi allowed himself a small smile. "Thank you, Head Captain."

Yoruichi came forward, smiling as she gave Itachi a pat on the back. "Good work, Itachi!"

"That was very well done," said Soi-Fon.

"Your technique was superb," said Unohana, "Lasting as long as you did was no small feat."

Minerva smiled. "You've come a long way since we first started our lessons together, Itachi. The Zanjutsu instructors at the Academy won't know what to do with you when you get back; I doubt they'd have anything more to teach you at this point."

Even Lieutenant Sasakibe got in on the praise. "That was a marvelous performance, young man. I believe you have a bright future ahead of you."

Itachi was surprised to hear a faint chuckle come from the Head Captain. "Indeed. You show great promise, Itachi. It is clear that you trained very hard over the past month. Miss Rawlins, you have done a fine job with your student. You should be proud of him."

Minerva nodded. "Oh, I am, Head Captain. I haven't had a student as talented as him since Lady Yoruichi was under my wing."

Yoruichi grinned. "Ah, those were good times. Thanks again for helping him out, Minerva. I owe you one."

Minerva bowed. "Nonsense, Lady Yoruichi. It was an honor to train Itachi on your behalf, and I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"So," said Itachi, "what happens now? Am I to return to the Academy immediately?"

"Tomorrow morning," answered the Head Captain, "I shall inform your instructors that you shall be rejoining their classes. I'm sure that they'll be pleased to have you amongst the student body again. However, do not let yourself become complacent; you have demonstrated considerable skill today, and your triumph over these trials means that we shall all be expecting great things of you going forward."

Itachi nodded. "I understand. I will not let you down."

Yamamoto's brow furrowed in thought. "Where your path will take you from here… I must admit, it shall be most intriguing to watch you move forward. I believe I am beginning to understand why Captain Shihōin has taken such a keen interest in you. If your skills are properly nurtured and brought to their full potential, then you will have much to offer the Soul Society."

"Word will spread about what happened here today," said Lieutenant Sasakibe, "Officers across the Thirteen Court Guard Squads will take notice of you, if they have not already. There will be many eyes observing your education with great interest."

Minerva smirked. "And they'll want a say in your career path on graduation day. If you continue to study and train as hard as you did to reach this point, then you may find yourself to be a little too popular for your own good when the time comes for you to join the active duty ranks of Soul Reapers."

Yoruichi smiled as she playfully elbowed Itachi. "Don't forget who's already got dibs on you, Itachi! Squad Two will be calling your name on graduation day!"

"That would certainly be a viable career path," said Unohana, "However, that will ultimately be your decision, Itachi."

"When the time comes," Soi-Fon chimed in, "choose the division that you think fits you best. Of course, I would certainly welcome you as a comrade-in-arms should you join Squad Two."

Yoruichi smirked. "You hear that, Itachi? Soi-Fon likes you, too! You'll have another friend already lined up when the time comes for me to give you a tour of the Squad Two barracks."

Minerva chuckled. "Yes, that's one way to sell him on joining up."

Looks like someone's dying to get you into her unit, said his Zanpakutō, She doesn't really have to sell you on anything, though; Squad Two's the only post-graduation destination you have in mind. Don't even try to deny it.

I wasn't going to.

Unohana put a hand on his shoulder. "Come, Itachi. You performed well in the tests, and I don't see any sign of injury, but I do wish to run a quick examination just to be safe."

Itachi nodded. "Very well, then."

The Head Captain nodded. "Sasakibe and I must return to the Squad One barracks. Farewell, Itachi Uchiha. I suspect we shall meet again sooner or later."

"Soi-Fon and I should probably run along, too," said Yoruichi, "We've been away from Squad Two for long enough as it is."

"There is a considerable amount of paperwork piling up," Soi-Fon pointed out.

Yoruichi groaned. "Ugh, don't remind me. I am not looking forward to that."

Unohana giggled. "Some things never change."

"I suppose it's time for me to return to the Shihōin family mansion, then," said Minerva, "It's been a pleasure, Itachi. I hope this won't be the last time that I get the chance to work with you."

Itachi bowed. "Thank you for all that you've done for me. I won't forget it."

Yoruichi smiled. "See you around, Itachi! I can't wait to see what you're capable of the next time we meet!"

Author's Notes: A quick word on the Head Captain's Zanpakutō. Yes, I'm well aware that the staff form is normally its sealed state and that the staff disappears when Yamamoto's about to unleash his Shikai. I decided to alter things a bit by giving the Head Captain the ability to shift his Zanpakutō from staff to sword form while still keeping the weapon sealed and not unleashing his Shikai.

Class is back in session for Itachi in the next chapter, and that's not all; I'll be introducing Jiraiya's Zanpakutō spirit as well. Hope you liked the chapter! Please review!
