
Chapter 237

Wang Yu made a call as soon as he reached his office. He did not like getting his wife involved in the family problems. Wang Yu was still not sure if Wang Yiran had amnesia or if she was faking it. But no matter what he did not want his wife near her, especially now when Li Zi Yun is pregnant.

Wu Qing's phone rang and he heard Wang Yu's voice on the opposite side, "Come soon to my office. I have something to tell you"

"I'm not coming. I'm too busy"

"Well then don't blame me when you get married"

"I will be there in thirty minutes CEO Wang"

Wu Qing hurried out of his office. He knew that Wang Yu had finally come around to helping him with Wang Yiran. Wu Qing reached Wang Yu's office as fast he could.

Wu Qing had not even sat down when Wang Yu asked him, "Does your family know that Wang Yiran was in coma all these years?"

Wu Qing was surprised that Wang Yu would even ask about this. He was sure that apart from family he was the only one who knew about Wang Yiran's coma.

Wu Qing shook his head, "How would they know about that? They have absolutely no idea"

Wang Yu thought for a second and said, "Won't your family reject this proposal if they know about this?"

Wu Qing slowly nodded his head, "Maybe"

However, Wu Qing did not want that. It felt like rejecting Wang Yiran just for that. But that was not the case, he truly did not want to marry her whether or not she was in coma.

When Wang Yu did not say anything, Wu Qing continued, "Are you planning to keep your sister at home her entire life? What will happen to her life if this news gets out?"

Wang Yu was not sure what to tell. He simply shook his head.

Wu Qing also had another major problem, "Moreover, what can we do about Zhao Ming Mei? Why the hell does she even want to marry me?"

Wang Yu flashed an amused smile, "Well maybe you were so charming that they could not resist you"

Wu Qing wanted to throw something at Wang Yu, "Stop this nonsense. I'm serious"

Wu Qing calmed himself down and sat opposite to Wang Yu and asked him, "Anyway why did you change your mind about helping me?"

Wang Yu sighed, "Do you think I want to do this?"

Wu Qing understood then who must the reason behind this, "Wahh! Sister Li Zi Yun is really amazing. She could change even the stone hearted Wang Yu."

"Keep talking like this I will throw you out of my office"

"Fine fine calm down"

With small talk done, Wang Yu went straight to the topic, "Why is your mother meeting my mother today?"

"What? Why would she do that?"

"How would I know? My mother wants Li Zi Yun to come along with them. But I'm feeling uncomfortable sending her. You know what impact that will have."

"Wait is that why you wanted to meet me?"

"Why else would I meet you?"

Wu Qing nodded his head. His mother adored Li Zi Yun and treated her almost same as Wu Li Shu.

Wu Qing was getting frustrated, "This is proceeding faster than I imagined. My grandfather is very intent on getting either one of them married to me as soon as possible"

From when Wang Yu came to know that Wang Yiran wanted to get married to Wu Qing, he had been only thinking about the one main issue. Should he tell Wu Qing the truth about his sister's condition or not? If anyone comes to know that Wang Yiran was in coma all these years, nothing would change much. She was still the daughter of one of the richest and most influential family in the country and no one would be bothered much about that. But if news gets out that Wang Yiran had memory loss and she had the mentality of a twelve year old now, then the reaction may be different.

Wang Yu knew very well about his grandfather. If he wanted something done he would get it done somehow. Wang Yu did not want to betray his friend either. He thought that Wang Yiran was not ready to get married now and he did not want Wu Qing to suffer because of his family's selfishness. Wang Yu and Wu Qing had known each other ever since they were kids and Wang Yu did not want to betray Wu Qing's trust.

After thinking for a long time, finally Wang Yu opened his mouth, "I have to tell you something"

"I'm leaving. I will go save myself. And I'll make sure that Li Zi Yun is not involved and also.."

Wang Yu cut him mid sentence, "Wang Yiran has dissociative amnesia. She could not remember anything now after the age of twelve."

"What? What is this new story now?"

Wang Yu just nodded his head, "Hmmm…"

The serious look in Wang Yu's face was enough for Wu Qing to know that Wang Yu was telling the truth, "How did this happen?"

"Well it sort of happened"

Wang Yu was sitting still like a statue without moving an inch. Though he had not said it out, he still felt guilty. Wang Yu had killed so many people cold bloodedly but still Wang Yiran was his sister, whom he cherished so much in the past, so being responsible for the amnesia made him feel a bit guilty.

Wang Yu continued, "You don't have to worry. I will stop things from my side. You just have to take care of Zhao Ming Mei."


Wang Yu nodded, "We can find either find a way to get rid of Zhao Ming Mei or…"


Wang Yu said coolly, "Find someone and get married"

Wu Qing was serious now, "You want me to get kicked out of my family?"
